Isr 172-173 2/2/92; Isr 208-239 5/20/92




A.  Definition and Description.   Guilt can be a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some real or imaged offense, and this is not sinful. But as a part of the emotional complex of sins, guilt becomes morbid self-reproach, emotional feelings of culpability for actual or imaged offenses. It brings out a sense of inadequacy which becomes very dangerous, because it leads to arrogant pre-occupation with the correctness of one’s behavior from self- righteous arrogance. The greatest of all problems related to rejection is guilt.

B.  Guilt Related to Repression, Denial, Projection, and Manipulation.

            1. There are three sources of manipulation in the life of any believer who is under the emotional complex of sins.

                        a. The manipulation of yourself. This is your guilt trip.

                        b. Subjective manipulation. You are being manipulated by someone else.

                        c. Being converted to legalism, you now become a manipulator of others yourself. You become a crusader for legalism.

            2. Guilt is a sin that often caused by repression, denial, projection, and manipulation. The weak control the strong through manipulation by stipulation.

                        a. Repression is rejection from the stream of consciousness of painful and disagreeable ideas, memories, feelings, and impulses.   Repression puts garbage in the subconscious and sinful guilt in the stream of consciousness.

                                    (1) Guilt causes repression as a primary defense against anxieties, fears, worries, instead of using the problem solving devices which are available. Repression as a means of denial is part of the problem. Repression denies the reality of the problem because it is too painful or unpleasant to face, therefore, the arrogant person refuses to admit it.

                                    (2) Repression develops behavior patterns or habits or thought patterns to avoid facing the issue or experience the pain or discomfort. Repression often buries the problem in the subconscious, so that what is left is behavior, habits, or thoughts developed to avoid the issue. This is why people often say, “I don’t know why I keep doing this.”

                                    (3) The results of repression:

                                                (a) Metabolization and application of Bible doctrine is blocked in the areas affected by denial.

                                                (b) Fragmentation of the soul in areas of the emotional or arrogance complex of sins.

                                                © Self-punishment or self-induced misery from the arrogance and emotional complex of sins.

                                                (d) Polarized fragmentation from the trends of the sin nature—arrogant self-righteousness and antinomianism.

                                                (e) Lack of problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul to prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul and leads to reversionism.

                                                            i. Entrance into the stages of reversionism has two results:  Christian moral degeneracy which comes from legalism and Christian immoral degeneracy which comes from fragmentation. When the FLOT line of the soul lacks the ten problem solving devices which act as an instant reaction force to protect your soul and spiritual life, anytime you have adversity, it moves right into the soul and becomes stress. Stress in the soul is generally manifest by two categories of self-fragmentation: the arrogance complex of sins and the emotional complex of sins. From this there is a movement toward the sin nature’s trend (either legalism or antinomianism), and these are really gates into the eight stages of reversionism, which in the case of legalism end in Christian moral degeneracy, and in the case of antinomianism end in Christian immoral degeneracy. From both of these often come the psycho believer, described in the Hebrew of Deut 28 by the word SHIGAON and in the Greek by the word DIPSUCHOS (a split personality), Jam 1:8, 4:8.

                                                                ii. Rebound is the first problem solving device and is designed, like all the other problem solving devices, to prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul. 1 Jn 1:8, 10, “If we say that we have no sin [denial], we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.” “If we say that we have not sinned [denial], we make God a liar and His word is not in us.” In both cases of denial, we have a believer with no epignosis doctrine metabolized in the soul. The filling between these two verses is the rebound technique, 1 Jn 1:9, “If we acknowledge our sins to God, He is faithful and just with the result that He forgives us our sins and purifies us from all unrighteousness [our sins of ignorance].” We are citing the court room case of Christ having already paid the penalty for our sins on the Cross. We do not have to do anything to assuage guilt feelings about our sins, confess our sins to others, or promise God we will never do it again. We simply acknowledge or cite our sins to God. Without the rebound technique, there is no maintenance of the spiritual life. You and only you can maintain your spiritual life.

                                                               iii. The trends of the sin nature can be defined in terms of the sins of the soul and the body; for the self-righteous arrogance and legalistic trend of the sin nature is related to the sins of the soul, just as antinomianism is related to the sins of the body.

