The doctrine of the sin unto death


            1. The sin unto death is maximum punitive discipline for the reversionistic believer. The sin unto death is only administered to members of the royal family of God. It is a discipline for nobility in this dispensation. This discipline is also the only exception to dying grace for the believer in this dispensation. The object of this discipline is the believer in reversionism. It includes maximum misery, maximum pressure terminating in the physical death of the believer before his time. Two passage which deal with the principle in definition: Psalm 118;17,18; 1 John 5:16.

            2. However the sin unto death does not mean loss of salvation — 2 Timothy 2:12,13.

            3. Reversionism is the cause for the sin unto death — Jeremiah 9:16; 44:12; Philippians 3:18,19; Revelation 3:16. It is a possibility that if you neglect Bible doctrine long enough you will be under the sin unto death.

            4. There are four causes of death for the believer. a) Your work on earth is finished. God has assigned to you a certain amount of time after your salvation and when that time has elapsed God takes that believer to be with Himself. The principle is found in 2 Timothy 4:7. b) Glorification of God in a very special way, as in Philippians 1:20,21. Sometimes God takes the believer out of this world in order to accomplish in our dying what could never be accomplished in our living. This is a special case type of death where we glorify God to the maximum, where the impact of our death is greater than the impact of our life, and where in this death God is going to be glorified in a special way. c) Maximum discipline for reversionism. This is the sin unto death — 1 Chronicles 10:13; 1 John 5:16. d) There is also an offshoot of this which is really a fourth reason: suicide. Suicide is generally the result of psychotic or neurotic reversionism. Because of this the individual superimposes his will over God’s and takes his life. The first two categories have dying grace — those whose work is finished and those who die to glorify God in a special way. The last two categories are the result of reversionism and are not related to dying grace.

            5. Case histories of the sin unto death. (The sin unto death is for believers only)

                        a) Monetary reversionism — Ananias and Saphira in Acts 5:1-10. They were greedy and had a problem with money.

                        b) Moral reversionism. The incestuous Corinthian — 1 Corinthians 5:1-5.

                        c) Ritual reversionism: participation in the communion service without the use of rebound, therefore grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit

— 1 Corinthians 11:30,31.

                        d) Mental attitude reversionism: rejection of Bible doctrine. Saul was the king of Israel. He had a command to go out and annihilate the enemy and he refused to kill Agag. For this Saul died the sin unto death — 1 Chronicles 10:13,14.

                        e) Antiestablishment reversionism. Trying to solve the world’s     problems through socialism and bureaucracy. Isaiah 30:1-3; 31:1-3. Hezekiah’s foreign policy caused him to be put under the sin unto death.

                        f) Verbal reversionism. This is the reversionistic believer involved in blasphemy or maligning, and so on — 1 Timothy 1:19,20.

            6. Reversion recovery eliminates all discipline and removes all sins. Even under the sin unto death you can recover through reversion recovery — 2 Corinthians 2:5-10; James 5:15, 20.

            7. The cancellation of the sin unto death.

                        a) Repentance — James 5:14,16, a complete change of mental attitude, to completely change your mind about doctrine. It causes a change of policy in life — to take in doctrine until you recover and move on to your objective, the supergrace life.

                        b) Rebound for those not under the sin unto death — 1 Corinthians 11:31.

                        c) The daily function of GAP — Hebrews 6:1-6.

                        d) The erection of the ECS — Ephesians 4:24 — and entrance into the supergrace life — James 4:5-8.