The doctrine of prayer


            1. There are three categories of prayer received by God the Father:

                        a) Prayer from the high priest. The royal high priest is Jesus Christ, and right now at the right hand of the Father he offers prayer — Hebrews 7:25.

                        b) Prayer is from God the Holy Spirit. This is the age of the royal priesthood, the royal family. We are members of the body of Christ, Christ is royalty, we are one with Him, we are royalty spiritually. Therefore God the Holy Spirit does something in this dispensation He has never done before and will never do again, He offers prayer on our behalf. Romans 8:26,27.

                        c) Prayer is always addressed to God the Father.

            2. Prayer approach for the royal priesthood.

                        a) All prayer is addressed to the Father — Matthew 6:9; Ephesians 3:14; 1 Peter 1:17.                  b) The channel of approach is through the high priest — John 14:13,14.

                        c) The power of approach is the filling of the Holy Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

            3. Extrapolation of prayer promises.

                         Prayer is related to the faith-rest technique — Matthew 18:19; 21:22; Mark 11:24. Prayer promises are to give you confidence as you approach the Father in the name of the Son in the power of the Spirit. OT promises — Psalm 116:1,2; Isaiah 65:24; Jeremiah 33:3. NT promises — Matthew 7:7,8; John 14:13,14; 15:7; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 4:16.

            4. There are eight basic principles of prayer.

                        a) Prayer effectiveness depends on the consistent function of GAP and resultant Bible doctrine in the soul. John 15:7; Ephesians 3:16-19.

                        b) Prayer is an extension of the faith-rest technique. It is actually a faith-rest exhale toward God — Matthew 21:22.

                        c) Prayer demands cognisance of the will of God and therefore demands maximum doctrine in the soul through GAP — 1 John 5:14.

                        d) Generally prayer must be offered in the spiritual status of the filling of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18. The exception is a rebound prayer for a carnal believer or a repentance prayer for a reversionist.

                        d) Mental attitude sins result from both carnality and reversionism and these destroy the effectiveness of prayer — Psalm 66:18.

                        e) Efficacious prayer exists to the extent that the believer is grace oriented. Therefore the believer begins to be effective when he begins the construction of the ECS.

                        f) The eternal decrees took cognisance of all effective prayer in time.

                        g) Prayer effectiveness reaches its zenith at the time of supergrace status — Psalm 116:1,2.

            5. The agenda for private prayer. Confession of sin or rebound — 1 John 1:9; 1 Corinthians 11:31; Thanksgiving — Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18; Intercession — Ephesians 6:18; Petition — Hebrews 4:16.

            6. The doctrine of intercession.

                        a) The dynamics of intercessory prayer is taught in passages like 1 Kings 18:42-46, the principle being found in James 5:16-18.

                        b) The power of prevailing prayer — Acts 12.

                        c) The prayer for the unbeliever — Romans 10:1. (You cannot pray for something that will coerce their volition, so you pray that the gospel message will be made clear to them, will be revealed to them)

                        d) Prayer for an unknown believer — Colossians 1:3-11.

                        e) Prayer for the known believer — Ephesians 1:15-23.

                        g) The Lord’s prayer — John 17.

            7. There are four categories for petition in prayer.



            Some of the ground rules for prayer

            You must remember that prayer is maximum concentration.

            1. There are three categories of prayer received by God the Father. The first category comes from the greatest prayer warrior of all, the Lord Jesus Christ our great high priest — Hebrews 7:25 describes His prayer life on our behalf. The second area is the “emergency prayer.” God the Holy Spirit does all of the emergency praying — Romans 8:26,27. The third category is the prayer from the believer priest, as per Hebrews 4:16.

            2. How to approach God in prayer. All prayer must be addressed to God the Father — Matthew 6:9; Ephesians 3:14; 1 Peter 1:17. The channel of approach is through our high priest, Jesus Christ — John 14:13,14. The power of approach of prayer is the filling of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

            3. We should understand that God has encouraged us to pray through promises. An extrapolation of prayer promises falls into three categories: Those related to the faith-rest technique, like Matthew 18:19; 21:22; Mark 11:24; or the Old Testament promises of prayer which are somewhat different from the New, but just as valid — Psalm 116:1,2; Isaiah 65:24; Jeremiah 33:3. Every legitimate prayer that ever was uttered in history was heard in eternity past, and if it was a legitimate prayer it was included in the plan. Then there are the New Testament promises, like Matthew 7:7,8; John 14:13:14; 15:7; Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Hebrews 4:16, etc.

