Eph 727 1/20/88; Spir Dynamics 80 11/8/92




A.  Contradictions cannot exist in the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

      1. Any contradictions in our life are not a part of the protocol plan. Contradictions do exist in the life of any believer, some more and some less. Through abandoning or living outside of your spiritual life, you lose your spiritual values, which includes rejection of Bible doctrine as your number one priority in life. This is always true in the life of a loser, whether temporarily or permanently. The loser believer is always in opposition to the protocol plan, and he resists Bible doctrine.

      2. Ignorance of Bible doctrine contradicts the protocol plan of God for the Church. Under the perfect plan of God, metabolized doctrine functions as an exclusion clause. There are four exclusions from metabolized doctrine.

              a. Divine power excludes the use of human power in executing God’s plan.

              b. Grace excludes legalism.

              c. Divine viewpoint excludes human viewpoint.

              d. Problem solving devices exclude stress in the soul and exclude all the problems of life.

     3. Resistance of Bible doctrine includes at least four categories.

              a. Indifference because of wrong priorities. If you’re thinking about something else in Bible class, you won’t be interested in the teaching. You’re too busy with your own life. But if you have the right priorities and Bible doctrine is first, you set aside all your problems and difficulties because doctrine is number one priority in your life.

              b. Rejection because of a disorganized mind. Basically, a disorganized mind is the result of laziness in thinking. Many people never want to think or increase their vocabulary. One of the quickest ways to overcome a disorganized mind is to study doctrine categorically. Once you begin to think categorically, all that changes. Interestingly enough, inner beauty and animation in the life comes from an organized mind that can think categorically.

              c. Rejection of the authority of your pastor-teacher. You may reject him because of a personality conflict, or because you judge him superficially by how he looks or by some characteristic you don’t like.

              d. Arrogant reaction to other believers.

      4. All this adds up to preoccupation with self. Arrogance, the ultimate in preoccupation with self and self-centeredness, always contradicts the protocol plan of God.

      5. Ignorance of doctrine contradicts the protocol plan of God. There is no excuse for ignorance. You can’t blame it on a low I.Q. or on any mental handicap. It is simply a matter of wrong priorities or rejection because of the above reasons.

      6. Why can’t contradictions exist in the protocol plan for us? God is perfect; therefore, His plan is perfect. There are contradictions in us, but not in God or in His plan. There can be no contradictions in a perfect plan from perfect God. A perfect God can only devise a perfect plan.

              a. The believer still has an old sin nature after salvation. And as we learn Bible doctrine, we see more manifestations of the sin nature.

              b. The old sin nature is not the source of sin, but is the source of temptation to sin. It is not sinful to be tempted.    It is sinful to use your volition to succumb to temptation. The source of all sin in our lives is our free will. Whether you knew it was a sin or not, you wanted to do it; hence you are accountable for your every sin.

              c. You are accountable for every decision you make since you have become an adult (around age 14). The old sin nature has no more control over your life than you give it. God holds you responsible for your every decision. All sin is a decision of your own free will.

              d. Sin is the first area where contradictions exist. The protocol plan of God is perfect. We contradict that perfect plan every time we sin. That’s why the rebound technique is so extremely important. It’s important to name your sins and not get emotional about it. Rebound eliminates contradictions in our lives.

      7. Contradictions are blasphemies against the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. Losers don’t take the responsibility for their own decisions to sin; they always blame others. Winners take the responsibility for their sins, rebound, and move on!

              a. God’s perfect protocol plan is designed for imperfect persons. That’s why His policy is grace. Grace orientation begins with rebound, not with sin.

              b. The believer in a state of sinfulness, carnality, blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, reversionism, or cosmic involvement contradicts the protocol plan of God in his thinking, motivation, decisions, and actions.

              c. However, the failure of the carnal believer does not neutralize or contradict the plan of God. God’s plan goes on with or without you. If you fail to rebound, you’re left behind in the dust.

              d. Sin in the Christian life originates from volition. Failure to execute the protocol plan of God results from volition plus arrogance, resulting in volition plus ignorance. Ignorance is never an excuse in the Christian way of life.

      8. Contradictions exist when Christians follow Satan’s plan through cosmic involvement.

      9. Contradictions are eliminated through post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation. You have to keep learning doctrine until rationales are formed in your mind and thinking. You start by claiming promises; hang on to them and keep using them. Contradictions are eliminated through the resultant execution of the protocol plan of God.

              a. Contradictions are eliminated through the perception of doctrine, but only through residence inside the divine dynasphere.

              b. Contradictions are eliminated and replaced by the problem solving devices of spiritual adulthood. They result in the advance to spiritual maturity. There is no way we can execute God’s plan without knowing the problem solving devices, how to use them, and then using them.

              c. You must make decisions to learn, to concentrate, and to utilize. Anything worthwhile in life demands repetition for its foundation. Then you build on that foundation. Inculcation demands good motivation.

