Spiritual Dynamics 64-79, 385 4/7/94




A.  Introduction.

            1. Awareness denotes the status of being mentally alert from heightened perception of doctrine, resulting in the motivation to learn and to use the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God for the Church. In eternity past, God has provided the perfect solution to every problem in life. We have a choice between God’s solutions or man’s solutions. Man’s solutions end up in disaster.

            2. Awareness is both motivation to learn followed by persistent perception of doctrine. This includes motivation to learn the problem solving devices, including the perceptive power to utilize these problem solving devices as circumstances dictate.

            3. Awareness connotes a wide knowledge, accurate interpretive ability, and vigilant application. This interpretive ability belongs to you as a believer as you accumulate metabolized doctrine in your own stream of consciousness.

            4. Awareness may be added to the thinking skills of the spiritual life. Thinking skills include:

                        a. Comprehension—the capacity of the human mind to function under spiritual I.Q. to enter perception, cognition, and metabolization of Bible doctrine in your stream of consciousness. Human I.Q. is not a factor in the cognition of doctrine. The filling of the Holy Spirit makes us all equal in the ability to comprehend doctrine.

                        b. Memory—the mental capacity to retain in the stream of consciousness and recall metabolized doctrine anything for a specific circumstance of life. As the number of doctrinal memories increase, the number of divine viewpoint thoughts also increase, resulting in the formation of doctrinal rationales to be applied to experience through the function of the faith-rest drill. The rate of learning must exceed the rate of forgetting.

                        c. Problem solving—the utilization of the ten problem solving devices in the soul. All problem solving devices are manufactured out of epignosis doctrine in the stream of consciousness. The problem solving devices are the only accurate and legitimate system of application of metabolized doctrine to postsalvation experience, including establishment values. The problem solving devices are a grace gift from God which replace human viewpoint solutions, psychology, and defense mechanisms.

                        d. Decision making—the power and ability to understand the issues of life, to classify the solution or course of action, and to make the right decision to do the will of God as revealed in the word of God. Continuous negative decisions can go beyond the point of no return. We must understand the facts related to Bible doctrine before we can exercise our volition to make good decisions from a position of strength.

                        e. Creativity—the function of divine viewpoint from independent thinking and accurate originality of thought related to spiritual values. Creative thinking always includes spiritual values found in the word of God. Creative thinking is recovery of truth and brings full awareness. Creative thinkers arouse the jealousy of pseudo-thinkers. Creativity is the means of pastors rediscovering biblical truths such as dispensations, spiritual skills, precedence for the spiritual life from the humanity of Christ in the dispensation of the hypostatic union, the origin of human life at birth. We have equality in the recovery of these doctrines and the powerful presentation of such truth in spite of all opposition.

                        f. Awareness—extensive knowledge of doctrine, interpretive ability from the wisdom compartment of the stream of consciousness, resulting in accurate application to every circumstance in life. Sensitivity involves arrogance, while awareness is the application of metabolized doctrine through the problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.     Awareness is having knowledge in the stream of consciousness, being informed, alert, and knowledgeable about others, situations, and circumstances.      Out of true awareness comes wisdom. There is no wisdom in life without the thinking skill of awareness developed through the problem solving devices. Awareness wades through all the pressures and opposition to Bible doctrine with a concentration, a self- motivation, and accurate spiritual values to continue advancing toward the objective of spiritual maturity and glorification of God. Awareness avoids all of the arrogance traps, such as pseudo-compassion.


B.  Awareness is the motivator for the fulfillment of the four dimensions found in Eph 3:18

            1. Eph 3:18, “That you may utilize the power to grasp the idea with all the saints what is the width and length and height and depth.”

                        a. Grasping the idea means having something to think. God has provided in one book all the doctrine you will ever need. Everything that is important with regard to mental attitude and thinking is found in the Scripture. If you are a student of the Word, you are a thinker. The dynamics of life are found in thought.

                        b. For believers, there is no substitute for grasping the idea, when it comes to Bible doctrine. You do not need a high human I.Q.; you must have your spiritual I.Q. Once you have metabolized doctrine and have it circulating in the stream of consciousness, the next thing is to direct it toward the four dimensions of doctrine.

