Rev 9:21 12/16/82; Eph 420, 440ff, 882ff 8/18/88




F.  Gate #6:  Psychopathic Arrogance.

            1. Psychopathic arrogance is a volitional drive toward unreality.

            2. In the normal person, the emotion of the soul is under the control and domination of the intellect, the right lobe or mentality of the soul.

            3. In the normal person, the emotional life always blends with the intellectual life so as not to disrupt rational modus operandi.

                        a. The emotions were designed to respond to what is in the right lobe:  the frame of reference, memory center, vocabulary and categorical storage.

                        b. Emotion has no ability to think, to rationalize, and is not related to any field of cognizance. Emotion is simply a responder, analogous to the female.

                        c. The mind in the normal soul is designed to control the emotions and to make the emotions responsive to certain things in life. But when emotion takes over the mind, gate #6 begins.

            4. However, in the psychopathic person, this normal subordination of emotion to the intellect is not present because of cultivated arrogance and cosmic involvement with its resultant drive toward unreality.

            5. Psychopathy is a general term for mental disturbances or mental disorders. However, psychopathy is also used specifically for certain mental disorders characterized by emotional instability, perversity of conduct, undue conceit, suspiciousness, lack of self-control, lack of social feeling, lack of truthfulness, lack of common sense, and lack of persistence. The psychopathic personality likes to surround himself with others who also lack common sense and who are also moving toward unreality.

                        a. Arrogance under pressure produces psychopathic behavior.

                        b. Psychopathic believers are characterized by the motivational arrogance of gate #1, cosmic one, in that they have vanity, pride, jealousy, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, a guilt complex, fear, anxiety, abnormal modus operandi, and are constantly seeking revenge.

                        c. A society of arrogant people naturally breeds psychopathic personalities. This is prevalent in our fragmented society today. As a result, America’s abnormal psychopathic persons find the environment in which they live so filled with categories of arrogance that their drive toward unreality seems perfectly normal to them!

                        d. Often people who are psychopathic are actually driven there by arrogant people, especially by self-righteous arrogance. The arrogance of legalism is one of the greatest contributing factors to this problem, especially among believers.

            6. Psychopathic personalities are defined as abnormal, extremely sensitive, or susceptible to religious emotion. The environment for all these abnormal believers has been provided by ignorant believers who are ignorant of doctrine, who distort doctrine, or who are totally mixed-up.

            7. Psychosis refers to mental diseases or serious mental derangement. This is a psychiatric term without any legal implications, like the word insanity.

            8. Typical characteristics of the psychopathic believer include the following.

                        a. The medical category:  imbalance, the absence of biological equilibrium

                        b. The mental category:  instability, i.e., oscillation from self-righteousness in prosperity to self-pity in adversity, which means demonization. This derangement is provided by churches, born-again believers, and well-meaning Christian parents with locked-in legalism who are so involved in their own arrogance that they have actually established an environment for others, such as their children, to move step by step in the drive toward unreality into a psychotic condition.

                        c. The arrogant category.

                                    (1) Egocentricity regards everything in relationship to oneself. This is locked-in self-centeredness. This is the status quo of grieving the Spirit in cosmic one, and it often leads to quenching the Spirit in cosmic two.

                                    (2) Egoism is an excessive love of self which divorces the individual from reality, so that eventually mental disorders occur.

            9. Psychosis in believers.

                        a. While this concept includes homo sapiens in general, our study deals with born-again believers only.

                        b. The psychopathic believer is the product of his own arrogance and multifarious bad decisions from a position of weakness, i.e., residence in cosmic one. The environment for his bad decisions is provided by certain segments of so-called Christianity, the holy rollers, the pentecostals, and the legalistic fundamentalists. These groups have provided a tremendous environment of unreality which is an incubator for these bad decisions.

                        c. Once locked-in arrogance occurs, the believer enters into a state of mental disorders, sometimes gradually, sometimes rapidly.

                        d. In a psychotic state, the believer can no longer recover through perception of Bible doctrine and rebound technique; he first requires psychiatric treatment. Whereas normally, perception of Bible doctrine causes recovery from many things and puts us back on the right track, it cannot cause one to recover from a psychotic condition. Until such a person has psychiatric treatment, there can be no recovery.

                        e. Psychiatry has made tremendous advances in the field of drugs and medicine, so that the psychotic person can function in an almost normal manner. However, without the use of these medicines, it is impossible for such a believer to learn doctrine, regardless of how much and how often he listens. There can be no recovery!

                        f. It is the tendency of those who have provided the environment of unreality through legalism to try to resolve these problems through prayer. You will never resolve this problem through prayer. Prayer cannot reverse the process by which a believer has become psychotic. Even if God did perform a healing miracle, the mentally disturbed Christian would go right back into the arrogance process. Therefore, a thousand bad decisions cannot be reversed by fervent, daily prayer. That is not the purpose of prayer; it was never intended to reverse the law of volitional responsibility. Nor can you, through your prayers, coerce the volition of someone else and make them well. Yet this is the typical prayer of the legalistic believer who understands nothing.

                        g. It is possible that if a person expressed positive volition at both God-consciousness and Gospel hearing and became a believer with a genetic or pre-salvational environmental psychosis, such a person could be healed through spiritual growth. The tendencies remain, but tendencies do not constitute mental illness. By the cognition of doctrine and epistemological rehabilitation, these believers often become some of the greatest believers.

                        h. However, the problem is that spiritual growth requires normal concentration under the filling of the Holy Spirit. That is impossible where a person has divorced himself from reality through a fragmented life.

                        i. When a believer lives in cosmic one for a prolonged time, controlled by both motivational and functional arrogance, it is unreasonable to expect God to instantly reverse a situation compacted and compressed from hundreds and thousands of bad decisions from a position of weakness.

                        j. Parents in gates 1,2, or 3 of cosmic one can rear their children under legalism from the cradle, creating the environment of unreality, so that if the children have the same predilections, they will move, step by step, toward a psychotic condition.

                        k. Arrogance is a cult of rejection of authority. This begins in childhood, where personality is dominated by primitive basic drives to the exclusion of rational behavior. This is seen in children who have excessive tantrums, destructiveness, children who are allowed to sulk, who are deceitful, obstinate, boastful, shameless, and erratic. These are the characteristics that reject authority in gate #3 of cosmic one and eventually interlock with this gate #6.

                        l. Sometimes these psychotic conditions are irreversible, because arrogance in the one responsible makes them reject any medical help available. Though they seek spiritual help, it cannot help them.

                        m. The road to recovery demands certain things where recovery is possible.

                                    (1) The consistent use of rebound to get out of cosmic one.

                                    (2) The proper medication prescribed by a competent doctor.

                                    (3) Proper treatment and medication.

                                    (4) Persistence in the perception of doctrine inside the divine dynasphere becomes a factor only after the patient has undergone such treatment so that he can now listen, concentrate, and actually metabolize the doctrine.

                        n. Under the law of antithetical arrogance, you react in arrogance in one state of unreality, and loved ones react in arrogance in the opposite way, so that no one ever reaches a solution. Arrogant children will react against parents in their arrogant unreality, and parents against their children in a different form of arrogant unreality. Apart from Bible doctrine, the reaction always goes from one state of arrogant unreality to another state of arrogant unreality, never finding the solution.

                        o. You cannot resolve problems while you are reacting against someone else. After reacting against someone for years, it is inevitable that your drive toward unreality will take you into a psychotic or neurotic condition. The tragedy is that it is often too late to pick yourself up, because the reaction has become deep-seated and ingrained. All your decisions made in one state of unreality are reactions against another state of unreality. As a result, Bible doctrine has never worked. Such people only listen to Bible doctrine as a ritual rather than as a momentum.

                        p. Doctrine cannot solve your problem when you are in unreality! Therefore, the importance of residing in the divine dynasphere, the filling of the Spirit, learning doctrine under epistemological rehabilitation, and beginning to use basic problem solving devices. It is the use of the problem solving devices that causes the break with unreality.

                        q. There can be no break from unreality apart from enforced and genuine humility, which gives the objectivity and teachability for the function of the three R’s, reception, retention, and recall. The function of gates #3 and #4 of the divine dynasphere will eventuate in reaching gate #5, spiritual self-esteem, the complete break from unreality and the beginning of true spiritual normality with personal love for God and the beginning of +H. When you move to gate #6, spiritual autonomy, and impersonal love for all mankind, this is the total state of reality in interaction with people. Impersonal love gives you the capacity for tolerance, wipes all the legalism out of your life, and gives you +H as the major problem solving device making it possible for you to move to maturity.

                        r. However if there is drug involvement, and too many neurons of the brain have been destroyed so that there are no more microcircuits on which to print doctrine, then the case is hopeless apart from God performing a miracle to manufacture additional neurons on the brain. God can do this easily, but miracles are not generally a part of the protocol plan for the Church Age.