            4. The eight principles of prayer.

                        a) Prayer effectiveness increases as Bible doctrine becomes resident in the soul. It is based upon the consistent function of GAP and the resultant doctrine in the soul. Prayer becomes more effective as the believer puts on the full armour from God, as he follows the colours to the high ground, as he constructs the altar of Bible doctrine in the soul. This principle is taught in John 15:7; Ephesians 3:16-19.

                        b) Prayer is an extension of the faith-rest technique. It is a soul exhale toward God — Matthew 21:22. The function of the faith-rest technique demands for its fuel the intake of doctrine on a daily basis.

                        c) Prayer demands cognisance of the will of God and therefore demands maximum doctrine in the soul — 1 John 5:14.

                        d) Generally prayer must be offered under the filling of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18. The exception is the rebound prayer.

                        e) Mental attitude sins resulting from both carnality and reversionism destroy any possibility of an effective prayer life — Psalm 66:18.

                        f) Efficacious prayer exists to the extent that the believer is grace oriented. Therefore prayer begins to be effective when the believer has constructed the first floor of the ECS — Hebrews 4:16.

                        g) The eternal decrees took cognisance of all prayer in time and incorporated the answers before history began. Before there was any human history all of the prayers that would ever be uttered in human history were known to God through His omniscience, and as a part of the divine decrees they were incorporated into history long before history existed — Jeremiah 33:3.

                        h) Prayer effectiveness reaches its zenith at the time of supergrace status, and from then on if the believer holds the high ground he will become a great prayer warrior — Psalm 116:1,2.

            5. Private prayer. Organisation is one thing that is absolutely necessary in an effective prayer life. So you need an agenda, and the Bible suggests a fourfold agenda for your private prayers.

                        a) Confession of sin is the first function of private prayer — 1 John 1:9; 1 Corinthians 11:31.

                        b) Thanksgiving — Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Thanksgiving is grace orientation, it recognises the source of all blessing.

                        c) Intercession (Praying for others) — Ephesians 6:18.

                        d) Petition.

            6. The doctrine of intercession.

                        a) The dynamics of intercessory prayer are mentioned in 1 Kings 18:42-46; James 5:16-18.

                        b) The power of prevailing prayer — Acts 12.

                        c) The prayer for the unbeliever — Romans 10:1. (That the issue be made clear, that doctrine will be presented, that the witnessing and the evangelism will be so lucid that they will understand the issue)

                        d) The prayer for the unknown believer — Colossians 1:3-11.

                        e) Prayer for the known believer — Ephesians 1:15-23; 3:14-21.

                        f) The true Lord’s prayer in John 17 — the dynamics of the Lord’s prayer.

            7. The four categories of petition in prayer.

                        a) Positive-negative (Each petition is divided into two parts, the petition which is what you actually say; the desire, which is what you really want) in which the petition is answered with a positive but the desire behind the petition is not answered — 1 Samuel 8:5-9; 8:19,20. The Jews asked for a king so that they could be like other nations, and God gave them a king — Saul — but they weren’t like other nations, they had more trouble than all the others.

                        b) The negative-positive, where the petition is not answered but the desire is — Genesis 17:18; 18:23-33; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10. This is where God says no to the petition but He gives you the desire behind it.

                        c) Positive-positive, the ideal prayer, where the petition is answered and the desire is also answered — 1 Kings 18:36,37; Judges 16:28; Luke 23:42,43; John 11:41,42,45.

                        d) Negative-negative, the worst prayer of all where neither the petition nor the desire is answered.

            8. Nine reasons for negative-negative — why prayer is not answered.

                        a) Carnality or reversionism or both causes failure to be filled with the Spirit. Failure to be filled with the Spirit means failure in prayer — Ephesians 6:18.