                                                               iv. The results of rebound include: recovery of fellowship with God, recovery of the filling of the Holy Spirit, we are again in the position of equal privilege and equal opportunity to execute the protocol plan of God for the Church by re-entrance into the divine dynasphere, we are again able to metabolize Bible doctrine, we are back to spiritual reality, we are living our own spiritual life, our spiritual momentum is resumed through perception and metabolization of doctrine, the problem solving device of rebound is back on the FLOT line of the soul as an instant reaction force to protect us from the outside pressures of adversity becoming the inside pressures of stress in the soul.

                        b. Guilt results from being manipulated by some dominating personality or a weak person with self-righteousness or arrogance. Guilt is a sin caused by repression, denial, projection, manipulation; hence, guilt motivates many failures in the spiritual life. Guilt becomes a sin when the believer rebounds but fails to forget those things which are behind and reaching forth toward those things which are before, Phil 3:13-14.

                        c. Experiences involving guilt or shame are likely to be repressed to form garbage in the subconscious, but they also have a tremendous effect upon the volition and decisions that are made in interaction with people.

                        d. Guilt is the failure to use the problem solving devices, so that the conversion of outside pressures of adversity are brought into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. This results in painful anxieties, which are repressed, but do not lose their dynamic drive and tension. Stress in the soul means old sin nature control of the soul. If this continues for a long period of time you develop hardness of heart or scar tissue of the soul and you lose your defenses on the FLOT line of the soul.

            3. Guilt produces restitutionism. Restitutionism is a mechanic of relieving the mind of the load of guilt through reparation or acts of restitution. Restitutionism originates from guilt and becomes a primary motivation in life.

            4. Experiences involving guilt or shame are often repressed to form garbage in your subconscious. Guilt is a major failure to have the problem solving devices on the FLOT line of your soul. Guilt function is the conversion of the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressures of stress in the soul. Guilt causes repression as a defense or a denial against fear, worry, anxiety, or any stress factors related to guilt. Guilt, therefore, has its own defense mechanisms which merely prolong the problem: repression, denial, and projection.

                        a. Repression—this is how we accumulate garbage in the subconscious.

                        b. Dissociation—this is how we get disorganized in the stream of consciousness.

                        c. Denial—this is how we have a false perception of reality, especially as it pertains to people. Denial results in projection, or the transfer of one’s flaws, sins, and failures to another person through vilification, malice, and revenge.

                        d. Projection—this is when we begin to assign to our rejectors or others our own flaws or failures. Feelings of guilt which cause anxiety may be alleviated by a contrived defense mechanism of blaming others for one’s shameful flaws or failures. By projection, a person with a guilt complex of lowering self-esteem falsely attributes his or her own flaws, unacknowledged feelings, impulses, or thoughts to the rejector. By blaming others for one’s emotional sins and guilt producing impulses, the believer uses projection to leave himself or herself guiltless and even victimized. If you can make the other party feel guilty in this problem, then you feel less guilty. This is the evil of manipulation of the weak to control the strong.

                                    (1) Often the rejector has been motivated by the rejectee, so that the real rejectee is the rejector who is simply functioning under some separation. On the other hand, it may be a real rejection, so that the rejectee now has to deal with the problems of the rejector.

                                    (2) The rejectee might be all right, all wrong, partially right, or partially wrong. The rejector might be all right, all wrong, partially right, or partially wrong. Who is at fault? The one who finally had enough and rejected, or the one who motivated all of that having enough? People must decide this for themselves before the Lord.

                                    (3) You can be right in being rejected and wrong in how you react. You can be right as the rejector and wrong in how you function.

            5. The believer may react with hostility and aggressive behavior toward the object of projection. This is another defense mechanism against anxiety. Projection is actually a means of denial. Examples:

                        a. Believer A is the rejectee and is unable to tolerate the anxiety aroused by his or her own hatred toward the rejector (believer B).  Believer A assumes they are rejected; therefore, develops antagonism or hatred toward believer B.  Believer A is very self-righteous and cannot even tolerate himself or herself because of this hatred. So believer A handles the problem by making a subconscious change of attitude. Believer A changes their attitude from “I hate B” to “B hates me.” That is a defense mechanism for getting rid of the anxiety. Repression and projection protect the ego from being overwhelmed or disorganized by the effects of the sins of hatred, antagonism, and guilt. Guilt may be assuaged by attaching to others the very motives that created the problems in the first place.

