Tribulation: Daniel’s Seventieth Week


1.       God never reckons time with Israel when they are out of their own land, or out of Divine order. (5th cycle of discipline)

2.       Daniel 9:24-27 speaks of 70 weeks in God’s program for Israel.

a)      One week equals seven years. “Weeks” as used in this passage is a Hebrew word for “sevens.” 70 weeks are literally 70 7’s, or 490 years.

b)      Check out Numbers 14:34; Ezekiel 4:6b.

3.       This period of seventy weeks is divided into three sections: Daniel 9:25.

a)      7 weeks: 7x7=49 years (troublous times). This is the period of time Artaxerxes (445 BC) issued the decree to restore and rebuild the city of Jerusalem in Nehemiah 2:1-8 until the walls were actually completed.

b)      62 weeks (three-score and two weeks) x7 = 434 years. The time from rebuilding the walls until the cross (30 AD).

c)      1 week x7 (verse 27) = 7 years. (Tribulation).

“a” and “b” make a total of 483 years, but in Daniel 9:24-27 they are promised 490 years. The 483 years are cut off at the cross—the last seven years are picked up after the Church Age Rapture. The Tribulation is Daniel’s 70th week, in the Age of Israel. These are LUNAR YEARS, of 360 days.