Eph 912ff 10/2/88




A.  Spiritual Death and the Old Sin Nature.

            1. At the moment of physical birth, human life is imputed to the soul, and Adam’s original sin is imputed to the genetically-formed old sin nature. Therefore, all members of the human race are born physically alive but spiritually dead.

            2. Spiritual death means:

                        a. We are totally separated from God.

                        b. We are in a state of total depravity.

                        c. We are totally helpless to do anything about our depravity or our separation from God.

                        d. We are born dichotomous, having only a body and soul but no human spirit with which to understand spiritual phenomena.

            3. Consequently, the old sin nature becomes the villain in our lives.

            4. The old sin nature has various characteristics.

                        a. In our area of strength, we are not prone to temptation or sin. This can become the basis for self-righteous arrogance, the source of human good which is dead works.

                        b. Our area of weakness is the source of all the sins of mankind.

                        c. The lust pattern.

                        d. Trends toward self-righteous legalism or lascivious lawlessness.

            5. The area of strength produces human good and dead works. The area of weakness produces sinfulness and fragmentation of the life.

            6. All the sins we commit follow one of two trends.

                        a. Sins from one’s self-righteous and legalistic trend result in moral degeneracy.

                        b. Sins from one’s lascivious and lawless trend result in immoral degeneracy.

            7. People with opposite trends polarize in their fragmentation. Therefore, believers out of fellowship fall into two antithetical categories.


B.  The Grenade Analogy.

            1. Every believer is a walking grenade. The pin of the grenade is the arrogance complex. Within ten seconds of pulling the pin, you fragment your life by entering the cosmic system.

            2. Since the believer continues to possess the old sin nature after salvation, he is a walking grenade.

            3. However, only the volition of the believer can pull the pin of the grenade. Being tempted by the sin nature is not sin; only when volition pulls the pin of the grenade does the believer sin. That’s why the rebound technique is the first problem solving device, designed to recover from fragmentation.

            4. Once a believer uses his volition to pull the pin in the grenade, he has fragged his own life. Once the believer frags his life, he has one of the major problems that come to believers; i.e., distraction, fear, rejection, dying, timing, promises versus integrity, plus the functional problems.

            5. The pin of the grenade is always related to some form of arrogance. The multifarious manifestations of arrogance include jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, self-righteous arrogance, self-centeredness, motivational and functional revenge, slander, maligning, gossip, judging, inordinate ambition, and inordinate competition.

            6. The fragmentation of the life moves in the direction of the trends of the sin nature.

                        a. If the trend is toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism, the fragments of the life include being critical and judgmental, committing sins such as slander, gossip, maligning, judging, and Christian activism.

                        b. If the trend is toward lasciviousness and lawlessness, the trend is toward sexual and even criminal sins.

            7. The trend toward self-righteousness and legalism produces such heresies as saying that you cannot commit certain sins and still be a Christian. That is wrong. The believer can commit any sin an unbeliever commits. This trend results in several categories of heretical conclusions.

                        a. Salvation by works.

                        b. Spirituality by works.

                        c. A misunderstanding of our Lord’s teaching that “by their fruits you shall know them.” From a misinterpretation of this verse, self- righteous Christians conclude that you are not really a Christian unless you show the proper manifestation of it.

            8. The trend toward lasciviousness and lawlessness results in anti-nomianism and reaction against Bible doctrine because it is associated with self-righteous arrogance.

            9. Once the believer pulls the pin of arrogance, he fragments his own life. All the fragments of the grenade are described in both cosmic involvement and the various stages of reversionism, including emotional revolt of the soul, blackout of the soul, and scar tissue of the soul.


C.  Scripture warns against pulling the pin of the grenade.

            1. Prov 11:2, “When arrogance comes, then comes dishonor; but with the humble is wisdom.”

            2. Prov 16:18, “Arrogance precedes destruction, and before a fall there is a lifestyle of arrogance [psychological living].”

            3. Prov 29:23, “A person’s arrogance will bring him low, but a lifestyle of humility will attain honor.” The real issue is not your ability, but your lifestyle of humility. Humility is teachability.

            4. One phrase of Ps 59:12 describes the fragmented life:  “let them be caught in their arrogance.”

            5. Jas 4:6, “God gives more [greater] grace. This is why the Scripture says [Prov 3:34], `God makes war against the arrogant [believer], but He gives grace to the humble [believer].’” God makes war on any arrogant believers who are in Satan’s army, the devil’s disciples.

            6. 1 Pet 5:5-6, “In the same way, comparative novices, be under the authority of the pastors. All of you in the congregation, fasten yourselves to each other with humility [grace thinking], because `God makes war against the arrogant, but He gives grace to the humble.’ Therefore, humble yourselves [become grace oriented] under the powerful hand of God, that He may promote you at the proper time.”

                        a. You humble yourself under the powerful hand of God by using the problem solving devices. The one in view here is grace orientation.

                        b. If God doesn’t promote you, you’re not promoted. You can be successful and yet have a fragmented life. The only way you can be promoted within the limitations of your capacity is when God promotes you.

                        c. God promotes prepared people.

                        d. God promotes the humble or the grace oriented individual.

                        e. God provides hearers for prepared pastors.

            7. Rom 12:3, “For I say through the grace which has been given to me to everyone who is among you:  Stop thinking of self in terms of arrogance, beyond what you ought to think, but think in terms of sanity for the purpose of being rational without illusion, as God has assigned to each one of us a standard of thinking from doctrine.”

            8. Jas 3:14-16, “But if you have bitter jealousy and inordinate ambition in your right lobe, stop being arrogant and stop lying against the truth. This pseudo-wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly [fragmented], natural [human and psychological viewpoint only], demonic [demon influence]. For where jealousy and inordinate ambition exist, there is dishonor and every evil deed.”

                        a. Bitter jealousy and inordinate ambition is pulling the pin of the grenade.

                        b. Pseudo-wisdom is fragmented living resulting in intellectual arrogance or false doctrine.

                        c. No one can function, e.g., like a pastor-teacher, while fragmented through his own arrogance.

            9. New converts often fall into the fragmented life. Therefore, 1 Tim 3:6 lists some of the fragments of the life. The teaching of doctrine is required to rectify such a situation.

                10. Prov 13:10, “Through arrogance comes nothing but strife, but wisdom is with those who receive instruction.”

                11. The fragmented life is described in Ps 59:12, “Let them be caught in their arrogance.”

                12. Bitterness is one of the ways to pull the pin of the grenade, and it involves hurting others well. Bitterness is a pin in the grenade that is often pulled where grace orientation is lacking. Heb 12:15, “See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God, that no root of bitterness springs up and causes you trouble, and by it [fragmented life] many are defiled.”

                        a. One fragmented person causes reaction from others, and they in turn become fragmented.

                        b. Bitterness goes hand in hand with unrealistic expectation, wherein people are not treating you the way you want to be treated, not loving you the way you want to be loved, and not respecting you the way you want to be respected.

                        c. So you may become antagonistic toward them, or bitter, hateful, or implacable. Whatever your reaction, you have fragmented your own life, and only God can cause you to recover through the use of the rebound technique.

              13. Bitterness is related to other pins in the grenade, as in Eph 4:31. “Let all bitterness, both anger [emotional sin] and wrath [mental attitude sin], both quarreling and slander must be removed from you, along with all malice.” Malice here means two things.

                        a. Malice is the desire and the motivation of the fragmented believer to inflict suffering and injury on others.

                        b. Malice is motivated by jealousy, hatred, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, and revenge motivation followed by revenge modus operandi.                                                                                                                                  


D.  The Tragedy of the Fragmented Life.

            1. Basically, the fragments of the grenade include all functions related to grieving the Holy Spirit or life in cosmic one.

            2. All the fragments of the grenade result in various stages of retrogression in the spiritual life, i.e., reversionism, including emotional revolt of the soul, blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, and reverse process reversionism.

            3. The majority of Christians today have the tragic flaw of the fragmented life. Since we are ambassadors for Christ, people look at us with a tragic flaw and say, “If that’s Christianity, I don’t want any part of it.” Therefore, they turn away from both eternal salvation and every possible category of blessing in life.

            4. The tragedy of the fragmented life is the fact that God has provided so much to protect us from fragging himself, and to cause us to recover when we do.                 5. The fragmented life is the subject of Rom 7:1-25.

            6. There are at least five areas of ignorance which prolong and perpetuate the fragmented life. This is why the believer can commit any sin the unbeliever commits.

                        a. Ignorance of our portfolio of invisible assets provided for us by God the Father in eternity past.

                        b. Ignorance of the mechanics for the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age.

                        c. Ignorance of the problem solving devices of the protocol plan.

                        d. Ignorance of the ten unique characteristics of the Church Age.

                        e. Ignorance of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, resulting in malfunction of post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.


E.  Six Categories of Fragmentation.

            1. Self or personal fragmentation is related to the sin nature’s area of weakness, tantamount to self-fragmentation. This is caused by pulling the pin of the grenade through the sins of the arrogance complex. Understanding this category requires an understanding of the old sin nature with its areas of strength and weakness, and its trends.

            2. Polarized fragmentation is related to the sin nature’s trends toward legalism or antinomianism, both of which are wrong.

            3. Fragmentation related to subjective arrogance.

                        a. Unrealistic expectation is subjective preoccupation with self.

                        b. Role model arrogance is subjective preoccupation with others. Role model arrogance is related to peer pressure in whatever the trend of one’s sin nature.

            4. Human relationship fragmentation.

                        a. Problems related to Christian fellowship.

                        b. Problems related to marriage.

            5. Emotional fragmentation includes fear, worry, anxiety, anger, hatred, violence, and murder.

            6. God relationship fragmentation.

                        a. Failure to learn and use the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God for the Church.

                        b. Failure to understand, metabolize, and apply the unique characteristics of the Church Age.

                        c. Failure to execute the protocol plan of God through consistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                        d. Failure to learn and to use your very own portfolio of invisible assets.


F.  The fragmented life is taught in Ephesians 4.

            1. The fragmented life is deceived by false doctrine, and is a life of self-deception. Eph 4:14, “That we no longer be childish [fragmented], destabilized in heavy seas, driven out of control [fragmented life] by every wind of false doctrine, by the trickery of people [who teach false doctrine], by cunning deception for the purpose of scheming deceit.”