                        b. Believer A rejects believer B through manipulation by stipulation. Believer B reacts and rejects believer A.  Now believer A is shocked.

            6. Another problem is the sweet believer. Some people have a natural sweetness which has nothing to do with the spiritual life. Sweetness is often a facade for a person who is self-fragmented and already into Christian degeneracy, but they are still sweet. Do not confuse your spiritual life with your natural attributes. Natural sweetness is not produced by the filling of the Holy Spirit or by doctrine. Excessive sweetness or amiability may conceal a very arrogant, self-righteous, intensely hostile person.

            7. Feelings of rejection and resultant hostility can be disguised by a self-righteous facade of being injured, of being unjustly treated, of being a victim of cruelty or unfairness, when in reality, the mask of being rejected is a disguise for a person who is rotten to the core. To deny and disguise personality traits involving the sins of arrogance and the sins of the emotional complex of the soul, not only require denial and rejection, but they demand projection—you have to assign these to others.

            8. Another problem is compensation. Compensation contributes to a mental process by which the believer being rejected, not only becomes blind to his or her undesirable characteristics from the sin nature, but also develops, designs, stimulates, and makes a pretense of spirituality. This is the believer who assumes the appearance of a spiritual giant, when the inner reality of the soul is that of an arrogant, insolent, overbearing, spiritual midget. They persuade others that they are the victim, when in reality, they are the problem. If the rejected believer is weak, he or she will develop a big guilt complex, so that they feel like a legitimate victim. Therefore, projection reinforces the martyrdom complex assumed by the rejectee. Part of the martyrdom complex is the feelings of guilt which give rise to feelings of anxiety, which must be alleviated. If the rejected believer is able to cast the blame for his or her shameful tendencies on the rejector, then there is alleviation. The attitude of the rejected person is that to be guiltless is to be victimized, to be persecuted is to be martyred. This follows the motivation that if you can make the rejector feel guilty, you feel less guilty as a phoney rejectee. In this way, the rejected believer can shift all of the blame to the rejector, which means the rejectee can hold the rejector responsible for the entire problem for that moment and for the rest of his or her life. Thinking to yourself, “I am a victim; I have been wronged.” is scar tissue that destroys and covers up metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness.

            9. Another problem is delusions of grandeur and emotional instability.

                        a. Delusions of grandeur originate from feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, or inferiority. The believer who has been rejected, but through self-righteousness arrogance thinks he or she is absolutely right, has through the delusion escaped from reality, which has been too great for his or her emotional security. Emotional sins bring emotional insecurity. Emotional insecurity brings irrationality to the soul. If the problem was guilt, then the delusion is that he or she achieved a spiritual life approximating perfection. The rejectee has destroyed his or her own spiritual life. Instead, they have put on the costume of the perfect person, and they are absolutely sold on the idea that they were right about this and they are right about everything else. Once you start practicing repression, denial, projection, and compensation you are totally divorced from reality.

                        b. Emotional instability. If the rejected believer was troubled with thoughts of inferiority, he or she as a martyr of rejection has now achieved spiritual distinction. Martyrdom is a pseudo spiritual life. If the rejected believer was troubled by fear, worry, or anxiety, he or she has gained a sense of security—not from metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness, not from problem solving devices, but from a grandiose delusion, so that feeling of guilt may be assuaged by attaching to the rejector the motives that created the problems. It is very difficult to recover from this type of bitterness. Some of the trends of emotional maladjustment are:

                                    (1) Stubbornness.

                                    (2) Tantrums.

                                    (3) Hypersensitivity.

                                    (4) Sulking.

                                    (5) Deceitfulness.

                                    (6) Defiant.

                                    (7) Erratic.

                                    (8) Arrogant.

                                    (9) Affectionless.

                                      (10) Demanding much and giving little.

                                      (11) Ungrateful

.                                     (12) Limited feelings of guilt or remorse because of self- righteousness arrogance, projection, denial, and repression.