                        s. The decision to get involved in any drugs is the worst thing that can happen to a human being; it is chemical self-destruction. That person becomes a vegetable, a testimony to the disaster that can occur from the negative repercussions of the law of volitional responsibility. Often, wrong decisions are irreversible and the believer becomes a vegetable.   So be warned against both drug abuse and arrogance; the two can destroy you.

                        t. Remember that the human brain is the vehicle God uses for your spiritual growth.

                        u. Psychiatric treatment requires analysis, treatment, often hospitalization, and even being committed to qualified institutions for effective medical treatment.

     10. The psychopathic believer lacks the ability to evaluate realistically the object of his emotional responses or reactions. Arrogant preoccupation with self excludes reality and leads to the drive toward a false object.

                        a. For example, a psychopathic female may fall in love with a male in her periphery, making him the object of her hallucinations and fantasies. Pursuing this pseudo-love with arrogant fanaticism, the arrogant psychopath loses all objectivity, reasoning power, and moral stability.

                        b. This means that the psychopathic believer under the influence of the cosmic system pursues a false object with irrationality, unpredictability, and abnormal behavior.

                        c. Psychopathic arrogance has no capacity for love. Therefore, because of this incapacity for true love, he becomes occupied with some form of self-gratification which interrelates with the other gates, including sexual arrogance. This is often the source for criminality, and the explanation for rape.

     11. The pre-psychotic personality is the problem.

                        a. The pre-psychotic personality is subjective, inhibited, chronically worried, always stubborn, intolerant, inflexible, always lacking a sense of humor.

                        b. This personality is further characterized by rigidity which acts as a neurotic defense, plus arrogance related to self-righteousness, perfectionism, and/or the guilt syndrome. Instability is caused by the oscillation between these things.

                        c. It is irritable, peevish, querulous, complaining, unable to concentrate, depressed, and full of paranoid ideas.

                        d. It is full of anxiety, has a tendency toward hypochrondria, and has a morbid anxiety about one’s own health accompanied by the conjuring up of imaginary illnesses.

                        e. The psychopathic Christian parlays arrogance in cosmic one into illusion and hallucination.

                        f. The pre-psychotic personality possesses an arrogant hypersensitivity of being slighted where slighting does not occur.

                        g. The pre-psychotic believer blames others for his failures and avoids taking any responsibility for those same failures.

                        h. It is not surprising that arrogance becomes the catalyst for arrogant reactions such as jealousy, implacability, lack of forgiveness, resentment, bitterness, or delusions of persecution.

     12. Locked-in arrogance in the psychopathic person results in several categories of psychopathic personalities, such as the manic depressive person. Arrogance as a catalyst in manic depressive psychosis is obvious.

                        a. In the manic phase, the believer is very self-righteous, very self-satisfied, and even arrogantly aggressive. He is childish, proud, intolerant of criticism, irrepressible, uninhibited, effusive, and often unconventional in speech and manner. Such a person courts the limelight as boastful, flippant, argumentative, has wandering thought patterns, is easily bored, lacks the ability to sustain anything, and never has an enthusiasm sustained for very long.

                        b. Arrogance in the manic phase is characterized by hostility toward members of one’s own family, combining arrogance with unreasonable and unprovoked anger. Oscillation of emotions are very common. In the middle of exuberance, the person may suddenly burst into tears.

                        c. The manic is self-righteous, officious, and meddlesome. Hallucinations in manic excitement are usually arrogant illusions as the manic builds himself up in order to interfere and straighten out everyone.

                        d. Therefore, the manic depressive believer is characterized by alternating mania and mental depression. He goes from being depressed to being very excited and self-righteous.

                        e. In the mild depressive state, the Christian manic has physical complaints which have no organic basis. This is followed by lack of confidence or a sense of destiny; instead, he has a sense of inadequacy, unable to stay with a job. Above all, he is unable to realize that God has a plan for his life, and that he is alive by logistical grace so God’s plan can be fulfilled in his life.

                        f. In his depressed state, the Christian manic has a desire for violence and crime. When homicides are committed by manic-depressive Christians, the victim is often a member of his own family.

                        g. This person often seeks to take his own life, so that eventually suicide becomes the ultimate arrogance. The psychopath is totally subjective, self-centered, disoriented, depressed. Under these conditions of being demonized, he often commits suicide.

      13. Locked-in arrogance also results in schizophrenia

.                       a. Basically, schizophrenia (demenciaprecox) is loss of contact with reality by the disintegration of the personality.

                        b. The erratic sequence of behavior in the schizophrenic Christian is ambivalence, having simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from an object, a person, or an action. It’s a love and hate, affection and hostility function.

                        c. The schizophrenic Christian is full of hallucinations which are expressed in ambivalent arrogance, in that the Christian may deny or reject a lust or desire, but he expresses that lust or desire through delusion and hallucination.

                        d. Schizophrenia may perhaps explain how persons may consciously resist an evil impulse but, at the same time under demon influence, become involved in other evil things. The unbeliever under demon possession can even become involved in human sacrifice and the phallic cult.

                        e. Psychopathic ambivalence is one of the problems of schizophrenia. Ambivalence is generally defined as uncertainty of fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice. In spiritual ambivalence, the believer cannot decide between Bible doctrine and the cosmic system.

                        f. Ambivalence may also be defined as the simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite things. Psychologically, ambivalence is the coexistence of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action.

                        g. An ambivert is a person whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert.

                        h. In psychopathic ambivalence, the psychopathic personality lives in a world of fantasy with unrestrained expressions of lust and arrogance related to the cosmic system. As a result, he can reject his evil and sinful experience, moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy in the world of reality.

                        i. This arrogant ambivalence finds self-justification in the fantasy for sin and evil done in the world of reality. Therefore, retreat from morality and virtue of the world of reality results in justifying one’s actions of sin, evil, and moral or immoral degeneracy in the world of fantasy, using the world of fantasy to justify the evil functions of life.

     14. Inevitably, suicide often become the answer to psychotic arrogance. Two categories of psychotic arrogance are vulnerable to suicide:  the manic depressive and the schizophrenic.

                        a. The manic depressive’s mental disorder is characterized by alternating extremes of excitement and depression.

                        b. The schizophrenic’s condition is characterized by withdrawn, bizarre, and sometimes delusional behavior, plus intellectual and emotional deterioration. Since believers who live extensively in the cosmic system are prone to these two categories, it becomes obvious that Christians can and do commit suicide.

                        c. Certain believers whose residence in gate #1 of cosmic one is unchecked become prone to manic depressive or schizophrenic activities. In certain cases, they do commit suicide.

                        d. However, the Christian who commits suicide cannot lose his salvation. There is no sin or failure which the believer can do to cancel the forty things he receives at the point of faith in Christ. So while suicide is a maximum expression of arrogance, it does not cancel the saving work of our Lord on the cross. Every suicide is a sin, but it is a sin for which our Lord was judged on the cross.

                        e. In pulling the pin of the grenade, certain believers will take their own lives. Motivation for doing so can be found in the pin itself, i.e., gate #1. Bitterness, jealousy, hatred, self-pity, revenge, implacability, and vindictiveness can motivate suicide. They are all the result of cosmic involvement and preoccupation with self.

     15. Psychiatry has developed a whole system of giving people self- justification for their sociopathic and psychopathic behavior. But there is no self-justification. Psychopathic behavior is a matter of your own decisions.

     16. It all begins with self-pity under pressure followed by the wide emotional swing to self-righteousness in prosperity. The typical fundamentalist swings between the two, until there is an intensification that causes a psychosis or neurosis.

     17. Egocentricity is typical of psychopaths. The cult of preoccupation with self reaches its peak in psychopathic arrogance. It relates everything to self, which eventually divorces one from reality. The difference between normal and abnormal is the one word, reality.

     18. As arrogance increases, it covers every facet of your life, until there is total divorcement from reality. So in the final degree of demonization, you have a psychopathic or sociopathic personality.

     19. Demon possession and influence are both related to psychopathic behavior:  Mark 5:1-20.

     20. Involuntary psychosis has two categories:  depression and some form of paranoia.

                        a. Psychopathic arrogance suffers from both illusion and hallucination. The involuntary paranoid has a reaction in which he finds that as an arrogant person he is critical, inclined to blame all others for his failures, divorced from reality, and he takes no responsibility for his own bad decisions. From all this comes hypersensitivity.

                        b. The involuntary paranoid has a reaction which includes jealousy, lack of forgiveness, resentment, bitterness, and the usual delusions of persecution.


G.  Gate #7:  Arrogance of Unhappiness or the Arrogance of Subjective Preoccupation with Self.

            1. This arrogance is classified as subjective preoccupation with self which destroys any capacity for happiness and frustrates the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

            2. Involvement in cosmic one not only guarantees unhappiness, but at the same time it invokes erroneous ideas about what constitutes happiness.

            3. The myth of arrogance is that people or pleasant circumstances or prosperity can make you happy.

            4. Arrogant people are unhappy people, for life in the cosmic system cannot provide happiness. Because of their failure to understand the three different catego

ries of happiness, they continue and persist in erroneously pursuing happiness from wrong concepts.

