The first and the last

Revelation 2:8


            There are four meanings

            1. First of all this refers to Jesus Christ as the God-Man; it refers to the hypostatic union which started at the virgin birth or the incarnation of Christ. Jesus Christ as “the first” is eternal God, coequal and CO-eternal with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. As eternal and infinite God, Jesus Christ pre-existed history which He controls from the computer of divine decrees. Jesus Christ also concludes history as “the last”. He is the God-Man, He concludes history as “the last” in hypostatic union. So He is eternal God and true humanity in One person forever. Jesus Christ as the author of history never loses control of history. He is the first and He is the last. He began history by personally creating man - Adam. And as the last Adam He will personally conclude history with the destruction of the earth. Even though history is the record of man’s thoughts, motives, decisions, and actions, it is Jesus Christ, the first and the last, who controls history. Therefore, there are two sources of judgements and disasters in history: the sovereign decisions of our Lord Jesus Christ and the erroneous decisions of mankind.

             Principle: People are collectively and individually the products of their own decisions. And remember that decision creates environment, not environment decision. For example, there is no such thing as a homosexual because of environment or because of genes, it is a matter of decision. In other words, we are the products of our decisions, not our environment. Our decisions create the environment; the environment does not create our decisions.

            2. The second meaning has to do with the two great prophecies of history. The title “first and last” also refers to these two great prophecies because they refer to our Lord Jesus Christ. They are the first and second advents. So many prophecies in the Old Testament deal with the details of our Lord’s first advent, all of which are a part of “the first.” The Church is located in between these two great prophetical periods of human history and therefore the Church Age becomes the dispensation of no prophecy. Everything pertaining to the first advent was fulfilled prior to the beginning of the Church Age — the virgin birth, the incarnation, the hypostatic union, our Lord’s residence and function in the prototype divine dynasphere, His resultant impeccability, His saving work — redemption, reconciliation, propitiation — His death on the cross, His physical resurrection, His ascension, His session, etc. The dispensation of the Church is designed, then, to call out a royal family for our Lord’s third royal patent. Therefore the Church Age is the dispensation of historical trends, but no prophecy. The next prophecy is the termination of the Church Age, the Rapture of the Church, the resurrection of the body of Christ. And because the Church Age is the dispensation of no prophecy the next event prophetically, eschatologically, is an imminent event. In other words, there is no intervening prophecies that have to be fulfilled before the Rapture occurs. The Rapture was imminent even in the time of the apostles and still is. Therefore Christ is the first, related to the first advent and the strategic victory of the cross. Christ is the second related to His tactical victory of the second advent. The first and the last, then, is a title of our Lord Jesus Christ as the prophetical key to human history.

            3. The third meaning of our subject, the Lord Jesus Christ under the title of “the first and the last,” refers to the uptrends and downtrends of history related to the believer in the lord Jesus Christ. Christ is either first or last to every believer; there is no in between because every believer is either inside the divine dynasphere or inside the cosmic system. If you are living inside the divine dynasphere — gate 5: love of God; gate eight, which includes occupation with the person of Christ - this means that Christ is first. But if you are a believer living in cosmic dynasphere number one, cosmic dynasphere number two, then Christ is last. So the up and down trends of history are related to this particular title of our Lord. In other words, as goes the believer in Christ so goes human history in any generation. When the believer puts Christ first in his scale of values it is because he lives inside the divine dynasphere which contributes to the uptrend of history; when the believer puts Christ last in his scale of values it is because he lives in the cosmic system which contributes to the downtrend of history. Therefore, “first and last” also emphasises the function of human volition in history. It emphasises the importance of occupation with the person of Christ as well as the place of Christ in one’s scale of values and daily priorities.

            4. “First and last” also refers to the source of both temporal and eternal blessing for the believer. Our first blessing relates to time while our last blessing relates to eternity. “First and last” is the fulfilment of the Christian way of life resulting in the imputation of both logistical and super grace blessing in time plus the imputation of eternal blessing and reward at the judgment seat of Christ.

             The first two points are interpretation of our Lord’s title; the last two points are application of our Lord’s title.