Patience u(pomonh

            1. Patience is the locative noun u(pomonh which emphasises the extension of the faith-rest technique into suffering situations in life.     

            2. Suffering is designed by God to be a great blessing to the believer. God wouldn’t let us suffer in time if it were not His plan and it didn’t have a good purpose. It has a good purpose and it is in His plan. Suffering is a source of great blessing in phase two.

            3. God in grace found a way to bless the believer in suffering, and to advance His plan.

            4. The advance of God’s plan in suffering is the demonstration of His glory from the ECS.

            5. Under suffering the reflected glory from the ECS is category #1 love. In this reflected glory toward God there is a switch which fires grace glory out the right bank of the soul.

            6. Category #1 love includes not just the love itself but faith-rest and prayer, the faith-rest is the switch.

            7. With the faith-rest switch, u(pomonh, causes God’s glory to fire out the right bank toward people, toward angels, toward cosmos diabolicus.