                        b) Mental attitude sins caused by either carnality of reversionism hinder prayer — Psalm 66:18.

                        c) The specific Satanic sin of pride and resultant self-righteousness. This is not just the mental attitude sin but what comes from it. Job 35:12,13 says this person is dead when it comes to prayer.

                        d) Lust type selfishness — James 4:2-4.

                        e) The malfunction of faith-rest — Mark 11:24. This means negative volition, toward doctrine, one of the maladies of reversionism.

                        f) A general lack of obedience or a lack of subordination to divinely constituted authority — 1 John 3:22.

                        g) Insubordination to the known will of God — 1 John 5:14.

                        h) Malfunction of marriage. Lack of domestic tranquillity — 1 Peter 3:7.

                        i) Reversionistic lack of compassion and grace orientation. If you are legalistic your prayer life is ineffective. Proverbs 21:13.

            9. The principle of grace in prayer.

                        a) The scripture tells us that grace is a principle in prayer — Hebrews 4:16; 1 Peter 1:7.

                        b) Prayer is the privilege of the royal priesthood, and since grace is the basis of prayer no believer can come to God in prayer and expect to be heard on the basis of his human merit, ability, or any other human success story.

                        c) In other words, every believer approaches God on the basis of the merits of Jesus Christ. The Father has already been propitiated with Christ and since He is no respecter of persons as far as we are concerned He accepts and hears our prayer on the basis of the fact that we are in Christ. In other words, God doesn’t answer prayer because I’m good, because I’m benevolent, because I’m sincere, etc. God hears and answers prayer on the basis of who and what Christ is

                        a) 1 Samuel 8:5-9, 19,20. The prayer petition was a simple one, they wanted a king. That was their desire. The petition was answered but the desire to be like other nations was not, they were in a jamb all the time.

                        b) The petition is not answered but the desire is — Genesis 17:18; 18:23-33; 2 Corinthians 12:17-10.

                        c) The ideal one where the petition is answered and the desire is answered — 1 Kings 18:36,37; Judges 16:28; Luke 23:42,43: John 11:41,42,45.

            8. Nine reasons why prayer is not answered.

                        a) Carnality or reversionism, or both, causing failure to be controlled by the Holy Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

                        b) Mental attitude sins caused by either carnality or reversionism — Psalm 66:18.

                        c) A specific Satanic sin of pride and a resultant self-righteous state — Job 35:12,13.

                        d) A lust type selfishness — James 4:2-4.

                        e) Malfunction or failure of faith-rest — Mark 11:24.

                        f) A general lack of obedience or subordination to God’s will — 1 John 3:22.

                        g) Insubordination to the known will of God — 1 John 5:14.

                        h) Malfunction of marriage, lack of domestic tranquillity — 1 Peter 3:7.

                        i) Reversionistic lack of compassion and grace orientation — Proverbs 21:13.

            9. Principles of grace in prayer


         1. The approach. How do you approach? What do you say?

             a) All prayer is addressed to God the Father, always — Ephesians 3:14, 1.

             b) In the name of the Son — John 14:13,14.

             c) In the power of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

         2. There are three categories of prayer that are addressed to God the Father. He receives prayer from us. He receives prayer from the Lord Jesus. He receives prayer from the Holy Spirit. Prayer from the source of the Son — Hebrews 7:25; prayer from the source of the Holy Spirit — Romans 8:26,27; prayer from the supergrace believer — Hebrews 4:16.

         3. There has to be an agenda. First of all if you think you are out of fellowship, rebound — 1 John 1:9. Second item: thanksgiving, an expression of category #1 love — Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Then, intercession - Ephesians 6:18. Petition — Hebrews 4:16.

         4. Prayer is an exhale of the faith-rest principle — Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24; Matthew 18:19; John 15:7. Prayer is an exhale of faith, which is directly related to the Word of God.