            2. There are four nouns joined by the Greek conjunction KAI but only have one definite article at the beginning. If each noun had a definite article, then they would each refer to different things. But since they have only one article, they refer to the same thing. This is the Granville Sharp (an English scholar) rule of interpretation of the use of the Greek article with nouns connected by the conjunction KAI.

                        a. The four dimensions are all talking about the same thing. They refer to God’s plan, will, and purpose for every Church Age believer.

                        b. The four dimensions emphasize the fact that God has provided the means of tactical victory for every believer becoming a winner, an invisible hero, following the precedence of the humanity of Christ in the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union. For example, our Lord did not sin while bearing our sins. His problem solving devices prevented outside pressure from breaking into His soul. He handled every distraction to the spiritual life. Our precedence is not taken from the dispensation of Israel, from the Mosaic Law. Never has so much been given to any group of believers.

            3. The Dimensions of Perception.

                        a. The word width (PLATOS) refers to the function of the defense line of your soul, made up of the ten problem solving devices which are designed to prevent the outside pressures of life from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Width are the ten problem solving devices preventing the outside pressures of life from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Your soul must have a defense line against the following categories.

                                    (1) Historical disaster—national trauma such as economic depression, tyranny of government, destruction of freedom, the tyranny of crime, gang rule, riots, racial prejudice, uncontrolled violence.

                                    (2) Criminal disaster—murder, rape, torture, robbery, extortion, terrorism, child abuse.

                                    (3) Victims of vituperation—gossip, slander, maligning, judging, a public lie, vilification, rejection, revenge.

                                    (4) The death of those we love.

                                    (5) Loss of health, disease, pain, suffering, terminal illness.

                                    (6) Suffering related to deprivation, economic disaster, warfare, and revolution.

                                    (7) Weather disasters.

                                    (8) Rejection, a victim of unfair treatment, prejudice, a victim of discrimination, oppression, violence, abuse, injustice, passed over for promotion.

                        b. The word length (MEKOS) refers to metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of your stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit. Length is Bible doctrine, the means of forming the problem solving devices, in the stream of consciousness.

                                    (1) Scripture.

                                                (a) 1 Pet 3:15, “But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, always {being} ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence.” You set apart Christ in your heart by the circulating of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness until you come to the point of occupation with Christ as the ultimate happiness and solution to problems in life.

                                                (b) Prov 27:19, “As water reflects a face, so a person’s heart reflects the person.” What you really are is what goes on in your stream of consciousness. The way you act is nothing more than a reflection of what goes on in your stream of consciousness.

                                                © Heb 4:12 says that the Bible is a judge of our thoughts and the ideas of our heart. “For the word of God is alive and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit, of the joints and marrow, and is a judge of the thoughts and ideas of the heart.”

                                                (d) Prov 18:15, “The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, And the ears of the wise seek it out.”

                                                (e) 1 Sam 16:7, “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, because I have rejected him; for the Lord does not look on what man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

                                                (f) Prov 18:12, “Before a downfall a person is arrogant, but humility comes before honor.”

                                                (g) Heb 3:12, “Beware, brethren, take heed, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief [negative volition to doctrine], in falling away from the living God.”

                                                (h) Jam 3:14, “But if you have bitter jealousy and strife in your heart, do not be arrogant and lie against the truth.”

                                                (i) Eph 4:18, “They have darkened their way of thinking [blackout of the soul] and they have been alienated from the life of God [lack of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, reversionism] because of the ignorance which is in them because of scar tissue in their hearts.”

                                    (2) The seven compartments of the heart. Fellowship with God means all of these seven compartments of the stream of consciousness must be operational.

                                                (a) The frame of reference is the conceptual structure of the soul’s right lobe to which doctrines, principles, and categories of Scripture are related. It is the location of the area of retention for metabolized doctrine once you first believe it. It is the location for all concepts related to the mystery doctrine of the Church Age. It computerizes metabolized doctrine, sorts out all the various categories and usages. It sends doctrine to all other compartments of the right lobe. It is the location for the ten problem solving devices. 1 Cor 2:9 describes this compartment, “Things which the eye has not seen, nor the ear has heard, and have not entered into the heart of mankind, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.”

