The doctrine of witnessing
1. Definition: Witnessing is the
royal family fulfilling its ministry of reconciliation. One of the full-time
Christian service functions that belongs to you is the ministry of
reconciliation, 2 Corinthians 5. Witnessing is the royal family communicating
the gospel to the unbeliever on a personal basis. Witnessing, therefore, is
personal evangelism. Witnessing functions apart from mass evangelism, apart
from church evangelism or the preaching of the believer who has the gift of
evangelism. This is a personal contact, personal conversation, do-it-yourself
type of thing.
threefold character of witnessing is found in 1 Thessalonians 1:4,5, the
witnessing of the life, the lips, the witnessing of God the Holy Spirit.
2. The Holy Spirit is the sovereign
executive of witnessing. The unbeliever is minus a human spirit, he has no
frame of reference for the gospel. The gospel is spiritual phenomena and
therefore it is impossible for any unbeliever to understand any portion of the
gospel by his own ability in the field of perspicacity. Therefor God the Holy
Spirit must act as a human spirit in order for them to understand the gospel —
John 16:8-11. In these verses sin does not mean personal sin, or the fact that
you are bad or that you are a sinner. The only sin that is an issue in
presentation of the gospel is the rejection of Jesus Christ as saviour.
Therefore verse 9 says, “Concerning sin because they do not believe on me.”
Personal sin is not the issue. The second factor, “concerning righteousness
because I go to the Father and you no longer see me.” In other words, Jesus
Christ as a member of the human race is accepted at the right hand of the
Father, everyone who believes in Him is in union with Christ, also accepted at
the right hand of the Father. This is what the Holy Spirit emphasises. Finally,
“concerning judgement because the ruler of this world has been judged.” The
ruler of this world is Satan and Satan was judged when Jesus Christ died on the
cross, rose again, ascended. The judgement of Satan is mentioned in Colossians
2:24; Hebrews 2:14. Satan has been judged and therefore since he has and is
going to be cast into the lake of fire those who reject Christ as saviour will
share the lake of fire with him. Again, the reason for God the Holy Spirit
having to make this information real to the unbeliever is because of the
statement of 1 Corinthians 2:14, “The soulish man [unbeliever] does not accept
the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; and he is not
able to obtain knowledge of the gospel because they are discerned from the
source of the human spirit.” There is no way he can understand the gospel
because all gospel information is discerned by the human spirit. We are born
with a soul and a body but without a human spirit. We acquire the human spirit
at the point of regeneration. The human spirit is the means, the frame of
reference, for spiritual phenomena. Before the spiritual phenomena [Bible
doctrine in any form] can enter the frame of reference in the soul it must be
assimilated in the human spirit. But the unbeliever doesn’t have a human
spirit, therefore the spiritual phenomena is foolishness to him, he can’t
comprehend it. So whenever the gospel is presented it is God the Holy Spirit
who takes what is pertinent in the presentation and makes it reality in the
soul of the unbeliever so that he sees an issue, so that he understands an
issue, so that he becomes aware of what the issue really is.
3. Pertinent Bible doctrine [the
gospel] is always the weapon of witnessing — not salesmanship tactics, not
weeping and wailing and begging, not some gimmick system or jumping through
psychological hoops. Under this concept we have seven principles related to the
Bible as the weapon:
a) The gospel which is
in the Bible is the power of God to salvation. It is the gospel, the message,
the content, that saves, not salesmanship tactics, Romans 1:16; 1 Corinthians
1:18. A true presentation of the gospel is what God the Holy Spirit uses and it
is the power of God unto salvation.
b) The Bible is the
absolute norm or standard for truth, 2 Peter 1:12-21.
c) The source of the
gospel, therefore, is the Bible, Luke 16;28-31: 1 Corinthians 15:3,4.
d) The Bible is the mind
of Christ, 1 Corinthians 2:16. So when you are witnessing you are presenting
the very thinking of the Lord Jesus Christ.
e) The Bible is said to
be divine power, Hebrews 4:12.
f) The Bible never
returns void, Isaiah 55:11.
g) The Bible endures
forever, Luke 21:33; 1 Peter 1:25.
When you put all these things
together you have a weapon. And you never sit around and argue, Is the Bible
the Word of God? That is ludicrous, it is beside the point.
4. The believer priest is the agent
in witnessing.
a) Witnessing is the
responsibility of every member of the royal family of God, Acts 1:8; Ephesians
6:15,20; 2 Timothy 4:5.
b) There are two areas
in which we as believers witness: the witness of the life, 2 Corinthians 3:3;
6:3; the witness of the lips, 2 Corinthians 5:14-21; 6:2.
c) Knowledge of
pertinent doctrine is necessary for effective witnessing because the believer
must witness in the wisdom of the Spirit. he must make the issue clear. He must
exclude human persuasiveness and human salesmanship. The believer must
understand principles of Christology and soteriology. He must understand, above
all, redemption, reconciliation, and propitiation. He must certainly understand
imputation and justification, as well as positional sanctification. And if he
is going to be lucid and clear he must understand the true issues of the last judgement.
So knowledge of pertinent doctrine is very important in witnessing.
d) The believer’s
ability to witness depends on five different concepts:
1. His emphasis on the
gospel, especially reconciliation, Ephesians 2:14-17.
2. His correct and
accurate information, 1 Corinthians 1:18; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12.
3. He must be filled
with the Spirit when he witnesses. This gives him the flexibility to do the job
correctly, Acts 1:8.
4. He must have the
right mental attitude — the best expression is found in Romans 1:14-16, the
three “I ams.”
5. The believer must
have the assurance of eternal security to be stabilised in his own witnessing,
Romans 8:38,39; 1 Peter 1:4,5.
