The importance of self-discipline


            1. Self-discipline links the believer’s volition with the function of GAP. You would never function under GAP unless you had self-discipline whereby you consistently took in the Bible classes.

            2. Under self-discipline the believer links his volition with the number one priority of the royal family which is the inculcation of Bible doctrine.

            3. Self-discipline, then, is the believer priest regulating his life in compatibility with the grace objectives of phase two.

            4. Self-discipline sets aside the superficialities of life and concentrates on the essentials of life.       5. Self-discipline avoids distractions of pleasure, social life, and all the things which would conflict with the daily intake of doctrine. This does not imply that you do not have pleasure or social life but it does indicate that if it conflicts with the intake of doctrine it is placed into a secondary role as nonessential.

            6. Supergrace is the beginning of spiritual maturity, not the end. It is achieved by self-discipline related to the function of GAP and it is perpetuated in exactly the same way.

            7. Supergrace, therefore, not only is the place of great blessing — paragraph SG2 — but in a sense it becomes the staging area for the next objective which is ultra-supergrace.

            8. The believer in the attainment of supergrace does not stop and try to rest on his laurels. To halt is to go backwards in the spiritual life. Therefore the believe must press on to the next objective which is ultra-supergrace. Continuous pressure and opposition from the Satanic forces of evil will be obvious at that stage.