            2. The fragmented life is often characterized by sexual arrogance. Eph 4:19, “Who because they have become calloused [fragmentation from scar tissue of the soul] have given themselves over to licentiousness [fragmentation related to the trend toward lasciviousness], resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality with insatiable lust [fragmentation from sexual arrogance].”

            3. Eph 4:26, “Although you may have become angry [pulling the pin of the grenade], in spite of that, stop sinning [recover from the fragmented life]. The sun must never set on your anger.” In other words, don’t ever let sundown find you in a fragmented state. If you’re fragmented before the sun goes down, rebound and keep moving.

            4. Christian criminality is also a part of the fragmented life. Eph 4:28, “He who stole up to now [fragmentation from criminal arrogance], from now on, stop stealing, but rather begin to work hard, working with your hands, doing what is right, that you may have money to share with those who are in need.”

            5. Recovery from the fragmented life is mandated in Eph 4:30. “Therefore, stop grieving the Holy Spirit, the God, by whom you have been sealed.”

                        a. Sealing is a reference to the signature guarantee of the Spirit’s ministry in efficacious grace.

                        b. Sealing is a reference to the signature guarantee of eternal life given to anyone at the moment they believe in Jesus Christ.

                        c. Sealing is a reference to the signature guarantee of eternal security to anyone who believes in Christ. Neither God nor man can cancel the salvation received by personal faith in Jesus Christ.

                        d. Sealing is a signature guarantee of your very portfolio of invisible assets, prepared for you by God the Father in eternity past.

            6. Eph 4:31 is the divine mandate to utilize the problem solving devices. Bitterness is probably one of the worst enemies and fragments of the arrogant life.


G.  Personal or Self-Fragmentation.

            1. Every believer in Jesus Christ must take the responsibility for his own decisions.

            2. As a believer, you have already made the greatest decision in this life, which is to personally believe in Jesus Christ. The very moment you believed in Jesus Christ, you received forty things from God which guarantee your eternal salvation.

                        a. Our Lord Jesus Christ was judged for the sins of the world on the cross. The greatest problem of life, sin and spiritual death, was resolved at the cross when our Lord became our substitute and received the imputation and judgment for all our sins.

                        b. There is no sin in human history for which our Lord was not judged. Consequently, there is no person too low, too degenerate, or too evil to have eternal salvation.

                        c. Faith in Jesus Christ plus nothing secures salvation.

            3. There are two categories of decisions we make once we become believers.

                        a. Good decisions from a position of strength come from the metabolization of Bible doctrine.

                        b. Bad decisions from a position of weakness come from pulling the pin of the grenade.

            4. Every believer is a walking grenade with the potential for self- fragmentation. Every time the believer uses his volition to pull the pin of the grenade, he fragments his own life. This is a bad decision from a position of weakness.

            5. The pin of the grenade or the position of weakness are all the sins of gate #1 of the arrogance complex; e.g., envy, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, hypersensitivity, motivational and functional revenge, inordinate ambition and competition, malice, slander, gossip, maligning, and judging.

            6. This personal or self-fragmentation is perpetuated unless the believer learns and utilizes the ten problem solving devices.

            7. The first problem solving device is the rebound technique. To acknowledge, cite, or admit our sins to God is a good decision from a position of strength.

                        a. The rebound technique is summarized in 1 Jn 1:9. “If we acknowledge [admit, cite, name] our sins, He [God the Father] is faithful and just [righteous] with the result that He forgives us our sins [post- salvation sins of cognizance], and cleanses [purifies] us from all wrongdoing [post-salvation sins of ignorance].”

                        b. Post-salvation sins of ignorance accumulate through perpetuation of the fragmented life. Perpetuation of the fragmented life means failure to understand and to utilize the rebound technique.

                        c. Only the rebound technique can check fragmentation and hinder its insidious growth in our lives.

                        d. Perpetuation of self-fragmentation results in polarized fragmentation, the fragmentation of subjective arrogance, human relationship fragmentation, emotional fragmentation, and God relationship fragmentation.

                        e. The mechanics of rebound are also found in the Old Testament. Ps 32:5, “I acknowledged my sin to You, and my iniquity I did not hide. I said, `I will confess my transgression to the Lord, and you, O Lord, forgave the iniquity of my sin.”

                        f. See the doctrine of Rebound. 8. The problem of pre-salvation sinning is solved by faith in Christ.

            9. Three patterns of post-salvation sinning emerge.

                        a. Occasional sinning means the believer uses rebound and other problem solving devices to check fragmentation.

                        b. Sporadic sinning means scattered and isolated instances of sinning.

                        c. Frequent sinning is the status of perpetuated fragmentation.

               10. When the born-again believer commits sins related to legalism and moral degeneracy, he is judged by his Christian peers as being spiritual, which is not true. When the born-again believer commits sins related to antinomianism and immoral degeneracy, he is often judged by his Christian peers as not really being saved at all, and that’s not true.

              11. The reality of eternal salvation is determined by faith in Christ, not by the category of one’s sins. The reality of spirituality or the filling of the Spirit is determined by residence, function, and momentum inside the divine dynasphere.

              12. Momentum in the protocol plan of God is determined by two factors.

                        a. By the filling of the Spirit or life in the divine dynasphere.

                        b. By the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit inside the divine dynasphere, Jn 14:26, 16:12-14; 1 Cor 2:9-16; 1 Jn 2:27.

              13. When the fragmented life of the believer remains unchecked by rebound and is perpetuated in the cosmic system, the believer is capable of committing any sin that any unbeliever with the same sin nature trend would commit.

              14. You cannot distinguish between the believer and the unbeliever who is in the perpetual state of fragmentation or carnality. The only clue is the testimony of such a person that, in one moment of his life, he believed in Jesus Christ.

              15. The pattern of post-salvation sinning can follow several patterns of carnality or fragmentation.

                        a. The pre-salvation trend of the sin nature results in polarized fragmentation.

                        b. The association factor. The nature or trend of one’s sinning may change after salvation because of the erroneous influence of Christian fellowship.

                                    (1) For example, your pre-salvation trend in your sin nature may have been toward lascivious lawlessness. But now that you associate with legalistic believers, your trend changes toward self-righteous arrogance.

                                    (2) Or, the pre-salvation trend of the sin nature may have been directed toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism, but association with antinomian Christians changes the pattern from legalism to lasciviousness.

                        c. The pattern of post-salvation sinning is often based on how long it takes the believer to understand and use the problem solving devices.

                        d. Another factor is the church environment.

                                    (1) If the church environment is on teaching the mystery doctrine of the Church Age, the problem solving devices, the protocol plan, the portfolio of invisible assets, the unique features of the Church Age, and the challenge of becoming an invisible hero, then the environment encourages spiritual growth and the execution of the protocol plan. Therefore, the other factors are negated.

                                    (2) However, the church environment which emphasizes social life, programs, or works either has no doctrine or very superficial teaching. Then the believer who fails to execute the protocol plan struggles for the rest of his life in the drowning pool of the fragmented life.


H.  Polarized Fragmentation.

            1. Definition.

                        a. Polarized fragmentation is defined as the conflict between two categories of carnality:  legalism versus antinomianism.

                        b. The old sin nature includes the following:

                                    (1) The area of strength produces the dead works of Christian service and Christian activism.

                                    (2) The area of weakness produces personal sins; this is the source of self-fragmentation.

                        c. The trends of the sin nature are twofold:

                                    (1) The trend toward self-righteous arrogance or legalism.

                                    (2) The trend toward lascivious lawlessness or antinomianism.

                        d. When fragmentation is perpetuated in one’s life:

                                    (1) Legalism results in moral degeneracy.

                                    (2) Antinomianism results in immoral degeneracy.

                        e. Unless believers learn doctrine quickly after salvation, they will fall into one of these two camps:  legalism or antinomianism.

                        f. No one sins apart from human consent. Therefore, human volition is the source of sin. Denial of this principle means you don’t take the responsibility for your own sins. This results in failure to rebound, blaming others, and failure to grow up spiritually.

                        g. The sin nature is the source of temptation. Human volition or self-determination is the source of sin. Once you pull the pin of the grenade, the old sin nature which resides in the cell structure of the body controls the soul. Under the control of the old sin nature, temptation is almost automatic consent. So there is a conflict between the Holy Spirit and the old sin nature as to who will control the soul.

            2. Self-fragmentation perpetuated results in polarized fragmentation.

                        a. The believer after salvation sins under two categories of self-determination.

                                    (1) In sins of cognizance, temptation from the sin nature is recognized as a temptation to sin, and volition decides to commit that sin.

                                    (2) In sins of ignorance, temptation from the sin nature is not recognized as a temptation to sin, but the believer wanted to do it and did it.

                        (3) The believer is held responsible for both categories of sin.

                        b. When the believer uses his own volition to sin, he fragments his own life. Not only does he introduce sin into life, but confusion as well. Clear thinking is not restored until rebound occurs; and rebound is supported by the other problem solving devices.

                        c. Self-fragmentation is called carnality in Scripture. It is tantamount to living in the cosmic system and entering into the stages of reversionism.

                        d. Self-fragmentation follows the trends of the sin nature. These trends are solidified as we stay out of fellowship.

                        e. The trend toward self-righteous arrogance is classified as legalism. If fragmentation remains unchecked, moral degeneracy will result.

                        f. The trend toward lascivious lawlessness is classified as antinomianism. If fragmentation remains unchecked, immoral degeneracy will result.

                        g. Self-fragmentation perpetuated means moving in the direction of the trend of your sin nature and polarizing fragmentation in either legalism or antinomianism.

                        h. The two systems of polarized fragmentation react to each other, resulting in conflict.

                                    (1) The sheltered environment of the fragmented legalist is shocked by the sins of fragmented antinomianism. In shock, the legalist erroneously assumes that you cannot be a Christian and commit immoral sins, such as adultery, murder, drug addiction or homosexuality. Yet millions of Christians do commit immoral sins.

                                    (2) Then the fragmented legalist, in his shock, bullies and pulls neutral believers (between the two trends) into his camp.

                                    (3) The antinomian reacts to the self-righteousness of the legalist, and says, “If that’s Christianity, I want no part of it.”

