Israel 112-113 10/27/91; Anti-Sem 3-4, 22 12/7/89; Armageddon 7




A.  The Meaning of Anti-Semitism.

            1. Anti-Semitism is a person, a group, an organization, or a nation who is hostile to the Jews.

            2. The descendants of Shem are classified as the Semitic race of peoples. Semites include the Akkadians, Elamites, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Arabs, Syrians, Lydians, Carians, Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Midianites, some Armenians, some Ethiopians, and Jews.

            3. The term anti-Semitic is a bit of a misnomer because being anti-Arab is not anti-Semitic. Anti-Semitism applies only to Jews as a race and nation, not to all Semitic peoples.

            4. The term is defined as intolerance, hatred, prejudice, opposition, persecution, and the exercise of terrorism and military activity against the Jewish race.

            5. Since the Jews are the center of the angelic conflict, there is great Satanic motivation and opposition against the Jews, not only in the Middle East, but scattered throughout the world. This persecution and hostility to the Jews will reach its peak in the Tribulation. Satan is the sponsor of all anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is part of Satan’s plan called evil. Satan has two major objectives in the unfolding of anti-Semitism.

                        a. The historical objective, in which Satan sought to keep our Lord from being born; and then, to kill His humanity before He reached the cross. Satan failed in this objective. We see the overflow of his anger in historical anti-Semitism at the present time.

                        b. The prophetical objective, in which Satan seeks to destroy Israel before the Second Advent, so that the four unconditional covenants to Israel cannot be fulfilled.

                        c. The reason for Satanic opposition to the Jews is related to the four unconditional promises (covenants) of God: the Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New Covenant. All of these covenants guarantee the future of Israel and have not yet been fulfilled, with one exception— God will destroy any person or any nation involved in anti-Semitism.

            6. It is not God’s will for you to enter into anti-Semitism. God has put an invisible wall of fire around the Jews to protect them from anti- Semitism. Racial prejudice is one of the greatest evils you could ever imagine. When you feel any racial prejudice, all you have to do is remember that Christ was judged for that person on the Cross.


B.  The Declaration of the Divine Attitude Toward Anti-Semitism.

            1. God’s attitude is clearly delineated in the third paragraph of the Abrahamic covenant. Gen 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you; but the one who curses [despises] you, I will curse. And through you, all the nations of the earth will be blessed.” For example, all nations are blessed through the Canon of Scripture, written by Jews (with the possible exception of one book).

            2. The Hebrew verb BARAK is passive, meaning that we receive blessing from God by our attitude toward the Jew. We do not earn blessing.

            3. The prepositional phrase “through you” is a reference to our Lord Jesus Christ. We are blessed through Him. Salvation is open to every race and nation.


C.  Principles of Application.

            1. Good people become evil people by compromising with evil. Anti- Semitism is evil. Good people, by entering into the system of anti- Semitism, take on the evil characteristics of that system. Rom 12:21, “Stop being overcome by evil, but overcome evil by means of the divine good.” The divine good is maximum Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

            2. Evils, such as anti-Semitism, always win over the good, when good is compromised by either ignorance or rejection of Bible doctrine.

            3. God intends that Israel will not only survive all anti-Semitism, but through regeneration, will become the final client nation to God in history during the Millennium. God uses evil to destroy evil and uses evil to destroy anti-Semitism.

            4. Throughout human history, God deals with Israel personally without human help. God punishes Israel when necessary. Hence, the punishment of Israel is the monopoly of the supreme court of heaven.

            5. Interference with the divine prerogative of discipline and punitive action to Israel is the source of great historical disaster to anti-Semitic nations and the destruction of anti-Semitic individuals.

            6. Racial prejudice is always detrimental to the individual who practices it and the nation who makes it a policy. God blesses both individuals and nations who are pro-Semitic.

            7. Jesus Christ controls history. Therefore, the overruling will of God has delivered Israel from terrible anti-Semitism.

            8. There are two categorical recipients of the wall of fire doctrine.

                        a. Israel—personal and national.

