What is sealing?


            1. Sealing was used in the ancient world for many things. You cant even understand the use of the word “seal” in the Bible unless you understand its usage in the ancient world. A principle of hermeneutics: The Bible must be interpreted in the time in which it was written. In the time in which this was written there was a certain usage of seals which is absolutely imperative to understand.

            2. The Bible must be interpreted in the time in which it was written.

            3. First of all the seal was used as a guarantee of a transaction. Therefore it denotes for anyone who is going to stand up and look history in the eye and face it down, no matter how disastrous it is, the guarantee of life and provision for your spiritual growth and that you will survive through disaster periods of history.

            4. The seal was used as identification of ownership. Therefore the believer must remember that the seal here means that God recognises you as belonging to Him.

            5. The seal also indicates provision. The signet ring, by the way, was the way you signed your cheques in the ancient world. The signet ring of God indicates that He is constantly cashing cheques for us, He has provided the means whereby we spend our time in life glorifying Him and fulfilling the objectives of grace. This spending means capacity for life, capacity for love, capacity for happiness, capacity for blessing that comes to the believer who is loaded down with doctrine.

            6. The seal was used to protect something of value. Every believer is regarded by God as something of value and the seal is used in that sense of protection. The seal of God is affixed to us, this is the ministry of God the Holy Spirit at the point of salvation. That sealing is a security and it means that as far as God is concerned we are something of value to Him.