



A.  How does your soul function toward your job?

            1. In the self-consciousness of your soul, you concentrate and merge yourself into your job profile. You carry out the policies of the company without deviation or distortion as unto the Lord.

            2. Mentality functions. A good mental attitude on the job is the key to mastering the job. Mental attitude sins contribute to doing a bad job.

            3. Volition functions. Free will and mentality means you will be objective to others on the job. Therefore, you will recognize authority and have respect for it. All decisions must be loyal to company policies.

            4. Emotion functions. Appreciation for the Lord motivates the believer to function in his job under the principle of grace orientation. Col 3:17.

            5. Your conscience is the residence for your principles of integrity regarding you job. You are honest and truthful with both superiors and subordinates.

            6. The old sin nature seeks to frustrate all these principles toward working. Therefore, it is important to rebound and daily metabolize doctrine to maintain an effective mental attitude for work.


B.  Principles of Labor and Management.

            1. In application to slavery in the Roman empire, neither revolution nor manumission was advocated by the Bible as a solution. Stay away from revolution as a solution to problems on the job.

            2. No social action is ever commanded by the Bible. Only Bible doctrine in the soul changes things.

            3. The Bible condemns and never commends labor unions. You are to make it on your own. “Cursed is the man who trusts in man.”

            4. The solution to labor problems doesn’t lie in strikes. Strikes only destroy jobs.

            5. Bible doctrine in the soul makes permanent changes in your life. Social action creates problems.

            6. Regeneration and spiritual growth, not legislation, is the answer to the problems of life. Legislation is designed to give you the right to live your life as unto the Lord freely, privately, and safely, Col 3:22.





 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