            5. There are three different categories of happiness:  pseudo- happiness, neutral happiness, and divine happiness.

                        a. -H, or pseudo-happiness, refers to this gate, the arrogance of unhappiness. -H is a counterfeit happiness; a stimulation or euphoria which for a moment is mistaken for happiness.

                        b. Neutral H is happiness derived from the execution of the laws of divine establishment.

                        c. +H is true and permanent happiness in the mature believer who has executed the protocol plan, is a winner and an invisible hero.

            6. Arrogant people are unhappy people, so that none of the above categories apply to them except -H.

            7. Therefore, one of the fragments of the grenade is the arrogance of unhappiness, which is involvement in cosmic one. There are two results from life in cosmic one.

                        a. A guarantee of misery and unhappiness which you make for yourself, to which the Lord adds the three categories of divine discipline.

                        b. Erroneous ideas as to what constitutes happiness in life. The arrogance of unhappiness or subjective preoccupation with self is a part of that theorizing that results in disaster.

            8. No matter what you achieve in life, arrogance destroys your capacity to appreciate it, and your capacity for happiness, love, and life.

            9. Satan himself administers the arrogance of unhappiness to any unbeliever or believer who resides in his cosmic system, where any capacity for happiness is completely destroyed. When you destroy capacity for happiness, you immediately have no divine happiness (+H). No capacity for divine happiness is tantamount to the arrogance of unhappiness or -H.

                        a. Satan has perpetuated a myth on the human race, which is that people, pleasant circumstances, or moments of stimulation can make you happy. This is the fundamental concept of any person involved in this gate.

                        b. Satan as the ruler of this world (Lk 4:5-7; Jn 12:31, 14:30, 16:11; 2 Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2) has a system for distracting people by making them think that stimulation is happiness. This system of pseudo-happiness is a locked-in system that very few people ever overcome.

                        c. Arrogant preoccupation with self through involvement in cosmic one is a guarantee of unhappiness, and so this is called -H.

                        d. Satan doesn’t need to chase you. Satan’s system of control is related to his genius cosmic system. He simply watches and laughs as you pull the pin of your own grenade and frag your own life.

                        e. When the believer uses his own volition to pull the pin in the grenade, this person is deluded, distracted, and deceived by false concepts of happiness.                         f. Arrogant preoccupation with self through involvement in the cosmic system guarantees that you will experience as one of the fragments in your grenade the arrogance of unhappiness.

                        g. Arrogance is developed from negative volition toward doctrine, and it destroys the potential for happiness because it destroys capacity for contentment.

                        h. Capacity for happiness must precede the true function of happiness. In the cosmic system, divine happiness cannot exist.

     10. The so-called “free spirit” recognizes freedom without any sense of responsibility. The free spirit believer is a totally self-indulgent person living in the cosmic system. Therefore, the more he seeks happiness, the more happiness eludes him.

                        a. You are not happy because you are free to do what you want to do; that is one of the great myths of life.

                        b. If you fall into the free spirit syndrome, you will make yourself miserable all your life. You will never convince anyone but yourself that you are a free spirit, for none of us are free spirits. All of have responsibility in both establishment and the protocol plan of God.

                        c. You can be free to indulge yourself in every whim of life. But when you do so, you make yourself frustrated and miserable, and your misery is only intensified when God adds divine discipline.

                        d. The free spirit associates happiness with every form of stimulation, excitement, and pleasant environment.

                        e. In the arrogance of unhappiness, the believer associates happiness with money, success, approbation, fame, pleasure, social life, health, sex, romance, friendship, marriage, and the lust for the power to control other people.

                        f. Most people, whether they are aware of it or not, build their life around pleasure goals. In between reaching those, much of their happiness comes from anticipation of those pleasures.

                        g. There are too many illusions about marriage, such as that marriage will make you happy. But if you’re unhappy in the cosmic system, marriage only intensifies your misery and your attempts to seek pleasure or stimulation in something else.

     11. The arrogance of unhappiness is related to unrealistic expectation.

                        a. Very few people are loved the way they want to be loved; very few people are treated the way they want to be treated.

                        b. Because believers are not loved the way they want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated, they develop a frustration which intensifies the arrogance of unhappiness.

                        c. Unrealistic expectation intensifies the arrogance of unhappiness through getting your eyes on self in lieu of becoming occupied with the person of Christ.

     12. The believer involved in the arrogance of unhappiness attends the local church under the assumption that the so-called “friendly” church will bring him happiness.

                        a. A friendly church cannot make you happy, for such churches are filled with many unhappy Christians. In fact, the friendlier people get, the more frustration builds up. Only Bible doctrine can make you happy.

                        b. For example, the arrogant visitor to the local church demands attention. Although he has a terrible personality, he wants everyone to be nice to him. He’s looking for a “friendly church;” however there’s no such thing. Every church is made up of people with old sin natures. Someone in that church won’t like you. Such people think their happiness depends on others telling them how wonderful they are, when in reality they are not wonderful at all.

                        c. People cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        d. Sex cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        e. Money cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        f. Prosperity and success cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        g. Health cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        h. Marriage cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can.

                        i. Those who possess happiness of soul and freedom from the cosmic system do enjoy people, entertainment, possessions, success, etc. But these things are not the source of their happiness, merely an expression of it. They are not enslaved to any of them.

     13. Marriage and the arrogance of unhappiness.

                        a. One of the greatest misconceptions in life comes from the arrogance of unhappiness, which propagates the myth that marriage is a panacea. Many people grow up believing that you can get married and “live happily ever after.”

                        b. Actually, marriage is a problem manufacturing device. This is because people are no better in marriage than they are as people.

                        c. The believer who uses his volition to pull the pin of the grenade of the arrogance complex has a fragmented life, including the arrogance of unhappiness. Such a believer in marriage causes trouble; two such believers in a marriage will destroy that marriage.

                        d. Arrogance makes the believer a loser in life. Losers in life are losers in marriage.

                        e. Losers are not believers who fail, but believers who do nothing about the failure of their fragmented life; i.e., they do not rebound and keep moving in the consistent perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine.

                        f. Only the plan of God can change a loser into a winner. But you have to learn the plan of God and the problem solving devices. You also have to become aware of how you pull the pin and fragment your own life.

                        g.   Only the plan of God can change the loser into a winner. Therefore, only Bible doctrine in the form of epignosis and sophia can change the fragmented life into something marvelous.

                        h. In the Christian life, and specifically in marriage, you can only change yourself; you can never change your spouse. Any changes you manufacture in your spouse will make the marriage worse. If you can change a person, you’ve ruined them. Only Bible doctrine makes changes that are permanent, right, and fantastic.

                        i. The arrogance of unhappiness dedicates itself daily to changing others to comply with your own fragmented perspective.

                        j. So what is the destroyer of marriage? While most people cite unfaithfulness, money, relatives, incompatibility, these are actually symptoms that do not diagnose the actual disease. It is pulling the pin of the grenade (all the mental attitude and verbal sins) that destroys marriages. This fragments the life, and a fragmented life cannot have a successful marriage.

                        k. For example, if you hate your spouse in marriage, you have lost a far greater battle than your marriage. In reality, you have fragmented your own life and become a loser in the protocol plan of God. Therefore, divorce is not a solution but merely an intensification of the problem in your life. Because you are the same person after divorce that you were before. Nothing has changed.

                        l. Divorce is not a solution; it’s an escape. You’re running away from the real problem, which is pulling the pin through your own mental attitude sins. After divorce, you are the same person with the same fragmented life. A fragmented believer in marriage is still a fragmented believer out of marriage; nothing but circumstances has changed.

     14. Marital failure.

                        a. Marriages fail because believers fail as human beings. They have pulled the pin of the grenade, and are living fragmented lives.

                        b. Marriages fail because believers get married for the wrong reasons, reasons often related to the arrogance of unhappiness marriages, such as getting away from an unhappy home or an unhappy environment.

                        c. Marriages fail because believers make wrong decisions.

                        d. Marriages fail because fragmented believers in the arrogance of unhappiness assume that marriage is a panacea and a problem solving device, which it is not. Marriage will not solve your problems.

                        e. People are no better in marriage than they are as people.

                        f. Virtue is designed for happiness. Happiness in marriage depends on virtue-love in three categories:  personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, and occupation with the person of Christ. These three problem solving devices are the road to recovery from the fragmented life after rebounding and moving on. These problem solving devices only function effectively when you attain spiritual adulthood.

                        g. You cannot solve marital problems by changing your spouse. You cannot change your spouse in marriage; you can only change yourself. Yet most people approach their marital problems by trying to change the other person.

     15. The arrogance of unhappiness is that fragment in the grenade which seeks to control environment, including persons in the environment such as family, friends, loved ones, business associates, etc.

                        a. The arrogance of unhappiness seeks to control people:

                                    (1) Through guilt, trying to make people feel guilty for alleged neglect.

