

            A. Definition.

            1. Religion is Satan’s answer to spiritual growth and Satan’s counterfeit for the supergrace and ultra-supergrace life of blessing and reward.

            2. Religion is a part of Satan’s plan, a part of his strategy, and actually the ace trump.

            3. Religion is the worst thing that ever happened to mankind in history, it is a soul-destroyer.

            4. Religion also epitomises Satan’s policy of evil.

            5. Religion is not the same as Christianity. Muslimism or the World Council of Churches is religionism but Christianity is not a religion. In Christianity there is a grace relationship with God; religion has no relationship with God.

            6. Therefore religion and regeneration are opposing forces in the angelic conflict, they are antithetical and mutually exclusive.

            7. In religion man by man’s efforts seeks to gain the approbation of God through his works, power, talent, abilities. Hence, religion is always a form of reversionism under the influence of evil and always includes some system of legalism.

            8. On the opposite side, in Christianity God seeks and finds man through the work of Christ, and from that time on it is strictly a matter of grace.

            9. Christianity is a relationship with God through regeneration while religion is a relationship with Satan through reversionism. It is possible, therefore, for a born again believer to be religious as a reversionist.

            B. The essence of religion.

            1. Religion has its own gospel — 2 Corinthians 11:3,4. It is a gospel system that converts to evil, the policy of Satan.

            2. Religion has its own doctrine — 1 Timothy 4:1, “doctrines of demons.” Satan has a systematic concept of teaching by which his servants are inculcated with Satanic policies and inspired to perform Satanic activities.

            3. Religion has a system of ministry — it has its own ministers. The ministers of religion are found in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.

            4. The system of religion has its own communion table — 1 Corinthians 10:20,21, the system of idolatry.

            5. There is a system of self-righteousness which is a part of religion — Matthew 19:16-28.

            6. Religion has its own system of spirituality [pseudo spirituality] — Galatians 3:2,3.

            7. Religion also has a pseudo supergrace system — Matthew 23:1-35. This pseudo system has its pseudo rewards directly from Satan.

            8. The system of religion also has a very strong concept of human dynamics — always the better life, more or greater impact on humanity, etc. — 2 Thessalonians 2:7-10.

            9. Religion also has a variation of gods which are simply representations of the same person, the creature Satan — 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4.