Spir Dynamics 733-752 12/20/95; 96, 189-190, 199; Eph 638ff, 879 8/14/88




A.  Definition of a Christian Loser.

      1. The Christian loser is defined as the Church Age believer in Jesus Christ who, through negative volition toward Bible doctrine, has failed to execute the God’s will, plan, and purpose for the Church Age even though they have equal opportunity to do so. The loser is the believer who fails to execute the greatest spiritual life of all human history, the spiritual life of the Church Age.

      2. Christian losers malfunction in three areas of the spiritual life. They malfunction in the failure to metabolize doctrine, resulting in the failure to deploy the problem solving devices on the defense line of the soul, and therefore, the failure to use the two power options of the spiritual life—the filling of the Spirit and the metabolization of doctrine. The loser does not fulfill God’s plan for his life after salvation. He goes from lag time to negative volition, from negative volition to failure to learn and use the spiritual skills. The Christian loser fails to use power options (the filling of the Spirit and metabolization of doctrine) that have been made available.

      3. The loser-believer has a spiritual birth at the moment of salvation by faith in Christ, but he has no spiritual life as an extension of his spiritual birth. The loser is the believer in Jesus Christ who has wrong priorities and spends his life in the cosmic system. The loser has a right pastor, but because of cosmic involvement, he never sees his right pastor, or he only visits occasionally. In many cases, the loser finds his right pastor but rejects him or the loser finds his right pastor and accepts him until he is distracted. Rejection of one’s right pastor is tantamount to rejection of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

      4. The loser does not lose his salvation, but fails to execute the protocol plan of God by which God is glorified in time and escrow blessings are distributed in time and eternity. The loser continues to receive logistical grace support and blessing. The loser has equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan with all believers who become winners. Instead of becoming an invisible hero, the loser is bored, dissatisfied, preoccupied with self, arrogant, frustrated, distracted, unstable, and unable to utilize the ten problem solving devices. Therefore, the loser provides cursing by association which has adverse historical repercussions in the client nation.

      5. The loser enters into self-fragmentation in three categories: the arrogance complex of sins, the emotional complex of sins, and the lust pattern of the old sin nature.  The loser enters polarized fragmentation through the trends of the sin nature. Legalism or self-righteous arrogance produces crusader arrogance; antinomianism or licentious arrogance is the exact antithesis, but both are going in exactly the same direction. The Christian loser enters into the stages of reversionism from his trends of the sin nature.

      6. The believer in Christian degeneracy often becomes a neurotic or psychotic believer.

      7. The loser has shame at the judgment seat of Christ.


B.  The Characteristics of the Christian Loser.

      1. The loser believer is described in Gal 5:4 as “You who are trying to be justified by the Law have become alienated from Christ, you have drifted off course from grace.”

      2. The loser believer is described in Heb 12:15 as “coming short of the grace of God.”

      3. The loser believer is described as “the tormented soul” in 2 Pet 2:7-9, “And if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sexual conduct of unprincipled men (for what he saw and heard as a righteous man living among them, he felt his righteous soul tormented day after day with their lawless deeds [homosexuality]), then the Lord knows how to rescue the spiritual man from testing, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment.”

              a. Whenever you are surrounded by degeneracy and you have some system of righteousness in your soul, the degeneracy becomes a torment to the soul of the loser believer.

              b. Lot was in a constant state of being upset. Torment of the soul does not solve the problem. We have the solution in growing in grace as individual believers.

              c. Any loser believer who has any system of righteousness (such as establishment righteousness, capacity righteousness, or spiritual righteousness) and does not have the problem solving devices in place, he is going to be constantly tormented (irritated to the point of torment—self- torture).

      5. The loser believer is described as “the lukewarm believer” in Rev 3:15-16. The lukewarm believer was once hot but has cooled down.

      6. The unstable soul of Jam 1:8, 4:8 is the Greek word DIPSUCHOS, which means to have two souls, and is a description of a psychotic or neurotic condition.

