Spir Dynamics 1459-65 2/18/99; 160-163, 238-239




A.  Introduction.

            1. Capacity righteousness is given to every believer at the moment of salvation through faith alone in Christ alone, even though it is not developed. Capacity righteousness is developed from the imputation of divine righteousness.

                        a. Capacity righteousness is developed through the filling of the Spirit. You are given a spiritual I.Q. to understand Bible doctrine. The function of understanding Bible doctrine is Operation Z.  From Operation Z comes spiritual momentum.

                        b. The crown of righteousness and the crown of life actually go together. If you have one you will have the other.

                        c. Having capacity righteousness means you have a fantastic system of love. This system of true love depends on true righteousness, which is not legalism. Legalism is the great enemy of true righteousness and true love. Legalism is arrogance and has no capacity for love.

                        d. Impersonal love for all mankind is the quintessence of human righteousness—DIKAIOSUNE.

                        e. Love does not come from emotion; it comes from thinking; it comes from righteousness. The greatness of love is the greatness of righteousness. Therefore, capacity righteousness comes before love.

                        f. Capacity righteousness is the stability of a nation. It is basis for the pivot of mature believers and the blessing of God on a nation and the blessing of God on a nation without a pivot because of PLEROMA believers.

            2. As one of thirty-nine irrevocable absolutes positional righteousness is the imputed righteousness of God as the basis for justification as a part of positional sanctification. Positional sanctification guarantees that no believer can sin in the sphere of positional righteousness. But we can sin in experiential sanctification.

                        a. Respect is a part of capacity righteousness.

                        b. Capacity righteousness in the woman gives her the ability to respect and obey her husband.

                        c. The doctrine of capacity righteousness is the key to understanding the crown of righteousness, because the spiritual life capacity righteousness is part of experiential sanctification.

            3. The spiritual life capacity righteousness is part of experential sanctification.

                        a. Capacity righteousness is located in the filling of the Spirit.

                        b. Capacity righteousness is located in metabolized doctrine as epignosis circulating in the stream of consciousness.

                        c. Capacity righteousness is located in the ten problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

                        d. Capacity righteousness is located in the volitional alternative of the believer to rebound when he fails, so that the the grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit is short-lived.

            4. Capacity righteousness for the eternal state is given to the loser believer in resurrection body, so that he can enjoy forever the ultimate sanctification of the eternal state. He will not have the crown of righteousness, but will still be given capacity to use his resurrection body and enjoy the eternal state. Capacity righteousness is given to the winner believer and the invisible hero in PLEROMA status quo at the evaluation throne of Christ. In his resurrection body the winner believer has capacity to enjoy eternal rewards of his inheritance above and beyond the capacity righteousness of the loser believer. This explains the highest decoration of the winner believer—the crown of righteousness.

            5. Capacity righteousness for experiential sanctification is related to the rebuttal phase of Satan’s appeal trial. The testing ground in the Church Age is directly related to the prototype spiritual life.

            6. Capacity righteousness is always fair, objective, tolerant of others, does not ridicule others.

            7. Capacity righteousness is not visible to others, but is the righteousness in your soul. It is a grace righteousness from grace orientation and doctrinal orientation.

            8. Capacity righteousness is manifest in compassion for others from impersonal love for others. It does not care who is right and who is wrong in an argument. It cares about who is filled with the Spirit and living the spiritual life.

            9. When capacity righteousness, the spiritual life, and doctrine all fall into place, then true virtue-love is formed in the soul.

                        a. Capacity righteousness resulted in the love that sustained our Lord on the Cross.

                        b. Capacity righteousness is the capacity for true love in the soul. Our spiritual life must have a love based on a righteousness that has capacity from the word of God.

                        c. True love is always the result of true righteousness in the soul. All capacity for true love is soul capacity righteousness, not legalism. Legalism is the enemy of love. No one has love who is legalistic.

10. There is no true happiness in life without capacity for that happiness, and the capacity for that happiness comes from some form of a God-given righteousness or a God-given righteousness in the sense of a potentiality using one’s own volition.

            11. Capacity righteousness is that righteousness provided by God which gives the Church Age believer great capacity for blessing. Rom 3:22, “Even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe.” God never blesses an individual or a nation beyond their capacity.