                                                (b) The memory center is the sphere of recall of Bible doctrine. Recall is necessary for: application of doctrine to experience, worship, training Christian reflexes for the function of spiritual self- esteem as well as spiritual autonomy, the function of the ten problem solving devices on the defense line of your soul.

                                                    i. Lam 3:20-21, “Surely my soul remembers and is humbled within me. This [Bible doctrine] I recall to my mind, therefore I have confidence.”

                                                    ii. Ps 119:6, “I delight in doctrine, I will not forget Your word.”

                                                    iii. Ps 119: 109, “My life is in constant danger, but I do not forget your doctrines.”

                                                © Vocabulary Storage. After salvation, the new believer must learn a new vocabulary—typical theological words, like you learned a new vocabulary in sports, in mathematics, in chemistry, in psychology, etc. Everything has a technical vocabulary. Jer 15:16, “Your words were discovered and I ate them, and Your words became for me the joy and the delight of my heart.” Deut 8:3, “And He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your ancestors know, that He might cause you to understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

                                                (d) Categorical Storage. This coordinates with the frame of reference to classify Bible doctrine. Vocabulary and categorical storage are essential to spiritual growth, spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, spiritual maturity, and the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church. Categorical storage is essential and the interpretation of Scripture is noted by such categories as: dispensations, the two advents of Christ, salvation by faith alone in Christ alone, the portfolio of invisible assets, logistical grace, election, foreordination.

                                                   i. You think with categories and principles. Without this, there is tremendous loss of capacity for life. People are very limited in what they think and in their enthusiasms. Their enthusiasms are really based on stimulation rather than on the thinking skills. Therefore, the souls of most people shut down. People have no creativity to put different categories together. This overflows into the Christian way of life.

                                                    ii. By comparing Scripture with Scripture, certain subjects are brought together in the divisions of doctrine, formed for the purpose of classification and utilization.

                                                   iii. When there is nothing in your stream of consciousness, you become totally involved with yourself; you are wrapped up in yourself. Therefore, all entertainment goes to stimulation.

                                                   iv. Prov 2:2, “Make your ear to concentrate on wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding.” Prov 2:10, “For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge of doctrine will be pleasant to your soul.” Prov 18:15, “The heart of the wise acquires knowledge.”

                                                (e) The Conscience. Conscience develops categories of what is right and wrong, so that you always have options. You are never in control of your life unless you have options. We paint ourselves into corners where we have no options. We build a conscience from Bible doctrine in our souls. The more we know about Bible doctrine, the more we know what is right and wrong and the greater become our options. By rejecting what is wrong, we increase our options while we are increasing doctrine in our souls.       The norms and standards of doctrine are the basis for all good decisions. All good decisions are what the Bible says are right. All wrong decisions are bad decisions and create most of our problems. However, not all wrong decisions are sinful. Guilt is wrong and sinful. The Bible never tells you to be guilty. It demands you take responsibility for your bad decisions. You learn from your conscience that there is wrong motivation and wrong procedure. As you develop categories, your conscience will develop procedures.

                                                (f) The Momentum Department. This is the sphere of spiritual growth from metabolized doctrine circulating in all seven compartments of the stream of consciousness. This is the sphere of spiritual energy from metabolized doctrine. Spiritual energy or power is a result of the two powers given to us by God—the power of God the Holy Spirit and the power of Bible doctrine. There are two categories of spiritual growth.

         i.  Normal spiritual growth, which comes from consistent inculcation, cognition, and metabolization of Bible doctrine.                                                            ii. Accelerated spiritual growth from various categories of testing. God never permits you to be tested beyond your capacity. This is where the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God must be used. Occupation with Christ is where problem solving devices and spiritual growth come together.

                                                (g) The Wisdom Department. Wisdom is always related to metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness. Wisdom is knowledge of the ten problem solving devices.

                                                            i. 1 Cor 1:30, “But you are from Him in Christ who became to us wisdom from God both righteousness and sanctification and redemption.”