      7. The loser believer is described as pushing aside the spiritual life and “a shipwrecked believer” in 1 Tim 1:19, “Having doctrine and a good conscience, which some believers have pushed aside, in fact they have become shipwrecked concerning their faith.”

      8. The loser believer is described as advancing out-of-bounds, 2 Jn 8- 9, “Look out for yourselves that you may not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. No one has fellowship with God who keeps advancing out-of-bounds and does not remain on the playing field through the doctrine of Christ. The believer who perseveres in doctrine, this believer has fellowship with both the Father and the Son.”

      9. The loser believer is described as “the flawed believer” in Jam 1:23-24.


C.  The Descriptions of the Loser Believer.

      1. The carnal believer, Rom 8:7; 1 Cor 3:1-3.

      2. Prisoner to the law of sin, Rom 7:23.

      3. A wretched believer, Rom 7:24.

      4. The fulfillment of the lusts of the flesh, Gal 5:16-21.

      5. Grieving the Holy Spirit, Eph 4:30.

      6. Squelching the Spirit, 1 Thes 5:19.

      7. The enemy of the cross, Phil 3:18.

      8. The enemy of God, Jas 4:4.

      9. The flawed believer, Jas 1:23-24, “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a person who looks at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was.”

     10. He is described as a psychotic or neurotic believer, Deut 28:28; Jam 1:8, 4:8. The psycho believer or double-minded. This is manifest in the great number of believers who become psychotic.


D.  The Warning to the Christian Loser.

      1. 2 Jn 8-9, “Look out for yourselves that you may not lose your momentum which you have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. No one has fellowship with God who keeps advancing out-of-bounds and does not remain on the playing field through the doctrine of Christ. The believer who perseveres in doctrine, this believer has fellowship with both the Father and the Son.”

      2. The warning is that if you lose your momentum, if you get out of fellowship and stay out of fellowship, if you grieve and quench the Holy Spirit, then you are going to lose those fantastic escrow blessings that are a part of your portfolio of invisible assets. God the Father as the grantor deposited into escrow greater blessings for time and eternity. These blessings are on deposit with the escrow officer, our Lord Jesus Christ. When we meet the conditions of the escrow (reaching maturity), then our Lord conveys these blessings for time to us. Then at the Judgment Seat of Christ, He conveys greater blessings for the eternal state to the winner. But for the loser, these blessings remain on deposit forever as a memorial to lost equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God.

      3. When we are out of bounds, we are grieving or quenching the Holy Spirit. When we rebound, we get back on the playing field. The believer who advances out-of-bounds is the loser believer.

      4. The doctrine of Christ: establishes precedence for the modus operandi of the Church Age believer, delineates the protocol plan of God executed by spiritual skills, emphasizes the uniqueness of the Church Age as the dispensation of the ordinary believer, provides equal opportunity for every believer to fulfill God’s will, plan, and purpose.

      5. This warning is also given in Rev 3:11, “I will come suddenly. Keep on holding fast what you have [keep in touch with your spiritual life] in order that no one takes away your crown.”

              a. In every generation of the Church Age there is a minority of believers that fulfill the unique protocol plan of the Church Age even though all believers have equal privilege and opportunity to execute this plan.

              b. In heaven, in a resurrection body, there are still winner and loser believers. Winner believers receive their escrow blessings and are the greatest people in all of history. Therefore, every believer must take the responsibility for his own decisions.

              c. You cannot keep in touch with your spiritual life without rebound, without an understanding of the four spiritual mechanics, and without deploying the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of your soul.

              d. You have the unique spiritual life of history. What are you going to do about it? Your answer determines whether or not you are a winner or loser believer. There are very few winner believers in each generation. Most believers just will not stick with Bible doctrine.

              e. You lose your crown by fulfilling the principle of Phil 3:18- 19.


E.  The Options of the Christian Loser.

      1. The Christian loser has the option of rebound, which means restoration to fellowship with God, recovery of the filling of the Spirit, and the continuation of the spiritual life.

      2. In rebound there are three choices: the choice of sin (a bad decision from a position of weakness), the choice of rebound (a good decision from a position of weakness), and the choice of utilization of your power options (a good decision from a position of strength—the filling of the Holy Spirit is the position of strength).