           12. Capacity is defined as the ability to receive and to retain. Capacity is the amount that can be contained. Mental capacity is the power for receiving knowledge. Capacity is used for the potential to do something. Capacity connotes both aptitude and capability.

           13. Capacity righteousness is the key to true happiness in life. God does not bless us beyond our capacity for blessing. True happiness in life has to do with perfect soul environment. True happiness is that perfect environment of the mental state that comes from a life of integrity and honor and justice, which are all a part of capacity righteousness. Capacity righteousness is the God-given capability for divine blessing and the doctrinal aptitude to appreciate blessing from God and translate it into perfect soul happiness. Many unbelievers have found capacity for happiness through their integrity as well.

          14. Capacity righteousness relates to three spiritual skills of the protocol plan of God.

                        a. For the believer in Jesus Christ God has provided three spiritual skills for the fulfillment of our spiritual life. The three spiritual skills are the filling of the Holy Spirit, the metabolization of doctrine, the execution of the protocol plan of God through the use of the problem solving devices.

                        b. A spiritual birth demands a spiritual life. Therefore, during our postsalvation experience we have the option to accept or reject Bible doctrine. Positive volition results in our spiritual life.

                        c. Capacity is the power of receiving knowledge of Bible doctrine. The first two spiritual skills are the basis for receiving knowledge of Bible doctrine. The filling of the Holy Spirit takes human I.Q. and turns it into spiritual I.Q., which is equal among all believers. When the teaching of doctrine is added to the filling of the Spirit and believes the doctrine that is taught, there is cognition of doctrine which produces capacity righteousness. Out of metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is extrapolated ten problem solving devices, which are the basis for developing capacity righteousness for happiness. Your circumstances do not cause unhappiness, but lack of the proper information in the soul.

                        d. Every believer has the right and privacy to make those decisions which will produce in his or her soul capacity righteousness, which results in sharing the perfect happiness of God.

         15. Capacity righteousness is never a system of legalism. It is never a system of human self-righteousness related to activism or social engineering or production of human good, dead works, or evil. Therefore, human self-righteousness must never be confused with capacity righteousness; for human self-righteousness has an arrogance factor which results in the function of the arrogance skills in life. The arrogance skills are self- justification, self-deception, and self-absorption.

         16. Capacity is your qualification from the spiritual skills to enjoy what God has given you—divine blessing. This capacity is related to three categories of capacity righteousness which God has given to the believer.

                        a. There are two righteousnesses given to the believer at the moment of salvation. This is direct divine initiative of grace blessing from God. The direct divine initiative of grace all depends on God and is given totally apart from any merit on our part. You can do nothing to lose it, just as you did nothing to gain it.

                                    (1) Imputed righteousness. At the moment of salvation, God the Father imputed to us His very own righteousness.

                                    (2) Positional righteousness. Positional righteousness comes from positional sanctification. It is God the Holy Spirit entering us into union with the person of Christ. We share the righteousness of Christ. We have a double righteousness and a double eternal life.

                        b. There is also a capacity righteousness which is potential after salvation. It is based on the utilization of our spiritual skills. This is an experiential righteousness which is developed from the execution of the protocol plan of God.

                        c. At the moment of resurrection there is a capacity righteousness given to the believer which provides the perfect capacity for living in the presence of God forever and ever in perfect happiness, 2 Pet 3:13, “But on the basis of His promise we are looking forward with confidence to a new heavens and a new earth in which perfect righteousness lives.”

     17. There are two categories of capacity righteousness.

                        a. Direct capacity righteousness is given by the sovereignty of God to every believer totally apart from human volition, therefore, totally apart from any merit of any kind or human consent.

                        b. Indirect capacity righteousness requires the believer’s consistent positive volition toward the spiritual skills. This is God’s grace gift of divine power to execute the protocol plan of God.

                                    (1) All divine mandates given to the believer during the Church Age can only be executed through the divine power of God the Holy Spirit and the divine power of the infallible word of God. The filling of the Holy Spirit and metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness are the two power options of the spiritual life. While the combination of these two power options results in the formation and deployment of the problem solving devices, this must be a consistent function and must be reinforced through the whole realm of doctrine being transferred from the pages of the word of God to your soul.

                                    (2) Capacity righteousness is available in time through the divine initiative of antecedent grace.


