

Terrorism is simply a play put on for the purpose of attracting an audience with the objective of changing government, or forcing a government policy or philosophy to change. The best place to recruit terrorists and specialists for terrorist activity is in the prisons. Another pertinent remark was that the terrorists strive to create the image of the mass; that is, the terrorist attempt to create in the mind of the government that they are stronger and more powerful than they really are. By using the media and through their violence they begin to obtain the support of the masses which previously was only a mirage. The terrorists also attempt to get the government to react and then to overreact. When the government does overreact then more and more the populace will turn against what they see as a repressive government and side with the terrorists.

Reasons presented for terrorism.

1. Bringing into an awareness any act of violence to attract attention.

2. To alter the public beliefs concerning terrorists to promote the power of the terrorists.

3. To destroy the enemy - which would be government, the military, the police, any form of establishment authority.

4. To exhaust the opponent through anxiety - the up tight mode, Where will they strike next? - leading to overreaction.

5. Live training drills and preparation for all-out revolution. The masses and the people will not fight unless they have been exposed to it.

6. To provoke fighting and tension among their opponents.

7. To force their opponents to divert their resources.

8. To get each of us to overreact.

9. Personal self-interest.

10 Revenge.