      3. Generally, the Christian loser makes bad decisions from a position of weakness. The position of weakness is wrong choices from wrong priorities. The position of strength is right choices from right priorities. The believer’s options must line up with precise accuracy of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

      4. The solution for the loser believer is given in Eph 4:23-24, “Then become renewed [refreshed, reinvigorated] by the agency of the Holy Spirit and by means of your thinking, and put on the new man on the basis of the provision of God which has been created by virtue [DIKAIOSUNE].”


F.  The loser cannot lose his salvation, only his escrow blessings.

      1. At the moment of salvation, God does forty things for the believer. These forty things cannot be canceled by any failure on the part of the believer. So the believer cannot lose his salvation. Therefore, every believer has eternal life and cannot lose his salvation.

      2. But the believer can be a loser in the sense of failing to understand what is the plan of God and to grow in grace as a result. Therefore, he loses his escrow blessings for time and for the eternal state.

      3. This does not imply that the loser does not receive blessing from God. But the loser is deprived of a specific category of blessing, i.e., the escrow blessings deposited by God the Father for every believer in eternity past.

      4. The escrow blessings of the loser will remain on deposit forever as a memorial to his failure to utilize the unique assets of the Church Age, to fulfill the will, plan, and purpose of God between his salvation and his departure from this life, whether by death or resurrection.

      5. As a member of the royal family of God living in the dispensation of the Church, the loser has equal privilege and equal opportunity to fulfill the protocol plan.

              a. Losers are beneficiaries of logistical grace, under the principle of equal privilege and equal opportunity. The justice of God sends down the grace pipeline to the indwelling righteousness of God everything it takes to keep the believer alive, whether he is a winner or loser. This is a part of his equal opportunity to execute God’s plan.

              b. Down that grace pipeline God also imputes blessings, even to the loser. This explains in part why the wicked often prosper. So winners and losers alike receive logistical grace blessing, totally apart from anything they can do.

              c. Therefore, losers are beneficiaries of logistical grace support and blessings.    Losers have equal opportunities and privileges under the computer assets of election and predestination. However, losers spend their lives in the cosmic system where they cannot utilize the omnipotence of God.

      6. The loser is further defined as the believer who resides in the cosmic system, a carnal believer out of fellowship. At the moment of salvation, the believer is entered into gate one of the divine dynasphere, the filling of the Spirit. Only in the divine dynasphere can we execute the protocol plan of God

.             a. In cosmic one we grieve the Holy Spirit. Cosmic one is the arrogance complex.

              b. In cosmic two we quench the Holy Spirit. Cosmic two is the hatred or antagonistic complex.

      7. Though the loser does not lose his salvation, he fails to utilize rebound to recover his relationship with God in the divine dynasphere. Hence, he fails to learn Bible doctrine. As a result he comes under self-induced misery, followed by punitive suffering from God.

      8. While he cannot lose his salvation, the loser spends his life on earth in a state of misery, resulting in two categories of punitive suffering.

              a. The misery he brings on himself, i.e., self-induced or volitional misery.

              b. Divine discipline in three categories: warning discipline, intensive discipline, and dying discipline.


G.  Categories of Losers.

      1. There are two categories of losers in the context of Phil 3:18-19, “For many keep walking concerning whom I have told you many times, but now I tell you even weeping, [that they are] the enemies of the cross of Christ, whose destiny is loss [of the greater blessings of eternity], whose god is emotion, and their glory came to be associated with their shame, who keep on thinking about earthly things [those who hold opinions about earthly things but have no earthly idea what their spiritual life is all about].”

              a. The pastor-teacher who fails to understand and communicate the mystery doctrine of the great power experiment of the Church Age becomes a loser.

              b. The Christian who is negative toward doctrine becomes a loser as the blind who follows the blind leader.

              c. Believers in every generation who make a god out of their emotions and fail in the spiritual life become loser believers. They choose the feeling life instead of the spiritual life.

              d. People become so involved in what is going on around them in the Devil’s world they forget that Jesus Christ controls history.