B.  Capacity Righteousness at the Moment of Salvation.

            1. At the moment of faith in Christ we are given two categories of capacity righteousness which set us apart to God as a part of positional sanctification.

            2. The first category righteousness at salvation is the imputed righteousness of God the Father.

                        a. God the Father’s imputed righteousness provides three divine blessings.

                                    (1) Justification, Rom 5:1, “Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

                                    (2) We are the beneficiaries of God’s personal love, 1 Jn 4:10-11.

                                    (3) We are the beneficiaries of logistical grace blessings, 2 Cor 9:8. God imputes His righteousness to us so that God may give blessing to us without compromise of His divine essence and so that we may have the capacity to enjoy those blessings. God blesses us because of who and what He is, not who and what we are or what we do. All believers, both winners and losers, are given logistical grace blessings.

                        b. If you are going to live with God forever, you must have an equivalent righteousness to God. God does not accept any human equivalent. Every believer, at the moment of salvation, receives God the Father’s very own perfect righteousness imputed to him.

                        c. Blessing comes through the imputed righteousness of God the Father. Protection for the believer comes through positional righteousness, being in union with Christ. Our wall of fire protection comes from the righteousness of Christ.

                        d. God the Father’s perfect righteousness dwells in every believer through imputation. God the Son’s perfect righteousness dwells in every believer through positional sanctification. We receive two righteousnesses at the moment of salvation.

                        e. The first righteousness provides logistical grace support and logistical grace blessing. The second righteousness provides a wall of fire around us for protection. Both righteousnesses are a source of blessing.

                        f. Possession of God the Father’s imputed righteousness is the basis for both grace blessing and life support necessary for equal opportunity to fulfill the protocol plan of God for the Church. We do not do anything for blessing and support from God, just as we did nothing for our salvation.

                        g. Divine righteousness is one half of divine integrity (holiness). The other half is divine justice.

                                    (1) The righteousness and justice of God work in tandem.

                                    (2) The righteousness of God is the principle of divine holiness. The justice of God is the function of divine holiness. Justice does the giving. Righteousness receives, because it is the capacity for everything that comes down the grace pipeline from the justice of God to the indwelling righteousness of God. There is a grace pipeline between the justice and righteousness of God. By having the imputed righteousness of God, we have the capacity for divine support daily.

                                    (3) The justice of God the Father administers what the righteousness of God the Father demands. This is how God avoids compromising His integrity. All capacity for blessing is related to the imputed righteousness of God, not human righteousness. God is fair; He never blesses us beyond our capacity. The only reason we are alive is because of logistical grace.

                                    (4) The justice of God administers divine support and blessing to every believer because all believers possess the perfect righteousness of the Father.

                                    (5) What the righteousness of God demands, the justice of God blesses. Capacity is always measured in terms of righteousness. Without capacity there is no blessing in life. What the righteousness of God condemns, the justice of God punishes.

                                    (6) The basis for logistical grace support and blessing to every believer, both winner and loser, is a capacity righteousness. Rom 3:20ff, “Not by the works of the Law, because by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law is the knowledge of sin. But now, apart from the Law, the righteousness of God has been manifested, being communicated by the Law and the Prophets [Old Testament Scriptures], even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those who believe. ...for the demonstration of His righteousness at the present time that He might be just [in giving us His righteousness] and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus. Where then is boasting [the arrogance skills]? They are excluded. By what kind of principle? Of works? But by the principle of faith.”

                        h. Justification results in logistical grace blessing from God because God has found a way to bless us without compromise of His essence.

            3. The second category is the positional righteousness of God the Son.

                        a. At the moment of salvation we are given another capacity righteousness, 2 Cor 5:21. This is positional righteousness of God the Son. By union with Christ we share the righteousness of Christ. “He [God the Father] made Him [God the Son] who did not know sin to be sin as a substitute for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

                        b. At salvation the Church Age believe comes to possess two categories of righteousness; both are related to a blessing. The first is the imputed righteousness of God the Father. The second is the positional righteousness of God the Son. The imputed righteousness of God the Father provides three categories of blessing at salvation. The positional righteousness of God the Son provides a special category of divine blessing. Being in union with Christ we share the blessing of divine protection in the Devil’s world. This is divine protection to fulfill our personal sense of destiny. We are kept alive by logistical grace so we can attain a personal sense of destiny.