                        b. The Church—both individual believers and the assembly of believers in local churches around the world.

D.  The Three-fold Concept of the Jew:  Racial, Regenerate, Religious.

            1. The Jewish race, though Semitic, is classified as a new racial species.

                        a. The Jewish race is the youngest and greatest race in all of human history.

                        b. Akkadian Abraham became a Jew at age ninety-nine at the point of his circumcision. Up until then, he was what the Hebrews called GOI, a Gentile. By removing skin from his phallus, God made a new race at that point.

                        c. The race is descended through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The fact that Jesus Christ has the title “the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob” is found in Ex 3:6, 15-16; 4:5; Mt 22:32; Mk 12:26; Lk 20:37; Acts 3:13; 7:32.

                        d. The first three generations of the Jewish race are distinguished by their regeneration. A racial Jew is anyone who has the genes of one of the twelve sons of Jacob. The new racial species came through regeneration. The true Jew has both the genes and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the Lord Jesus Christ.

            2. The regenerate Jew is taught in Rom 9:6-14. All racial Jews are not true Jews; for a true Jew is born-again. True Jews are regenerate Jews not racial Jews.

                        a. Racial Jews are not the recipients of the unconditional covenants to Israel. Physical descent is useless in the transmission of divine promises on which Israel was founded. Such divine promises can only be transmitted through the second birth.

                        b. Paul, using this illustration in Rom 9, says that the Word of God has not failed, but the promises of the Word are for those who are born- again. The Jewish race was perpetuated through a promise made to Abraham that he would have a son.

                        c. Therefore, regeneration is the secret to the foundation of the Jewish race. Abraham was born again, Rom 4:1-5. Isaac and Jacob were born- again. In the formation of Israel the racial Jew has to become the regenerate Jew. Therefore, Christ is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

                        d. Rom 9:13 expresses the difference between physical birth and regeneration—unbeliever descendants of Abraham are not included. The anthropopathisms emphasize the justice of God.

                        e. The promises of the unconditional covenants apply only to the born-again Jew. Physical descent or natural birth is useless in the transmission of divine promises. Therefore, such divine promises demand eternal life and can only be transmitted through regeneration.

            3. The religious Jew is a legalist and keeps the Law to make points with God. He has distorted the Mosaic Law into a system of legalism.

                        a. Religion includes all of Satan’s counterfeits of doctrine and grace. Religion is evil. Religion is a conspiracy against grace. Religion and grace are antithetical. Religion is the devil’s ace trump. In religion, man works to gain God’s approbation. In regeneration, God seeks man through the salvation work of Jesus Christ on the Cross and man approaches God through personal faith in Christ.

                        b. Religion has its own salvation by works; its own Gospel by keeping the Law - salvation by works; its own communion table, 1 Cor 10:20-21; its own counterfeit spirituality, Gal 3:2-3; its own counterfeit maturity, Matt 23:1-35; and terrible self-righteousness and arrogance which Christ describes in terms of execration, Matt 19:16-28.

                        c. In religion, legalism is represented through man’s plans, talents, thoughts, and works, gaining the approbation of God.

                        d. Religious Jews as Judaizers persecuted Paul. They are condemned in Romans and Galatians.


D.  History of Anti-Semitism.

            1. A definite correlation exists between the rise and fall of nations and their attitude toward and their treatment of the Jew.

            2. Individuals, nations, and empires have been destroyed by anti- Semitism. Spain rose, then fell because of its persecution of the Jew. The same happened with England, France, Assyria, Persia, and Rome. Germany under Hitler’s anti-Semitism is a classic example. Client nations must be careful about their attitude toward the Jews.

            3. Individuals, nations, and empires have been blessed by their kind treatment of the Jews. Alexander the Great, Cyrus the Great, Caesar, England under Cromwell, Germany prior to and during World War I, and the United States under Franklin D. Roosevelt had a kind attitude toward the Jews, and the results are evident.