                                    (4) The bullying of the legalists break up the antinomian group. Some antinomians are bullied into becoming legalists, and some are bullied into renouncing their Christianity.

                        i. Self-fragmentation perpetuated means moving in the direction of the sin nature’s trends, and eventuating in polarized fragmentation.

                        j. The Bible teaches that there are two categories of sin:  pre- salvation sinning and post-salvation sinning.

                                    (1) Pre-salvation sinning is solved by personal faith in Jesus Christ. All pre-salvation sins are blotted out at the moment of faith in Jesus Christ, Isa 43:25, 44:22; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14.

                                    (2) Post-salvation sinning is solved by the use of the rebound technique, fortified by the other problem solving devices. Post- salvation sins are forgiven with the utilization of the rebound technique.

            3. Moral Degeneracy.

                        a. Legalist unchecked results in moral degeneracy.

                        b. Moral degeneracy expresses itself in the various sins and functions of arrogance.

                                    (1) The motivational sins of arrogance include jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, hypersensitivity, seeking to control and change others to conform to the pattern of legalism.

                                    (2) Functional sins include revenge, inordinate ambition combined with inordinate competition to form conspiracy, slander, gossiping, maligning, judging, crusader arrogance resulting in Christian activism to include the destruction of property, civil disobedience, violence, and even murder.

                                    (3) The sins of asceticism include the commitment of heresies, extreme self-denial, self-mortification, abstinence from normality, and abnormal austerity.

                        c. Moral degeneracy substitutes human energy and human power for the ability, energy and power of God the Holy Spirit.

                                    (1) The Christian way of life is a supernatural way of life, and it demands a supernatural means of execution. The only way any of us can fulfill God’s plan is through the filling of the Spirit and the perception of Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) Although the filling of the Spirit is absolute in its status, it becomes relative in its manifestation, for God the Holy Spirit can only work with what doctrine is resident in your soul.

                        d. Moral degeneracy justifies sinful and evil action through distorting morality into a system for justifying tyranny and evil.

                        e. Moral degeneracy follows the pattern of post-salvation sinning in three categories.

                                    (1) Implosion.

                                    (2) Explosion.

                                    (3) Reversion.

                        f. Degeneracy is defined as decline from standards considered normal, to revert from divine standards, to sink to a state below normal for the protocol plan of God and/or the Christian way of life.

                        g. See the doctrine of Post-Salvation Sinning for a further amplification of implosion, explosion, and reversionism.

                        h. Moral degeneracy always confuses morality with spirituality.

                                    (1) While morality is legitimate and necessary for the function of the laws of divine establishment, it is not a part of the Christian way of life.

                                    (2) Therefore, morality applies to believers and unbelievers alike. Anything the unbeliever can do is not a part of the Christian way of life.

                                    (3) The Christian way of life is a supernatural way of life which can only be executed under the power of the Holy Spirit and the perception and metabolization of Bible doctrine.

                                    (4) The legalistic believer never discovers that which is above morality, namely, virtue and grace.

                        i. Moral degeneracy as a distortion combines morality with arrogance in the fragmented life, and contends that such modus operandi is spirituality.

                        j. In rightly dividing the Word of truth, the believer must distinguish between morality, which is related to the laws of divine establishment, and virtue, which is related to the protocol plan of God and the function of the problem solving devices.

                        k. Degeneracy is defined as the decline from standards considered normal, to sink to a state below what is normal for the Christian way of life, to revert from the divine standards of the protocol plan of God.

                        l. Moral degeneracy occurs in the final stages of reversionism. It begins with permanent negative volition, and continues in blackout of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, and reverse process reversionism.

                        m. The predominant characteristic of moral degeneracy is the tendency of the believer to judge others.

            4. Judgment Arrogance or the Arrogance of Tyranny.

                        a. Judgment arrogance is the function of the self-righteous, legalistic believer who seeks to superimpose his false standards on others, and judges them for not accepting these false standards.

                        b. The judgment of the legalistic believer solves nothing. He is merely trying to convert the immorally degenerate believer into becoming morally degenerate.

                        c. Rom 14:8-13, “For if we live, we live for the Lord; if we die, we die for the Lord. Therefore, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord’s .For this purpose, Christ died and lived, that He might be Lord both of the dead and the living. But you, why do you judge your brother? Or you again, why do you regard your brother with contempt? For we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ. Therefore, do not judge one another anymore, but rather determine this, not to put an obstacle [stumbling block] in a brother’s way.”

                                    (1) Legalism is a “stumbling block” or “obstacle” to the Christian way of life. It is a distraction to the Christian way of life. Judging, maligning and slandering other believers is putting an obstacle in their way.

                                    (2) Judging, maligning, and slandering other believers is the function of self-righteous arrogance and polarized legalism.

                                    (3) Such judging is blasphemy, for it interferes with the disciplinary functions of our Lord, and with understanding and using the problem solving devices.

                        c. Such interference brings judgment to the legalist. Matt 7:1- 3, “Judge not, that you be not judged. For in the manner in which you judge, you will be judged. And by what measure you measure out judgment, it will be measured back to you. Why do you look at a speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and do not notice the giant log in your own eye?”

                        d. Triple-compound discipline is God’s judgment for judging.

                                    (1) You are disciplined for the mental attitude sins.

                                    (2) You are disciplined for your verbal sins.

                                    (3) You are disciplined for the sins you mention when slandering or gossiping. If the object of your slander is guilty, you receive the discipline he should have received for those sins you named. If he is not guilty, you are still disciplined for those sins you named.

                        e. So moral degeneracy receives the most awful judgment from God, because moral degeneracy is a slanderous, judging, maligning, gossiping type of sinning, accompanied by all the motivational arrogant sins.

                        f. If the believer has a trend toward legalism, he will commit sins related to moral degeneracy, motivational arrogance, self-righteous crusader arrogance, inordinate competition, gossip, maligning, slandering, and judging.

            5. The Fragmented, Self-Righteous Believer.

                        a. Self-righteous arrogance establishes both non-pertinent and false standards, and seeks to impose these standards on other believers as well as on unbelievers.

                        b. In seeking to impose his will on other believers, the self- righteous arrogant person advocates various taboos and systems of pseudo- spirituality.

                        c. Self-righteous arrogance and legalism seeks to Christianize a nation through crusader arrogance and Christian activism.

                        d. Passing so-called “Christian” laws makes all unbelievers criminals.

                                    (1) This destroys freedom. Actually, client nations are designed to establish freedom, giving people the right of self-determination to follow any course of action that doesn’t violate the law.

                                    (2) Instead of supporting a client nation to God, the self- righteous believer wants to enact laws and establish modus operandi which belong to believers only. This not only sets aside the laws of divine establishment and ignores the separation of church and state, but it causes all unbelievers to either be persecuted or made criminals.

                        e. Self-righteous arrogance combined with crusader arrogance ignores the role of the believer in Jesus Christ: to witness for Christ, to render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, to execute the protocol plan of God, to become an invisible hero, and to have an invisible impact on history.

                        f. It is inevitable that the fragmented believer whose trend is toward self-righteousness and legalism will enter into the heresy of trying to change other people by bullying them, by trying to force them into a course of action, and by the demand syndrome.

                        g. This is why the fragmented believer with a trend toward self- righteousness and legalism enters into the sinful sphere of slander, gossip, maligning, judging, unrealistic expectation, and role model arrogance.

            6. The Trendy Attitude of Legalism.

                        a. “You cannot commit the sins of lasciviousness and lawlessness and be a Christian,” says self-righteous arrogance. But remember that all Christians have an old sin nature.

                        b. Those believers with a trend toward lasciviousness and lawlessness react to the arrogance of legalism. They often renounce or reject Christianity in one of several ways because of this reaction.

                                    (1) They associate self-righteous arrogance and legalism with Bible doctrine. Therefore, they reject Bible doctrine.

                                    (2) They associate self-righteous arrogance and legalism with the local church, and therefore, they stop going to church.

                                    (3) They associate self-righteous arrogance and legalism with Christians in general, and avoid Christians in general.

                                    (4) They associate self-righteous arrogance and legalism with hypocrisy, and become critical of polarized legalism.

                        c. The reaction of legalism to antinomianism results in the heresy of faith plus works for salvation or salvation by works, and spirituality by works.

                                    (1) Legalism erroneously contends that believers who commit the sins of antinomianism and who perpetuate this fragmentation are really not saved in the first place because they didn’t add something to faith.

                                    (2) Legalism is always judging everyone else. The legalist must constantly put down everyone else to maintain his own arrogance. So judgment arrogance is the function of the self-righteous legalist.

                        d. The result of the polarized fragmentation of legalism versus antinomianism means the failure of believers on both sides to execute God’s plan, will, and purpose and glorify God.

                        e. All false concepts of spirituality or the life after salvation originate from polarized fragmentation. Legalism versus antinomianism is really a false issue. The true issue is the execution of the protocol plan of God for the Church Age. That requires:

                                    (1) The understanding and utilization of the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God: rebound, filling of the Holy Spirit, the faith-rest drill, grace orientation, doctrinal orientation, personal love for God, impersonal love for man, sharing God’s happiness, a personal sense of destiny, occupation with Christ.

                                    (2) The understanding of the unique factors of the Church Age.

                                                (a) The baptism of the Spirit.

                                                (b) The protocol plan of God.

                                                © The unique equality factors under the computer assets of election and predestination.

                                                (d) Our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                                (e) Our unique commissions of royal priesthood and royal ambassadorship.

                                                (f) The unique mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

                                                (g) The indwelling of all three persons of the Trinity.

                                                (h) The unique availability of divine power from God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

                                                (i) The dispensation of invisible heroes.

                                                (j) The dispensation of historical trends.

            7. Immoral Degeneracy.

                        a. Antinomianism unchecked by the rebound technique results in immoral degeneracy.

                        b. Immoral degeneracy is polarized fragmentation toward the lascivious lawless trend of the sin nature.

                        c. In the status of fragmentation, believers are capable of the sins of antinomianism.

                        d. Immoral degeneracy among believers is expressed in the sin categories of licentiousness, self-indulgence, and lawlessness.                                                                     (1) Licentiousness expresses the polarized trend of the sin nature in sexual sins.

                                                (a) Fornication, 1 Cor 6:18; 1 Thes 4:3.

                                                (b) Adultery, Ex 20:14; Deut 5:18.

