Satan’s Counterfeits


1. Satan has a regular system of evangelists, preachers, and apostles — 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.


2. These evangelists preach a gospel — Galatians 1:6-9; 2 Corinthians 11:3,4 (A system of salvation that Satan has concocted)


3. Satan has a system of doctrine — 1 Timothy 4:1-3.


4. Satan has a communion table — 1 Corinthians 10:21. The devil’s communion table is idolatry.

            a) Worship image representing man or animal.

            b) Worship things (no image) — money, etc.

5. Satan has a counterfeit righteousness: A system of morality and a system of religion. It is criticised and condemned in Matthew 23:27-28.


6. Satan has a smoke screen to obscure the truth — 2 Corinthians 4:3,4.


7. Satan’s demon organisation:

        Satan has a demon organisation, an unseen organisation more powerful than any human power, mentioned in Ephesians 6:12.


There are four Greek words:

            a) Principalities: ARCHAS. These are the General Officers. These are super demons with super power and super responsibility.

            b) Powers: EXOUSIAS. Authorities

            c) Rulers of the darkness of this world: (Against world rulers of darkness) KOSMOKRATOR. This is the spy system of Satan. Check Daniel 10:13ff. This is a special team of demons to discredit and attack rulers. They attack any nation operating under divine institutions. They attack any VIP believer like Paul. They attack anyone in the vicinity of a VIP believer like Timothy.

             d) Spiritual wickedness in high places: (Translation, “spirits of evil in the heavenlies.” Theseare rank and file demons who perform numerous functions. Some indwell people to perform sickness (unbelievers). Some control vocal cords. Some of these manufacture pressure situations against believers. They also entice people to do human good, and often to sin.