                                    (2) Through the arousal of self-pity for themselves from others. Or they become abusive, argumentative, and a pain in the neck until they whip you into line. However, controlling others does not make unhappy people happy; they merely derive their kicks from this.

                        b. The arrogance of unhappiness seeks to dominate and enslave, to control, and to exercise power.

     16. Illusions about happiness.

                        a. You cannot build your happiness on the details of life: money, success, pleasure, social life, friends, relatives, health, sex, marriage, children,

                        b. You cannot build your happiness on pleasant environment.

                        c. You cannot build your happiness by changing the devil’s world, e.g., through crusades, reforms, social engineering, violence, civil disobedience, or revolution.

                        d. You cannot build your happiness on a moment of time, a moment of pleasure, a moment of power, a moment of stimulation, a moment of approbation, or a moment of success. It is impossible to apply your most glorious moment to any adversity and derive any happiness from it. Under pressure, you cannot recall the good times; you are simply miserable in your present bad times. That is not true happiness, but the arrogance of unhappiness.

                        e. You cannot build your happiness on self-gratification, including drug abuse, beauty, attractiveness, promises, or marriage.

                        f. You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness.

                        g. Satan himself is an illustration of the arrogance of unhappiness. As Lucifer, Son of the Morning, Satan is the most beautiful creature ever to come from the hand of God, and the most brilliant. Satan has more success, power, personality, genius, and approbation than any creature that has ever existed. Satan rules millions and millions of both fallen angels and humans. Yet having “everything,” Satan is unhappy, frustrated, bored, and the most miserable creature ever.

                        h. So why should you think you can be happy with the limited things you have or want? You will never be happy with any of those things! Without Bible doctrine, you can never be happy.

                        i. The arrogance of unhappiness is the tragedy of Christmas, the tragedy of family gatherings, the tragedy of marriages, the tragedy of friends and social life, the tragedy of success, the tragedy of wealth.

     17.   Happiness is an individual state of your soul. First there must be capacity for +H before there is occupancy! +H does not occupy your soul until you reach spiritual self-esteem. What’s keeping you from reaching spiritual self-esteem? Arrogance!

     18. This is why Rom 12:3 says, “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  Stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance, beyond the point of what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion, as God has assigned to each one a standard of thinking from doctrine.”

                        a. Being “rational without illusion” describes capacity.

                        b. God has assigned to you a standard of thinking which is the capacity, the house for the occupancy of +H. +H never occupies your house until you have the capacity. +H begins at spiritual self-esteem, continues in spiritual autonomy, and is completed in spiritual maturity.

                        c. Note that happiness is a standard of thinking, not doing, and not being stimulated. The standard of thinking is doctrine, which explains why most believers are so miserable; they don’t know doctrine.

                        d. Happiness is a system of thought in the soul, that system being Bible doctrine, not pleasure or stimulation. But the person with +H can enjoy pleasure and stimulation while remaining in a state of humility in the divine dynasphere and get the most out of life.

                        e. +H is never disappointed. +H is the greatest problem solving device in life! There’s nothing else like it.

                        f. Happiness is a state of the soul, not something someone can do for you. Many people stand around waiting for others to make them happy. The arrogance of unhappiness gives nothing and demands everything.

                        g. Actually happiness comes from the perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine as taught from the pulpit of the local church. It is not associated with hypocrisy or flattery.

     19. For the unbeliever, avoidance of the cosmic system through adherence to the laws of divine establishment produces in him honor, integrity, and capacity for love, life and happiness. So with his humility he can have great happiness in life.

     20. For the believer, only life in the divine dynasphere and Bible doctrine resident in the soul can provide happiness, Prov 3:13.

                        a. Ps 144:15 says that from the point of your salvation, you have the potential for happiness.

                        b. Your life depends on your daily use of your volition. Ps 31:7, “I will be happy in grace.”

                        c. Jn 17:13 indicates that our Lord, inside the prototype divine dynasphere, reached the peak of happiness in His humanity; we have same potential. 1 Jn 1:4.

                        d. Pseudo-happiness comes from self-righteousness, Lk 11:27-28.

                        e. Phil 4:11-13 says you must learn happiness. Happiness is a system related to thought. If you are not a student of the Word, you will never be happy.

                        f. Ps 89:15-17 says that when a client nation has a group of people with inner happiness, doctrine, establishment, honor, and integrity in their souls, war doesn’t change them or make them unhappy. The “sound of the trumpet” is merely a way of describing a system of enforced humility from authority and discipline, which paves the way for happiness.


H.  Gate #8:  Iconoclastic Arrogance.

            1. Definition.

                        a. This is subjective preoccupation with others. Unhappiness can come from both preoccupation with self and with others. Iconoclastic arrogance deals with all the problems that come from relating to others.

                        b. An iconoclast is a person who destroys icons or images. However, iconoclastic arrogance is defined as subjective preoccupation with others while living in cosmic one.

                        c. Iconoclastic arrogance can be described in the following ways.

                                    (1) It is the arrogance of disillusion with regard to people with whom you have contact or who are in your periphery.

                                    (2) It is the arrogance of disenchantment with people. This means you were once enchanted with them, which means you once developed a tremendous admiration for them from your own free will. Then you slander them to destroy them.

                                    (3) This arrogance can be called the feet of clay syndrome. Once you discover their feet of clay, you seek to destroy them. You resent anyone whose sins are not the same as your sins.

                        d. The mechanics of iconoclastic arrogance are three-fold.

                                    (1) Arrogance in a relationship with someone else creates an idol (icon) through excessive admiration or love for another person, and so puts him on a pedestal. Note that it is the arrogant one who puts the other on a pedestal, creating problems for himself immediately.

                                    (2) Arrogance eventually becomes disenchanted with the object of admiration. Arrogant people cannot really be objective toward anyone. Disenchantment occurs quickly in those who are subjective. By becoming disenchanted with the object he formerly admired, the arrogant person seeks to destroy the idol he created from his own arrogance. Once he sees the idol’s feet of clay, his unstable arrogance, which yesterday had excessive admiration for the object, now has antagonism toward him.

                                    (3) The object of arrogant admiration is all too often a believer with attractive qualities. But like all believers, he possesses an old sin nature, his own “feet of clay.” Once his old sin nature shows, the arrogant person is insulted that he has misplaced his admiration. The arrogant person has no true humility, no true love, and no virtue-love. Arrogant subjective believers in their preoccupation with self ignore the reality of the old sin nature and the universal depravity of man.

                        e. Iconoclastic arrogance is divorced from reality in human relationships. It can easily result in a psychopathic condition. People who are disillusioned, disenchanted, and bitter are arrogant. Such arrogance is subjective and divorces itself from the reality of human interaction. There is no such thing as a perfect person.

                        f. The arrogant believer takes an ordinary mortal who has feet of clay, and from romantic illusions, or from deluded idealism, or from his repertoire of subjectivity, he fashions in his mind an idol of perfection. Arrogance is prone to illusion, never seeing people as they really are.   Arrogance only sees people as arrogance would like them to be.

                                    (1) The idol of perfection created by arrogance can be a romantic image, a spiritual image, a beautiful or attractive image; nevertheless, it is an image that really doesn’t exist. The illusion, which is an arrogant misconception, becomes the delusion of imposing on the conscious mind an idol which really does not exist.

                                    (2) However, with true love from a state of humility, one has the capacity to love people with their faults. Your eyes are wide open to their failures and their faults. This is because impersonal love, the problem solver for personal relationships, accepts and tolerates people as they are, not as you wish them to be.

                        g. Iconoclastic arrogance creates the idol of perfection, becomes disillusioned when the feet of clay are manifest, and then destroys the idol when the delusion is shattered.

                        h. Hence, the feet of clay syndrome is an idolatrous illusion or self-deception based on the arrogance of subjectivity.

                                    (1) For example, an arrogant woman can idolize a man and even marry him in her state of idealism. After the marriage when his flaws begin to appear, the woman reacts when she sees his feet of clay. The problems that ensue usually eventuate in a divorce.

                                    (2) A Christian may idolize a pastor, an evangelist, or a missionary, and then demand attention from this created icon. Once that attention is lacking or lagging, the arrogant person becomes frustrated and looks for flaws. Flaws are easy to find if you’re looking for them.

                        i. Illusion created by arrogance becomes illusion destroyed by arrogance. When illusion becomes disillusion and enchantment becomes disenchantment, the pattern for iconoclastic arrogance is obvious.

                        j. The arrogant reaction of disillusion or disenchantment enters into all the mental attitude and verbal sins of gate #1, motivational arrogance.

                                    (1) There is a strong relationship between iconoclastic arrogance and motivational arrogance. Because once arrogance is disenchanted, it goes back to gate #1 and indulges in bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, guilt reaction, and the motivation for revenge.

                                    (2) Therefore, most people destroy themselves, for every human being has his own free will. We are self-destructive, although we blame it all on someone else due to the ignorance and blindness of our arrogance.