                                                            ii. 1 Cor 2:7-10, “But we communicate God’s wisdom in a mystery, which has been hidden, which God predestined before the ages for the purpose of our glory. Divine wisdom which none of the rulers of this age have understood; for if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But just as it stands written, `Things which the eye has not seen and the ear has not heard and which has not entered into the heart of mankind all that God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them by the agency of the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the deep doctrines from the source of God.”

                                                           iii. Eph 1:8, “From which (riches of grace) He has made us more than rich by means of all wisdom and a way of thinking.” Wisdom is a way of thinking. This means that the seventh compartment in the stream of consciousness is a launching pad from your soul to your life. This is your application of doctrine.

                                                           iv. Eph 1:17, “In order that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a lifestyle of wisdom and revelation by means of epignosis about God.”

                                                            v. Col 1:9, “We do not cease to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the epignosis knowledge of His will in all wisdom.” Knowing the will of God is an application of doctrine. Doing the will of God is an application of doctrine.

                        c. The Greek word HUPOS, meaning height, refers to the execution of the protocol plan of God, becoming an invisible hero and having an impact on those around you, the conveyance of escrow blessings for time and eternity, and glorifying God in the historical phase of the prehistoric angelic conflict.

                                    (1) God has provided solutions in the problem solving devices for all the injustice and unfair treatment in your life. It is reaction to injustice that produces arrogance, the emotional complex of sins, the lust pattern of the sin nature, such as malice, revenge, and vilification. Our Lord never reacted to any injustice against Him because He used the problem solving devices provided for Him from the metabolized doctrine circulating in His stream of consciousness. In spite of the injustice against Him, our Lord had perfect happiness through every adversity that life has to offer, Rom 12:2, “Who for the joy that was set before Him, He endured the Cross, despising the shame and is seated at the right hand of the Father.” He passed this heritage on to us as members of His Church. Therefore, all of God’s solutions are perfect solutions.

                                    (2) Height also refers to our invisible impact as believers.

                                                (a) Personal impact, which is blessing by association to those with whom you are associated.

                                                (b) Historical impact, which is blessing by association to the client nation. The size of the pivot of mature believers in the client nation is the basis for blessing by association to that client nation. As goes the believer in the client nation, so goes the nation.

                                                © International impact, which is blessing by association to a non-client nation through a limited number of missionaries who have attained spiritual maturity through the execution of God’s will, plan, and purpose for the Church. His impact must be spiritual not temporal, political, or a part of social activism, nor attempt to change the culture of that people.

                                                (d) Angelic impact, which means the invisible hero becomes a witness for the Prosecution in the rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial, which is human history. This is accomplished through two factors: the execution of the protocol plan of God or the attainment of spiritual maturity and passing evidence testing through the function of the ten problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.

                                                (e) Heritage impact, which is blessing by association with the mature believer or invisible hero after his or her death. When the believer executes the protocol plan and is called home, those left behind are blessed by association with that mature believer. This also explains why the wicked prosper.

                                    (3) Height emphasizes the conveyance of our escrow blessings for time and eternity. In time, we attain our escrow blessings at the point of reaching spiritual maturity. In eternity, the escrow blessings are conveyed to the winner in time.

                                                (a) In eternity past, God the Father deposited in escrow greater blessings for you. God provided for you in eternity past for every problem in life and has provided greater blessings than ever before for any Old Testament believer.

                                                (b) The blessings comes from the justice of God as a matter of grace to the righteousness of God which indwells us. We do nothing to earn or deserve these blessings. We are saved by grace, sustained by grace, live by grace, and are blessed by grace.

                                                © These blessings are far superior to logistical grace blessings which sustain are normal daily life. These blessings are exceedingly abundantly above all we could ask or be imagining.

                                                (d) The sealed agreement of God the Father as the grantor is found in Eph 1:3, “Worth of praise and glorification is the God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” All the blessings remain on deposit in the custody of our Lord Jesus Christ and are held by Him pending performance of the condition in time during our postsalvation experience (the execution of the protocol plan of God through maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness). The conditions required by God the Father require that the believer utilize his spiritual life to execute the protocol plan for the Church.

                                                (e) There will be a fantastic difference in heaven between spiritual winners and spiritual losers. The Church Age believer who fails to execute the protocol plan of God loses both the escrow blessings for time and the escrow blessings for the eternal state. These blessings remain on deposit for eternity in heaven as a memorial to lost opportunity.

