The doctrine of unlimited atonement


            I. Definition: Jesus Christ died for the sins of the whole human race. (Unlimited atonement)

1 John 2:2 — “And he (Jesus Christ) is the propitiation (satisfaction) for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”       


            II. Jesus Christ paid for the sins OF ALL members of the human race, not just for the redeemed (ones who accept Jesus Christ) — 2 Peter 2:1, “… even denying the Lord that bought them,” the false prophets, teachers, etc.


            III. He died for all: 1 Timothy 2:6 — “Who gave himself a ransom for all ...”

                                       Hebrews 2:9 — “.. that he should taste death for every man.”

                                       Titus 2:11 — “For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men.”

                                       2 Corinthians 5:14, 15, 19



            IV. Application of unlimited atonement to salvation.

                        a) Jesus Christ died for all.

                        b) Why? Because Romans 3:23.

                                    1. “All have sinned”: All are spiritually dead.

                                    2. “imputed sin”: All sinned when Adam sinned. All were counted guilty because Adam was counted guilty.

                                    3. 2 Corinthians 5:14-15, “If one died for all, then were all dead.”


            V. The volition of man is the issue in salvation. Will man choose for Christ or against Christ?


            VI. If man chooses against Christ, he stands on his own good works against the good work of Christ — i.e. the cross.


            VII. The issue at the last judgement (the great white throne) is human good vs. divine good.


            VIII. Unlimited atonement in the Old Testament: Isaiah 44:22-23. “Jacob”: unbeliever; “Israel”: believer.