                        c. This personal sense of destiny is attained by using power option number one—the filling of the Spirit—and power option number two— the execution of the protocol plan of God through the metabolization of doctrine. God keeps us alive and protects us with a wall of fire so we may have equal privilege and equal opportunity to attain a personal sense of destiny.

            4. The two categories of capacity righteousness given at salvation are direct divine initiative of grace. They belong to both winner-believers and loser-believers. They are the basis for equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.


C.  Capacity Righteousness of the Spiritual Life.

            1. After salvation you have the option of getting with the plan of God and growing in grace or not doing so. This category is potential based on the fulfillment of your very own spiritual life.

                        a. This is not the direct divine initiative of grace, but the indirect divine initiative of grace. This grace is given to the believer who uses the spiritual skills. Now the believer’s volition and God’s volition are both involved. The believer’s response to this grace is called grace orientation.

                        b. In response to the divine initiative of grace both directly and indirectly, the believer must establish values and make daily decisions for rebound, metabolization of doctrine, and application of doctrine through the ten problem solving devices.

            2. This category is classified as spiritual righteousness or experiential righteousness. It is called spiritual righteousness because it is capacity righteousness produced through the three spiritual skills: the filling of the Spirit, metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness, and the function of ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul. It is called experiential righteousness because it is the result of a continuous process related to the modus operandi and modus vivendi of your own spiritual life.

            3. Your spiritual life is fulfilled in three spiritual skills. God does not bless us beyond our capacity, and our capacity can only be fulfilled through growing in grace by means of the spiritual skills.

            4. This capacity righteousness is both spiritual and experiential in contrast to the arrogance skills, which includes self-righteousness parlayed into self-justification, self-justification parlayed into self-deception, and self-deception parlayed into self-absorption.

                        a. Jam 4:6, “God makes war against the arrogant believer but He gives grace to the humble believer.” Jam 4:10, “Therefore, humble yourselves before the Lord and He will promote you.”

                        b. Lk 14:11, “Everyone who exalts himself [the arrogance skills] will be humbled [divine punitive action], but he who humbles himself will be promoted.”

                        c. 1 Pet 5:5-6, “God makes war against the arrogant believer but he gives grace to the humble believer. Therefore, humble yourselves under the powerful hand of God that He may promote you at the proper time.”

                        d. Prov 16:18, “Arrogance precedes destruction; and before a fall there is a lifestyle of arrogance.”

                        e. 2 Cor 10:18, “Not he who promotes himself is approved, but whom the Lord promotes.” Spiritual righteousness provides capacity for various categories of divine blessing in time. Spiritual righteousness is the capacity for the conveyance of your escrow blessings in time.

            5. Most believers alive today have no capacity for blessing from God. When there is no capacity for divine blessing, it means the arrogance skills are in place. Believers justify themselves, deceive themselves, and are completely absorbed with themselves.


D.  Capacity Righteousness for Eternity.

            1. Capacity righteousness for eternity is the righteousness given by God to every believer at the moment of resurrection as a part of ultimate sanctification. It is the capacity righteousness of the eternal state. You will never have a bad moment in the eternal state.

            2. Ultimate sanctification begins when the believer receives his resurrection body. There are two categories of life in the resurrection body: human life, given by God at physical birth, and eternal life, given by God at the new birth.

            3. The righteousness given to us at the resurrection or rapture of the Church will give us the capacity to enjoy all the blessings of eternity. 2 Pet 3:13, “But on the basis of His promise [the divine promise for better things in the eternal state] we are looking forward with confidence to a new heavens and a new earth in which perfect righteousness lives.” This is revealed as an encouragement for having integrity in time.


E.  Summary.

            1. Integrity is the capacity for blessing in time. In the Church Age, we have the best of everything God has to offer, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. Integrity is the key to happiness. Righteousness is the key to happiness. Both have to be provided by God, and they are.

            2. The fact you are alive indicates to you that you have the baseline for happiness. You have the imputed righteousness of God and the security of the positional righteousness of Christ. The wall of fire of positional righteousness guarantees the equality of all believers for the fulfillment of the protocol plan of God.