                        d. The word depth (BATHOS) refers to our very own portfolio of invisible assets, the means of executing the protocol plan of God, which God prepared for you in eternity past. Depth is God capitalizing you in eternity past so you can glorify Him. Depth is defined in Rom 11:33, 36, “Oh, the depth of the riches of both the wisdom and knowledge of God! How inscrutable are His decrees and His ways past finding out! ...For all things are from the source of Him and through the agency of Him and because of Him and the glory belongs to Him forever. Amen.”

                                    (1) The word “riches” (PLOUTOS) is associated many different kinds of blessings in life. It describes the assets that belong to our portfolio, what we can invest in life to glorify God. There is biblical documentation for our portfolio.

                                                (a) Eph 1:6-7, “To the praise of the glory of His grace, which grace He freely bestowed on us in the Beloved [Jesus Christ], on the basis of the riches of His grace.”

                                                (b) Rom 9:23, “And {He did so} in order that He might make known the riches of His glory to vessels of mercy, which He [God the Father] has prepared beforehand for glory.”

                                                © Eph 3:8, “To me, the very least of all saints, this grace has been given, to preach to the Gentiles the inscrutable riches of Christ.”                                                     (d) Eph 3:16, “that He may give you for your benefit, on the basis of the riches in glory, to become strong by means of power through His Spirit in the inner man.”

                                                (e) Eph 1:17-18, “I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you a lifestyle of wisdom and revelation concerning Him through metabolized doctrine. I also pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches [the portfolio of invisible assets] of the glory of His inheritance for the saints.”

                                                (f) Eph 2:7, “That in ages to come, He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in generosity toward us in Christ Jesus.”                                                                                    (g) Phil 4:19, “And my God will supply all your needs on the basis of the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.”

                                                (h) Col 2:2, “that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining all the riches of full assurance of understanding, resulting in metabolized doctrine [epignosis] of the mystery of God, that is, Christ Himself.”

                                    (2) Everything in life is borrowed except for what God provided for you in eternity past in your portfolio of invisible assets. Every moment you are learning doctrine under the filling of the Spirit and when this doctrine is circulating in the stream of consciousness of your right lobe of the soul by the filling of the Spirit this becomes time that is not borrowed. You are living on borrowed time every time that you are not utilizing, learning, or not making Bible doctrine number one priority in the life. Time logged under control of the sin nature is borrowed time from Satan, the ruler of this world.

                                    (3) There are four great categories found in your portfolio. In each of these categories, there is a tremendous capital investment on the part of God. You are a partner with God. In this study, we will look at three out of the four categories.

                                                (a) Category one is the spiritual life of every believer. God gave to you your very own spiritual life.

                                                   i. There are four parts to this spiritual life: the function of the spiritual life itself through the filling of the Spirit and perception of doctrine, the spiritual gifts that accompany the spiritual life, the function of the spiritual life or spiritual dynamics of the filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. Your spiritual life is not to emulate someone you admire or put someone else on a pedestal and admire them. We are to be occupied with the Lord, not with people.

                                                    ii.   Our spiritual life is described in 2 Cor 4:18, “while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.” Compare 1 Tim 3:9, “With a pure conscience, keep holding the mystery of doctrine.” Eph 1:8-9, “from which [riches of grace] He has made us extremely rich by means of all wisdom and insight, when He revealed to us the mystery of His will, on the basis of His gracious intention which He Himself [God the Father] purposed in Him [Christ].”

                                                   iii. The enemy of the spiritual life is false teaching and ignorance of the truth, 1 Tim 6:3-4, “If anyone teaches a different doctrine, and does not concur with sound doctrines, those of our Lord Jesus Christ, even the doctrine pertaining to the spiritual life, he is arrogant, understanding nothing, having morbid obession about controversies, and verbal conflicts from which originate jealousy, discord, evil speculations.”