     10. The fact that contradictions cannot exist in the protocol plan of God for the Church Age believer means divine power excludes human power. As long as we function on human power, there will be contradictions. Therefore, we must function on divine power, which is 100% available.

              a. This means that grace always excludes legalism. When you function under any form of legalism, you are contradicting a perfect plan.

              b. This means that divine viewpoint excludes human viewpoint. There is no place in God’s plan for human viewpoint. “`My thoughts are not your thoughts,’ says the Lord.” To learn God’s thoughts, we must learn Bible doctrine.

     11. Bible doctrine excludes philosophical speculation. The subject of apologetics, taught at most seminaries, is based on philosophical speculation, which is arrogance.

     12. The advance to spiritual maturity is the execution of the protocol plan of God. When you advance to spiritual maturity, there are two categories of glorification of God.

              a. At the moment you reach spiritual maturity, you’re a winner. Shortly thereafter, you receive the distribution of your escrow blessings for time. This glorifies God.

              b. Passing evidence testing is maximum glorification of God.

     13. Invisible God plus invisible assets plus invisible power equals invisible heroes.

     14. Your race, status, I.Q., or any other human factor does not hinder you from executing the protocol plan of God.

     15. Execution of the protocol plan of God eliminates contradictions in life. (This doesn’t mean you’re perfect.) When you sin, you immediately rebound and the contradiction is eliminated.


B.  Ignorance cannot exist in the protocol plan of God.

      1. Ignorance can coexist with arrogance; the two are bedfellows. But ignorance and arrogance are excluded from the protocol plan of God.

      2. However, ignorance cannot be excluded experientially from your life unless you have postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation. This emphasizes the necessity for cognition of the mystery doctrine for the Church Age. This is essential to eliminate ignorance.

      3. The ignorant Christian can be a genius, famous, have a marvelous personality, or be respected in the community, and yet be a loser in the Christian way of life. Remember that public opinion has nothing to do with whether you are executing the Christian way of life or not.

      4. The key to execution of the protocol plan of God is cognition of Bible doctrine which, line upon line and precept upon precept, eventually eliminates ignorance.

      5. Postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation is the interaction between the function of the believer’s positive volition and his persistence in expressing that positive volition through the intake of doctrine. Therefore, ignorance is excluded by the interaction of volition with cognition.

      6. Converting gnosis into epignosis doctrine replaces ignorance. The replacing of ignorance must be consistent and must be accompanied by the use of the problem solving devices. Otherwise, at some point there will be reaction, and all the ground that was gained is lost and must be gained again.

      7. Ignorance breeds arrogance and establishes false criteria for the Christian way of life. False criteria includes the following.

              a. Morality is not the Christian way of life. In fact, morality can become degenerate.

              b. Emotion is not the Christian way of life. The Christian way of life is a supernatural way of life and demands a supernatural means of execution. Anything the unbeliever can do is not the Christian way of life. The unbeliever can be moral or emotional.

              c. Good works is not the Christian way of life.

              d. Social life with people (Christian fellowship) is not the Christian way of life.

              e. Philosophical speculation is not the Christian way of life.

      8. The mystery doctrine of the Church Age must have number one priority in the life to eliminate ignorance and to replace it with enlightenment, so that enlightenment becomes the motivation for your continuation in the Christian way of life.

      9. Motivation for consistent perception and metabolization of Bible doctrine must come from your soul. You cannot depend on motivation from others.


C.  The Church Age believer cannot account for his thoughts, motives, decisions, and actions in indefinable terms or lack of technical, theological vocabulary and categorical storage in the stream of consciousness.

      1. The protocol plan of God for the Church Age has its own vocabulary, just as other technical fields have their own vocabulary.

      2. Consistent exposure to the teaching of Bible doctrine provides the vocabulary, divine viewpoint in your stream of consciousness, and establishing the ten problem solving devices on the defense line of your soul. Mastering both the technical vocabulary and the problem solving devices results in mental attitudes that are glorifying to God, called cognitive self-confidence.

      3. Cognitive self-esteem is the consistent perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine which results in the attainment of spiritual adulthood.

      4. Cognitive self-esteem immediately precedes spiritual autonomy.

      5. Cognitive self-esteem relates the mystery doctrine of the Church Age to self and others in definable terms, and to problem solving devices. Problem solving devices are an extremely important factor.


D.  Ignorance of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age evades the reality of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life.

      1. Without the reality of metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of the stream of consciousness, you enter into maladaptive defense mechanisms, such as denial, projection, and dissociation.

