

            1. Rahab was a woman of Jericho at the time of the Jewish entrance into the land — BC 1440.

            2. She was a Gentile. It is interesting that in the generation following Moses it was a Gentile woman who was the only one mentioned in the roster of supergrace heroes. This was a great woman.

            3. Rahab was not only a believer but one who had maximum doctrine resident in her soul. She was a supergrace believer when the reconnaissance team arrived in Jericho, is what this verse says.

            4. When the two-man reconnaissance team entered Jericho they were immediately spotted.

            5. When Jericho intelligence discovered the spies they sent troops to capture them, but Rahab hid them and lied to the troops.

            6. Rahab completely outwitted the king’s troops and saved the lives of the reconnaissance team — Joshua chapter two.

            7. The testimony of Rahab to the two men of Israel is recorded in some detail in Joshua 2:9-14.