6/8/79; 8/1/79; 12/3/81




A.  Personal Postulates.

            1. There are no advantages to the advantages without the advantage (God’s perfect righteousness).

                        a. Your advantage is that you are directly related to the integrity of God for logistical support.

                        b. The advantages are blessings from the justice of God.

                        c. The advantage is the integrity of God and your relationship to divine integrity through spiritual maturity.

                        d. Justice can only bless that which is perfect. Imputed perfect righteousness is the basis for all divine blessing. You must first have capacity from Bible doctrine resident in the soul before there is direct blessing from God.

            2. If you have the advantage, you have the advantages.

                        a. The advantage is positive volition to residence and function inside the divine dynasphere.

                        b. Potential plus capacity equals reality.

            3. Without the advantage, there are no advantages. The advantage is the use of free will to stay in the divine dynasphere and recover from cosmic involvement, therefore making right decisions.


B.  National Postulates.

            1. No nation can have the advantages without the advantage.   The advantage is a pivot of mature believers.

            2. A nation without the advantage loses the advantages. No pivot means loss of national blessings.

            3. No nation can recover its advantages without the advantage (a pivot). Only spiritual revival brings national recovery.

            4. Loss of both the advantage and the advantages eventuates in the removal of that nation from history under the fifth cycle of discipline.


C.  As Goes the Pivot, so Goes the Nation.

            1. Advantages are God’s blessings to a believer as a result of his residence and function in the divine dynasphere.

            2. An advantage is your positive volition to reside and function in the divine dynasphere. 3. Advantages include your blessings, capacity, virtue, historical impact, and glorification of Christ.

            4. An advantage is the use of free will to recover from the cosmic system in order to make right decisions that open more options.

            5. A maximum number of believers in the cosmic system destroys the advantage of the nation.

            6. Therefore, the believer must make daily decisions for the divine dynasphere for any uptrend to occur in that nation historically.

            7. Both national prosperity and client nation function depend on the formation of a pivot of believers who have the advance to gate 8 of the divine dynasphere.

            8. When a maximum number of believers live in the cosmic system, that nation loses its prosperity, resulting in natural and historical disaster.

            9. The nation can only recover its advantages of prosperity from God through the formation of a new pivot.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