      2. Another category of losers include believers who, after salvation, have no further interest in spiritual things. They are saved and have eternal life which they cannot lose, but they have no interest at all in spiritual things. Losers are classified in the Bible as carnal, cosmic, reversionistic, having blackout of the soul, involved in scar tissue of the soul, under reverse process reversionism. The Greek of Eph 4:13 uses six different words to describe the loser.

              a. If you do not live your life in the light of eternity, you are living the loser’s life. If your values are all related to the things of this life and/or the old sin nature, you are wasting your life.

              b. The majority of believers in every generation of the Church Age become losers because they ignore Bible doctrine which provides the will and plan of God for their life.

      3. The loser looks like the unbeliever. The Church Age believer who is a loser can often not be distinguished from the unbeliever in his modus vivendi. Some losers act like the moral unbeliever and become involved in moral degeneracy. Some losers act like the immoral unbeliever and become involved in immoral degeneracy.


H.  The loser rejects doctrine.

      1. When the believer becomes a loser, the first casualty is the truth of Bible doctrine.

      2. The mystery doctrine of the Word of God is absolute truth.

      3. The absolute truth communicated to the believer comes through the gift of pastor-teacher.

              a. The pastor is not interesting all the time, so the believer must learn to listen to all subjects whether they are of interest to him or not. Often the things that you miss are the very things you will need later.

              b. Most people want the pastor to deal with their immediate problem and make them “feel better.” But the responsibility of the pastor before the Lord is to teach line upon line, precept upon precept, a verse at a time exegetically based upon the study of the original languages, and so to communicate the whole realm of mystery doctrine.

              c. Since all the Word of God is important, under the ministry of the Spirit it must become a part of your understanding of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life.

      4. Lack of interest in exegetical teaching of Bible doctrine is summarized by an astounding statement made by Rebecca West. “The trouble with man is two-fold:  he cannot learn truths which are too complicated, and he forgets truths that are too simple.” Paraphrased: “The trouble with Christians is two-fold:  they cannot learn Bible doctrines that are too complicated, and they forget Bible doctrines that are too simple.” This is why losers have fragmented lives.


I.  Profile of a Loser.

      1. 2 Tim 3:2-7, “For men [believers] will be lovers of self [the three arrogant skills: self-justification, self-deception, self-absorption], lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, slanderers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful [lack of capacity], unholy, unloving, implacable, malicious gossips, without self-control [no virtue in control of the soul], brutal, not lovers of intrinsic good, treacherous, thoughtless, pumped up with arrogance, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God; who adhere to a superficial form of the spiritual life, but they have denied its power; consequently avoid such persons as these. For among them are those who creep into homes and seduce silly women overwhelmed by their sins, led on by multifarious lusts, always learning but never able to come to a epignosis knowledge of the truth.”

              a. The loser believer has rejected true happiness or sharing the happiness of God because of sin and will follow the trend of legalism or antinomianism for happiness. There is a legalistic search for happiness by the loser believer or an antinomian search for happiness.

              b. Once you become distracted from the plan of God, you are looking for happiness. The search for happiness is based on self-deception and self-absorption.

      2. The loser has no motivation. He is bored. He has no spiritual values. Therefore, he is ignorant of doctrine, has no spiritual skills, and no problem solving devices. If you are ignorant of doctrine, you are unstable. An ignorant, unstable believer twists or distorts doctrine to their own destruction, 2 Pet 3:16.

      3. Loser-believers contradict the protocol plan of God. God’s plan for the Church Age is perfect. Grieving and quenching the Holy Spirit is a contradiction to the plan of God and results in two forms of punishment: self-punishment and divine punishment.

              a. The result is the law of volitional responsibility. Making bad decisions results in self-punishment. We must take responsibility for our own bad decisions. We do it to ourselves through our own bad decisions and cannot blame anything on others. Hos 8:7, “They sow to the wind, they reap the whirlwind.” Gal 6:7-8, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked. Whatever a person sows, this he will also reap. For the believer who sows to the flesh, shall from the flesh [sin nature] reap corruption.”

              b. The second result is the law of divine punitive action: warning discipline, Rev 3:20, intensive discipline, Heb 12:6ff, dying discipline, 1 Jn 5:16. Prov 3:12, “Whom the Lord loves, He disciplines; Even as a father to his son in whom he delights.” Prov 22:8, “He who sows wickedness shall reap trouble [law of volitional responsibility], and the rod of God’s wrath shall be ready [divine discipline].” Col 3:25, “For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of that wrong which he has done, and there is no partiality.”