         5. There are eight principles of prayer.

             a) Prayer becomes more and more effective as the believer functions consistently under GAP — John 15:7.

             b) Prayer is an extension of the faith-rest exhale toward God — Matthew 21:22.

             c) Prayer demands cognisance of the will of God. Cognisance of the will of God is based on the intake of Bible doctrine. The more doctrine you know the more effective your prayer life will become — 1 John 5:14.

            d) Prayer must be offered in the status of the filling of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18. Therefore, God the Holy Spirit is related in this matter and in all other matters of the function of your priesthood. God the Holy Spirit indwells you, he keeps out demons. The only way you can get any influence from the devil is through the soul, your body is clear from demons.

            e) Prayer is ineffective under any state of carnality. Psalm 66:18 mentions the worst category of sins: mental attitude sins.

            f) Prayer in complying with the principle of grace demands that the believer grow in grace through GAPing it daily. Therefore prayer becomes an effective weapon in the angelic conflict when the believer reaches supergrace — Hebrews 4:16.

            g) Prayer is ordained as a function of the priesthood as a part of the divine decrees — Jeremiah 33:3.

             h) Prayer is directly related to category #1 love and/or occupation with Christ, and/or recognition of the celebrityship status of Christ — Psalm 116:1,2.

         6. Nine reasons why prayer isn’t answered.

             a) You are not filled with the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

             b) There is no faith-rest function from doctrine in the soul, therefore no faith rest — Matthew 21:22.

             c) Mental attitude carnality — Psalm 66:18.

             d) Lust type selfishness — James 4:2-4.

             e) Failure in the field of authority, lack of obedience — 1 John 3:22.

             f) Noncompliance with the will of God — 1 John 5:14.

             g) The specific mental attitude of pride as a basic mental attitude sin and resultant self-righteousness — Job 35:12,13.

              i) Lack of compassion (bona fide sensitivity).

              j) Lack of domestic tranquillity — 1 Peter 3:7.

          7. The principle of grace in prayer

             a) Prayer is the privilege and the extension of grace function. Therefore it is impossible to approach God on the basis of human good or human merit.

            b) The believer priest approaches God in prayer on the basis of our high priest, Jesus Christ, and His merits.

            c) The Father is propitiated with the work of Christ but is no respected of persons among believers offering prayer.

           d) God does not hear my prayers because I am fervent, moral, sincere, religious, or self-effacing.

            e) God hears my prayers because of the function of GAP, the ministry of the Son, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and reaching the supergrace life.

         8. There are four categories of returns on your prayer — four ways in which God can answer your prayer.

            a) He can give you a positive and a negative. In each one of these categories you have a petition and a desire behind that petition. In category #1 God says yes to the petition, no to the desire. Under this category you wanted a million dollars and prayed for it. So God says no, or He says yes to the petition but no to the desire behind it. 1 Samuel 8:5-9; 8:19-20 gives a Biblical illustration. The Jews prayed for a king so they could be like other nations. Petition: We want a king. But they lost all their blessings under the reign of Saul.

           b) Negative on the petition and positive on the desire. You pray for a million dollars but this time you don’t get it but you get happiness. Illustration: Genesis 17:18; 18:23-33; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.

           c) Yes and yes. 1 Kings 18:36,37; Judges 16:28; Luke 23:42,43; John 11:41-45.

           d) No and no.



                        a) Principle — Hebrews 4:16; 1 Peter 1:7.

                        b) Prayer is the privilege of the royal priesthood. Since grace is the basis of prayer no believer can come to God in prayer and expect to be heard on the basis of human merit, human ability, human function, human ingenuity.

                        c) Every believer approaches God in prayer on the basis of the merit of Jesus Christ, or the Father is propitiated with Christ but is no respecter of persons as far as believers are concerned.

                        d) In other words, God does not hear and answer prayer because I am good, moral, benevolent, sincere or religious.

                        e) God hears and answers prayer on the basis of who and what Christ is. Every believer is in union with Christ and gets through to the throne of grace on the basis of approach through the high priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.



         1. The approach. How do you approach? What do you say?

             a) All prayer is addressed to God the Father, always — Ephesians 3:14, 1.

             b) In the name of the Son — John 14:13,14.

             c) In the power of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

         2. There are three categories of prayer that are addressed to God the Father. He receives prayer from us. He receives prayer from the Lord Jesus. He receives prayer from the Holy Spirit. Prayer from the source of the Son — Hebrews 7:25; prayer from the source of the Holy Spirit — Romans 8:26,27; prayer from the supergrace believer — Hebrews 4:16.