            4. The principle of anti-Semitism is stated outside the Bible, documented in the Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th edition, Volume 13, p.51, “It is a noteworthy fact of history that great conquerors like Alexander, Caesar, and Napoleon have always treated the Jew well. On the other hand, lesser men, endowed with narrower outlooks, have failed to recognize the Jew, and have sought to destroy him. But such methods are contrary to nature. And tyranny, whether toward the Jew or any other, has never secured permanent results. The same policy of religious unification, anti-Semitism, has characterized subsequent dynasties from the Assyrian to the Romanov. And the same fate has overtaken them. The Jews have survived their disappearance.”

            5. Anti-Semitism is first declared as a part of the Abrahamic covenant in Gen 12:1-3.

            6. It is prophesied in Gen 3:15. The source of the incarnation and Hypostatic Union is to be Israel.

                        a. The race began with Abraham, the nation with Moses.

                        b. The Messianic line descends from the tribe of Judah and the family of David. One reason why anti-Semitism is Satanically inspired is that it is designed to destroy Israel prior to the Cross. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob must be attacked, then Judah, and then David’s line, especially the two lines of Solomon and Nathan.

                        c. It is demonstrated throughout Old Testament history, restated in Zech 2:8.

            7. Anti-Semitism reaches its peak when Satan himself tries to destroy all Jews in the middle of the Tribulation, Rev 12. All forms of anti- Semitism are Satanic.


E.  The United States and Anti-Semitism.

            1. Under the Constitution of the United States of America, this nation has made religion, or the lack of it, solely a matter of the privacy and concern of the individual. The Constitution is the greatest document outside of the Bible for the protection of the Jews.

                        a. Freedom is based on the divine institution of human volition, the sacredness of property, life, and privacy. Government must be balanced in its protection of our basic freedoms. Freedom without authority is anarchy and authority without freedom is tyranny.

                        b. The Constitution not only protects the Jew as a race, but protects him with regard to his religion. Our Constitution protects the Jewish citizen against racial and religious persecution. Until recent trends of reversionism in this country, no race in the United States was ever an issue.

                        c. Citizens have rights, but these are not related to race or religion. Rights are simply just claims or lawful claims. You have a right to life. You have a just claim to be free. The federal government doesn’t give you life or freedom. God gave you life. The federal government has no right to interfere with your freedom or life, property, or prosperity. Government has no right to make you prosperous or give you property. In other words, your rights do not include a federal government providing them. Your right is not life, freedom or property, but a just and lawful claim to these things. In other words, you may acquire these. The welfare and socialistic concepts have eliminated “just” and put in “right."

                        d. We as citizens have inalienable rights, but that doesn’t mean the government provides these rights. The government’s job under the laws of divine establishment is to provide freedom; we do the rest. We either succeed or fail in attaining these rights. The government only provides the freedom to claim these rights. We are born with natural rights which cannot be taken away, but the government cannot guarantee these rights to everybody or anybody.

                        e. The government must not provide food, shelter, and clothing to everyone because to have these is their right. Because it is their right, the government must not provide them. We acquire these things under an atmosphere of freedom. If government takes the responsibility of providing these things for all people, then you no longer have freedom; you then have the greatest form of tyranny. In other words, we have the right to seek and acquire food, shelter, and clothing. But we do not have the right to compel the government or others to give us food, shelter, and clothing. Actually, freedom forbids the government, rather than enjoins the government, to interfere.

                        f. The rights specified in the first ten amendments to the Constitution are freedoms in the sense of opportunities, but they are not achievements.

                                    (1) For example, the first amendment gives people religious freedom but this doesn’t make them religious. The government cannot take sides for or against any religion. This amendment forbids government from interfering with anyone’s practicing of the religion of their choice; or if someone desires no religion, that is their right also.

                                    (2) In the second amendment, the government cannot interfere with the ownership of guns by the military or by individuals. You should be able to own anything as long as these guns are not abused.