            3. God is perfect; therefore, He has perfect happiness. Nothing can make God unhappy. God’s happiness is based on His capacity. His capacity is perfect and eternal holiness, which includes His perfect righteousness and justice. Since God is perfect and has absolute integrity, His happiness is coterminous with His perfect capacity righteousness. God desired to share His happiness with us, so He gave us at salvation His very own imputed righteousness as capacity for logistical grace blessing. He also entered us into union with Christ so that we share Christ’s righteousness. Therefore, we have a baseline of coming to the point where we share the happiness of God. During our life on earth as believers, we also have a spiritual righteousness which comes from the three spiritual skills. When these result in execution of the protocol plan of God, then we have the capacity to share the happiness of God.

            4. Happiness and virtue cannot be separated. Through His grace policy, God has found a way to share His happiness with mankind by first of all providing the capacity—capacity righteousness.

                        a. Establishment virtue provides capacity for human happiness for unbelievers.

                        b. At salvation, two categories of God-given righteousness provide capacity for blessing for the believer.

                                    (1) Imputed righteousness of the Father is the God-given capacity for logistical grace support and blessing to both winner and loser believers alike so that they may have equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.

                                    (2) Positional righteousness of God the Son is the God-given equal protection of all believers so they may have equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.

                        c. Experiential or spiritual righteousness is the God-given opportunity for the execution of the protocol plan of God and capacity for greater blessings in time.

                        d. Perfect righteousness given at ultimate sanctification is the God-given capacity for greater blessing in the eternal state.

            5. Every category of God-given righteousness provides a capacity for true happiness both in time and in eternity. God never gives divine blessing beyond our capacity for blessing, except in the case of logistical grace from imputed righteousness and divine protection from positional righteousness. Every believer is sustained and protected by these two categories of righteousness.

            6. Logistical grace and positional grace provide a foundation for true happiness; for they sustain your life, so that you can use your volition to choose for Bible doctrine.

            7. Scripture.

                        a. Ps 16:11, “You will make known to me the path of life. In Your presence is fullness of happiness. At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.”

                                    (1) The spiritual skills are involved in knowing the path of life, which is your spiritual life.

                                    (2) We are in the presence of God whenever we are taking in Bible doctrine.

                                    (3) Perfect happiness is the capacity in the eternal state for pleasures forevermore. There is no pleasure for the believer in this life apart from capacity.

                        b. Prov 3:13, “Happiness to the person who finds wisdom; even to the person who gains understanding.” The filling of the Holy Spirit plus spiritual I.Q. plus Operation Z equals sharing the perfect happiness of God.

                        c. Jn 15:11, “I have taught you these things that My happiness may be in you, and that your happiness may be fulfilled.”

            8. All the teaching of the word of God in the New Testament is directed toward giving you integrity righteousness as the capacity for true happiness. Sharing the happiness of God is the basis for perfect environment in your soul. God’s perfect happiness includes the following characteristics.

                        a. Tranquility of soul in every circumstance of life, Rom 8:28.

                        b. Contentment of soul in every circumstance of life.

                        c. Capacity for life, love, and happiness. No one can be happy living beyond their capacity in life. Spiritual environment of the soul provides this capacity for divine blessing.

                        d. Consistent use of all the problem solving devices which guard the spiritual life of your soul.

                        e. The stimulus factor in giving your life meaning, purpose, and definition. God’s happiness establishes the right goals related to invisible heroship.

            9. God’s happiness cannot be separated from God’s integrity or holiness.

                        a. In sharing the happiness of God, the principle of integrity is the issue. When the believer attains sharing God’s happiness, His spiritual life has contributed the integrity capacity to enjoy every circumstance in life, good or bad.

                        b. True happiness in the soul cannot be separated true integrity in the life and the spiritual righteousness derived from the spiritual skills. Perfect environment of the believer’s soul requires capacity for that environment.

          10. God’s happiness is never based on the unhappiness of others. You cannot build your happiness on the unhappiness of others. You cannot be happy or blessed by God when reacting to people or circumstances. Even when the victim of unfairness, the believer cannot be happy when reacting; for reaction sins destroy both capacity from the integrity of spiritual righteousness and they eliminate the greater blessings for time. Therefore, the importance of the problem solving devices which keep you from reacting to others.
