The doctrine of old age


            1. Definition. Old is a term of time, it connotes having existed a long time, having advanced far in years and having lost the vigour of youth. The age of sixty is the line of demarcation as a general principle — 1 Timothy 5:9.

            2. Old people are to be respected — Leviticus 19:32; Proverbs 23:22; 1 Timothy 5:1,2. There is one category who will never respect older people: invading armies. That is why the military must always exist to keep them out. Invading armies destroy older people — Deuteronomy 28:50; 2 Chronicles 36:17.

            3. The problems of old age. a) Old age is a time of being unteachable (generally, though there are exceptions) — Ecclesiastes 4:15; b) Old people are also helpless — John 21:18; c) Old people are more vulnerable to disease — 1 Kings 15:23; d) Old people become security conscious — Psalm 71:9.

            4. Divine discipline makes people old before their time — Psalm 6:7; 32:3.

            5. However doctrine learned in youth is profitable in old age — Proverbs 22:6; Psalm 71:17,18.

            6. The blessings of old age. These blessings are primarily to the supergrace believer. The believer who has followed the colours to high ground of maturity and has established a command post in the soul not only has dying grace when dying comes but he has a marvellous and wonderful old age. Therefore there are many blessings set up for him. For example, old people join all categories of supergrace believers in praising the Lord and occupation with Christ. Old people with maximum doctrine have fantastic capacity to enjoy the Lord in their sunset years — Psalm 148:12-14. Old people in supergrace status have great security and blessing from that supergrace status — Psalm 37:25. Old people in supergrace status also have honour — Proverbs 17:6. Grandchildren are the crown of old men and the glory of the sons of their fathers — Proverbs 20:29. Old men in supergrace have blessing in dying — Job 42:17, “full of days” means full of blessing; 1 Chronicles 23:1; 29:28. Old age is used as an analogy for blessing in Isaiah 46:4.

            7. Old age is blessed in the Millennium — Isaiah 65:20; Joel 2:28; Zechariah 8:4.

            8. Those in authority have been ruined by ignoring the advice of older people — 1 Kings 12:6-8,13.

            9. Standards for old people in the royal family are found in many passages. E.g. Titus 2:2,3.