The Day of Pentecost


            1. The Day of Pentecost was the fulfillment of two prophecies:


            a. Prophecy of tongues: Isaiah 28:11. Jews would be evangelised in Gentile languages as a sign (1 Corinthians 14:21,22) that the fifth cycle of discipline would soon begin.

            b. Prophecy of the baptism of the Holy Spirit: Acts 1:5. The baptism of the Holy Spirit signals the beginning of the Church Age. John 14:20; 1 Corinthians 12:13.


            2. The Day of Pentecost, approximately 32 AD, is the day the Church began. Do not confuse 32 AD with 70 AD. In AD 70 the Jews went under the fifth cycle of discipline (Leviticus 26).


            3. The Church began in only ONE LOCAL SPOT — Jerusalem.


            4. Consequently on the Day of Pentecost and after, there were Jewish Age believers, in other locations, that had not had the baptism of the Holy Spirit, which entered them into union with Christ making them Church Age believers.


            5. The slack is taken up in:

                        a) Acts 2:1-4 - Jewish believers.

                        b) Acts 10:44-48; 11:15,16 - Gentile believers in Caesarea.

                        c) Acts 19:1-6, Other believers of the Age of Israel in various locations and at different times receive the baptism of the Spirit, entering them into union with Christ, making them Church Age believers.


            6. The Church started local and then became universal. In thirty years the Church covered the world.


            7. The book of Acts is simply a history of the pre-Canon Church.


            8. The Holy Spirit could not come (Baptism of the Holy Spirit) in the Age of Israel because:

                        a) Christ had not come in the flesh.

                        b) Christ had not yet died, risen, ascended, nor was he seated at the right hand of the Father. John 7:37-39.

                        c) Had to have death, burial, and resurrection before positional truth - union with Christ.