Rev 3:4 5/23/82, Rev 9:5 11/27/82




A.  Cosmic evangelism is conducted by believers under the control of Satan and his system, the cosmic system.

B.  Cosmic evangelistic appeal is generally conducted through arrogance, though the arrogance may be disguised by a facade of flattery, intellectuality, affection or passion.


C.  Arrogance is easily influenced by evil. 1 Cor 15:33, “evil friends corrupt good morals.”


D.  When the mature believer is led astray by his love for the cosmic believer, the resultant arrogance means loss of discernment.


E.  His cosmic friends may be moral or immoral, but the results are the same:  he is evangelized for the cosmic system.


F.  The moral cosmic believer is affectionate without being passionate, and with affection lures the believer from the divine dynasphere into the cosmic system. In this case, friendship becomes more important than doctrine.


G.  The immoral cosmic believer is passionate without being affectionate and with his passion lures the mature believer into the cosmic system. In this case, passion leads to the principle that sex becomes more important than doctrine.


H.  Affection comes from the soul and is meaningful only when it includes virtue, integrity, and capacity for love.


I.  Passion comes from the body and is meaningful as an expression of category two love only where love, honor, virtue, and integrity also exist.


J.  But where love, honor, integrity and virtue do not exist, then you are evangelized by your cosmic friends or lovers. (See Rev 135 for the objective of cosmic evangelism.)