                                      (13) Demands instant gratification with no concern or regard for the feelings of others.

                                       (14) Lack of definite objectives in life but quick to blame others as if there were objectives in life; hence, in a state of restlessness resulting from a search for the unattainable.

                                      (15) Emotional instability has few values in life, and learns nothing from confrontation, adverse experience, or divine discipline.

                                      (16) One can only adjust to environment where he or she dominates.

                                      (17) This person often becomes a sociopathic personality, having no regard for the rights of others and is unable to either sympathize or empathize.

                                     (18) Projects his or her insecurity by blaming others.

                                     (19) Rationalizes his or her behavior to be compatible with the status of his or her self-righteous arrogance.

                                     (20) Impulsive and instant response to his or her own feelings. Manipulation by stipulation, which means, “reconciliation on my terms.” “If you don’t do this, then I won’t do that.” This is the statement of a person who has lost all perspective of reality in life. They never think about handling the problems of relationships with people through the use of the problem solving devices because they never think about God and have no love for Him. They are out of fellowship and do not even know it, because they have entered into repression and denial.


C.  The Law of Double Punishment.

            1. Under the law of double punishment, two simultaneous categories of punitive action function coterminously. They begin to function when the believer does not have the problem solving devices in the stream of consciousness of his soul.

                        a. The believer’s soul is the battleground for the historic extension of the prehistoric angelic conflict.

                        b. The spiritual life of the believer is located in the soul.

                        c. You, and you alone, are the only one who can live your spiritual life. No one else can live it for you. Failure to extrapolate from doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness means that sooner or later you will come to the law of double punishment.

            2. The first system of punishment is the law of volitional responsibility. You punish yourself, for example, with the presence of guilt. You have all the sins of arrogance that come along with the guilt. There is no way you can get rid of this guilt once you are locked into it.

            3. The second system of punishment comes from the Supreme Court of heaven. It is warning and intensive discipline. The purpose of warning and intensive discipline is to remove guilt from the soul of the believer. Punishment removes the guilt. This is why God disciplines us while we are trying to destroy ourselves with guilt in the soul. God disciplines us on top of our own self-punishment to protect us from the sins of the emotional complex which will destroy our spiritual life.

            4. Scripture.

                        a. Hos 8:7, “For they sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads; it yields no grain. Should it yield, strangers would swallow it up.”

                        b. Prov 22:8, “He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, And the rod of his wrath shall be ready.” The first line is the law of volitional responsibility and the second line is punishment from the Supreme Court of heaven.

                        c. Col 3:25, “For he who does wrong will receive the consequences of that wrong which he has done, and there is no partiality.”

                        d. Gal 6:7-8, “Be not deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this will he also reap; for the one who sows to his own flesh [sin nature] shall from the sin nature reap corruption.”

                        e. Job 4:8, “On the basis of what I have seen, those who plow iniquity and those who sow trouble reap its harvest.”

                        f. Prov 22:8, “He who sows iniquity will reap vanity, and the rod of his fury will perish.”

                        g. Rev 3:19, “Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore, be earnest and change your mind [about these doctrines].”

            5. These two systems of discipline occur simultaneously until rebound is used by the believer as a problem solving device on the FLOT line of the soul.

            6. The concept that punishment removes guilt is taught in Heb 12:3-14, “For consider Him who endured such hostility [the outside pressure of adversity] by sinners against Himself, so that you may not grow weary fainting in your souls. You have not yet resisted as far as blood [as far as Jesus did] in your defense against sin [the defense against sin is the maximum use of the ten problem solving devices]; furthermore you have forgotten the exhortation which is communicated to you as sons [Prov 3:11], `My son, do not make light of the discipline from the Lord, nor faint when you are reproved by Him.’ [Prov 3:12; Ps 119:75] `For those whom the Lord loves He disciplines [warning discipline], and He scourges [intensive discipline] every son whom He receives.’ As a result of punishment you endure; God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom his father does not discipline? But if you are without discipline, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate children and not sons. Furthermore, we have human fathers to discipline us, and we respected them; how much more should we submit to the Father of our human spirits, and live? For they disciplined us for a short time as they thought best, but He {disciplines us} for our good, that we may share His integrity. No discipline at the moment seems pleasant, but painful; yet for those who have been trained by it, afterwards it pays back a harvest of tranquility and integrity. Therefore, strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble [this is a divine mandate to extrapolate from metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness the ten problem solving devices and station them on the FLOT line of the soul and to rebound], and make straight paths for your feet [utilize the problem solving devices], so that the leg which is lame may not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Pursue tranquility with all believers, and sanctification without which no one will see the Lord [be occupied with Christ].”

