The doctrine of the reverse trends  of history


The doctrine of the reverse trend of history is the plan of God for the Church Age, and not only for the Church Age but for every believer in the Church Age, God’s plan for your life.

1. The plan of God for the Church Age reverses the trend of history, and this only happens when some form of leadership, like the barons on the field of Runnymede or great rulers or the leaders of the middle class industrial complex. But behind every great man in history there is somewhere a pivot of mature believers.

2. The course of history in this dispensation, the Church Age, is determined by the attitude of the individual believer toward Bible doctrine. No man in history who is great, no man who makes great decisions in history during this dispensation, no person who is a leader or group of leaders who function on principle, can make decisions based on honour and integrity without the invisible backing of a pivot of mature believers.

3. Born-again believers are composed of every class of society with the majority coming from lower classes, as per 1 Corinthians 1:23-31.

4. Democracy is the lowest form of government with the least amount of responsibility and with almost a total absence of integrity and stability.

5. Democracy is evil because it gives a maximum number of scum a say in government, and because they are scum they are least qualified of all human beings to shape and form policy in government. When the scum have a say in government the result is disaster.

6. But believers are from all callings in life, all areas where distinction is made. Believers are from humble origin and inferior ability but they are not classified as scum except when they prolong their stay in the cosmic system. And the fact that God has made all believers of the Church Age royal family of God through the baptism of the Spirit at the moment of salvation is the significant factor for historical impact in this dispensation. In other words, the royal family of God has a mission in this dispensation. Never before in history has so much depended on so few, the believers in any given client nation. The mission of the royal family is to determine the course of history by their attitude toward Bible doctrine and the plan of God as it relates to the divine dynasphere. The mission of the royal family of God is to contribute to the historical uptrend and thereby provide national prosperity through residence and function inside the divine dynasphere. No longer does human freedom depend on the Magna Carta of Great Britain or even the Constitution of the United States. No longer do we have a chivalrous aristocracy watching over the freedom of the common people. Instead the watchdog of freedom and the key to historical blessing resides with people from all races, all classes, all connotations of human origin; not forming mobs for the degenerate process of democracy, or for the evil violence of terrorism, or for some form of intimidation, but for the purpose of glorifying the Lord Jesus Christ who controls history.