                                    (3) The motivation for revenge is to destroy the image YOU have created yourself in arrogance. This can be done by committing sins of the tongue, such as maligning and gossip.

                        k. Iconoclastic arrogance obviously destroys friendship, romance, marriage, business relationships, professional relationships, and spiritual relationships in a local church.

                        l. Most devastating of all is the tendency of arrogance to idolize a pastor who accurately communicates doctrine, because then the message of doctrine and the communicator are confused. The devastation comes when arrogance eventually rejects both the person and the doctrine. The smart believer will accept the doctrine and ignore the person communicating it.

                                    (1) Destruction of a pastor-idol means rejection of doctrine.

                                    (2)   Rejection of Bible doctrine means rejection of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life.

                                    (3) Iconoclastic arrogance is one reason for the large percentage of apostate believers, and is a major cause for the rejection of doctrine.

                        m. Occasional disappointments with friends, loved ones, husbands, wives, children, bosses, superior officers, coaches, and pastors is normal. But disenchantment or disillusion with a self-manufactured idol created from your own arrogant subjectivity is abnormal. It is a giant step in the drive toward unreality. It always contributes to some form of mental disorder or mental derangement.

                        n. The arrogant iconoclast never blames himself for what he has done in creating an idol and then, in disenchantment or disillusion, destroying it. But in his irrational state of mind, he blames the idol for being created by his own fantasies. Arrogance never takes the responsibility for being arrogant.

                        o. For the believer in spiritual adulthood, there is no reaction to people, such as disenchantment or delusion. You take people as you find them, including believers.

                                    (1) Each stage of spiritual adulthood is characterized by occupation with the person of Jesus Christ. Therefore, God emphasis takes precedence over people emphasis.

                                    (2) Once you reach spiritual self-esteem, you have an 80% victory over disenchantment with other people. The victory is completed in spiritual autonomy and spiritual maturity.

                                    (3) Beginning with spiritual self-esteem, you begin to tolerate all kinds of people, never feel threatened by others, and you never get involved to the point of becoming disillusioned or disenchanted with anyone.

                        p. Arrogance is responsible for creating the icon illusion. Whatever is created as an illusion inevitably becomes disillusion, because illusion and disillusion are mates in the drive toward unreality.

                        q. Therefore, iconoclastic arrogance is abnormal, for in arrogance, it blames the idol manufactured by self for what self in arrogance has done. The arrogant self is the villain.

                        r. The enchantment and fantasy, then the resultant disillusion, disenchantment, and disappointment is the arrogant cycle that is one of the quickest ways to enter into a psychotic condition.

                        s. The arrogant reaction of idolizing and then rejecting your very own icon is the vanity of transferring the blame to an innocent party for your own malfunction of soul and failure.

                        t. Disillusion combines the arrogance of manufacturing the idol with the hypocrisy of transferring the blame to the idol which you seek to destroy. Once the blame is transferred to the idol created through your own arrogance, you judge the idol as being guilty of disappointing you. Then you destroy your idol through the mental and verbal sins.

                        u. Arrogance destroys what arrogance creates. Arrogance is the illusion of assuming that someone is perfect. Iconoclasm is image-breaking. It is the demon influence of transferring your guilt to an innocent idol.

                        v. So the feet of clay syndrome is the arrogant irrationality of rearranging the doctrine of hamartiology (sin) to be compatible with your own self-righteousness.

                        w. Admiration is a normal expression of one’s standards. Normal admiration is very wonderful and is a sign of having some worthwhile standards. When you admire people in certain fields, it merely reflects your own thinking and standards, your priorities.

                                    (1) It is not degrading to admire others. But it is arrogant to be idolatrous about people. It is evil and morally degenerate to be iconoclastic about people.

                                    (2) The standards of the protocol plan of God always relate to virtue, honor, and integrity, and these are expressed in admiration for people. But to become disillusioned, disappointed, or disenchanted with the idol of your own making is abnormal and a sign of moral degeneration.

                                    (3) Love, respect, and admiration when normal are related to two things in your life:  virtue (good standards and priorities) and humility in your own soul.

                                    (4) Humility never manufactures idols out of humans. Therefore, humility can form tremendous friendships, because the weakness or failure of others doesn’t destroy friendship. This friendship is not based on compatible areas of weaknesses and old sin natures. Humility develops capacity of soul for friendship, love, romance. Humility never destroys relationships, but arrogance fantasizes them until an image of unreality is created.

Ÿ         The standards of the protocol plan of God are related to the problem solving devices acquired in spiritual adulthood:  personal love for God, impersonal love for all mankind, and the progress of +H from spiritual self-esteem to spiritual autonomy to spiritual maturity. These are the greatest defense against disillusion, disappointment, and disenchantment.

                        y. God is perfect; people are sinful. God is to be worshipped and become the object of personal love at gate #5, spiritual self-esteem. People are sinful and must become the objects of impersonal love, gate #6, spiritual autonomy. To be disenchanted with people is arrogance; to be disenchanted with God is blasphemous.

                        z. Virtue-love as a problem solving device is the cure for iconoclastic arrogance. This includes three categories of virtue-love.

                                    (1) Personal love for God the Father at gate #5.

                                    (2) Impersonal love for all mankind at gate #6.

                                    (3) Occupation with the person of Jesus Christ.

                aa. Human love combines the motivation of personal love for God with the capacity and capability of impersonal love for all mankind inserted into human love.

            2. Role Model Arrogance.

                        a. Role is defined as the proper or customary function of a person. Society and people in general have assigned certain customary functions to those who perform certain activities in life. This is particularly true of politicians, professional athletes, husbands, wives, teachers, public servants, or pastors.

                        b. When anyone departs from his role model, he is condemned, rejected, criticized, judged, slandered, and maligned.

                        c. People in society in general have a predilection for desiring everything to be in its proper place, and they resent any form of deviation.

                        d. For this reason, society inevitably has a double standard; they have one standard for the role model, and a second standard for themselves. While a person may excuse himself for his own sins, failures, and flaws, he inevitably condemns the role model for identical sins, failures, and flaws.

                        e. In essence, this is another aspect of iconoclastic arrogance.

                        f. Role model arrogance manufactures hypocrites, legalists, and self-righteous arrogance.

                        g. Role model arrogance is a fragment of the grenade which manufactures losers who not only have their eyes on self, but they also have their eyes on people in general. This excludes the possibility of using the greatest problem solving device, occupation with the person of Christ.

                        h. Role model arrogance creates hypocrisy in the clergy and legalism in the congregation. Therefore, both clergy and congregation are distracted from what is important, i.e., the mystery doctrine of the Church Age by which the protocol plan is executed.

                        i. Role model arrogance tries to impose impossible or perfect standards on others. This ignores the fact that all believers have a sin nature, and continue to sin after salvation, 1 Jn 1:8-10.

                        j. Without consistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, i.e., the consistent perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine, there are no solutions to the bad combination of unrealistic expectations plus role model arrogance.

                        k. Role model arrogance distracts Christians from doctrine by placing emphasis on the personality of the pastor rather than on the content of his message. Only the content of the pastor’s message can cause spiritual growth and the fulfillment of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life. It is not the man; it’s the message.

            3. The Combination of Unrealistic Expectation and Role Model Arrogance.

                        a. Unrealistic expectation is described as part of the arrogance of unhappiness, gate #7 of cosmic one, subjective preoccupation with self.

                        b. Unrealistic expectation means that arrogant people are not loved the way they want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated.

                        c. Role model arrogance is part of iconoclastic arrogance, gate #8 of cosmic one, defined as subjective preoccupation with other people.

                        d. Role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation combine to form the tragic flaws of the believer. It is the tragic flaw of the double standard by which, on the one hand, people justify their own sins while justifying, judging, slandering, and condemning the sins of others; and, on the other hand, enter into the self-righteous arrogance that includes the arrogance of legalism, personality arrogance, the arrogance of morality, authority arrogance, impulsive arrogance, conspiracy arrogance, crusader arrogance, the arrogance of Christian service, and transference arrogance.

                        e. Role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation results in three focus problems.

                                    (1) Eyes on self is a double standard used to justify self, to rationalize your own sins, and to ignore both moral or immoral degeneracy.

                                    (2) Eyes on people includes envy, hatred, bitterness, revenge, gossip, maligning, slander, inordinate ambition, and inordinate competition.

                                    (3) Eyes on things is arrogant resentment because others possess material things or have the affection of people which you do not possess.

                                    (4) Paul addressed this problem of eyes on things.

                                                (a) Phil 3:11-13. “Not that I speak in respect to want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I have.”

                                                (b) 1 Tim 6:6,8, “Godliness is a means of great profit when accompanied by contentment. And if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”

                                                © Heb 13:5, “Let your lifestyle be free from the love of money, and be content with what you have, for He Himself has said, `I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.’”