         3. There has to be an agenda. First of all if you think you are out of fellowship, rebound — 1 John 1:9. Second item: thanksgiving, an expression of category #1 love — Ephesians 5:20; 1 Thessalonians 5:18. Then, intercession - Ephesians 6:18. Petition — Hebrews 4:16.

         4. Prayer is an exhale of the faith-rest principle — Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24; Matthew 18:19; John 15:7. Prayer is an exhale of faith, which is directly related to the Word of God.

         5. There are eight principles of prayer.

             a) Prayer becomes more and more effective as the believer functions consistently under GAP — John 15:7.

             b) Prayer is an extension of the faith-rest exhale toward God — Matthew 21:22.

             c) Prayer demands cognisance of the will of God. Cognisance of the will of God is based on the intake of Bible doctrine. The more doctrine you know the more effective your prayer life will become — 1 John 5:14.

            d) Prayer must be offered in the status of the filling of the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18. Therefore, God the Holy Spirit is related in this matter and in all other matters of the function of your priesthood. God the Holy Spirit indwells you, he keeps out demons. The only way you can get any influence from the devil is through the soul, your body is clear from demons.

            e) Prayer is ineffective under any state of carnality. Psalm 66:18 mentions the worst category of sins: mental attitude sins.

            f) Prayer in complying with the principle of grace demands that the believer grow in grace through GAPing it daily. Therefore prayer becomes an effective weapon in the angelic conflict when the believer reaches supergrace — Hebrews 4:16.

            g) Prayer is ordained as a function of the priesthood as a part of the divine decrees — Jeremiah 33:3.

             h) Prayer is directly related to category #1 love and/or occupation with Christ, and/or recognition of the celebrityship status of Christ — Psalm 116:1,2.

         6. Nine reasons why prayer isn’t answered.

             a) You are not filled with the Spirit — Ephesians 6:18.

             b) There is no faith-rest function from doctrine in the soul, therefore no faith rest — Matthew 21:22.

             c) Mental attitude carnality — Psalm 66:18.

             d) Lust type selfishness — James 4:2-4.

             e) Failure in the field of authority, lack of obedience — 1 John 3:22.

             f) Noncompliance with the will of God — 1 John 5:14.

             g) The specific mental attitude of pride as a basic mental attitude sin and resultant self-righteousness — Job 35:12,13.

              i) Lack of compassion (bona fide sensitivity).

              j) Lack of domestic tranquillity — 1 Peter 3:7.

          7. The principle of grace in prayer

             a) Prayer is the privilege and the extension of grace function. Therefore it is impossible to approach God on the basis of human good or human merit.

            b) The believer priest approaches God in prayer on the basis of our high priest, Jesus Christ, and His merits.

            c) The Father is propitiated with the work of Christ but is no respected of persons among believers offering prayer.

           d) God does not hear my prayers because I am fervent, moral, sincere, religious, or self-effacing.

            e) God hears my prayers because of the function of GAP, the ministry of the Son, the ministry of the Holy Spirit, and reaching the supergrace life.

         8. There are four categories of returns on your prayer — four ways in which God can answer your prayer.

            a) He can give you a positive and a negative. In each one of these categories you have a petition and a desire behind that petition. In category #1 God says yes to the petition, no to the desire. Under this category you wanted a million dollars and prayed for it. So God says no, or He says yes to the petition but no to the desire behind it. 1 Samuel 8:5-9; 8:19-20 gives a Biblical illustration. The Jews prayed for a king so they could be like other nations. Petition: We want a king. But they lost all their blessings under the reign of Saul.

           b) Negative on the petition and positive on the desire. You pray for a million dollars but this time you don’t get it but you get happiness. Illustration: Genesis 17:18; 18:23-33; 2 Corinthians 12:7-10.

           c) Yes and yes. 1 Kings 18:36,37; Judges 16:28; Luke 23:42,43; John 11:41-45.

           d) No and no.