The doctrine of refreshment
1. Definition. While refreshment in
the English language generally connotes food and beverage it has a much greater
connotation in the Bible. It means to restore to strength of a soul, to revive
the divine viewpoint in the function of a soul, and to do so apart from the
pastor’s function of Bible teaching. In other words, to restore the soul of an
individual, provide stimulation and blessing for the soul of the individual,
without teaching them doctrine. It also means to supply what is necessary for
spiritual blessing in time of adversity or disaster. Primarily there is one
verb that brings out the subject, the Greek verb a)nayuxw [a)na means again and again; yuxw means the soul]. Put together it means to breathe
again and again or to revive the soul. Your life should be a source of revival
to individual souls in your periphery.
2. We see the ministry of
refreshment in many areas. The alleviation of Saul’s psychosis. Saul apparently
had a temporary psychotic condition which erupted from time to time in his life
when there was any kind of pressure. 1 Samuel 16 23 — eventually someone came
into his life who was able to be of some help. This, by the way, is permissive
control of history allowing the function of demon influence in the life of reversionistic
Saul. Saul became refreshed and well because the music that David played
reached Saul’s soul and brought his soul back to reality, temporarily
alleviating the psychotic condition that he had. Refreshment came to his soul
which alleviated the suffering and caused him to calm down. Refreshment, then,
is used for soul recovery from an adverse condition whether it is reversionism,
psychosis, neurosis, the influence of evil, or some other form of apostasy.
Always, refreshment connotes soul recovery and soul blessing.
3. In Proverbs we have a tristitch
of doctrinal refreshment — Proverbs 25:13. Line one from the Hebrew gives us
the illustration — “Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest.” The time of
harvest is a time when the workers get very hot at their work. Water boys were
often sent to some place where there was still snow. By the time it was down it
had melted but was then cold water. The snow here is melted snow that is still
cool and refreshing. They would bring it down in containers and the workmen
would stop their work and take a drink of this refreshing water. Therefore this
is to be the illustration for the next two lines.
The second line is “faithful
messenger to those who send for him.” The pastor or any communicator of
doctrine is regarded in this analogy as a water boy.
The final phrase says, “he refreshes
the soul of his masters.” The water boy worked for everyone else. The principle
is that the refreshment that comes to the believer comes from the one who is
faithful in communication. The refreshment in the Bible, of course, is always
connected with the soul. Hence, this is an analogy between a water boy during
the harvest who brings the cold water down to the workers and the communicator
of doctrine providing spiritual refreshment for the souls of the hearers. The
teacher of doctrine is the key to the ministry of refreshment. And you ability
to take in doctrine has everything to do as to whether you ever reach the point
of refreshment. The point of total refreshment is a supergrace believer. This
is a part of that paragraph, blessing by association.
4. The rejection of refreshment
means national discipline — Isaiah 28:8-14. “Times of refreshing” are the only
thing that can save a nation as far gone as the northern kingdom was in this
passage — a revival of doctrine in the soul of believers.
5. Response to the Word of God is
called refreshment — Romans 15:32. Paul wants to come and teach them doctrines
they do not have. But he also says he wants to be refreshed by them. Paul is
going to teach them but many of them are going to be a refreshment to Paul —
because there is a rapport in category #3 love, their is a refreshment, many of
his friends are there, people he truly loves, people who stimulate his soul.
Cf. 2 Corinthians 7:13, the ministry of Titus to the Corinthians. A Bible
conference can be a mutual refreshment if the communicator of doctrine teaches
the Word and those who are his friends become a source of blessing while he is
6. The supergrace believer has a
ministry of refreshment. This is a part of blessing by association. There are
at least three illustrations of this in the New Testaments. a) Certain
Corinthians believers — 1 Corinthians 16:17,18; b) The supergrace believer Philemon
— Philemon 7, 20; c) 2 Timothy 1:16, the house of Onesiphorous.