                                    (5) One of the terrible results of having your eyes on things is having arrogant frustration from seeing the wicked prosper. This often distracts the believer from consistent perception of Bible doctrine and from the execution of the protocol plan. But why do the wicked prosper?

                                                (a) Identification with an invisible hero.

                                                (b) Logistical grace blessing from God, imputed to the divine righteousness in every believer.

                                                © They are evil in an evil society, and so they prosper within the framework of that society.

                                    (6) The prosperity of another person should never distract you from Bible doctrine. Whether a person is evil or good, a winner or a loser, you should never be distracted because someone else is prospering.

                                    (7) If you’re growing in grace, someone else’s prosperity shouldn’t make a bit of difference to you. You have learned to be content in whatever your circumstances.

                                    (8) The only prosperity in life that really counts originates from the execution of the protocol plan of God, and the subsequent distribution of your very own escrow blessings. When your escrow blessings are distributed to you, you then have contentment plus the prosperity that fits your life. God doesn’t prosper us all in the same way; He lines up our blessings with our capacity. So we should stay within the framework of the prosperity that God provides, and know our limitations.

                                    (9) The real prosperity of the protocol plan is related to understanding the utilizing the ten problem solving devices for the Church Age, as well as the ten unique characteristics of the Church Age and your very own portfolio of invisible assets. This is real prosperity.

            4. Principles of Iconoclastic Arrogance.

                        a. For your happiness, contentment, and blessing, remember that you cannot change other people; you can only change yourself. Therefore, avoid crusader arrogance and iconoclastic arrogance, which is subjective preoccupation with people. If you’re occupied with Christ, you will be able to take people as they are. If you’re not occupied with Christ, people will make you miserable as long as you live.

                        b. You cannot change people to conform to your unrealistic expectation or role model arrogance. When you suffer from unrealistic expectation and are not loved or treated the way you want, you try to change people to conform to what you want. You cannot change people; you can only change yourself.

                        c. Only by changing yourself can you avoid iconoclastic arrogance, unrealistic expectations, and role model arrogance.

                        d. Changing yourself is a matter of consistent positive volition toward doctrine under post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation. You can’t make decisions or take vows to change yourself on your own. It is done for you by the grace of God and His fantastic provision in the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

                        e. Changing yourself is a matter of learning and utilizing the omnipotence of God, your portfolio of invisible assets, and the ten problem solving devices especially. Those problem solving devices do more to change you into what you should and must be to glorify God than anything else in your spiritual life.

                        f. Changing yourself is a matter of the execution of the protocol plan of God, by which you are manufactured into an invisible hero. In effect, changing yourself is becoming an invisible hero. If someone doesn’t like you that way, that’s too bad; that’s what God likes.

                        g. You cannot change people by imposing upon them impossible standards, which is what role model arrogance attempts to do. You could never keep such standards yourself; nevertheless, you impose them on others. This explains why marriages explodes, as each spouse pulls the pin on their grenade and rolls it under the other person.

                        h. You cannot react to the failures, flaws, and sins of other people through iconoclastic arrogance. A shocked wife tries to destroy the idol she created before marriage. A shocked husband complains to the bartender.

                        i. You cannot be frustrated or disappointed because you see what appears to you to be the feet of clay.

            5. Rejection. See the doctrine of Rejection.

                         I.  Gate #9:  Rational and Irrational Arrogance.

            1. Rational arrogance is pseudo-intellectualism; irrational arrogance is the arrogance of emotion. These are the inevitable result of the arrogance gates 1-8. In effect, the disenchantment and disillusion of gate #8, iconoclastic arrogance, results in the reaction of gate #9, either rational or irrational arrogance.

            2. Rational Arrogance.

                        a. Rational arrogance is the vanity of intellectual arrogance, or the elitism of the genius I.Q. Elitism might be defined for this study as that arrogant consciousness of pride in belonging to a select or favorite group of people. People with a high I.Q. have a tendency to look down their noses at those who are less fortunate.

                        b. Rational arrogance is the vanity of giving precedence to human I.Q. and intellectual attainment over spiritual I.Q. and momentum from doctrine.   The human viewpoint of life rejects or sets aside divine viewpoint.

                        c. Rational arrogance generally afflicts those believers in Jesus Christ whose superior I.Q. or educational background gives them a false sense of elitism or superiority.

                        d. All too often, intellectual arrogance compromises Bible doctrine by attempting to reconcile those things found in the Word of God with philosophical and scientific speculation.

                        e. Because rational or intellectual arrogance is so anthropocentric, it has a tendency to accept as fact theories and philosophical speculations in the field of rationalism and empiricism, and make them a part of Christian doctrine.

                                    (1) For example, a favorite practice of rational or intellectual arrogance is to choose something like the theory of evolution over creationism, because it is seems to them to be “more reasonable” than divine revelation in the canon of Scripture. This is consistent with the human viewpoint objective of glorifying self over God.

                                    (2) Intellectual arrogance often distorts the trends of history and establishes false trends.

                                    (3) Intellectual arrogance uses academic subjects to contradict the lucid and perspicuous statements of Scripture. It uses history, philosophy, psychology, sociology (tries to explain what God is doing in the devil’s world), historical geology, anthropology, certain aspects of political science, and it ends up glorifying Marxist theories, inserting them into academic subjects. Learning these academic subjects often create in the believer an intellectual arrogance which is difficult to overcome when he hears Bible doctrine which contradicts these subjects.

                                    (4) The trends of rational or intellectual arrogance are noted in the attempt to reform Christianity, beginning with gnosticism in the second century. Gnosticism tried to reinterpret the Scriptures and to add philosophical concepts which the Word of God rejects.

                                    (5) The scholasticism of medieval times tried to merge the theories of Plato and Aristotle with Christian doctrine.

                                    (6) You cannot reconcile gnosticism (second century) or existentialism (twentieth century) with Bible doctrine. The arrogant believer chooses academia over doctrine because of intellectual arrogance.

                                    (7) In the early church, intellectual arrogance was manifest by neo-platonism and gnosticism. In the twentieth century, it is manifest in existentialism, social action, socialism, utopianism, and communism.

                        f. The truth of Bible doctrine forms a system of absolutes, but arrogance intrudes with the glorification of some form of human speculation which excludes doctrinal viewpoint. This results in such philosophies as existentialism and the arrogant system of subjective humanism.

                        g. Without the truth of Bible doctrine as the means of establishing the norms of life, intellectualism is meaningless and often very harmful.

                        h. Bible doctrine is rejected in arrogance under the erroneous conclusion that human existence is neither understandable nor describable in either idealistic or scientific terminology. Allegedly, man can only be understood by the subjective analysis of his suffering, guilt feelings, anxiety, and the need to make decisions through the utilization of his freedom in a meaningless and purposeless world. Existentialism is twentieth century gnosticism.

                        i. In arrogance, man’s individual existence precedes his essence. This subjective thinking means he must therefore fashion himself. That’s the application of existentialism to life.

                        j. Therefore, Christian existentialism emphasizes the arrogant and subjective aspects of man as a creature of God. It glorifies man by saying that man is good and honorable by nature and by birth. Therefore, it denies the existence of the old sin nature and the total depravity of man. Neo-orthodoxy tries to reconcile the concepts of man’s goodness.                  k. This results in man seeking God through guilt motivation, which is one of man’s strongest drives for seeking God. Those who have no guilt seek God through intellectual, philosophical speculation. As a result, the believer is not seeking God in the only way possible, i.e., through the perception of Bible doctrine, which immediately eliminates guilt motivation or intellectual philosophical speculation.

                        l. This arrogance is advocated by such men as Kerkegard, Sarte, Carl Barth, and Emil Bruner. They call themselves modern theologians, but they are really philosophical speculators. They do not to teach doctrine, but attempt to explain Christianity in terms of philosophical speculation. This subjective approach to doctrine is arrogance.

                        m. There are two categories of intellectual arrogance.

                                    (1) The arrogance of the ignorant who have oversimplified solutions and panaceas to the problems of life. This is the concept of having a predilection toward some red herring conspiracy, blaming all the problems in life on some organization, e.g., on the Jews. This is the Jacobean mentality.

                                    (2) The arrogance of the brilliant intellect who overestimates his own opinion. He is jealous and resentful of anyone else whose academic attainments are greater than his own. He tries to give opinions in areas out of his expertise.

            3. Irrational or Emotional Arrogance.

                        a. Emotional or irrational arrogance is the antithesis of rational arrogance. Rational arrogance uses human viewpoint and academic theory as the criterion for life instead of Bible doctrine. Irrational arrogance uses feeling and emotion as the criterion for life instead of Bible doctrine.

                        b. Normal emotional function responds to the thinking of the precordial frontal lobes of the soul.

                                    (1) In the human soul, there exists both male and female parts. The intellect is the male part of the soul; emotion is the female part of the soul.                                     (2) Emotions are designed, under normal living, to respond to the content of your intellect and to the standards developed from your thinking. When your standards are met in any field of life, your emotions respond.

