Eph 737 2/5/88




A.  The Provision of the Fullness of God.

            1. The fullness of God is provided through politeuma privileges, i.e., the ten unique factors of the Church Age.

            2. These ten unique factors are located in the epistles of the New Testament as a part of the mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

            3. These ten unique factors are listed as follows.

                        a. The baptism of the Holy Spirit.

                        b. The unique protocol plan of God.

                        c. The unique equality factor of the computer assets. For the first time in history, all believers have equal privilege and equal opportunity under election and predestination.

                        d. Our portfolio of invisible assets.

                        e. Our unique royal commissions of royal priesthood and royal ambassadorship.

                        f. The unique mystery doctrine of the Church Age.

                        g. The indwelling of all three persons of the Trinity.

                        h. The unique availability of divine power.

                                    (1) The omnipotence of God the Father is related to our portfolio of invisible assets.

                                    (2) The omnipotence of God the Son related to the preservation and perpetuation of human history.

                                    (3) The omnipotence of God the Holy Spirit related to the operational-type divine dynasphere.

                        i. The only dispensation of no prophecy, only historical trends.

                        j. Invisible impact.

            4. These unique factors of the Church Age make it possible for any and every believer to have this “fullness of God.” There is no excuse for any member of the body of Christ failing to execute the protocol plan. Therefore, there is no excuse for any Church Age believer being a loser. The only reason for it is your own bad decisions from a position of weakness.


B.  The Problem Solving Devices related to the Fullness of God.

            1. In order to be filled up with the full measure of all the fullness of God, ten available problem solving devices should be utilized.

            2. These ten problem solving devices are:

                        a. Rebound.

                        b. The filling of the Spirit.

                        c. The faith-rest drill.

                                    (1) Stage 1:  Mix the promises of God with faith.

                                    (2) Stage 2:  Mix doctrinal rationales with faith.

                                    (3) Stage 3:  Faith controls the situation.

                        d. Grace orientation.

                        e. Doctrinal orientation, including Hope 2 and Hope 3.

                        f. Personal love for God the Father.

                        g. Impersonal love for all mankind.

                        h. +H or sharing the happiness of God.

                        i. A personal sense of destiny.

                        j. Occupation with Christ, the priority solution.

            3. Being filled with all the fullness of God includes the maximum use of these problem solving devices of the protocol plan.


C.  The Manufacture of Invisible Heroes related to the Fullness of God. See the doctrine of Invisible Heroes.


D.  Escrow Blessings for Time related to the Fullness of God. See the doctrine of Escrow Blessings.


E.  Escrow Blessings for the Eternal State related to the Fullness of God. See the doctrine of the Judgment Seat of Christ.

F.  Summary of the Fullness of God.

            1. Divine provision of our politeuma privileges.

            2. Maximum utilization of problem solving devices.

            3. The manufacture of invisible heroes.

            4. The distribution of escrow blessings for time.

            5. The distribution of escrow blessings for the eternal state.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