5. The witnessing of the royal priest
is the extension of his ambassadorship, 2 Corinthians 5:18-20.
6. The concept of making the issue
a) You must give the
unbeliever pertinent salvation information. When you walk away from an
unbeliever after witnessing he must have a clear understanding of the issue of
the gospel. Christ is the issue; attitude toward Christ is the issue. False
issues must be avoided., they muddy up the water [drinking, smoking. etc. are
false issues]. There are certain things that are obnoxious to all of us but we
should not get our own personal likes and dislikes tangled up with the gospel.
The issue is very clearly presented by Ephesians 2:8,9.
b) Never put the cart
before the horse. Do not try to get the unbeliever to live the Christian way of
life before he is born again.
c) Be sure to provide
gospel information on which the unbeliever can make a decision for Christ.
Remember the gospel boundaries are well defined in 1 Corinthians 15:3,4. Make
sure that you make an issue out of the Lord Jesus Christ and not out of
people’s sins and bad habits.
d) Do not add to the
gospel of grace. Grace needs no addition. Nothing is accomplished toward
salvation by persuading the unbeliever to give up his sins, improve his
personality and behaviour pattern, feel sorry for his sins, join the church, be
baptised, or give money.
e) Do not try to force a
decision for Christ. This is the Ministry of God the Holy Spirit under the
doctrines of common and efficacious grace, so stay out of the way of the Holy
Spirit. Do your job and get out of the way.
f) Remember that the
first divine institution is free will. This includes freedom and privacy for
decision. You provide gospel information but you leave the results in the hands
of the Lord. The gospel must persuade the unbeliever to believe in Christ, and
nothing else. Therefore avoid gimmicks which confuse the issue — emotional
begging, public invitations, the raising of hands, the walking of aisles, the
jumping through psychological hoops. There is no place for these in witnessing.
g) Effective witnessing
depends on the ministry of God the Holy Spirit: the ministry of the Holy Spirit
directed toward the believer in spirituality, Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 3:3; the
ministry of the Holy Spirit directed toward the unbeliever in convincing, John
16:8-11; 1 Corinthians 2:14.
h) Clarity of witnessing
depends on the believer understanding the judgement of human good. Human good
was rejected at the cross, only sin was judged. Human good will be judged in
the believer at the judgement seat of Christ, and human good will be judged in
the unbeliever at the great white throne or the last judgement.
7. Summary:
a) Prerequisites for
witnessing involve knowledge of pertinent doctrines related to the gospel. You
must know these.
b) Effectiveness of
witnessing depends upon the ministry of God the Holy Spirit.
c) responsibility for
witnessing belongs to every member of the royal family of God.
d) Dynamics of
witnessing depend upon the believer’s mental attitude related to his spiritual
e) Clarity of witnessing
depends upon the believer’s accurate understanding of the two deaths of Christ
on the cross.
f) Areas of witnessing
include both the life and the lips.
g) The challenge to
witnessing comes from the doctrine of unlimited atonement.
i) The reward for
witnessing is included in the believer’s paragraph SG3, surpassing
grace. 8. The biblical pattern for witnessing is found in 1 Thessalonians
chapter two.
9. The postulates of pitfalls in
a) Avoid argumentation.
You may win the debate but you won’t win the soul. Your responsibility is to
disseminate information, not to argue over the validity of the information. You
present it, leave the rest to the Holy Spirit.
b) Do not be sidetracked
by false issues. These include such subjects as:
Is the Bible
the Word of God? What about the people who have never heard?
c) Deal with the
individual alone where possible. Witnessing in front of others creates false
issues by producing embarrassment, loss of prestige, heckling.
d) Avoid getting into a
rut, using the same approach in every case. different approaches to the subject
of the gospel are necessary for different people. Your flexibility comes with
your spiritual maturity.
e) Avoid the false
concept that you must speak to a certain number of people every day about Jesus
Christ or you are not spiritual. Witnessing is not spirituality, it is the
result of the balance of residency in the soul between the filling of the
Spirit and maximum doctrine.
f) Motivation for
witnessing must come from doctrine resident in the soul, not human pressure,
not approbation lust.
g) Avoid bragging about
your experiences in witnessing. The Lord knows what you have done and that is
all that is necessary.
h) Do not judge other
believers for their apparent failure to witness. This is a matter between them
and the Lord. Such judging and maligning only brings divine discipline on
yourself. You must face that issue for yourself and no one else.
10. The analogy to witnessing —
Matthew 4:19, “Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.” A fisherman must have a desire to fish, and
that is true of witnessing. You must have a desire to impart the gospel, you
must love Jesus Christ, there must be some true spiritual motivation.
A fisherman goes equipped. He knows
exactly what he is after and he knows what he is going to hook it with. This is
important in being a fisher of men, you must be equipped with the gospel.
And they always go where the fish
are located.
keep out of sight. Never make an issue of yourself, you are not the issue,
Christ is the issue.
Fishermen must be patient. When you
get to the point where you are getting vibrations, cut it off!
11. The principle of prayer in
witnessing is a bona fide principle — Romans 10:1.
12. Effective witnessing belongs to
those in supergrace status — Proverbs 11:30.
13. There is a relationship between
witnessing and doctrine resident in the soul. Human perspicacity based on high IQ is not necessary for evangelising those who have a high IQ. You have information he needs no matter how smart he is. Cognisance
of the unbeliever’s religion or his philosophy is not necessary for witnessing.
For example, you do not have to understand Judaism to witness to the Jews; you
do not have to understyand Mahomedanism to witness to the Muslim, Mormonism to
witness to a Mormon, philosophy to witness to a philosopher. What you need is
doctrine in your soul. The creation of a public relations image is not s
substitute for the filling of the Spirit. The believer’s consistency in the
function of GAP determines both his
motivation and his effectiveness.