A.  There are three categories of conspiracy.

            1. A plot is a carefully devised plan for the overthrow of authority. The plotters are few in numbers, brilliant of intellect, warped in mental attitude, and motivated by power lust.

            2. Intrigue is a system of scheming involving petty and underhanded modus operandi. The intrigue crowd are dupes of the plotters. Usually this is the type of conspiracy that accidentally falls together, as people gathered begin to criticize and develop agreement. Often those drawn in by intrigue deny that there is an organized conspiracy.

            3. Machination is a crafty and torturous process of overthrowing establishment or doing harm to authority, as in a mob. This is generally the activity of those who don’t have much to do in life.

            4. Note that the most deliberate of conspiracies is the plot. Each of the next two become successively inferior.  


B.  Conspiracy was the basis of the Absalom revolution, 2 Sam 15:12-13.

            Absalom was drawn into the intrigue and was the front for the plot. Absalom was David’s favorite son, a chip off of David and so like David. This revolt of his beloved son was the most difficult tragedy David faced. This revolution had all three parts. Absalom was not in the plotting, but having a complaint against his father, Absalom was drawn in by the intrigue to be the front for the plot. Absalom himself was a dupe. The machination was done by Saul’s relatives.


C.  Conspiracy resulted in upheaval of the Southern Kingdom. Conspiracy has been the basis of many assassinations. Assassination of Joash, 2 Kg 12:19-21; assassination of his son, Amaziah, 2 Kg 14:17-19; 2 Chr 25:27. The conspiracy stopped, but unrest was created.


D.  Conspiracy destroyed the Northern Kingdom.

            1. Hoshea was the last king of the Northern Kingdom. He came to the throne on the basis of a conspiracy, 732 B.C., 2 Kg 15:30. He was removed from the throne because of a conspiracy he started against Assyria, 2 Kg 17:4. As a result, he was the last king of the Northern Kingdom.

            2. If a kingdom is founded by conspiracy, it is weak and can be destroyed by a greater conspiracy, as in 2 Kg 17:5-6, when the Northern King was destroyed by Sargon in 721 B.C. Someone somewhere is always smarter. He who lives by conspiracy dies by conspiracy.


E.  Conspiracy also destroyed the Southern Kingdom in 586 B.C. Zedekiah conspired against Chaldea, 2 Chr 36:13; Jer 11:9.


F.  Jeremiah was the object of conspiracy. Jeremiah was the object of conspiracy from the nation, Jer 11:9; his friends, Jer 11:19-23; his family, Jer 12:6; and his right woman, Jer 12:7.


G.  Gedaliah was the victim of a conspiracy, Jer 40:13-16; 41:1-3.

H.  Paul was the victim of a religious conspiracy, Acts 23:13.

            1. The plot came from the Sanhedrin, the intrigue from the forty young men, and the machination from the legalistic pastors of Jerusalem who told Paul to take the vow.

            2. Ezek 22:25-31 teaches that all religious conspiracies involve all three categories and all types of people.


I.  Conspiracy sought to frustrate the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, Neh 4:7-14

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 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
