

            1. Nationalism is a number of national entities, with each government functioning over a segment of the human race.


            2. Nationalism is the means of protecting and perpetuating the human race, in order that no segment of the human race will gain so much power as to destroy the rest of the human race and inevitably destroy themselves.


            3. Nationalism is a divine institution (#4). God divided the human race (1) Geographically, (2) Racially and (3) linguistically.


            4. Internationalism puts other nations under slavery — violating divine institution #1, volition.


            5. Any form of internationalism (more than one nation under one head) gives Satanic control.


            6. Satan is frustrated by a large number of national entities, with definite boundaries.


            7. Principle: The national entity (DI #4) is a human barrier against the supremacy of evil in the world controlled by Satan (Prince and power of the air).


            8. World peace depends upon national entities being in the balance of power.


            9. When nationalism is in operation world wide evangelism is possible.


            10. When you have internationalism in control you have heathenism (negative volition at the point of God-consciousness). Genesis 11:1-9.


            11. The existence of nations in the Millennium (Revelation 20:3) is a memorial to the grace of God in preserving the human race so that they would have a choice.


            12. Nationalism does not sanction personal revenge. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19.


                        There are two means of handling opposition to us:

                        a) Commit is to the Lord (our spiritual operation)

                        b) Commit it to the law of our land (our nationalist operation).


            13. A major passage condemning internationalism, and backing nationalism, is found in Genesis 10, 11:1-9.