What can a man expect by way of response from a woman?


            1. In her self-consciousness, before she finally falls in love, every woman is extremely vain. Mirrors were made for girls before they fall in love! This is really an expression of her self-consciousness. There is no such thing as love at first sight. But a woman undergoes a phenomenal change when she truly falls in love. She switches her self-consciousness from herself to a person and becomes occupied with that person. It is quite a transition for any woman to make. A jealous, noble gentleman will always make allowances for a woman’s self-consciousness, whether it is his right woman or not. When a woman becomes aware of someone else in the human race more than herself [this is not abnormal] she cuts out all the teasing and all the flirting. She changes in her soul. These changes are quite radical in the self-consciousness. Her awareness of her right man excludes all others from that intimacy for which she was designed. Her instincts change to please him in every way. She can’t do it at first and it take a while.

            2. Mentality. Remember the two great factors in love: a)gaph love which is strictly mental attitude and filew love which is entire soul love. These both exist in the mentality of the soul. The mental competition between the sexes ceases to exist. He is in the norms and standards of her conscience, he is in her frame of reference, all of her memory now relates to him, she instinctively anticipates his desires and policies and fulfills them. Sex is never a pressure but a desire.

            3. Volition. When she says yes to the right man she surrenders her volition to him. Her submission is both soulish and physical. She uses her volition to make thousands of decisions which please him, and which stimulate him, bless him, encourage him, resulting in the woman becoming his reflected glory.

            4. Emotion. Appreciation of the right man in the heart or right lobe leads to emotional appreciation of the right man. Up to now, before she has fallen in love, she like certain types of music, certain types of activities. Now she has some with whom she can share the things that she enjoys because her emotion is now linked to his in category #2 love. No man should be such a fool as to squelch a woman’s enthusiasm is to start to chip away at her love, at her response.

            5. Trends of the sin nature. Every man who is a Christian gentleman should become aware of the trends of the sin nature of his opposite number. For some of them he will be patient, with other he will be intolerant, with other he will assert his authority. But he must understand her areas of weakness, her areas of strength, the pattern of her lust, her trends. He must know when her trend is toward asceticism, when it is toward lasciviousness, or something else. No man is worth his salt if he doesn’t learn to know the soul of a woman as he knows his own soul.