      2. Negative volition toward the mystery doctrine of the Church Age not only evades reality, but inevitably substitutes arrogance, which replaces reality with unreality. That’s cosmic involvement.

      3. There is no objective reality in the cosmic system.

      4. Evasion of one type of reality inevitably results in the evasion of other types of reality, so that believers begin to fantasize. This is how believers eventually become mentally ill. Lack of Biblical reality is replaced by the devastating arrogance of unreality in Satan’s cosmic system.

      5. The evasion of reality through negative volition toward doctrine and subsequent failure to learn doctrine (malfunction of post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation) results in disintegration, and subjective, fragmented, and disorganized thinking. This coupled with arrogance produces the psychotic and neurotic Christian which has emerged as a major problem today.

      6. The believer minus the mystery doctrine of the Church Age enters into one of several conditions.

              a. A state of emotional arrogance and irrationality creates problems rather than solving them.

              b. Self-righteous arrogance plus crusader arrogance results in moral degeneracy.

              c. Many decisions for the purpose of seeking pleasure cause the believer to enter into promiscuity, resulting in immoral degeneration.


E.  Your portfolio of invisible assets provides for your very own spiritual life, including the problem solving devices, so that you and you alone can live your spiritual life and no one else can live it for you.

      1. This means there is no substitute for metabolized doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness through the filling of the Holy Spirit.

      2. Only your very own metabolized doctrine circulating in the seven compartments of your stream of consciousness can form the ten problem solving devices for their function in your life.

      3. You cannot fulfill the plan of God for your life by imitating the thinking, motives, decisions, and functions of another believer.

     4. You cannot execute the protocol plan of God through counseling and advise from others, or through flattery and bullying from legalistic Christians. Ignorance borrows from others; it borrows their personality, their habits, their functions, which become a distraction. Only accurate Bible teaching from your own pastor-teacher can fill your soul with the ingredients of grace.


F.  The Church Age believer cannot execute the protocol plan of God through the thinking, motivation, volition, or actions of another person.

      1. This means that under the function of your own royal priesthood inside your own royal palace, the divine dynasphere, you cannot imitate thinking, motives, decisions, and actions of those whom you admire.

      2. Furthermore, you cannot function under the protocol plan of God through the advice or counseling of others through flattery, bullying, sharing, or group therapy. The believer must live his own life before the Lord; no one else can do it for him. He has to do both his own living and his own dying. He does this by functioning on divine power, on epignosis doctrine in the right lobe, and having momentum from living in the divine dynasphere.

      3. Ignorance borrows power from others. Cognition of doctrine uses the omnipotence of God.

      4. Therefore, every believer must live his own Christian life, equating adversity with prosperity and living with dying.

      5. Under your own portfolio of invisible assets and accurate Bible teaching from whomever is your right pastor, every believer has equal privilege and equal opportunity for the execution of the protocol plan and the glorification of God.

      6. Do your own thinking! Do not let anyone else do your thinking for you when it comes to doctrine. Get off your spiritual crutches and walk by means of the Spirit!

      7. Regeneration is the Christian’s Declaration of Independence. Spiritual freedom is dependence on the grace policy and the grace provision of God, and is independence from the tyranny of arrogance, ignorance, legalism, and coercion under false systems of spirituality.


G.  Assembly in the Local Church.

      1. Eph 3:18a, “I pray that you may utilize the power to grasp the idea with all the saints.”

              a. Human I.Q. is no handicap for perception of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age. We have equal privilege and equal opportunity, so that there is no excuse for any believer not to fulfill the plan of God. No one is too dumb or too smart.

              b. “With all the saints” implies that every believer, regardless of his I.Q., can understand the Word of God when taught accurately. It is a graduated process which starts with learning the simple things, and progresses to the more complex things. But there is no difficulty in learning complex doctrines. It just means getting rid of a lazy mind and concentrating under the ministry of the Spirit.

      2. Heb 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the habit of some, but for the purpose of encouragement.” Encouragement comes from Bible doctrine. You assemble yourself together with other believers to learn Bible doctrine. Encouragement does not come from Christian fellowship. (See the doctrine of Christian Fellowship.)

      3. The prepositional phrase in Eph 3:18, “with all the saints,” implies that, generally, Bible doctrine is learned in groups of believers gathered under the doctrinal teaching of one pastor.

      4. This is the concept of the local church or its equivalent, which is defined as one man with the spiritual gift and the preparation, functioning as a pastor-teacher, and communicating with authority, preparation, and faithfulness the mystery doctrine of the Church Age. This makes the pastor a recruiting officer for the pivot.

