The doctrine of reversionism


            1. Definition.

                        a) The status quo of the believer in phase two who is negative toward doctrine.

                        b) Reversionism is the recession from the stage of growth, including the partial or completed ECS, and even supergrace. (Growth is no protection, it is persistence in the intake of doctrine)

                        c) Reversionism is one of the two states of phase two, the other being supergrace.

                        d) Reversionism in the believer is analogous to apostasy.

                        e) There is also reversionism for the unbeliever, describes in 2 Peter 2:17-22, in which the unbeliever departs from the laws of establishment to a condition of total apostasy and liberalism.

                        f) The mechanics include rejection of the gospel, which opens the flood gates for Satanic propaganda in the soul — the dog returning to his vomit.

                        g) Reversionism must be distinguished from carnality. The carnal believer is simply a believer temporarily out of fellowship but a reversionistic believer is a believer negative toward doctrine and more permanently out of fellowship. The reversionistic believer is not inclined to rebound, though that may be the one thing that he will remember all the way to the sin unto death. On the other hand a carnal believer rebounds, he usually keeps very close accounts with the Lord.

                        h) The carnal believer rebounds and continues to grow while the reversionistic believer does not rebound and continues to move toward the sin unto death.

            2. The stages of reversionism.

                        a) Stage one: the presence of reactor factors in the life because of neglect of doctrine. Reactor factors such as rejection of authority, discouragement, disillusion, boredom, overcome by self-pity, inability to handle loneliness, frustration intensified by mental attitude sins. These reactor factors combine difficulties in the life with indifference or lack of exposure to Bible teaching. The result is stage two.

                        b) Stage two: the frantic search for happiness. The reaction to reactor factors leads to some sort of a frantic search for happiness in order to resolve the frustration part of the reactor factors. The frantic search for happiness follows the trend of the old sin nature. Asceticism leads to legalistic victorious living, super extra natural experiences which have no spiritual qualification — holy rollers, healers, and so on. The trend toward lasciviousness leads to drunkenness, debauchery, and so on.

                        c) Stage three: the intensification of reversionism. The frantic search for happiness results in operation boomerang in which the particular type of frantic search merely intensifies the original reactor factors without any resolving of the difficulty. The frustration becomes greater frustration, the bitterness becomes greater bitterness, jealousy becomes extreme jealousy to the point of being psychotic, and so on.

                        d) Stage four: the emotional revolt of the soul. The emotion of the soul is designed to respond to the right lobe of the heart. The heart or the right lobe is equivalent to the right man while the emotion is equivalent to the right woman. Emotional revolt shuts down all the valves of the right lobe, destroying the function of doctrine in that area, leading to stage five.

                        e) Stage five: negative volition toward doctrine. As a result of the presence of reactor factors, the frantic search for happiness, the intensification and the emotional revolt, a certain type of very consolidated negative volition exists. For example, indifference or apathy toward Bible teaching, being too busy and too preoccupied for Bible teaching, antagonism or personality hang-ups toward the one communicating doctrine, i.e. a pastor, antagonism or conflict with other people in the congregation, failure to utilise the rebound technique and under lack of the filling of the Spirit to become involved with reactor factors, inability to handle prosperity.

                        f) Stage six: the blackout of the soul. This is an attack on the left lobe but it results in darkness of the soul. The negative volition produces the vacuum which sucks into the left lobe doctrine of demons — 1 Timothy 4:1. The mechanics of this is found in Ephesians 4:17 and this is known as demon influence in contrast to demon possession. The unbeliever is demon possessed; the reversionistic believer is not demon possess, he can only be under demon influence.

                        g) Stage seven: hardness of the heart, hardness of the neck, or scar tissue of the soul. This is an attack upon the right lobe or the kardia. It is coterminous with and usually in some ways follows or is related to blackout of the soul.

                        h) Stage eight: reverse process reversionism. This is the final status of reversionism, the antithesis of supergrace in which the believer loves and desires the opposite of what the Bible commands. It is a distortion of love, it is a reversal of all the objects of love, it is a total destruction of any true scale of values according to the Word, and therefore the person lives in a state of total confusion before he is removed by the sin unto death.

            3. The discipline of reversionism is divided into three categories: a) the warning stage — James 5:9; Revelation 3:20. This is the category of discipline in which rebound with GAP can produce the recovery; b) the intensive stage — Psalm 38:1-14. Not only is the discipline intensified but this is the stage called strong delusion — 2 Thessalonians 3:11. Repentance, and in some cases even recovery of health, are necessary before one can continue to GAP it back to supergrace — James 5:14-16; c) the dying stage. This is related to the doctrine of the sin unto death — Psalm 118:17,18; 1 John 5:16. Reversionism is always the cause of the sin unto death — Jeremiah 9:16; 44:12; Philippians 3:18,19; Revelation 3:16. Relationship between negative volition toward doctrine and reversionism and the sin unto death is found in 1 Chronicles 10:13,14.

            4. The principle of reversionism is found in Galatians 5:4. This is reversionism in a nutshell — “You have drifted off course from grace.” This is comparable to Ephesians 5:14 — reversionism is loss of time.

            5. Reversionistic believers reject the authority of their right pastor. They reject the authority of Bible teaching in general but they reject the authority of the one who communicates to them doctrine. The illustration of Moses in the days of the Exodus — Exodus 16:20; 17:3; Numbers 11:5. Jeremiah in his day — Jeremiah 44:16. In Jeremiah’s day the reversionistic believers spent a great deal of time listening to false teachers. The apostle Paul led many of the Corinthians believers to the Lord and yet they turned right around and rejected him — 2 Corinthians 6:11,12; plus chapters 7,10,11.

            6. In reversionism the believer uses mental attitude sins to perpetuate carnality. This results in contaminating others — Hebrews 12:15.

