The doctrine of the sins of the tongue


            1. Definition.

            a. Sin is defined as transgression of the law of God.

            b. A known sin is a transgression or violation of divine law.

            c. An unknown sin is likewise a transgression of divine law.

            d. In both cases the violation is involved. Whether you know it or not you’ve done it and your volition is involved.

            e. The difference between an known and unknown sin is cognisance of divine law [Bible doctrine], especially in the field of hamartiology.

            f. Whether the divine law is known or not human volition is involved in transgression of the law.

            g. All sin, therefore, combines the function of the old sin nature’s area of weakness with human volition.

            h. Three categories of sin exist in the human race:

                        i) The imputation of Adam’s sin to each member of the human race directly.

                        ii) The perpetuation of the old sin nature through physical birth, causing the individual to be physically alive at birth and simultaneously spiritually dead.

                        iii) Personal sin which occurs after birth and before physical death.

            i. There are three categories of personal sin:

                        i) Mental sins such as envy, pride, arrogance, jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, hatred, etc.

                        ii) Verbal sins such as gossip, slander, maligning, judging, lying.

                        iii) Overt sins such as adultery, murder, stealing, drunkenness, and so on.

            j. All personal sins originate from the old sin nature involving the human volition.

            k. This means that verbal sins originate from the old sin nature and are activated by human volition.

            l. Human volition is involved in all sins.

            m. The instrument of verbal sins is that portion of the human anatomy called the tongue — James 3:6.

            2. Out of the list of the seven worst sins three of the worst sins are sins of the tongue — Proverbs 6:16-19.

            3. Verbal sins and reversionism. Verbal sins are always motivated by mental sins. Sins of the mental attitude which motivate verbal sins are generally pride, jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, pettiness — Psalm 5:8,9; James 4:11.

            4. The sins of the tongue produce triple compound discipline. First of all there is discipline for the mental attitude sins, there is discipline for the verbal sins which result, and whatever sins are mentioned with regard to the victim whatever the judgement is for that sin it is transferred to the one who judges.

            5. God protects the supergrace believer from verbal sins — Job 5:19-21.

            6. The congregation and the tongue.

                        a) Control of the tongue plus avoidance of verbal sins is a sign of spiritual maturity — James 3:2.

                        b) Verbal sins can destroy an entire congregation — James 3:5,6.

                        c) Since the sins of the tongue can destroy an entire congregation of believers it is the solemn duty of the pastor-teacher to warn against them — 2 Timothy 2:14-17.

                        d) Trouble makers in the congregation are characterised by sins of the tongue — Psalm 52:1-4.

                        e) Separation from those guilty of the sins of the tongue is commanded — Romans 16:17,18.

            7. Blessing from the avoidance of the sins of the tongue is mentioned in Psalm 34:12,13. The “lips from speaking deceit” refers to gossiping, maligning or judging.