                                                © Mental adultery, Matt 5:27-28.

                                                (d) Incest, Lev 18:6-17, 20:14.

                                                (e) Homosexuality, Rom 1:26-27; Lev 18:22, 20:13.

                                                (f) Bestiality, Lev 18:23, 20:15.

                                                (g) Pimping and prostitution, Lev 19:29; Deut 23:17.

                                                (h) Rape, Deut 22:25-27.

                                    (2) In chemical sins, believers become involved in drugs, acid, crack, cocaine, opium, and marijuana.

                                    (3) Criminality among Christians includes rape, robbery, murder, burglary, embezzlement, con games, pimping, prostitution, kidnapping, blackmail, pilfering, and shop lifting.

                        e. Immoral degeneracy follows the same pattern as moral degeneracy, going from implosion to explosion to reversionism. See the doctrine of Post-Salvation Sinning for amplification.

                        f. Perpetuation of fragmentation and reversionism results in the believer, whose trend is toward lascivious lawlessness, committing the sins of antinomianism.

                        g. Christians who commit the sins of antinomianism are still saved. They have not lost their salvation; they have simply lost their escrow blessings and suffer under divine discipline.

                        h. However, these Christians react to the judgment, maligning, and slandering of legalism. All too often, as a result, they cut themselves off from Bible doctrine which would lead them to the protocol plan of God.

                                    (1) Legalism erroneously contends that believers who commit the sins of antinomianism and who perpetuate this fragmentation into reversionism are really not saved in the first place because they didn’t add something, like lordship or commitment, to their faith in Christ.

                                    (2) Legalism is always judging everyone else. The legalist must constantly put down everyone else to maintain his own arrogance. So judgment arrogance is the function of the self-righteous legalist.

                        i. Immoral degeneracy is defined as the decline from normal standards of the protocol plan of God. Therefore, the believer sinks into such below normal categories as unchecked fragmentation and unchecked reversionism.

                        j. Immoral degeneracy follows the road of implosion, explosion, and reversionism.

            8. The Trendy Attitude of Lascivious Lawlessness.

                        a. This attitude is generally characterized by reaction.

                        b. As the recipients of gossip, slander, maligning, and judging by other believers, those with a trend toward lascivious lawlessness react to self-righteous arrogance. They often associate Christians with self- righteous arrogance so that they reject doctrine or a local church or a ministry that could be helpful to them.

                        c. Because this category of believer associates self-righteous arrogance with legalism and Bible doctrine and with confused pastors, they therefore reject all churches and pastors, as well as Bible doctrine, the only thing that can help them. By rejecting Bible doctrine, they reject the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.

                        d. Eph 4:14, “that we no longer be childish, destabilized in heavy seas, driven out of control by every wind of false doctrine, by the trickery of homo sapiens, by cunning deception, for the purpose of the deceit of scheming.”

                                    (1) The word “childish” in the Greek is NEPIOS, which applies to both trends of the old sin nature: legalism and antinomianism.

                                    (2) The believer who fragments his life is described by the word NEPIOS. Such believers pull the pin of the grenade through such categories of arrogance as envy, jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, revenge motivation, revenge function, inordinate ambition, inordinate competition, resulting in slander, maligning, gossip, and judging.

                                    (3) The trend toward legalism in the sin nature results in fragmentation into the sins of self-righteous arrogance, crusader arrogance, judging others, Christian activism, approbation lust, resulting in moral degeneracy.

                                    (4) The trend toward lascivious lawlessness in the sin nature fragments the life in the area of the sexual sins and criminality, resulting in immoral degeneracy.

                        e. Sexual arrogance belongs to a phrase found in 2 Tim 3:4:  “lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”

                                    (1) God actually designed sex between member of the human race to be an expression of love in marriage. But sin distorts sex into a system of arrogance.

                                    (2) Fragmentation toward the trend of lasciviousness refers only to sexual sins, not to the legitimate function of sex in marriage.                  f. Criminal fragmentation includes larceny, embezzlement, blackmail, burglary, robbery, pilfering, shoplifting, kidnapping, child abuse, assassination, murder, rape, aggravated assault.

                                    (1) Christ died for all these sins as well. Anyone guilty of these crimes can believe in Christ and receive eternal life.

                                    (2) Yet they still have the same trends in their old sin natures, and unless they learn the problem solving devices to cope with these trends, they will fall back under the control of their sin nature and move in the direction of their trends.

            9. Immoral degeneracy is documented in Ephesians 4.

                        a. The last stages of reversionism are emphasized in the last half of Eph 4. The last four stages are:

                                    (1) Permanent negative volition means permanent cosmic involvement.

                                    (2) Blackout of the soul.

                                    (3) Scar tissue of the soul.

                                    (4) Reverse process reversionism.

                        b. Eph 4:17-18, “Therefore, I communicate this, and because of the Lord, I insist that you no longer walk as Gentiles [unbelievers] walk in the vacuum of their mind. They are darkened in their way of thinking, and they have been alienated [excluded] from the life of God because of scar tissue in their right lobes.”

                                    (1) Negative volition in both unbeliever and believer sets up a vacuum in the mind. The vacuum of the mind brings darkness to the soul.

                                    (2) Believers are actually excluded from the life and plan of God because they’ve entered into these stages of reversionism.

                                    (3) Scar tissue of the soul precedes immoral degeneracy.

                                    (4) Scar tissue of the soul becomes motivation for immoral degeneracy.

                        c. Scar tissue of the soul becomes part of immoral degeneracy. Eph 4:19, “Who because they have become calloused [scar tissue of the soul], having given themselves over to licentiousness, resulting in the practice of every kind of immorality and insatiable lust.”

                                    (1) Scar tissue of the soul is motivation and function of both moral and immoral degeneracy from polarized fragmentation.

                                    (2) Three categories of immorality are referred to in Eph 4:19.

                                                (a) Normal immorality includes adultery or fornication.

                                                            (i) Adultery is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse of married persons with someone other than their spouse.

                                                            (ii) Fornication is voluntary sexual intercourse of unmarried persons, or between two persons not married to each other.                                                                                                    (b) Abnormal immorality includes:

                                                            (i) Homosexuality is sexual activity with a person or persons of the same sex.

                                                            (ii) Incest is sexual intercourse between members of the same family.

                                                            (iii) Voyeurism is sexual titillation from watching the sexual acts of others.

                                                (iv) Masturbation is sexual self-gratification.

                                                © Criminal immorality includes:

                                                            (i) Rape is forcing a person to have sex against his will.

                                                            (ii) Pederasty is adult males having sex with boys against the boys’ will.

                                                            (iii) Molestation is sexual abuse of children.

                                                            (iv) Bestiality is sexual relations between human beings and animals.

                                                            (v) Necrophilia is erotic attraction to a corpse or having sex with a corpse.

                                    (3) Only the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God can solve the problems of polarized fragmentation.

                                    (4) Immoral degeneracy is related to criminal activity. Eph 4:28, “He who stole up to now, from now on stop stealing, but rather begin to work hard, working with his hands, doing what is right, so that he may have a means to share with him who has a need.”

     10. Polarized fragmentation distorts freedom and authority.

                        a. Morality is not a substitute for the filling of the Spirit inside the divine dynasphere.

                                    (1) Freedom is not the monopoly of Christianity, but belongs to the entire human race. Anything that belongs to the entire human race is not a part of the Christian way of life.

                                    (2) True morality is mandated to believer and unbeliever alike, because true morality is the foundation for freedom, not the foundation for the Christian way of life. The foundation for the Christian way of life is virtue, which is higher than morality.

                                    (3) Anything the unbeliever can do is not part of the Christian way of life.

                                    (4) The protocol plan of God or the Christian way of life is a monopoly of believers only, and it can only be executed by what God has provided for us in our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (5) The protocol plan of God for the Church is a spiritual and supernatural way of life with a spiritual and supernatural means of execution, i.e., the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                                    (6) The trendy function of legalism among believers substitutes morality for virtue. Virtue can only be produced through residence, function, and momentum inside the divine dynasphere using the power of the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                                    (7) This by no means justifies immorality or any violation of public morality by Christians. This does justify the doctrine of the filling of the Spirit, which produces something far greater than morality, which is virtue.

                                    (8) The fact that the United States of America is a client nation to God demands that believers produce something far greater than morality, i.e., virtue.

                                    (9) Christianity is not a cult. A cult is the veneration of an arrogant and power-mad person who controls every part of the lives of those within the cult, so that they have no freedom, privacy, or individual self-determination.

                        b. Believers in polarized fragmentation have a problem with authority, for they have not understood what is correct and proper authority in life.

                                    (1) Where there is freedom, there must be both responsibility and authority. Responsibility lies with those in authority.

                                    (2) Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny.

                                    (3) It is inevitable that those who are polarized in a fragmented life will move toward either anarchy or tyranny. In anarchy, such a believer is a law unto himself. In tyranny, he is a legalist and seeks to superimpose his false standards on believers and unbelievers. He also tries to coerce the government to follow his viewpoint.

                                    (4) Legalists establish tyranny under the principle of authority without freedom. Antinomians establish anarchy under the principle of freedom without authority.

                                    (5) Wherever there is antithetical polarization, there is always confusion, because neither side represents the truth of God’s plan of grace. Both polarized groups have distorted and abused both concepts of legitimate freedom.

                        c. There are two categories of freedom taught in the Bible. (See the doctrine of Freedom.)

                                    (1) Temporal freedom, as defined in the laws of divine establishment, is provided for believer and unbeliever alike in certain nations.                                     (2) Spiritual freedom exists inside the divine dynasphere under the filling of the Holy Spirit. Spiritual freedom is the right to use our positive volition under the grace of God to execute God’s plan, purpose and will for our lives.

                        d. Spiritual freedom is taught in Scripture.

                                    (1) Our Lord Jesus Christ said in Jn 8:32, “You shall know the truth [doctrine], and the truth shall make you free.” This means that understanding either category of freedom requires perception and cognition of truth.

                                    (2) Rom 8:2, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set us free from the law of sin and death.” The law of sin and death is the function of the old sin nature.

                                    (3) Gal 5:1, “It was for freedom that Christ has set us free. Therefore, keep standing firm [in Bible doctrine], and do not become subject again to the yoke of slavery [to the old sin nature].”