                                    (3) Rights are negative. They specify opportunities which the government must not deny to you, or they specify that which the government must not tamper with, and therefore, is left open to people in the pursuit of their life pattern.

                                    (4) Therefore, rights are freedoms from interference, especially from the federal government. They state how government shall not interfere or tamper with opportunities to live, prosper, own property, or possess things.

                                    (5) Therefore, the issue in our Constitution and Bill of Rights is never racial or religious. Any Jew has the same inherent right as anyone else:  freedom to pursue inherent rights, called “just claims on life.” The government is to protect our freedom to pursue these just claims, but is not to interfere with that freedom nor is it to provide these claims. When the government provides socialism or welfare, this constitutes an interference.

                                    (6) Many citizens in this country are Jews by race and religion. The government is not to interfere with or persecute them because of race, religion or property.

            2. How to Evaluate a Jew.

                        a. You are to evaluate the Jew as an individual just like any other person.

                        b. As a believer, you are not to judge him. Apply the principle of the privacy of the priesthood.

                        c. As an American, apply your norms and standards of establishment and patriotism to the Jew as you would to any person.

                        d. As a nation in the Middle East, it depends on their foreign policy and whether or not they are anti-communist. Today, Israel is one of the strongest anti-communist nations in the world.

                        e. As an internationalist, any form of internationalism is apostate and evil. Marx and Engel were Jews, but this is not as important as the fact that they were communists.


F.  The Panorama of Anti-Semitism.

            1. Anti-Semitism in the past.

                        a. The story of Balaam.

                        b. The history of the Egyptian and Assyrian empire.

            2. Anti-Semitism in the present is on the rise.

            3. Anti-Semitism in the future will reach its peak in the Tribulation, Rev 12:1-9. Every Jew who believes in Jesus Christ has eternal life. The Jew’s future always depends upon his attitude toward Jesus Christ. One hundred and forty-four thousand (144,000) Jews will evangelize in the Tribulation. Jews in the Tribulation will survive Satan’s attempts to wipe them out. At the Second Advent they are regathered, and God’s unconditional covenants to them are fulfilled to regenerate Jews during the Millennium and forever.


G.  The Protocols of Zion.

            1. The document known as The Protocols of the London Elders of Zion is a fabricated historical document written by the Romanov Czar’s secret police in Paris prior to World War I.  It was part of the Czar’s anti- Semitic attack on the Jews of Russia.

            2. The document consists of twenty-four sections, each called a protocol. It professes to be the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave, convened in the last years of the nineteenth century. This was all forged material.

            3. After a famous trial in Switzerland in 1935, the judge wrote as part of his opinion, “I hope that one day there will come a time, when no one will any longer comprehend, how in this year, almost a dozen fully sensible and reasonable men could for fourteen days torment their brains before a court over the authenticity or lack of authenticity of these so- called protocols. These protocols, that for all the harm they have already caused and may yet cause, are nothing but ridiculous nonsense.”

            4. The Protocols became a major source of propaganda between 1965- 1967 in the Arab world. In 1967, the Soviet Union began an anti-Semitic campaign based on the main theme of the Protocols. The main theme being that the Jews are attempting to control the world through an international banking system, as well as the extension of Jewish monopolies to ore mining, oil production, chemical production, transportation, and publishing industries. In the 1970s, the Protocols were widely circulated through Central and South America.

            5. The finding of a United States Senate Judiciary Committee concluded, “Every age and country has had its share of fabricated historical documents which have been foisted on an unsuspecting public for some maligned purpose. In the United States, such forgeries pop up periodically in the underworld of subpolitics. One of the most notorious and most durable of these is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. According to the protocols, international communism is simply a manifestation of a world Jewish conspiracy that seeks to subjugate all non-Jewish peoples of the world. The real enemy, according to the Protocols, is not international communism, but international Jewry. The Protocols are one of a number of fraudulent documents that peddle the myth of an international Jewish conspiracy. ...Although the Protocols have been repeatedly and authentically exposed as a vicious hoax, they continue to be circulated by the unscrupulous and accepted by the unthinking.”