                                    (3) Emotion is normal only when under the authority of thought. Just as your volition must be under human authorities of establishment and under the divine authority of the Word of God, so emotion is only normal when it is subordinate to thinking.

                                    (4) Emotion is a responder and reflector of thinking or lack of thinking in a normal person. Emotion is the feeling and responding reflexes of the soul.

                                    (5) As a system of feeling and response, emotion in itself does not contain any of the following.

                                                (a) Emotion has no ability to reason. The ability to reason is lost if emotion dominates the soul.

                                                (b) Emotion has no capability of thought. Emotion was not designed for thinking, but for responsive stimulation.

                                                © Emotion has no doctrinal content or criteria.

                                                (d) Emotion has no common sense. So if emotion dominates the soul, there is no common sense.

                                                (e) Emotion has no vocabulary as a tool for mental function. To be able to think, you must have a vocabulary.

                        c. Emotion is never the criterion for Christian experience. You are not saved or spiritual because you feel saved or spiritual. Your feelings have absolutely nothing to do with your spiritual status quo. However, your emotions can respond to your spiritual growth or to doctrines you finally understand, just as your emotions respond to other things.

                        d. The criterion for Christianity is two-fold.

                                    (1) Positive criterion:  Bible doctrine, the systematic theology of reason.

                                    (2) Negative criterion:  emotion, a system of feeling, which when used as criterion leads to the distortion of the protocol plan of God.

                        e. Under the principle of irrational arrogance, emotion becomes a major distraction to the execution of the protocol plan of God. Preoccupation with self in arrogance enjoys substituting emotional stimulation for Bible doctrine, therefore forcing doctrine out of your life. This is why people seek guidance in their decision making from others.

                        f. Emotion rejects the three R’s of operation Z:  reception, retention, and recall of doctrine, all of which require the function of the frontal lobe inside the divine dynasphere.

                        g. Emotion is not involved in the process of learning doctrine. Emotion benefits from doctrine learned. To the extent that you get emotional about some doctrinal point, you lose your objectivity and your ability to actually take in doctrine. When arrogance gives precedence to emotion or how one feels, it results in false doctrine, rejection of eternal security, drug abuse, and involvement in the phallic cult.

                        h. Emotional arrogance concludes the following blasphemies.

                                    (1) A person is not saved unless he feels saved.

                                    (2) A person is not spiritual without an ecstatic experience.

                        i. Abnormal emotion is the impulsive function related to arrogance. Emotional stress causes the believer to act on impulse rather than the application of Bible doctrine.

                                    (1) The emotion of fear causes flight.

                                    (2) The emotion of disgust causes repulsion.

                                    (3) The emotion of anger causes violence.

                                    (4) Instincts are reflex behavior based on emotion rather than on thought.

                        j. Therefore, emotions are feeling functions, and they should never become the criterion for Christianity.

                        k. Emotional arrogance converts reality into illusion and hallucination, making another giant step in the drive toward unreality, which explains why so many believers are psychopathic. Therefore, emotional arrogance always collapses under pressure.

                        l. Definition and description of emotion.

                                    (1) Emotion is defined as a complex, biochemical, physiological process or function concerned with somatic expression of feeling. Emotion is the basis for thymopathic behavior, disturbance of effects.

                                    (2) There are two functions of the emotion.

                                                (a) The conscious sensation of emotions in the soul responding to the intellect.

                                                (b) The effect of emotions on the organic functions of the body. Both of these are misconstrued in Christianity today.

                                    (3) The conscious sensation of emotion in the soul is the mechanism of emotions in the brain. The effects of emotion on the organic function of the body is a parasympathetic effect of the transmission of too many or too few motor nerve impulses to the muscles of the body.

                                    (4) The prefrontal lobes are the cortical areas associated with thought and decisions. Normal emotions respond to thought in the prefrontal lobes. In cases where the prefrontal lobes have been removed, such as a frontal lobotomy, such individuals still have emotional activity. Therefore, you can have a lot of emotional activity without ever having a thought! Such emotional activity is unstable, coming and going with extreme rapidity. So while the removal of the prefrontal lobes may eliminate thought, it does not eliminate emotional activity.

                                    (5) Emotion without thought is a disaster to the soul. Such sins as anger, rage, fear, worry, anxiety, and hatred are classified as emotional activity.

                                    (6) Emotion is related to human power and influence, but never to divine power and Bible doctrine. Emotional arrogance is a denial of divine power available to every Church Age believer. Doctrine is stored and utilized in the prefrontal lobes, not in the emotions.

                        m. The cosmic believer has three emotional malfunctions.

                                    (1) He makes a god out of his emotions, Phil 3:18-19.

                                    (2) His emotions distract him from the protocol plan of God, Rom 16:17-18.

                                    (3) His emotions hinder his perception of Bible doctrine, 2 Cor 6:11-12.

                        n. Irrational arrogance makes emotion the criterion for the Christian way of life. Phil 3:18-19, “For many [cosmic believers] keep walking [modus operandi in cosmic system] concerning whom I have communicated to you many times and now continue communicating, even though weeping, that they are enemies of the cross of Christ; whose end is destruction [sin unto death], whose god is his emotions, whose fame is by means of dishonor, who keeps thinking about earthly things.”

                                    (1) In any given generation, the “many” or the majority of believers execute this blasphemous, emotional way of life.

                                    (2) The apostle Paul wept because divine power is available to every Church Age believer, yet it is rarely utilized. Most believers are content to live out their lives in a very conventional, ordinary way without ever realizing that God has given us greater power than He ever gave to Old Testament believers, except to a few.

                                    (3) How can believers be the enemies of the cross? Because they are grieving the same Holy Spirit who sustained our Lord on the cross. These believers live in the arrogance complex, their lives reflecting Satan’s modus operandi and policy as the ruler of this world. These cosmic believers live outside the divine dynasphere in Satan’s cosmic system.

                                    (4) The outcome of the cross was that our Lord demonstrated that by utilizing the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere, you can bear anything in life. There is no suffering, no disaster, no tragedy, no heartache too great for us to bear. We have the same divine dynasphere and the same power available as our Lord had.

                                    (5) So those who make emotion their criterion and associate emotion with Christianity are the enemies of the cross. Their arrogance is too subtle for most to see, but it is obvious to those who understand the great power experiment of the Church Age.

                                    (6) Any believer living outside the divine dynasphere is an enemy of the cross. He is a cosmic, carnal believer, and he will wind up in either moral or immoral degeneracy; both are equally bad.

                                    (7) Attaining “fame by dishonor” violates the principle that if God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted.

                        o. Emotional arrogance distracts from the execution of the protocol plan of God. Rom 16:17-18, “Now I urge you, brethren, be alert for those who are causing dissensions and apostasies contrary to doctrine which you have learned. For such believers do not obey our Lord Jesus Christ, but their emotions, serving themselves. And by their smooth and flattering speech they deceive the right lobes of the ignorant [of Bible doctrine].”

                                    (1) Alertness is impossible apart from epistemological rehabilitation and cognition of doctrine.

                                    (2) All dissension and apostasy has one root:  arrogance.

                                    (3) Our Lord set up the pattern and gave the mandates with regard to the great power experiment of the Church Age. But arrogant believers have rejected the protocol plan of God and the mandates of our Lord. Arrogance rejects authority.

                        p. Emotional arrogance hinders the believer from epistemological rehabilitation and cognition of Bible doctrine. 2 Cor 6:11-12, “O you Corinthians, our mouth has been opened face to face with you; our [Paul, Apollos, Timothy] right lobes have been enlarged [by Bible doctrine]. Therefore, you have not been hindered by us, but you have been hindered by your own emotions.”

                                    (1) The Corinthians were generally bright with high human I.Q.s. But the issue is spiritual I.Q., living in the divine dynasphere, learning from the teaching of God the Holy Spirit.

                                    (2) The enlargement of the right lobes refers to the studying and teaching of the doctrinal communicator.

                                    (3) It was not lack of good Bible teaching that hindered the Corinthian believers from executing the protocol plan of God. They were hindered by their own emotional arrogance.

                        q. Characteristics of emotional arrogance.

                                    (1) Emotional arrogance is vulnerable to flattery, because flattery encourages unreality about self.

                                    (2) Emotional arrogance encourages fear because emotion cannot think under pressure. Courage is thinking under pressure.

                                    (3) Emotional arrogance produces personality disturbances, called psycho-neurotic disorders. Psycho-neurotic personalities use arrogance to try to deal with stress, but instead of solving stress, they manufacture anxiety, piling more pressure on their life. Emotional arrogance cannot handle anxiety. Phobic, depressive, obsessive, and compulsive reactions result from emotional arrogance.

                                    (4) Emotion has no vocabulary, no ability to think, and no problem solving capabilities.

                                    (5) The guilt complex causes pressure, for it is an emotion which is much stronger than doctrine in you.

                                    (6) One way of allowing your emotions to dominate is through drug addiction. Drugs are a stimulus to the emotional pattern, wiping out the thinking pattern. In this euphoric state, you cannot cope with life.

