



A.  Fig leaves are associated with the first act of human good, Gen 3:7.


B.  A lump of figs is used to depict the work of Christ on the cross in Isa 38:21. A lump of figs was applied to Hezekiah’s boil and cured him, 2 Sam



C.  The falling of a fig from a fig tree is used to depict the destruction of a nation under the fifth cycle of discipline, Isa 34:4-5; Jer 8:13.


D.  The fig tree was used to measure the production of Israel, Mt 21:19. Lack of production destroyed Israel in 70 A.D. Israel is the fig tree and the custodian of divine truth in that parable in Matthew.


E.  The parable of the fig tree in Mt 24:32-33 indicates the pattern of Israel in the Tribulation. “Puts forth leaves” refers to the evangelism by the 144,000 Jewish witnesses. “Coming near of summer” refers to the closeness of the Millennium.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740


© 1992, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