H.  Satanic anti-Semitism will occur after the resurrection of the Church, Rev 12:1-13:1.

            1. Rev 12:1-13:1, “And a great sign was seen in heaven: a woman [Israel] clothed with the sun [Jacob], and the moon [the wives of Jacob] under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars [the twelve sons of Jacob] on her head; furthermore she [the virgin Mary and the Jews of the Tribulation] was pregnant; furthermore she screamed, suffering from labor pains [anti- Semitism] and she [unbelieving Israel of the Tribulation] was tortured to give birth [the Second Advent]. Then another sign was seen in heaven: now behold, a great red dragon [Satan] who had [control of] seven heads and ten horns [the Revived Roman Empire], furthermore on his head are seven crowns [Satan’s dictator conquers three nations and the other seven submit to him]. And his [Satan’s] tail [power] dragged away a third of the stars [fallen angels] of heaven, then He threw them [fallen angels] down to the earth. Then the dragon stood in opposition to the woman [Mary] who was about to deliver a child, in order that when she gave birth he might devour her child [the humanity of Christ]. And she [Mary] gave birth to a son [Jesus Christ], a male child, who is about to rule all nations with a iron scepter authority plus integrity of Christ]; furthermore her son was caught up [resurrection] face to face with God [the Father] and before His throne. And so the woman [true Israel] fled to the desert where she has a place [of refuge] which has been prepared by God, in order that He may sustain her one thousand two hundred and sixty days. Now there was a battle in heaven [in the middle of the Tribulation], Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. Furthermore the dragon and his [fallen] angels fought back, nevertheless, he [Satan] would not win the battle, in fact, a place was no longer found for him in heaven. Then the great dragon, the ancient serpent who is called the devil and Satan, who keeps on deceiving the entire world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him. Then I heard a loud voice in heaven, which said, `Now the deliverance, also the power, even the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Christ have come, because the accuser of our brethren, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been thrown down. Furthermore they [believers] overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb [the saving work of Christ on the Cross] and because of their testimony [doctrine applied], in fact, they did not love their life to the point of death. For this reason, be celebrating, You heavens [elect angels] and you [Old Testament believers and Tribulational martyrs] who live in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down face to face with you, and he foams with fury, knowing that his time is short.’ Now when the dragon saw that he had been thrown down to the earth, he persecuted the woman [Israel] who gave birth to the male child [humanity of Christ]. Nevertheless, the two wings of the great eagle [spiritual greatness and divine protection] have been given to the woman, so that she might fly to the desert to her place of refuge, where she will be sustained for a time [one year] and times [two more years] and half a time [one half year], from the presence of the serpent. Then the serpent projected from his mouth water [the third demon army] like the rapids after the woman [Israel], in order that he [Satan] might cause her to be swept away by the rapids [rapid attack of the army]. Nevertheless the land mass helped the woman, in fact the land mass opened its mouth and swallowed the flood waters which the dragon poured out of his mouth. And then the dragon was enraged with the woman, consequently he went off to make war against the survivors of her posterity, those [believing Jews] who kept observing the mandates of God and kept on having a testimony regarding Jesus. And he [Satan] took his stand on the sand of the sea.”

            2. Verse 1:  “The woman seen in heaven” is Israel. She is clothed with the sun, a reference to Jacob. The moon is a reference to Jacob’s wives and the mothers of the patriarchs. The twelve stars are the twelve sons of Jacob.

            3. Verse 2:  Israel’s pregnancy is a reference to the holocaust pregnancy of unbelieving Jews in the Tribulation. The labor pains are anti- Semitism.

            4. Verse 5:  The child is our Lord Jesus Christ.

            5. Verse 13:  Satan, the dragon, persecutes the woman, Israel, with the greatest holocaust of all times.

            6. Verse 14:  But God protects her in Edom, Moab, and Ammon for three and one half years. __________________________________________________________________________