8/11/75; 11/9/75




A.  Definition. The Greek word PARATHEKE means to deposit, to put something beside. It is a banking term used for the deposit of money in a bank.


B.  The Concept. The believer makes a deposit with the Lord at the point of salvation, 2 Tim 1:12. Faith in Christ is making a deposit of your life in the plan of God. You are totally dependent on the security of God. It is eternal and perfect security.


C.  Biblical Approaches to Eternal Security.

            1. The positional truth approach teaches that the Holy Spirit enters you into union with Christ when you believe in Him, Rom 8:38-39.

            2. The logical approach says that since God did the most for us at salvation, He can now therefore only do much more than the most, Rom 5, 8:32.

            3. The metaphorical approach uses such anthropomorphisms as the “hands of God,” Ps 37:24; Jn 10:28.

            4. The reversionistic approach, 2 Tim 2:12-13.

            5. The family approach, Jn 1:12; Gal 3:26. You are born again into the royal family of God, and you cannot get out of the family.

            6. The inheritance approach, 1 Pet 1:4-5.

            7. The sovereignty of God approach, 2 Pet 3:9; Jude 24, says that nothing can change God’s sovereign will in the matter.

            8. The body approach, 1 Cor 12:21 cf Col 1:18. Members of the body cannot be separated from the head.

            9. The royal family approach is based on the sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit, 2 Cor 1:22; Eph 1:13, 4:30.

          10. The Greek tense approach, Eph 2:8-9. The perfect tense means completed action with results that go on forever. You are saved now and you will always be saved.


D.  God makes a deposit of doctrine in the believer, 2 Tim 1:14. This deposit is made through the doctrinal teaching of the pastor. Every positive believer has one right pastor, who is the means of making this deposit, 1 Tim 6:20; Acts 17:2-3.


E.  The mature believer makes a deposit in time, 1 Pet 4:19.

            1. In times of adversity, the utilization of doctrine makes it possible for you to produce divine good in adversity.

            2. The devil’s world is unfair and prejudice. No believer should ever be blessed by the devil.

            3. Some believers in reversionism are rewarded by Satan.

            4. The soul is the battleground during this intensified stage of the angelic conflict.

            5. Some mature believers, by staying away from the cosmic system, always endure maximum pressure in the devil’s world.

            6. In the maximum use of the faith-rest drill, certain believers under pressure, suffering according to the will of God, must deposit their souls with Jesus Christ, who has provided both dying grace and surpassing grace as the basis for their eternal reward.

            7. By depositing his soul with the Lord in time of maximum pressure, the mature believer glorifies God to the maximum and produces in a short time enough divine good to receive fantastic decorations for all eternity.

            8. This is that application of doctrine under pressure that the maximum use of faith-rest provides for in dying grace, and it produces fantastic eternal rewards, Ps 55:22; 1 Pet 5:5-7.


F.  The pastor makes a deposit with his ministerial students, 2 Tim 2:1-2; 1 Tim 1:18. Jesus Christ taught the disciples under the principle of PARATITHEMI, Mt 13:24,31.


G.  The Analogy to Training Other Pastors, 2 Tim 2:1-2.


R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1994, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