                                                (a) One of the things we receive at salvation is the right of self-determination to execute or reject the plan of God.

                                                (b) “The yoke of slavery” is polarized legalism that becomes spiritual tyranny. We avoid being subject to the yoke of slavery by the utilization of the ten problem solving devices.

                                    (4) To avoid polarization of the sin nature trends, note 1 Pet 2:16, “Act as free men and do not use your freedom as a covering for evil, but use your freedom as the servants of God.”

                                                (a) Believers often use their freedom as a covering for evil in their trend toward lascivious lawlessness.

                                                (b) As the servants of God, we do not advocate civil disobedience or any violation of establishment principles.

                        e. God has delegated authority to human beings under two categories.

                                    (1) The four divine institutions have authority under the laws of divine establishment for the entire human race.

                                                (a) Volition is the authority for your own self- determination. Each one of us must take the responsibility for our own decisions, good or bad. When we make good decisions from a position of strength, we are applying Bible doctrine. When we make bad decisions from a position of weakness, we are following the trends of a fragmented life

.                                               (b) The husband has authority in marriage.

                                                © Parents have authority in the family.

                                                (d) Government has authority in the nation.

                                    (2) There is authority in the church. The basis for all authority in the church is the Word of God, especially the mystery doctrine of the New Testament. The spiritual gift of pastor-teacher is the authority for communication the mystery doctrine for the Church Age.

                        f. Church and state both have separate authorities.

                                    (1) There is no such thing as a Christian nation. For where freedom exists, citizens have the right to be agnostics, atheists, religious, and Christians.

                                    (2) A Christian nation with so-called “Christian laws” would make all unbelievers criminals, which would be tyranny.

                                    (3) Under the principle of the separation of church and state, the believer must recognize two categories of authority in his life.

                                                (a) The authority of government, Rom 13:1-10.

                                                (b) The authority of Bible doctrine.

                                    (4) The two authorities of church and state are not in conflict, except where believers are in a fragmented state and have polarized under the trends of the old sin nature.

                                    (5) So the only real conflict comes from the fragmented life, its polarization, and the polarization of the sin nature trends.

                                                (a) For example, polarization toward self-righteous arrogance or legalism results in crusader arrogance and so-called “Christian activism” which violates the laws of divine establishment. It coerces human volition under the principle of tyranny. It attacks and destroys property. It uses mob scenes, violence, and often adheres to civil disobedience. Such things are not the Christian way of life.

                                                (b) Polarization toward lascivious lawlessness or antinomianism results in many categories of immorality that tend to shock others, e.g., drug abuse and criminality.

                                    (6) The teaching of the Word of God does not violate the separation of church and state. It actually encourages patriotism on the one hand, and spirituality on the other hand.

                        g. The only conflict that exists between the temporal and spiritual life originates from the fragmented life of the Christian. In the fragmented life, both polarized trends of the sin nature have something in common:  they reject authority, but in different ways.

                                    (1) Establishment authority can be defined as those powers and responsibilities delegated by God to human beings in such categories as husband, parents, teachers, coaches, law enforcement, judges, management, military, and government. The state has its own system of judgment and punishment for those who violate the laws of the land. (Of course, there are many acts of injustice from man, because people cannot always be right or fair. When we are the recipients of injustice, we must use the faith- rest drill and believe that God works all things together for good.)

                                    (2) In the spiritual realm, which applies only to those who are believers in Jesus Christ, authority is vested in the Scripture, the Word of God, Bible doctrine. God the Holy Spirit has provided the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher to communicate Bible doctrine to those who are willing to hear.   God Himself provides divine discipline for believers who sin.

                        h. While God has delegated such authority in life, this authority is useless without human consent. Respect for authority must be learned in the home. The fragmented believer rejects establishment authority.

                                    (1) Polarized legalism rejects the authority of government in activism and encroaches on human freedom and privacy, destroys property, advocates civil disobedience, and becomes violent, taking the law into one’s own hands.

                                    (2) Antinomianism rejects authority through the function of crime.

                                    (3) These are different expressions of the same problem, which is authority arrogance which violates the freedom of others.

                        i. Both categories of polarized fragmentation reject the teaching of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age. They both fail to execute the protocol plan of God, to function under post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, and to utilize the problem solving devices.

                                    (1) Each trend of the sin nature produces its own problems which can only be solved by the use of the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.

                                    (2) While the trend toward legalism produces Christian activism, the trend toward antinomianism produces everything from sexual sins to drug addiction, violence and crime. The inevitable result is both anarchy and tyranny.

                                    (3) Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny.

                                    (4) Authority arrogance regards government as the cause of all problems in life rather than as the authority for freedom.

                                    (5) Authority arrogance attacks marriage, home, free enterprise, and substitutes divorce, rejection of parental authority, and redistribution of wealth.

                        j. There are two shortcuts to misery in life.

                                    (1) Children reject the authority of their parents.

                                    (2) A congregation rejects the authority of its pastor who teaches the Word of God with exegetical accuracy. Heb 13:17, “Keep obeying those pastor-teachers who themselves are ruling over you [in the sense of communicating doctrine], and submit to their authority [by listening and concentrating under the Spirit’s ministry], for they [pastor-teachers] keep watching for the benefit of your souls as those who have to render an account.”

                        k. Authority must not be abused.

                                    (1) King David, though a great ruler, fragmented his life through committing adultery with Bathsheba. Once polarized in lascivious lawlessness, David ordered her husband, Uriah the Hittite, to be murdered in battle.

                                    (2) God punished David, of course. But note the grace of God:  Bathsheba eventually became the wife of David, and was in the line of Christ. Through her son, Solomon, came the line that extended to Joseph, the legal though not real father of Jesus. Through her son, Nathan, came the line that extended to Mary, the real mother of Jesus. This is the overruling grace of God. God’s grace is not hindered by our failures.

     11. Fragmentation and Institutional Arrogance.

                        a. Both polarized systems of fragmentation are guilty of institutional arrogance, which is another problem of authority arrogance.                             (1) Self-righteous arrogance and legalism form conspiracies against legitimate organizations.

                                    (2) Lascivious lawlessness in believers also form conspiracies against legitimate organizations.

                        b. Both polarized systems include Christians, so that Christians become involved in conspiracies.

                        c. All legitimate organizations in life have three principles of modus operandi.

                                    (1) A system of legitimate authority.

                                    (2) A purpose for the organization.

                                    (3) A policy for the organization.

                                    (4) This applies to all organizations in the spiritual realm, including local churches, missionary organizations, Christian service organizations, Christian schools, and theological seminaries.

                                    (5) This also applies to organizations in the temporal realm, including government, corporations, business organizations, professional organizations, educational systems, police and fire departments, law firms, medical centers, engineering firms, military establishment, social and fraternal organizations, and civic clubs.

                                    (6) Whatever the organization, fragmented believers will attack either the authority, purpose, or policy of legitimate organizations.

     12. Summary of the Problem of the Two Trends.

                        a. Each polarized fragment of the sin nature’s trends is hostile toward the other. This results in tremendous antagonism among perhaps 85- 90% of Christians today.

                        b. The legalistic believer judges the antinomian believer, while the antinomian believer reacts.

                        c. Both categories of sinful believers forget or ignore the doctrines related to the salvation ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ.

                                    (1) Rom 5:8, “God demonstrates His love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died as a substitute for us.”

                                    (2) 1 Pet 2:24, “He carried our sins in His own body on the cross.”

                        d. Both polarized systems of fragmentation have failed to use problem solving device #1, i.e., rebound and keep moving. They have failed to use rebound because of ignorance or rejection of doctrine. The problem solving devices cannot be used until they are first understood, then utilized.

                        e. Romans 7 describes the believer in the dilemma of fragmentation.

                        f. Self-righteous legalism, when perpetuated, will result in moral degeneracy. Lascivious lawlessness or antinomianism, when perpetuated, will result in immoral degeneracy.

                        g. The problem of moral degeneracy is summarized in 1 Jn 1:8-10, “If we contend [allege, declare] that we have no sin nature, we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth [the Greek word ALLETHIA means the general truth of the Bible] is not in us. If we acknowledge [site a courtroom case] our sins, He [God the Father] is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all [other forms of] unrighteousness. If we contend [allege, declare] that we have not sinned [personally], we make God a liar, and His doctrine [LOGOS] is not in us.”

                        h. Polarized fragmentation is related to reversionism. Moral and immoral degeneracy crystallize in the final two stages of reversionism:  scar tissue of the soul and reverse process reversionism. (See the doctrine of Reversionism.)

                        i. Eph 4:22-23, “With reference to your former lifestyle [post- salvation sinning in the pattern of implosion, explosion, and reversion], you yourselves lay aside [through rebound] the old man [sin nature], you believers who are becoming degenerate on the basis of the lusts of deceit. And become reinvigorated [renewed, refreshed] by the Spirit by means of your thinking.”

                                    (1) Degeneracy is defined as the decline from normal standards of the protocol plan of God. The believer in this state sinks to below-normal categories with unchecked fragmentation. Hence, he reverts from the standards which God has ordained in the protocol plan

                                    (2) “Degenerate” refers to both moral and immoral degeneracy.

                                    (3) When polarized fragmentation has been parlayed into the final stages of reversionism, both moral and immoral degeneracy exists.

                                    (4) Lusts are the desires of the sin nature, to include approbation lust, power lust, sexual lust, chemical lust, ambition lust, and sexual lust.

                                    (5) Deceit refers to implosion, explosion, and reversion.

                                    (6) You become reinvigorated by the Spirit through using the rebound technique, reentering the operational-type divine dynasphere, with the power to move on in the plan of God again.

                                    (7) To be refreshed and reinvigorated by the Holy Spirit is accomplished in two ways.

                                                (a) The filling of the Spirit is life in the divine dynasphere.

                                                (b) The Holy Spirit teaches the believer’s human spirit under operation Z.

                                    (8) By means of your thinking is a reference to thinking metabolized mystery doctrine. This occurs through operation Z.  The application of this doctrine is called wisdom, which is the antithesis of moral and immoral degeneracy.


I.  The Fragmentation of Subjective Arrogance.

            1. Unrealistic Expectation.

                        a. Very few people are loved the way they want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated. This is unrealistic expectation.

