What is Mount Zion?


            1. The literal Mount Zion is a rock escarpment on the western side of Jerusalem.

            2. Mount Zion is famous because on this mountain was built a fort called Fort Jebus, the most impregnable fortification in the ancient world. It stood up to 500 years of siege.

            3. Zion became associated with grace blessing, the story of Psalm 30.

            4. It depicts therefore at this stage all of God’s grace planning for us. That is why the writer says you have already gone to Mount Zion. Mount Zion represents grace. They were saved by grace and were under living grace at the time of 67 AD, even though they were climbing Mount Sinai.

            5. While those originally addressed in this epistle were Jews, many of them living on the sides of that same hill, this is actually addressed to all the family of God. It is addressed to us.

            6. Therefore Zion is defined in terms of the royal family, in terms of the heavenly home which we possess right now. It represents the heavenly home of the royal family.