      4. Most believers throughout the Church Age have been loser believers. But in every generation there are a few who fulfill the fantastic plan of God. Paul explains in 2 Cor 6:11-12 why he did not succeed with the Corinthians. They have been attacked by emotion and their souls have been overrun by emotion, so that the Holy Spirit has been grieved or squelched by their decisions. “O You Corinthians, our mouth has been open face-to-face with you, our heart has been enlarged.            Therefore, you have not been hindered by us, but you have been hindered by your own emotions.”

              a. When Paul says his mouth has been open face-to-face with them, he is referring to the fact that he, Apollos, and Timothy all accurately taught the Corinthians the word of God prior to its completion.

              b. The heart is a part of the soul and has seven compartments which contain metabolized Bible doctrine. The result of having Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness is to create a mirror in the soul. The purpose of that mirror is allow the believer priest to look into that mirror and evaluate his or her own life. Bible doctrine in the soul also creates problem solving devices which prevent the outside pressures of adversity or stress from effecting the soul. The enlarged heart is maximum amount of Bible doctrine circulating in the soul of Paul, Apollos, and Timothy through their own study of Scripture.

              c. The Corinthian believers became loser believers because of emotional revolt of the soul. They permitted their emotions to rule their life. The frantic search for happiness destroys the spiritual life of the believer. The spiritual life becomes a sham (an imitation, a fraud) without the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.          The mentorship of the Holy Spirit is the basis for the spiritual life. No one can learn doctrine apart from the filling and mentorship of the Holy Spirit.

              d. By stimulating or facilitating some distinctive tendency, emotions exercise a strong influence in giving direction to both thinking and behavior. Therefore, emotions are not an integral part of this spiritual life. The Corinthians used their emotion rather than doctrine.

              e. The function of the emotions is described by the word affectivity. Affectivity is defined as the ability to feel emotions both good and bad. Emotion is the feeling life phenomena of affectivity living. Emotion as affectivity in life is the attack of the emotion revolt of the soul. Affectivity occurs in the status of carnality. Feeling and emotion becomes the basis for determining everything in your life. As a substitute for the spiritual life the believer moves into a frantic search for happiness. This eliminates mentorship of the Holy Spirit and makes the soul vulnerable to emotional revolt of the soul.

                   (1) Emotional activity is not a sign of the filling of the Holy Spirit. Without the filling of the Spirit, the spiritual life becomes a sham, a fraud.

                   (2) Affectivity of feeling is the phenomena of a frantic search for happiness in the field of emotion. The attack of emotional revolt of the soul is negative affectivity. There are different catagories of negative affectivity.

                            (a) Hysteria is fear, worry, anxiety, panic, stress, irrationality in the stream of consciousness causing garbage in the subconscious. Hysteria always escalates—the more things you surrender to fear, the more things you fear; the more things you fear, the greater your capacity for fear; the greater your capacity for fear, the more you increase the power of fear in your life.

                            (b) Hatred includes anger, loathing, bitter jealousy, animosity, implacability, malice, irrational behavior, including revenge, vilification, vituperation, violence and even murder. The emotional revolt of the soul substitutes for the spiritual life a frantic search for happiness. That frantic search for happiness always ends up in denial and projection.

                            © The irrationality of the arrogance skills combine with emotional revolt of the soul to form a guilt reaction. Guilt reaction is the feeling of responsibility or remorse for some real or imagined offense. The experience involving shame and guilt is repressive to form garbage in the subconscious. The guilt function converts the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Guilt reaction includes the erroneous assumption that somehow emotion is going to bring you through. When emotion does not do this, you have shame and guilt for some real or imagined offense. Guilt feelings produce perpetual anxiety, which is often alleviated by irrational defense mechanisms such as projection. You become a pathological liar to yourself.