                        b. Unrealistic expectation combined with the arrogance of unhappiness, there is a great fragmentation which comes from arrogant subjectivity.

                        c. A fragmented life is an unhappy life. The fragmented believer is unhappy, no matter how he tries to compensate or sublimate.

                        d. The fragmented believer who is not loved the way he wants to be loved or treated the way he wants to be treated is frustrated and has no solutions for his frustrations. He is unstable, often becoming a church tramp.

                        e. All this adds up to unrealistic expectations in which the believer seeks to solve his frustrations by adding arrogance to arrogance. This is preoccupation with self, which is later followed with subjective preoccupation with others.

                        f. Unrealistic expectation forms a bad combination with role model arrogance.

                        g. Unrealistic expectation is the state of unhappiness in which the believer blames others for his unhappiness and his misfortune.

                        h. Unrealistic expectation never takes the responsibility for one’s own decisions, which are mostly bad decisions from a position of weakness. Bad decisions involve pulling the pin of the grenade to fragment one’s own life.

                        i. In unrealistic expectation, the believer blames others for the consequences of his own jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, revenge motivation or function, slander, gossip, maligning, judging, inordinate ambition, or inordinate competition. Yet the believer uses his own volition to pull the pin of the grenade. Therefore, the believer fragments his own life, though he blames others for his miserable status quo.

                        j. The arrogance of subjectivity is constantly trying to change other people to conform to one’s unrealistic expectation. Consequently, unrealistic expectation never realizes that you can only change yourself and no one else.

                        k. The problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God are designed to change self, not others.

                        l. So the arrogance of unhappiness or subjective preoccupation with self is associated with unrealistic expectation. Unrealistic expectation intensifies the problem of the fragmented life to the point of no return apart from the use of the problem solving devices.

                        m. The fragmented believer involved in subjective preoccupation with self assumes that certain things will bring him happiness. He thinks a friendly church, or people, or money, or prosperity and success will make him happy, but only perception of Bible doctrine can produce +H, sharing the happiness of God.

                        n. Unrealistic expectation causes three serious problems of fragmentation:  eyes on self, eyes on people, and eyes on things. This wrong focus is disastrous to the execution of the protocol plan of God, and results in a perpetual fragmentation of the life.

            2. The Problem of the Free Spirit.

                        a. The so-called “free spirit” is the believer who recognizes freedom without responsibility and without authority. Freedom without authority is anarchy; authority without freedom is tyranny.

                        b. The free spirit is the totally self-indulgent believer who has fragmented his life, and who resides in the cosmic system under the emotional revolt of the soul, scar tissue of the soul, blackout of the soul, and reverse process reversionism.

                        c. The free spirit seeks happiness. But the more the free spirit seeks happiness, the more happiness eludes him.

                        d. You are not happy because you are free to do what you want.

                        e. You are free to use your own volition to fragment your own life and become frustrated, unhappy, and miserable.

                        f. All too often, the free spirit associates happiness with every form of stimulation, excitement, and self-indulgence.

                        g. The free spirit can never find happiness because he seeks it in success, power, money, approbation, fame, pleasure, health, sex, romance, friendship, marriage, or control of others.

                        h. The problem of the free spirit can only be resolved by the perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine; i.e., consistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

            3. Iconoclastic Arrogance.

                        a. Role model arrogance begins with iconoclastic arrogance. An iconoclast is defined as a person or persons who destroy icons or idols.

                        b. Iconoclastic arrogance is defined as subjective preoccupation with other people, resulting in disenchantment, disillusion, or the feet of clay syndrome.

                        c. In iconoclastic arrogance, an idol is created through excessive or misguided admiration or genuine love for another person. However, the object, while attractive, possesses an old sin nature.

                        d. So we build our own idol by placing that person on a pedestal. Then when that person sins, his feet of clay are seen.   Once we see their feet of clay, we react and seek to destroy the image or icon which we have created.

                        e. When the iconoclastic believer discovers a sin or flaw and becomes disenchanted with the object of his admiration, he reacts.

                        f. This is often a problem of polarization, where the legalistic, self-righteous believer becomes disenchanted with the believer whose trend is toward lascivious lawlessness. The arrogant iconoclast then reacts and seeks to destroy the idol which he himself has created in his own fragmentation and polarized arrogance.

                        g. So iconoclastic arrogance is divorced from the reality of human relationships. For we all have an old sin nature and we all sin.

                        h. The feet of clay syndrome then emerges. The arrogant believer, from either deluded idealism or romantic illusion, takes an attractive believer and fashions in his mind an idol of perfection.

                        i. The trouble with this idol of perfection, now placed on a pedestal, is that the idol has feet of clay or a sin nature. The believer continues to have a sin nature after salvation, and he continues to sin after salvation, 1 Jn 1:8, 10.

                        j. Iconoclastic arrogance can create an idol out of a man or a woman in friendship or in romance. Then when it observes their feet of clay, it seeks to destroy the idol which has been created.

                        k. Iconoclastic arrogance can create an idol out of a pastor or an evangelist, then observe the feet of clay, become disillusioned, disenchanted, and destroy the image of their own arrogant creation. This pattern is true of heroes, people in public life, professionals, and almost every place where people gather.

                        l. Antagonism toward the feet of clay of the icon is caused by polarization of the trends of the old sin nature.

                                    (1) If the trend of the sin nature is directed toward self- righteous arrogance and legalism, the tendency is to idolize. The manifestation of his feet of clay results in the reaction of legalism, to include gossiping, slandering, judging, maligning, seeking revenge, and the destruction of the previously created idol.

                                    (2) If the trend of the sin nature is directed toward lascivious lawlessness, then you react to legalism and self-righteous arrogance with hatred, antagonism, negative volition to doctrine.

                        m. Iconoclastic arrogance destroys friendships, romances, marriages, business relationships, church relationships, and many other areas.

                        n. Probably the most devastating tendency of iconoclastic arrogance is to idolize a pastor-teacher who is actually communicating Bible doctrine accurately. When his feet of clay is discovered, the believer reacts in the arrogance of legalism and seeks to destroy his ministry. Destruction of the pastor-idol results in rejection of Bible doctrine, which is the serious problem. Such a person simultaneously perpetuates his own fragmented life.

                        o. Remember that every believer is a walking grenade. The pin in the grenade is the arrogance complex, made up of jealousy, bitterness, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, self-pity, slander, gossip, maligning, judging, inordinate ambition, and inordinate competition.

                        p. Occasional disappointment with others is normally and easily handled through the function of impersonal love. But iconoclastic arrogance often results in permanent fragmentation and the life of perpetual misery to the believer who suffers from it; and he never understands.

            4. Iconoclastic arrogance results from the fragmented life.

                        a. The arrogant iconoclast never blames himself for what he has done in creating and destroying his own idol. In fact, in his irrational state of arrogance, he blames the idol for being created by his own fantasizing.

                        b. Arrogance never takes the responsibility for being arrogant. That’s the blindness of arrogance.

                        c. Illusion created by arrogance becomes illusion destroyed by arrogance.

                        d. Arrogance creates illusion, and the fragmented life destroys that illusion.

                        e. Iconoclastic arrogance and the feet of clay syndrome is the inevitable result of the fragmented life with its polarization of the trends of the old sin nature.

                        f. The arrogant reaction of idolizing and rejecting your own icon is the vanity of transferring your fragmented life to an innocent party.

                        g. Once you transfer the blame for your own disillusion, disappointment, and disenchantment to the idol that you yourself have created, then you malign, slander, judge, or enter into conspiracy and seek to destroy the very idol which you yourself have created.

                        h. Arrogance destroys what arrogance creates.

                        i. Therefore, the feet of clay syndrome is the arrogant irrationality of rearranging the doctrine of sin to suit yourself, to be compatible with your own self-righteous arrogance and trend toward legalism.

            5. Role model arrogance is a part of iconoclastic arrogance.

                        a. Role is defined as the proper or customary function assigned to an individual. People and society in general have assigned certain customary functions and activities in life to public servants, politicians, husbands, wives, executives in business, professional wrestlers, police officers, and pastors. When anyone departs from his role model, he is immediately slandered, maligned, criticized, and rejected.

                                    b. People and society in general have a predilection for demanding that everything be in its proper place. Consequently, society resents any deviation from the assigned role models.

                        c. Therefore, society has a double standard: a standard for the role model; a standard for oneself.

                        d. While a person may excuse himself for sins, failures, or flaws, he condemns the role model for identical sin, failure, or flaws. Or he becomes vehement in judging the sins, failures, and flaws of someone whose sin nature trend is antithetical to his own.

                        e. Judging the role model for committing the same sins is hypocrisy; judging the role model for sins in the opposite trend from you is role model arrogance. Therefore, role model arrogance is a fragment of the grenade of arrogance.

f.  Role model arrogance gravitates toward the trend of self- righteous arrogance and legalism.

                        g. Role model arrogance manufactures hypocrites out of self and victims out of the role model.


h.  Role model arrogance rejects the problem solving devices of the protocol plan, and substitutes arrogant subjectivity, which is preoccupation

with others, and role model arrogance or preoccupation with others.

  i. Role model arrogance ignores the fact that you cannot change others; you can only change yourself.

                          j. Therefore, role model arrogance creates hypocrisy in the clergy, and legalism in the congregation; or hypocrisy in management and


legalism in labor.

                        k. Under role model arrogance, both clergy and congregation are distracted from what is important:  the execution of the protocol plan of God through consistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                        l. Role model arrogance distracts the person in the pew by placing emphasis on the personality and lifestyle of the pastor, rather than on the content of his message. Only the content of the pastor’s message can cause spiritual growth and the fulfillment of God’s plan, purpose, and will for your life.

                        m. It is not the man in the pulpit, but the message from the pulpit that manufactures invisible heroes.

            6. The Combination of Unrealistic Expectation and Role Model Arrogance.

                        a. Iconoclastic arrogance or subjective preoccupation with others is a bad combination of unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance.

                        b. Unrealistic expectation means that people are not loved the way they want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated.

                        c. Role model arrogance is that function of the double standard of assigning customary and impossible standards to the role model, and reacting when those standards are replaced by some form of sin or failure. Role model arrogance is a part of iconoclastic arrogance.

                        d. The double standard of role model arrogance originates from the polarization of the sin nature’s trend toward legalism or antinomianism.