            7. The biblical descriptions of reversionism are many.

                        a) Drifting off course from grace — Galatians 5:4.

                        b) No one failing from the ultimate source of the grace of God — Hebrews 12:15.

                        c) An uncircumcised heart/right lobe — Jeremiah 9:25,26.

                        d) Tortured souls (psychopathic personalities) — 2 Peter 2:7,8.

                        e) The unstable soul — 2 Peter 2:14.

                        f) The lukewarm — Revelation 3:15,16.

                        g) An enemy of the cross — Philippians 3:18.

                        h) Leaving your first love — Revelation 2:4.

                        i) Fallen — Revelation 2:5.

            8. The recipients of the book of Hebrews were involved in reversionism and we have a description of them in Hebrews 5:11-14.

            9. Reversion recovery is impossible apart from the daily function of GAP in the field of basic doctrine — Hebrews 6:1-3; Revelation 3:19-20.

            10. Reversion recovery is impossible under the practice of religion — Hebrews 6:4-6; or the function of the phallic cult — 2 Corinthians 12:20-21.

            11. Reversionism leads to perversion - Romans 1:26,27; and also produces national disintegration — Romans 1:29-32.

            12. Reversionism intensifies suffering — Psalm 77.

            13. The principle of reverse process reversionism. Reverse process reversionism means to face in the opposite direction. It means a reversal of judgement, a complete change of values. It means to invert or reverse the objects of what the Bible describes as the true objects of love or the true objects of evaluation so that reverse process reversionism is a distortion of love, it is the reversal of its objects when the believer is under reversionism. Mechanically, under reversionism the believer departs from the true objects of love defined by Bible doctrine and goes for pseudo objects. Bona fide objects of love receive blasphemy (that’s God) or become objects of hatred, bitterness, cruelty or vindictiveness or revenge tactics. Pseudo objects are called inconsequential persons; pseudo objects receive love, flirtation, attention, resulting in social or sexual or both types of unfaithfulness to the bona fide objects of love. Reversionists find it easy to give their attention, their love, their affections, their body and even soul to inconsequential persons because of a desire for self-gratification. There are a number of illustrations of this. In category #1 love — Jeremiah 8:9-11,15-20; Revelation 3:14-21. The true object of love should have been the Lord Jesus Christ but instead, as in the Nicolaitanes, as in the days of Jeremiah, Baal. In category #2 love — Proverbs 5; Ecclesiastes 7:26-29; Song of Solomon 8:6,7. Category #3 — James 2:1-5, the case of the shortsighted usher.

            14. Reversionism and psychosis is the subject of 2 Peter 2:15-19. In reversionism and the practice of reverse process reversionism the believer’s behaviour pattern becomes psychopathic, and neurotic and psychotic believers live to haunt us on this earth. Most reversionists lose their common sense, they lose their discernment, and when they lose their sense of humour they are usually neurotic or psychotic. This is illustrated by Balaam in 2 Peter 2:15,16,18.

            15. The categories of reversionism.

                        a) Phallic reversionism — 2 Corinthians 12:21; Ephesians 4:19; 5:5; Colossians 3:5; Revelation 2:14,20-23.

                        b) Ritual reversionism, which is both legalistic and religious — Hebrews 5:11-6:6; Colossians 2:16-18.

                        c) Monetary reversionism — James 4:13,14; 5:1-6; Revelation 3:14-20; Ecclesiastes 5:10-16.

                        d) Drug addiction type of reversionism — Galatians 5:20. It also includes alcoholic reversionism — Isaiah 28:1-9.

                        e) Antiestablishment reversionism — Romans 1:18-32.

                        f) Mental attitude reversionism — James 4.

                        g) Verbal reversionism — James 5:9,12.

                        i) Mental illness reversionism — 2 Peter 2:15-19.

            16. Reversionism destroys supergrace living or any progress made in the Christian way of life. Just as reversionism kept the Jews of the Exodus out of the land of Canaan so reversionism keeps the believer from developing an ECS or entering the tactical victory of the supergrace life. Hebrews 3:10-12. Just as the reversionists put the Exodus generation under the sin unto death so it puts believers today under this maximum penalty — 1 John 5:16.

            17. The profile of the reversionist — Psalm 7:14-16.


            There is no solution to reversionism until you recognise the condition for what it is. Reversionism is like sleeping in this analogy, we lose time without being aware of that loss of time. The second analogy deals with reversion recovery.

            “arise” is an aorist active imperative of a)nisthmi which means to not arise from the dead but to stand up, to get up, and sometimes it even means to get out. It is a compound of the word a)na meaning again, and isthmi which means to stand up. The aorist tense is a constantive aorist which contemplates the action of reversion recovery in its entirety. It takes the recovery and regardless of its extent of duration gathers it into a single whole. The entirety or the whole includes every act of rebound as well as every act of GAPing it. The active voice in the Greek always has the subject producing the action of the verb and in this case the reversionistic believer produces the action by rebound, subsequent filling of the Spirit, assembling in the classroom of the local church, concentration, learning doctrine under the ministry of the Spirit. The imperative mood is a command to the reversionistic believer.

            The next phrase is incorrectly translated in the KJV. “From the dead” is the preposition e)k plus the ablative plural of nekroj. The ablative means “from among.” With the definite article it is “from among the dead ones.” Literally, “Get up [or, rise up] from among the dead ones.” The dead ones in this analogy is used to describe reversionists. There are several principles we need to recognise. Reversionists flock together. Compatibility is developed in reversionism that would not otherwise exist. You never grow up as long as you associate with people who are negative toward Bible doctrine. Reversionists are called here “dead ones” because they are headed toward the sin unto death. This is a command to break away from reversionists.