                                                    iv. Also a part of this category is your spiritual gift. When the spiritual life is operational, spiritual gifts function. To provide spiritual expression for the spiritual life God the Holy Spirit sovereignly provides each believer with his very own spiritual gift. This occurred the moment we believed in Jesus Christ. Temporary spiritual gifts were used until the canon of Scripture was completed. These gifts included the gift of apostleship, prophesy, miracles, healing, tongues, interpretation of tongues, knowledge, wisdom, exhortation, and faith. Permanent gifts include pastor-teacher, evangelist, helps, administrative leadership, service or ministry, showing mercy, giving.

                                                (b) Category two of your portfolio has to do with everything necessary it form your spiritual I.Q.. This category includes the perservation and provision of the Scripture, the inspiration of Scripture, the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, your royal priesthood, and the skills of the spiritual life, which include: spiritual skills, thinking skills, and production skills. Thinking skills must always precede production skills.

                                                   i. There are four spiritual skills: the filling of the Holy Spirit, metabolized Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness, the ten problem solving devices, the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                                                   ii. There are six thinking skills: comprehension, memory, problem solving, decision making, creativity, and awareness. Spiritual skills are developed as a result of being born again; thinking skills are related to human birth. Spiritual skills plus thinking skills equal the production of divine good in the life of the believer. Thinking skills are transferred to spiritual I.Q. at the moment you start to develop Bible doctrine in your stream of consciousness. When the spiritual skills are in place, the thinking skills are brought into the spiritual I.Q. See the Doctrine of Spiritual I.Q.  Spiritual skills must precede thinking skills for the metabolization of Bible doctrine. Spiritual skills plus thinking skills are the origin of the ten problem solving devices and the utilization of our portfolio of invisible assets, the basis for spiritual dynamics, and equal the production of divine good in the Christian life.

                                                   iii. Production skills are the result of spiritual skills plus thinking skills.

                                                            (i) As of the moment of salvation, every believer is in full time Christian service.

                                                            (ii) There are two general categories of production: divine good and human good (which is dead works and evil).                                                                                        (iii) Execution of the protocol plan of God through metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness is the basis for the performance of divine good. The performance of divine good results in three things:  spiritual self-esteem (which is cognitive self-confidence) plus spiritual autonomy (which is cognitive independence) plus spiritual maturity (which is cognitive invincibility) produces maximum divine good.

                                                            (iv) All production is based on spiritual and thinking skills. Hence, spiritual skills plus thinking skills equal the production of divine good. Any time you wipe out spiritual skills, you destroy the proper function of thinking skills in the soul, so that human good is produced. Production skills minus spiritual and thinking skills equal the production of human good and evil. There is no legitimate production unless metabolized doctrine is first in place. Knowledge comes before action. You do not need action until you know what you are doing. Otherwise, you only produce human good, dead works.                                                                (v) There are five categories of Christian service: production related to your spiritual gift (pastor, evangelism, administrative leadership, ministry, helps, showing mercy), production related to your royal priesthood (prayer, giving, execution of the protocol plan of God), production related to your royal ambassadorship (witnessing, missionary and administrative functions in Christian organizations), production related to invisible impact of the invisible hero (blessing by association), production related to the laws of divine establishment.

                                                             (vi) Eph 2:10, “We are His creation, having been created in union with Christ Jesus, for the production of [divine] good, which God has prepared in advance, that we should walk [execute, fulfill] by means of them.”

                                                             (vii) Salvation through faith in Christ is the foundation on which the believer produces divine good, 1 Cor 3:11-15, “For no person can lay a foundation other than the one which has been laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any believer builds upon the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each person’s work will become evident; for the day [of Christ] will show it, because it will be revealed by fire; in fact, the fire itself will test the quality of each person’s production. If any person’s work which he has built upon it remains, he shall receive a reward [escrow blessings for eternity]. If any believer’s work which he has built on it is burned up, he shall suffer loss [of escrow blessings for eternity]; but he himself shall be saved, yet so as through fire.”

     © Category three of your portfolio is your escrow blessings for time and eternity. Escrow blessings are infinitely superior to all other categories of divine blessings for both time and eternity. There are no set of circumstances that can hinder the conveyence of your escrow blessings in time. Escrow blessings is a metaphor designed to explain the ultimate blessings available to every Christian in time and eternity. See the Doctrine of Escrow Blessings.



© 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
