The doctrine of revolution


                1. The Word of God does not justify revolution — Romans 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13,14; Numbers 16.

                2. Revolution involves the overthrow of the laws of establishment. It also involves lawless mobs which can neither think nor achieve anything compatible with divine institutions or the laws of divine establishment. A mob cannot think. A mob has a leader or leadership but it does not think for itself and there is always a power grab involved.

                3. Revolution means apostasy and reversionism, therefore lack of or lack of the influence of Bible doctrine — Isaiah 1:3-5; 59:13.

                4. Revolution is always anti-God — Isaiah 31:6.

                5. Revolution is caused by a breakdown of the laws of divine institution in the right lobe. The laws of the divine institution are found in the frame of reference. In the memory centre they are part of the norms and standards of the conscience of the soul. They are located in the vocabulary and the categories of the soul, and the laws of divine institution are on the launching pad of the soul. Reversionism destroys these things. Revolution is caused by the failure of the right lobe, known as reversionism — Jeremiah 5:23. Therefore revolution is involved with emotional revolt, blackout of the soul, reversionism, and revolution itself is the practice of reverse process reversionism.

                6. Revolution or revolt against authority always has a primary motivator, and apart from the lust pattern of the old sin nature jealousy is the prime motivator — Isaiah 11:13 cf. 1 King 12:19 and 2 Chronicles 10:19.

                7. The communication of Bible doctrine is designed to stop revolution — Ezekiel 2:3-10.

                8. Heathenism, gypsyism, hippieism, is the result of revolution or the precursor of revolution. The gypsies and the hippies are not only antiestablishment but in that sense they have defied the very laws that protect the freedoms of the human race, and they usually do it from freedom. So this type of gypsyism and heathenism is the result of revolution — Romans 1:19-26. The result of such revolution is human degeneration - Romans 1:27-32.

                9. The principle of revolution is the function of reversionism in the field of approbation and power lust implemented by mental attitude sin clusters from jealousy, destroying the freedom, the rights, the privacy and the property of individuals. Hence, revolution is a Satanic device in the angelic conflict to establish Satan’s cosmic kingdom and to superimpose his will over mankind.

                10. Reversionism, therefore, is the basic cause of revolution and supergrace becomes the antidote — Hebrews 3:8,9.