Assyrian Crisis 7/5/76




A.  Discredit the person who represents the truth or communicates doctrine. Attack his person, modus vivendi, or modus operandi.


B.  He must be represented as evil, immoral, and conniving so as to hide their own conspiracy.


C.  Having assassinated the personality of the one who represents the truth, then attack his message. But do not attack his message until he has been discredited.


D.  Use a debator’s technique:  the person is wrong; therefore what he says is wrong. (This is used in law, called “throwing a skunk into the jury box.”)


E.  The distortion of rationalization follows. The person is wrong; therefore, his message is wrong. Having begun by discrediting the person and having continued by discrediting the message, it is now time to substitute a new personality with a new message. Up springs things like Bolshevik communism, the tongues crowd, legalism, or some anti-American function. This is the key and the turning point of the ambush of evil.


F.  This must be handled adroitly with Machiavellian machination. A new authority is introduced, so you must establish his person, his authority and his message.


G.  He must be represented as sweet, kind, nice, wonderful, and concerned about you personally. Therefore, anything he says is going to be the absolute truth.


H.  Because the personality is so nice, so perfect, and so flawless, you must listen to what he says because nice people are always right.


I.  Therefore, having sold the new personality as being a nice person, they revert to the fact that it isn’t the man but the message. This is the strangest twist of all. But it works too many times!