      5. Under the privacy of the royal priesthood, every believer has the right to assemble with other believers for the purpose of learning doctrine. That right is forfeited when you stick your nose into other believers’ business and gossip, malign, or judge. Under the privacy of the royal priesthood, the believer has the right to remain anonymous or to socialize with others in the congregation. But the believer does not have the right to judge other saints.

      6. So the pastor must not only communicate the mystery doctrine, but at the same time he must protect the privacy of the priesthood.

      7. Not all believers can gather together with other believers. Some believers are isolated for various reasons, and they are not commanded to assemble with other believers. Their right pastor comes through other technological means.

      8. So you do not assemble for fellowship or social life. You assemble for the purpose of encouragement, which comes through the perception of Bible doctrine. No one has ever advanced an inch in the Christian life through Christian fellowship. Christian fellowship is social life with Christians, which is very hazardous in many cases.

      9. Interaction with other believers in the congregation has a tendency to destroy a certain amount of privacy, which can cause a breakdown in learning doctrine. People get so tangled up with others that they cannot concentrate on Bible doctrine. This is why people go sour on doctrine. They are so involved with people that there is no emphasis on God in their lives. The only doctrines they’re interested in are the ones that help them in their clumsy interaction with other people.

     10. Believers are not authorized to learn one on one. That privilege is reserved for parents training their children. The exception is where people are isolated and learn doctrine from tapes or books, and they get their encouragement from learning doctrine in that way.

     11. Privacy is generally maintained by one pastor teaching a group, protecting the privacy of the individuals in that group, so that the emphasis will remain on Bible doctrine.

     12. DIDASKOLOS is one of the Greek words for the pastor, emphasizing his teaching function. The congregation is dependent on the pastor for Bible teaching, not for attention, counseling, or social life. The public assembly of believers in the local church provides a classroom for pastoral teaching and congregational learning.

     13. Under the principle of the royal priesthood, every believer in the congregation must have privacy. Without it, he has no objectivity. He has a tendency to react to doctrine, always assuming in his arrogance that someone is talking about him. Therefore, privacy and freedom to live your life before the Lord and not before people is the major issue.

     14. Certain things should be avoided in the local church, such as visitor’s cards or asking people for money or membership. Friendship, romance, marriage within the local congregation is strictly optional, and should be avoided until there is some stability in your relationships.

     15. Emphasis should be placed on the function of doctrinal teaching from the pastor to a group. Under the grace policy of God, there is a right pastor for every believer with positive volition.

     16. Under the computer assets of election and predestination, you have equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan and thereby become a winner and an invisible hero.

     17. Post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation cannot occur under two categories.

              a. Failure to get under the ministry of a pastor who teaches the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

              b. Resistance and/or indifference to Bible doctrine due to negative volition.

     18. While God always provides the doctrine for positive volition, positive volition does not mean that God will provide Christian fellowship.

     19. A right pastor means a prepared pastor, which means a pastor with thorough understanding of the Christocentric dispensations:  the great power experiment of the Hypostatic Union and the Hypostatic Union of the Church Age. (Learning eschatology doesn’t advance you spiritually, though it may satisfy your curiosity.)

     20. Human I.Q.s among Christians vary widely, as with all people. But human I.Q. is never a handicap in the execution of the protocol plan of God. Many believers with a high I.Q. are losers because they try to superimpose their human intellectual ability on the grace system, instead of functioning under the filling of the Spirit in the reception of Bible doctrine.


H.  Top Priorities in the Christian Life.

      1. Bible doctrine with emphasis on the great power experiment of the Church Age should be your number one priority.

      2. Relationship with God must have priority over relationship with people.

      3. The omnipotence of God must take precedence over human power and human dynamics.


I.  Doctrine is available to all Church Age believers.

      1. The mystery doctrine of the Church Age is available to all believers under equal privilege and equal opportunity. This means that learning doctrine is not an isolated privilege belonging to a few.

      2. God is perfect; therefore, His plan is perfect. Under the law of equivalent power, the perfect plan of God can only function under perfect power; i.e., divine omnipotence.

      3. Under the law of equivalent power, the perfect protocol plan of God can only be executed under perfect power, i.e., the omnipotence of the Holy Spirit.

      4. However, the omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit is not the only category of divine omnipotence available. The power of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit all combine to make it possible for us to learn doctrine and to grow in grace.

      5. Because God is perfect and His plan is perfect, a perfect power is required for the execution of His plan. That we do not have. Therefore, God provides His own power.

      6. The imperfect believer cannot execute the protocol plan of God in his own human power. The perfection of the protocol plan of God excludes the function of any form of human dynamics.

      7. Each person of the Trinity has coequal, coeternal, coinfinite, and co-immutable divine power, called omnipotence.

      8. This omnipotence is guaranteed, delegated, and available through post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

      9. Never has so much power from God been given to believers as in the Church Age


. _ R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1994, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
