Spir Dynamics 275 10/10/93




A.  Definition.

      1. Compassion is defined as a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another’s suffering or misfortune accompanied by a desire to alleviate the pain and remove its cause.

      2. There are three categories of compassion.

              a. Genuine compassion.

              b. Pseudo compassion.

              c. The misuse of compassion.

      3. In the downfall of every client nation to God, pseudo compassion and the misuse of compassion are involved. All three categories of compassion are operational in both believers and unbelievers.


B.  Genuine Compassion.

      1. Genuine compassion in the believer is his or her kindness, sympathy, tenderness, humanity, mercy, and clemency directed toward others as a human virtue. It is his commiseration, longsuffering, forbearance toward others as a result of the believer fulfilling his spiritual life under the function of the three spiritual skills (filling of the Holy Spirit, metabolization of doctrine, and the problem solving devices) with emphasis on the ten problem solving devices deployed on the FLOT line of the soul.

      2. Genuine compassion is related to specific problem solving devices, like the filling of the Holy Spirit, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for mankind, and occupation with Christ.

      3. Genuine compassion emphasizes the deployment of grace orientation on the FLOT line of your soul and the divine initiative of antecedent grace. Genuine compassion emphasizes the precedence for the Christian way of life which comes from the humanity of Christ in hypostatic union.

      4. Genuine compassion is a personal function as illustrated by evangelism, the spiritual gift of helps, intercessory prayer, personal motivation in giving.

      5. You cannot legislate genuine compassion. When you attempt to do so, it destroys freedom and results in both pseudo compassion and the misuse of compassion, as in activism, crusader arrogance, tyranny, and revolution.


C.  Pseudo Compassion.

      1. Pseudo compassion is a system or weapon for the manipulation of people. Those who have power lust use pseudo compassion as a system of propaganda, a system of manipulation, a system of making you feel guilty, so that you will make irrational decisions under emotional sinning.

      2. Pseudo compassion is a system of manipulation through the use of conspiracy as in revolution, through the function of human good as in activism, through the creation of guilt as a weapon of manipulation in socialism, and through the function of political power to achieve political objectives which are contrary to the principles of freedom.

              a. Absalom used the hypocrisy of “concern for others” as a system of manipulation to forge the weapon of revolution out of the people.

              b. Absalom used pseudo compassion as the facade of concern for the people to manipulate the people into a weapon for revolution, so that the power of the greatest king in Jewish history would be set aside for the evil of revolution.

              c. The people included many involved in the arrogance skills. So they were a people ready for change. The malcontent status of self- absorption (the third arrogance skill) is vulnerable to the hypocrisy of pseudo compassion.

              d. To enlist support for the revolution Absalom gives personal attention to the malcontents through the use of pseudo compassion. Every revolution exploits the instability of malcontent people through a slimy facade of superficiality, the hypocrisy of pseudo compassion.


D.  The Misuse of Compassion.

      1. Pseudo compassion results in the misuse of compassion. The misuse of compassion can be described in three ways: the wrong use of compassion, the improper use of compassion, and the misapplication of compassion. All three fit different personalities among the people of revolution.

      2. Misuse of compassion describes the victims of pseudo compassion, those on a guilt trip, who are sucked into the propaganda of pseudo compassion, 2 Sam 15:5-6, “Furthermore, it came to pass when anyone approached to greet him, he would extend his hand and take hold of him and kiss him. Consequently, Absalom behaved in this manner to all Israel who came to the king for the administration of justice; and so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.” The hypocrisy of concern for others is a part of this concept.

              a. Absalom used his friendly manner, his pseudo compassion, and his scintillating personality to undermine his father’s authority as king and to manipulate the people into misuse of compassion.

              b. To enlist support for the revolution, Absalom must give personal attention to malcontented people and set the facade of pseudo compassion. Under the self-absorption of arrogance, the malcontented people will respond to the hypocrisy of Absalom. The malcontented person is preoccupied with his grievances, consequently, preoccupied with himself. Absalom used pseudo compassion to exploit this status.

      3. The judicial system of a nation is the protection against pseudo compassion as a weapon and misuse of compassion as a weapon among the people. The judicial system provides the only system of true equality before the law.

              a. Absalom undermined the authority of law by maligning the judicial system of Israel.

              b. The judicial system of Israel at the time of David was the best in the world. It did not operate on sympathy, emotion, pseudo compassion, but the laws of evidence from Codex Three of the Mosaic Law.

              c. It is the law that protects human freedom, not emotion or pseudo compassion or violence or sympathy for the criminal.

              d. Power lust made Absalom a lawless person. He sympathized with lawless people. The manipulative power of pseudo compassion fit right in and he undermined the system of law and order.


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