                        a. Punishment removes guilt in the rearing of children just as punishment from God removes guilt from the sinful believer. Just as punishment removes guilt from the children in the home, so divine discipline removes guilt from the believer in the plan of God. Divine discipline is, therefore, a blessing. If you do not spank a child, you are destroying their personality. Discipline must be given by the parents with thought. Never discipline when angry; cool off first before you discipline.

                                    (1) Prov 3:11-12, “My son, do not reject the discipline from the Lord, Or despise His reproof, For whom the Lord loves He disciplines, Even as a father, the son in whom he delights.” We should never reject divine discipline because it is a demonstration of divine love.

                                    (2) Ps 119:75, “I know, O Lord, that Your judgments are righteous, And that in faithfulness You have afflicted me.”

                        b. Punishment of children is necessary to prevent them from becoming neurotic and disoriented to life under the concepts of repression, denial, and projection. If a child is not justly punished, then the guilt remains with them and builds up until you have an abnormal child. They totally reject authority in life. When God punish us, the guilt is removed. Children without discipline from parents are rotten because of the sins of arrogance to which they are blind. They fail to have a normal perception of reality in their lives.

                        c. You cannot have the sins of the emotional complex or the arrogance complex and have the integrity of God. If you live by guilt, little by little you lose your perception of reality; you eventually get into projection, and that is the antithesis of the integrity of God. Sin brings misery and unhappiness to you first, and then to others around you. You cannot be miserable regarding self without it affecting others.

                        d. Discipline and punishment is training. How are you trained by discipline?

                                    (1) Discipline and punishment is designed to remove guilt so that the person is objective rather than subjective, and to deal with the evil influence of emotional sins.

                                    (2) Discipline teaches respect for authority and authority orientation, teachability, and humility.

                                    (3) Discipline produces tranquility and integrity by restoration to fellowship. Punishment brings the child around to the integrity of the parent. Even though it is painful at the time, it is good for the child as it is good for the believer. God has graciously given us tranquility and integrity produced by rebound, restoration to fellowship, and whatever discipline is left is cursing turned into blessing.

            7. The addendum to Heb 12:3-14 is Rev 3:14-22.

                        a. Introduction.

                                    (1) The entire passage is directed toward believers who have failed to execute the protocol plan of God, failed to become aware of their portfolio of invisible assets, and therefore, failed to utilize these assets in fulfilling God’s plan, will, and purpose for their lives.

                                    (2) The failure of these believers was also caused by one of the greatest attacks on the spiritual life. Part of your portfolio of invisible assets is the fact that God provided for you in eternity past your very own spiritual life. You are the only one who can live that life. In order for you to do so, God provided as a part of your portfolio of invisible assets ten problem solving devices. These problem solving devices are the spiritual system of defense for the soul, since the soul is the battleground in the spiritual realm. The source of these problem solving devices is the right lobe of the soul. The right lobe of the soul is where we have our stream of consciousness and the location of the circulation of metabolized doctrine. From the doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness, you extrapolate the ten problem solving devices for use to defend the soul against the outside pressures of adversity. The objective is to prevent the outside pressures of adversity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in the soul, which is tantamount to sin nature control of the soul.

                                    (3) Laodicea was one of the greatest centers of wealth in the Roman Empire. These wealthy Laodiceans realized that Christ was the only savior, but many had the problem of negative volition to doctrine. The city received very cold water from the south near Colossae and very hot water through a pipeline carved out of square limestone blocks from a hot springs in the north near Hierapolis (five miles away). By the time the hot water reached Laodicea it was lukewarm. This lukewarm water had a high mineral content and caused people to vomit. Hot and cold water are metaphors for the unbeliever and the believer who is positive to doctrine.