                        e. Role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation combine to form the tragic flaw of legalism in some believers.

                        f. The fragmented life of legalism rejects the grace policy of God and enters into a series of sins which include gossip, slander, maligning, judging, malice, revenge, and vindictiveness.

                        g. This bad combination forms the tragic flaw of the double standard, justifying self while judging others.

                        h. The bad combination of unrealistic expectation and role model arrogance results in the polarization of the sin nature’s trends. This includes self-righteous arrogance, conspiracy arrogance, crusader arrogance, transference arrogance, and the entire realm of legalism.

                                    (1) In transference arrogance, the believer transfers his own sins, flaws, failures, and motives to another person.

                                    (2) This was illustrated in the life of Joseph. Joseph’s brothers assumed that once their father, Jacob, died, Joseph would take revenge on them because they sold him into slavery. They transferred their own evil motivation and their own arrogant thinking to Joseph.

                                    (3) Because of their fragmented lives, Joseph’s brothers lived in fear of retaliation by transferring their own flaws to Joseph. However, Joseph was not fragmented or guilty of thinking in such terms. Joseph was using grace orientation.

(4) The fragmented believer cannot understand virtue or nobility.

Therefore, he assigns his own sinfulness and arrogance to others.

i.  Role model arrogance therefore imposes impossible standards on others, which

ignores the existence of one’s own sin nature, and pits one’s own area of strength against the area of weakness of someone else.

                        j. Role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation results in three focus problems.

                                    (1) Eyes on self is a double standard used to justify self by rationalizing one’s own sins, ignoring the polarized trends of the sin nature. The trend toward self-righteous arrogance and legalism results in moral degeneracy. The trend toward lascivious lawlessness results in immoral degeneracy. Therefore, eyes on self is a case of moral degeneracy judging immoral degeneracy.

                                    (2) Eyes on people is the use of a double standard by self- righteous arrogance to express jealousy, envy, hatred, bitterness, implacability, gloating, revenge, gossip, maligning, slander, inordinate ambition, and inordinate competition. It justifies these expressions of sin in self while condemning them in others.

                                    (3) Eyes on things is arrogant resentment because other believers possess material things or have the affection of people which you do not possess.   You justify your resentment by implying that the possession of material things is not spiritual, a form of legalism and asceticism.

                                    (4) One of the terrible results of eyes on things is the arrogant frustration of seeing the so-called “wicked” prosper. This often distracts the believer from consistent perception of doctrine. There are at least three reasons why the wicked believer prospers.

                                                (a) Identification with an invisible hero.

                                                (b) Logistical grace blessing from God is imputed by divine justice to the divine righteousness resident in every believer.

                                                © They are evil in an evil society, and so they prosper within the framework of that society. Or they are a fragmented believer whose trend is toward lascivious lawlessness.

                                    (5) For the believer, the only prosperity in life that really counts is provided under the grace policy of God. It includes the advance to spiritual maturity, resulting in the distribution of escrow blessings for time and for the eternal state.

            7. The Solution:  Sharing the Happiness of God (+H).

                        a. One of the problem solving devices is +H, or sharing the happiness of God. This is called contentment.

                        b. Phil 3:11-13, “Not that I speak from reference to want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.” Learning to be content is understanding and using +H, or sharing the happiness of God.

                        c. 1 Tim 6:6,8, “But godliness is a means of great profit when accompanied by contentment. And if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content.”

                        d. Heb 13:5, “Let your lifestyle be free from the love for money, and be content with what you have, for He Himself has said, `I will never leave you; I will never forsake you.’”

                        e. 1 Pet 1:8, “And though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and though you do not see Him now but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory.”

            8. The Problem of the Pastor in Role Model Arrogance.

                        a. Remember that pastors are not supermen or spiritual giants because they possess the spiritual gift of pastor-teacher. But like all members of the royal family of God, they are the recipients of God’s grace.

                        b. Therefore, it is important to avoid making a role model out of a pastor. The pastor-teacher and the evangelist are both targets for the practice of role model arrogance.

                        c. Role model arrogance imposes impossible standards on the pastor-teacher which ignores the fact that he, too, possesses a sin nature.

                        d. The practice of unrealistic expectation toward pastors means that members of the congregation want attention, treatment, and time, which things distract from the pastor’s function of studying and teaching.

                        e. Unrealistic expectation means that very few members of the congregation may be loved the want to be loved or treated the way they want to be treated. Therefore, members of the congregation react with hatred, bitterness, vindictiveness, some form of frustration, self-pity, or malice, so that they malign, slander, or judge that pastor.

                        f. Only understanding and utilizing the problem solving devices can eliminate this disaster of combining role model arrogance with unrealistic expectation.

                        g. The bad combination of role model arrogance with unrealistic expectation forms a serious problem of fragmentation. It is the problem of the double standard by which the individual justifies his own sins while condemning the sins of others. This is related to the polarization of the sin nature trends.

                        h. The problem with self-righteous arrogance and legalism by which self is promoted through slander, gossip, maligning, and judging others is that it ignores the fact that all of us sin after salvation.

            i. So role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation combine to create a disastrous double standard.

                                    (1) For example, a news reporter can fornicate but a politician cannot.

                                    (2) A member of the congregation can commit adultery, but a minister cannot.

                        j. No one is perfect, including ministers, evangelists, and politicians. But with Bible doctrine as the #1 priority, plus the mastery of the problem solving devices, the believer can recover from sin and fragmentation. He can grow in grace and execute God’s plan, and thereby glorify Him.

                        k. Role model arrogance plus unrealistic expectation establishes false standards, develops a system of relative mores, ethics, usages, and customs which distract and hinder the execution of the protocol plan for the Church.

                        l. Believers guilty of role model arrogance combined with unrealistic expectation fail to glorify God and fulfill God’s plan.

                        m. Therefore, the combination of self-righteous arrogance and crusader arrogance seeks to change people by imposing on them either false or double standards related to hypocrisy.

            9. Conclusion.

                        a. You cannot change other people; you can only change yourself. Therefore, avoid the pitfall of iconoclastic and role model arrogance. It is subjective preoccupation with others.

                        b. You cannot make a role model out of someone else without being disappointed. This means you cannot change people to conform to your unrealistic expectation and your own arrogance. Whenever you do, you are distracted from God’s will, plan, and purpose for your life.

                        c. Changing yourself is a matter of doing at least five things.

                                    (1) Execution of the protocol plan for the Church through consistent post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                                    (2) Learning and utilizing your very own portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (3) Understanding and utilizing the problem solving devices.

                                    (4) Learning and applying the unique characteristics of the Church Age.

                                    (5) Advancing to spiritual maturity and becoming an invisible hero.

                        d. You cannot change yourself while you are involved in the fragmented life.

                        e. Role model arrogance is the antithesis of occupation with Christ, which is the ultimate problem solving device in life.

                        f. 1 Jn 1:8 tells us we continue to possess the old sin nature. “If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have no sin [nature], we deceive ourselves, and doctrine is not in us.” 1 Jn 1:10, “If we say [contend, maintain, assert] that we have not sinned [after salvation], we make Him a liar and His doctrine is not in us.”


J.  Human Relationship Fragmentation.

            1. The Problem of Christian Fellowship.

                        a. Since the beginning of the Church Age, there have been times when Christian fellowship has been a source of great blessing, comfort, and encouragement. That has occurred when the believers involved were in the process of executing the protocol plan of God, or have already succeeded in doing so.

                        b. Fragmentation always destroys the blessings and advantages that come from Christian fellowship.

                        c. Christian fellowship can only be a blessing where believers are consistent in post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, and executing the protocol plan of God under grace orientation and doctrinal orientation.

                        d. However, a serious problem arises when Christian fellowship becomes a substitute for perception of Bible doctrine. Then Christian fellowship becomes the social life of fragmented believers, who are often polarized.

                        e. A by-product of Christian fellowship in the status of fragmentation is people emphasis taking precedence over God emphasis.

                        f. Fragmentation not only means neglect or rejection of Bible doctrine, but it inserts a very serious problem into human relationships, including Christian fellowship.

                        g. Polarized fragmentation causes Christian fellowship to become a battleground among believers. As a result, the outside world of unbelievers laugh at believers as they publicize problems in the Church.

            2. What Christian Fellowship Is Not.

                        a. Christian fellowship is never a substitute for fellowship with God.

                        b. Christian fellowship is never a substitute for perception of Bible doctrine.

                        c. Christian fellowship is destroyed by the various categories of fragmentation. Fragmented believers cannot have Christian fellowship.

                        d. The assembly of believers in the local church is designed for worship, which emphasizes perception, metabolization, and application of Bible doctrine, first toward God and then toward people.

                        e. Fellowship or friendship with other believers is optional; it is never mandatory.

                        f. Heb 10:25, “Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as is the habit of some, but for the purpose of encouragement.”

                                    (1) Encouragement comes from Bible doctrine, not from “one another,” which phrase is not found in the Greek.

                                    (2) Encouragement comes from:

                                                (a) The perception of the mystery doctrine.

                                                (b) Learning and utilizing the problem solving devices.

                                                © Understanding and utilizing our very own portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (3) Christian fellowship can be encouraging, but it is not the source of encouragement.

                                    (4) Heb 10:25 actually emphasizes the assembly of believers to learn Bible doctrine, making Christian fellowship a secondary function. By putting doctrine first, Christian fellowship can be a wonderful function.

                                    (5) It is the secondary function of Christian fellowship which contributes to the intensification of fragmentation.

                        g. Christian fellowship is never a substitute for fellowship with God, or for learning doctrine, nor is it the basis for spiritual momentum. Spiritual momentum in the execution of God’s plan and subsequent glorification of God comes only through perception, metabolization, and application of doctrine.

                        h. The believer’s right pastor communicates doctrine in one of two ways to the believer.

                                    (1) In face-to-face teaching.

                                    (2) In non-face-to-face teaching through the written page, audio or video tapes, radio, or television.

                        i. God never denies doctrinal teaching to a positive believer. This includes believers who are isolated from local churches. Not everyone’s right pastor is located in his same geographical periphery.

                        j. Christian fellowship with other believers in the same geographical periphery is not necessary for the execution of the protocol plan of God.

            3. Disadvantages to Christian Fellowship.

                        a. The establishment of wrong priorities in the Christian life can occur through the influence of confused or fragmented Christians.