                                    (7) The modern tongues movement is the expression of emotions dominating the soul. Emotional arrogance is the function of demon possession among unbelievers and demon influence among both believers and unbelievers.

                        r. Decisions made by emotional arrogance are generally wrong decisions from a position of weakness. In the formative years, emotions dominate the soul, so you should never marry your first sweetheart.

                        s. Knowledge of doctrine is the environment for thinking, not emotion or ecstatics. Emotion has no rationale for application to the stresses of life. Emotional arrogance uses illusion, hallucination, and fantasizing to cope with stress.

                        t. The cure for emotional arrogance is discipline and authority resulting in enforced humility. One of the greatest things that can happen to anyone is to be born into a family where the parents are very strict and enforce discipline and force you to respect them. In this way, even if you have a tendency toward arrogance, your parents keep you related to reality under enforced humility. In the local church, this enforced humility comes from discipline under the pastor.

                        u. Emotional arrogance not only eliminates rational thinking in the soul, but produces arrogant preoccupation with the insignificant. Arrogant preoccupation with the insignificant not only destroys any true scale of values in life, but develops an arrogant self-centeredness which destroys capacity for life, love, and happiness.

                        v. Details of life are the means of living, but they are neither the motivation nor the capacity for living. Thought is motivation for life. Arrogance always wants more and bigger details of life to the exclusion of reality; then your happiness comes to depend on these. But the details of life are the means of living, not the means for capacity for life or happiness. When you are motivated for living because of such details as transportation, food, shelter, recognition, and fame, you have used arrogance to eliminate capacity for life, love and happiness. Without capacity of thought, details will make you miserable. Again, knowledge is the environment for thinking - not emotion.

                        w. Doctrine is the environment for decisions, not emotion.

Ÿ         Emotions are wonderful when they are the result of thinking; that’s what emotions are for. They are the nerve extensions of thought in the soul. Therefore, emotions are designed to enjoy life.


J.  Gate #10:  Client Nation Arrogance.

            1. The client nation to God is defined in terms of the laws of divine establishment, providing the necessary freedom for three great spiritual functions:

                        a. Evangelism, the presentation of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

                        b. The teaching of Bible doctrine.

                        c. Missionary activity to non-client nations.

            2. All three categories involve the spiritual life (beginning with personal faith in Christ) from perception of Bible doctrine, producing spiritual growth which is so important.

            3. The client nation to God is blessed by a pivot of mature believers whose invisible historical impact is the key to its function and perpetuation. As goes the believer in any given generation, so goes history in that generation.

            4. The true issue for the Church Age is the invisible impact of the spiritual life of the believer. This was never true before the Church Age began. Always in the Old Testament it was a matter of individual leadership, as with Moses, David, Hezekiah, etc. But now the issue is invisible history impact. God, in His marvelous sense of humor, has made the Church Age unique. He has made the blessings or cursings in any generation depend upon your individual attitude toward Bible doctrine, your momentum in the divine dynasphere.

            5. When the pivot shrinks and the percentage of mature believers declines, the client nation is then subject to the five cycles of discipline.

            6. There are two categories of client nations in history.

                        a. Old Testament category:  Jewish client nations, of which there were four (Israel, northern kingdom, southern kingdom, Judah). These client nations existed from Moses until the fall of Judah in August of A.D. 70.

                        b. New Testament category:  Gentile client nations, called the times of the Gentiles. Gentile client nations began with S.P.Q.R. and continues at present with the U.S.A.

            7. When a maximum number of believers are living in Satan’s cosmic system and when the citizens of the client nation reject the laws of divine establishment, the nation is punished by the five cycles of discipline.

            8. With the administration of the fifth cycle of discipline, the client nation status is removed, and all too often that nation goes into slavery. Three Jewish client nations were so destroyed by the fifth cycle of discipline.

                        a. The Northern Kingdom was enslaved and destroyed by the Assyrians in B.C. 721.

                        b. The Southern Kingdom was enslaved and destroyed by the Chaldeans in B.C. 586.

                        c. The Kingdom of Judah was enslaved and destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70.

            9. The times of the Gentiles (Lk 21:24) began officially in A.D. 70 and continues until the resurrection of the Church when history goes back to the leadership system of the Old Testament.

     10. There will be no more Jewish client nations to God until the Second Advent of Christ and His millennial reign.

     11. Currently, the active client nation to God is the United States of America.

     12. There are two categories of government in any nation in history:  legitimate government and arrogant government. It is important to distinguish between the two.

                        a. There are three categories of legitimate government, and three categories of arrogant government. It isn’t the form of government that matters so much as its function.

                                    (1) Monarchy is the rule of one man in the interest of the common good (e.g., a king). The arrogant distortion of this is tyranny, the rule of one man for his own advantage (e.g., a dictator).

                                    (2) Aristocracy is the rule of a group of men in the interest of the common good. The arrogant distortion of this is oligarchy, the rule of an interest group for their own benefit.

                                    (3) Republic is the rule of the better part of the people in the interest of the common good. Its arrogant distortion is democracy, the rule of the worst part of the people for their own benefit.

                        b. But regardless of the form of government, the purpose of a client nation is to establish the freedom, privacy, and the sacredness of both property and life. The client nation, regardless of government, provides the environment of freedom so that there can occur evangelism, Bible teaching, missionary activity; and for those who so choose, the rejection of these things.

     13. Client nation arrogance begins with an arrogant form of government, whether tyranny, oligarchy, or democracy. This arrogant government reflects the general attitude of the people:  apostasy among believers, indifference among unbelievers, and irresponsibility by all.

     14. Client nation arrogance includes moral and immoral degeneration.

     15. Client nation arrogance blurs the distinctions between church and state, between the military and the state, and between free enterprise and the state.

                        a. The apostate church becomes involved in social action instead of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

                        b. A church which advocates such evils as the welfare state, redistribution of wealth, destroying the sovereignty of other nations through “civil rights,” big government and little people, unjust taxation, the rule of the proletariat through labor unions (an irresponsible extension of the voting franchise); such believers who advocate these evils are caught in this arrogant trap.

     16. Therefore, client nation arrogance is characterized by social degeneration, economic depression, military disaster, and the apostasy of believers resulting in the shrinkage of the pivot.

     17. Client nation arrogance is characterized by bureaucracy in government rather than leadership and integrity.

     18. Our Constitution demands from its people integrity, honor, and a sense of justice from a maximum number of American citizens.

     19. Arrogance destroys consensus, neutralizes integrity, caters to privileges groups, and demands equality at the expense of everyone else’s freedom.

     20. Client nation arrogance destroys human freedom, and therefore destroys true evangelism or accurate Bible teaching and indigenous missionary activity.

     21. Client nation arrogance finds believers involved in activism, crusader arrogance, civil disobedience, violence, and revolution.

     22. Client nation arrogance is that presumption that the blessings and prosperities from God to a client nation are the result of national and ethnic superiority. Arrogance rejects the laws of divine establishment, ridicules the Gospel, and ignores the fact that all national blessing is associated with the pivot of mature believers.

     23. Under client nation arrogance, we have the extension of the voting franchise to the point of irresponsibility. Everyone is arrogant enough to think that his vote is important, that he is discerning enough to distinguish the good from the bad. This results in silly laws, irresponsibility, stupid demagogues, arrogant bureaucracy, and the inevitable distortion of our own wonderful Constitution.

     24. So what is your responsibility as a Christian to the United States of America as a client nation?

     25. The issue is pivotism versus activism

.                       a. Pivotism is the believer living inside the divine dynasphere, advancing to maturity, and forming a part of the pivot which protects the client nation.

                        b. Activism finds arrogant Christians living inside the cosmic system, practicing that terrible evil of civil disobedience. Civil disobedience in a client nation with freedom is the quintessence of arrogance and demonization. Nothing is ever solved by protests or violence.

                        c. To upset and destroy our form of government just to get their way about something not even Biblical is the trend of fundamentalists today.

                        d. Violence is never justified in a client nation to God. Violence is distinguished from the function of law and order; i.e., killing criminals and national enemies.

                        e. Christians involved in protest functions have a sense of arrogance from demonization, not a sense of destiny from the inculcation of doctrine. Only believers living in the divine dynasphere really have a true sense of destiny. The freedom of the client nation should be used for self-determination related to the plan of God, not trying to superimpose Christian standards on the general public.

                        f. Our responsibility is to live our life as unto the Lord, producing motivating virtue toward God and functional virtue toward man. But self-righteous arrogance tries to make the whole public live like Christians; e.g., “Blue Laws.” Self-determination is our wonderful privilege in this free nation. But it should never be related to arrogant decisions related to the communist plan for the conquest of the world.

                        g. Separation of church and state provide the option of freedom. Not only are we as individuals the products of our own decisions, but tragically today, we are also the products of our decisions collectively made from the demonizing inculcation of the cosmic system. __________________________________________________________________________