


A.  Definition.

            1. The Bible specifies by categories certain hostilities and or alienations. Both are irrational acts on the part of humans. Enemyship is a mental attitude sin.

            2. Alienation means to be well-acquainted with someone and not like them at all.

            3. Hostility means to not know someone well and not like them at all.

            4. There is both personal and historical enemyship. An example of personal enemyship existed between Esau and Jacob; an example of historical enemyship exists between the Arabs and the Jews. Personal enemyship is based on a mental attitude sins.

            5. There is also angelic enmity. Satan is constantly seeking to gain his objectives by means of hatred.


B.  Categories of Enemyship related to the Spiritual Life.

            1. Satan and the fallen angels are the enemy of the believer, 1 Tim 5:14; 1 Pet 5:8.

            2. The reversionist, though used by Satan, is the enemy of both Satan and the advancing believer.

            3. Demons are said to be the enemy of God, 1 Cor 15:25; Heb 10:13.

            4. Unbelievers are the enemies of God, Rom 5:10; Col 1:21. All unbelievers are “in a state of alienation, hostile in thinking, and evil in deeds.”

            5. Both categories of enemies of God will be judged by the Lake of Fire, Jn 3:18; Matt 25:41; Heb 10:27.

            6. The carnal believer becomes a temporary enemy of God by being out of fellowship, Rom 8:7-8.

            7. God is the enemy of the reversionistic believer, 1 Sam 28:16. God is the enemy of the believer when he is under the sin unto death.

            8. The reversionistic believer is the enemy of God, James 4:4.

            9. The reversionist is called the “enemy of the cross,” Phil 3:18.

     10. The pastor who counters legalism with truth is considered the enemy of the legalist, Gal 4:16. Legalists hate the teaching of grace.


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 Thieme, Jr. All rights reserved.