                        b. Distraction from Bible doctrine can occur through preoccupation with friendship, romance, or marriage.

                        c. The polarization of the sin nature’s trend toward self- righteous arrogance and legalism can occur through association with legalistic believers.

                        d. The polarization of the sin nature’s trend toward lascivious lawlessness and antinomianism can occur through association with antinomian believers.

                        e. You can use Christian fellowship as a means of advancing self in a business or a profession.

                        f. You can fragment your life through interaction with other believers, 2 Tim 3:2-7.

            4. Christian fellowship is not necessary.

                        a. Positive believers will always be provided with Bible doctrine, but not always with Christian fellowship.

                        b. Christian fellowship can be very stimulating and enjoyable, if there is no detrimental influence from fragmentation, and if there is no polarization of that fragmentation into the sin nature trends, so that you identify Christianity with either legalism or antinomianism.

                        c. Christian fellowship cannot advance the believer in God’s plan, will, or purpose; only the mystery doctrine for the Church Age can do that.

                        d. Social life in the form of Christian fellowship can be a refreshing interlude, but it can never replace fellowship with God through post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation.

                        e. Therefore, Christian fellowship cannot replace the execution of the protocol plan, becoming an invisible hero, and thereby glorifying God.

                        f. So beware of assigning to Christian fellowship a role it can never play. However, if you grow in grace, execute the protocol plan, and use the problem solving devices, your relationships in life will be fantastic.

            5. Marriage.

                        a. One of the greatest misconceptions in life originates from the myth that marriage means happiness and is a panacea of life.

                        b. Actually, marriage is a problem manufacturing device related to the fragmented life.

                        c. It isn’t the institution of marriage that is at fault, but the fact that people are no better in marriage than they are as people.

                        d. The believer who uses his volition to pull the pin of arrogance has fragmented his life. Fragmentation polarizes into sin nature trends which can very quickly destroy a marriage.

                        e. Therefore, the perpetuation of the fragmented life causes the believer to become a loser. If he’s married, he’s also a loser as a spouse.

                        f. Losers are not believers who fail, but believers who do nothing about their failures, like not using the problem solving devices. Only the problem solving devices can convert a loser into a winner, whether he’s single or married.

                        g. Only the plan of God and problem solving devices have answers. Regarding marital problems, remember that you can only change yourself; you can’t change your spouse. Changing yourself means mastering and utilizing the problem solving devices.

                        h. But most people try to change their marriage problems by trying to change their spouse to conform to their standards, or if that doesn’t work, by changing their spouse.

            i. The arrogance of unhappiness is always trying to change others to comply with your own system of fragmentation, polarization, or standards which are incompatible with the plan of God. But even if you have good standards, you can only change yourself; you cannot change someone else. Only Bible doctrine can change us; and the change begins in the soul.

                        j. So both in the Christian life and in marriage, you can only change yourself; you cannot change someone else. Obviously, there is no solution to the problems of marriage apart from impersonal love for all mankind.

            6. What is the destroyer of marriage?

                        a. Many people cite such causes as unfaithfulness, money, relatives, incompatibility, or disillusion for marital failure. Yet these are merely symptoms; they do not diagnose the disease.

                        b. The greatest destroyer of marriage is pulling the pin in the grenade of arrogance by committing such sins as jealousy, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, hatred, self-pity, hypersensitivity, revenge, gossip, slandering, or maligning the spouse.

                        c. Once the believer uses his own volition to pull the pin of the grenade through the sins of arrogance, he fragments his life. Only one of the marital partners need be fragmented to cause problems.

                        d. Fragmentation polarizes to the sin nature trend. If the trend is toward self-righteous arrogance, you may come to hate your spouse in marriage. However, you have lost a far greater battle than the marriage; you have fragmented your own life and become a loser in God’s protocol plan.

                        e. Losers cannot solve problems. Losers in marriage cannot solve the problems of marriage.

                        f. While there are definite Biblical reasons for divorce, divorce is no solution; it is generally an escape.

                        g. After divorce, you are the same fragmented person. For the fragmented person in marriage is a fragmented person out of marriage. Apart from Bible doctrine and learning and using the problem solving devices, nothing has changed.

                        h. Unfaithfulness in marriage is a sign of a polarized trend of the sin nature toward lascivious lawlessness. This polarized fragmentation means you have not solved the problem. You are still the same person.

                        i. An arrogant person in marriage is an arrogant person out of marriage. This means that divorce is an escape from a bad situation but is still no solution.

                        j. Only cognition and utilization of the problem solving devices can solve any marital problem.

            7. Marital Failure.

                        a. Marriages fail because believers are failures as human beings.

                        b. Marriages fail because believers get married for the wrong reasons; e.g., for a meal ticket, because of peer pressure, to escape unpleasant circumstances, for legalized sex, unrealistic expectation, role model arrogance, or libido.

                        c. Marriages fail because believers make bad decisions from a position of weakness (inside the cosmic system).

                        d. Marriages fail because believers erroneously assume that marriage is a problem solving device, when it is really a problem manufacturing device.

                        e. Marriages fail because believers assume that marriage is happiness, but marriage was never designed for happiness. Marriage was designed for virtue. Virtue is designed for happiness.

                        f. Happiness in marriage depends on virtue-love in three categories.

                                    (1) Personal love for God the Father.

                                    (2) Impersonal love for all mankind.

                                    (3) Occupation with the person of Jesus Christ.

                        g. These three problem solving devices are the road to recovery from the fragmented life and from the troubled marriage. These three problem solving devices function effectively at the point of spiritual self- esteem, even more effectively at the point of spiritual autonomy, and to their maximum at the point of spiritual maturity.

                        h. You cannot solve the problems of marriage by changing your spouse. You cannot change your spouse in marriage; you can only change yourself by recovering from the fragmented life.

            8. Marriage and the Arrogance of Unhappiness.

                        a. The arrogance of unhappiness is that fragment of the grenade which seeks to control everyone in your environment, including your family, friends, loved ones, business associates, etc.

                        b. The arrogance of unhappiness seeks to control in two ways.

                                    (1) Make the person feel guilty for alleged neglect; motivate attention through guilt.

                                    (2) Motivate attention through the arousal of pity in others. But even if you succeed in getting your spouse to feel sorry for you, you haven’t solved the problems of marriage.

                                    (3) The arrogance of unhappiness seeks to dominate, control, and enslave the opposite number in marriage.

                                    (4) Illusions about marriage from the arrogance of unhappiness.

                                                (a) You cannot build your happiness on the details of life; e.g., money, success, power, pleasure, approbation, social life, friends, health, sex. These all have a legitimate place in life, but you cannot lean on them for happiness or problem solving.

                                                (b) You cannot build your happiness on pleasant environment.

                        c. You cannot build your happiness on crusader arrogance; e.g., Christian activism, socialism, social engineering, violence, revolution.

                        d. You cannot build your happiness on someone else’s unhappiness, or by hurting someone else.

                        e. You cannot build your happiness on a moment of time, a moment of pleasure, a moment of success, a moment of approbation, or a moment of stimulation.

                        f. You cannot build your happiness on self-gratification, which includes drug abuse, beauty, attractiveness, and marriage.

            9. Only Bible doctrine can make you happy.

                        a. Marriage cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

                        b. Sex cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

                        c. Prosperity and power cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

                        d. Money cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

                        e. Health cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

                        f. People cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that. If you have +H, other people cannot make you unhappy either, but you can make them happy.

                        g. A friendly church cannot make you happy; only Bible doctrine can do that.

               10. The Desperation Syndrome.

                        a. Most people with marital problems are desperate; they want answers right now! Desperate people are always impatient for instant solutions or a miracle. This results in the desperation syndrome.

                        b. People are no better in marriage than they are as people. Consequently, impatient desperate people fail to realize that it took years to become a loser. Therefore, you cannot instantly patch up the problems of a perpetually fragmented life.

                        c. The only permanent solution to the problem is consistent post- salvation epistemological rehabilitation. Part of understanding doctrine is learning and using the problem solving devices.

                        d. Therefore, you cannot solve the problem instantly because you cannot learn all the doctrine you need in a few minutes.

                        e. Desperate and instant solutions are not solutions at all. You cannot stop the flood by putting your finger in the dike; you need to build a dam.

                        f. Fragmented believers are desperate believers who want instant help. Generally, desperate people grasp at straws. They insist on counseling and want help immediately.

            g. When you have lost control of your life through fragmentation and neglect of doctrine, there is no instant solution outside of rebound and keep moving while learning doctrine.

            h. Perpetual fragmentation involves too many bad decisions from a position of weakness, which includes neglect of Bible doctrine, entering into the various stages of reversionism, fragmentation, and entering into the cosmic system.

               11. The Aspirin Panacea.

                        a. Desperate people want simple solutions. Desperate people are irrational, so they can only understand what is simple.

                        b. Desperate people want short-term solutions. They want instant relief from their accumulated problems.

                        c. But divine solutions require the time it takes to learn pertinent doctrine which can be applied to the situation.

                        d. You cannot recover in a day what you lost over a long period of time. There is no permanent solution to the problems of life until you master and use those problem solving devices.

                        e. Marital problems in themselves are merely symptoms of the disease; they are not actually the disease. You cannot simply cure the symptoms and cure the disease.

                        f. The disease is fragmentation of the life. The cure is the perception and practice of the problem solving devices. You may temporarily separate yourself from the symptom, but you still have the disease until you get over that fragmentation.

             12. Unhappy versus Happy Marriages.

                        a. Marital problems are symptoms; fragmentation is the disease.

                        b. Only the problem solving devices of the protocol plan can solve the disease of the fragmented life of the Christian.

                        c. People are no better in marriage than they are as people.

                        d. Marriages fail because believers fragment their own lives. Therefore, marriage fail because people fail as human beings.

                        e. Marriages fail because believers assume that marriage is a panacea, a solution to all their problems.

                        f. Actually, marriage intensifies the problems of life by merging the problems of two people.

                        g. Marriage is not designed for happiness but for virtue.

                        h. Virtue is designed for happiness. Therefore, the secret to a happy marriage is virtue.

                        i. Therefore, happiness in marriage depends on learning and utilizing the problem solving devices of the protocol plan of God.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1995, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved

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