                   (3) There is both good and bad emotion.

                            (a) Good emotion is a feeling response of the soul designed for enjoyment and appreciation of many things which are not related to sin.

                                     i. Good emotion, such as feeling sorry for your sins, is not necessary for rebound. Being forgiven by God does not require you to feel sorry for your sins. To think such a thing is blasphemous against the gracious character of God. Emotion is not a part of divine forgiveness.

                                    ii. Feeling sorry for sins is good emotion, but it does not cause God to forgive you. The best thing feeling sorry for sin can do is cause you to rebound. Feeling sorry for sins may bring human forgiveness, but human forgiveness is not divine forgiveness. 2 Cor 7:9-10, “Now I rejoice, not because you were sorry, but because you were sorry resulting in a change of mind; for you were sorry as God would have it, so order that you might not suffer loss of anything because of us. For sorrow as God would have it produces a change of thinking resulting in deliverance [from the state of carnality]; but the sorrow of the world produces death.”       (b) Bad emotion involves making feeling or emotion an integral part of your spiritual life. It is sinful activity, both mental, verbal, and overt. The functions of it are self-destructive. Bad emotions has many manifestations.

                                     i. It is related to false doctrine, such as the false assumption that feeling is spirituality.

                                    ii. We become insensitive to others while becoming hypersensitive about self. We take a guilt trip of self-manipulation, resulting in being manipulated by others.

                            © Emotion is the strong, temporary variations, modulations, and expressions of self-feeling classified as affectivity or the feeling life.

                            (d) Emotion is the feeling reflexes of the soul. Emotion was never designed by God to replace the mentorship of God the Holy Spirit. Since emotion is neither a tool for cognition of Bible doctrine nor the criterion for the spiritual life, it is not a problem solving device, nor is it a system for the application of Bible doctrine to experience.

              f. Principles Related to Emotional Revolt of the Soul.

                   (1) Emotional revolt of the soul divorces the believer from reality and substitutes irrationality combined with arrogance.

                   (2) Emotional revolt of the soul is synonymous with emotional fragmentation, in which emotion controls the soul to destroy the spiritual life. When you begin to make feeling your criterion, you are in terrible danger spirituality and in danger of becoming neurotic or psychotic.

                   (3) Normal emotion is an enhancer. It is designed to establish appreciation in the soul for divine blessings related to mentorship of God the Holy Spirit.

                   (4) Emotion in itself has no tools for rational cognition. Therefore, emotional revolt of the soul combines with the sins of the emotional complex to distract believers from the utilization of the spiritual skills.

                   (5) Emotional revolt of the soul divorces the believer from the realities of life and substitutes rejection or distortion of Bible doctrine.

                   (6) Emotional revolt of the soul substitutes irrationality for Bible doctrine, sponsors the arrogance skills to develop the arrogance complex of sins, which is tantamount to emotional revolt of the soul.

                   (7) Emotion is not an integral part of the spiritual life. It is a responder to wonderful things in the spiritual life. Emotion is an adjunct to the spiritual life.

                   (8) Emotional revolt of the soul means loss of a personal sense of destiny, which shuts the door on the adult spiritual life.

                   (9) Job faced a similar problem to the Corinthians, who were hindered by their own emotions. Job 30:27, “My emotions are boiling and I cannot relax. Days of affliction confront me.”

                  (10) Emotional revolt of the soul contradicts Bible doctrine and causes dissension among believers, Rom 16:17-18, “Now I urge you, brethren, look out for those who cause dissensions and put obstacles in your way contrary to doctrine which you have learned, in fact, turn away from them; for such are slaves, not to our Lord Jesus Christ, but to their own emotions, and by smooth and flattering speech they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.” When you become a slave to your own emotions, you have entered into a frantic search for happiness, which is a dead end.


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© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