                                    (4) The outside pressures of adversity and the outside pressures of prosperity both attack the soul to create stress (old sin nature control) in the soul. The problem solving devices are the soul’s spiritual defense against outside pressures of adversity and prosperity.

                        b. Rev 3:14-15, “And to the messenger of the church in Laodicea write: `The Amen [Jesus Christ as the object of faith], the faithful and true Witness, the Ruler of the creation of God, communicates these things: “I know your modus operandi [works], that you are neither cold [unbelievers] nor hot [believers positive to doctrine]; I wish you were cold or hot."’”

                                    (1) Jesus Christ is the Amen—the object of faith for eternal salvation. Jesus Christ as the faithful and true Witness refers to the First Advent with emphasis on His salvation work on the Cross, the precedence He established while being judged for the sins of the world, and His control of history, holding the universe together. Jesus Christ is the ruler of the creation of God.

                                    (2) The believer was hot and then became lukewarm. Believers are a product of their own decisions. We are also the product of our own values. The combination of our volition and values will either make or break us. False values are destructive to freedom. The solution to being either cold or hot is the communication of doctrine. The unbeliever receives the communication of the gospel and becomes hot. The positive believer receives the teaching of doctrine and remains hot. The problem is the lukewarm believer.

                        c. Rev 3:16, “`So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I am about to vomit you out from My mouth.’”

                                    (1) The lukewarm believer is the believer with no problem solving devices circulating in his stream of consciousness to prevent the conversion of the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. The Laodiceans had converted the outside pressures of prosperity testing into stress in the soul or old sin nature control of the soul. They started out with Bible doctrine as their number one priority but ended up in the cosmic system, reversionism, and self-fragmentation of the soul because of negative volition to doctrine. They failed to realize the power of doctrine in the spiritual life.

                                    (2) “Vomiting out from My mouth” is a reference to the third category of divine discipline to believers—dying discipline. Compare 1 Jn 5:16, “There is a sin terminating in death” and 1 Cor 11:30-31. The present active indicative of the verb MELLO means to be about to do something. Jesus Christ was about to administer dying discipline but had not yet done so.

                                                (a) The supreme court of heaven practices capital punishment administered to believers who do not recover from converting the outside pressures of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. The Bible says capital punishment is the only way to control certain crimes. Capital punishment is the only system that remembers the victim. It is wrong to forget the victim.

                                                (b) The administration of maximum divine punitive action against the believer does not cancel his salvation. There is nothing we can do to cancel the perfect righteousness of God and eternal life of God given to us by God at salvation. You are born again at salvation and you cannot become unborn by failure. Volition is the issue in your life—you can choose for Bible doctrine or reject it. The pastor’s message is just as much to those who reject doctrine as to those who accept it.

                                                © No believer, no matter how evil, can cancel the forty things given to him at the moment of faith in Christ.                                               (d) As long as the believer is alive, he has the option of recovery and remission of the death sentence. It begins by the use of rebound and continues with the intake of doctrine, extrapolation of the problem solving devices and stationing them on the FLOT line of the soul, and the continued intake of doctrine to the point of spiritual maturity.

                                    (3) Principles of stress related to adversity.

                                                (a) Adversity is the outside pressure of life; stress is the inside pressure of the soul.

                                                (b) Stress is what you do to yourself; adversity is what circumstances do to you.

                                                © Adversity is inevitable; stress is optional.

                                                (d) Stress in the soul contradicts the protocol plan of God for the Church.

                                                (e) Stress in the soul is tantamount to sin nature control of the soul, and therefore, follows the pattern of soul sins—the arrogance complex, the emotional complex of sins.

                                                (f) Stress and the sin nature control of the soul results destruction of metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness and at the same time hinders any further metabolization of doctrine until the situation is corrected.

                                                (g) All solutions to stress and sin nature control of the soul begin with the rebound technique.

                                                (h) All solutions continue with extrapolation of metabolized doctrine from the stream of consciousness—the ten problem solving devices which prevent the outside pressure of adversity from becoming stress in the soul.

                                                (i) Recovery from stress reverses the process—the use of rebound backed up by the use of the other problem solving devices.

                                    (4) The outside pressure of prosperity can be defined as: wealth and riches, love and romance, promotion and power, success and approbation, and achievement and recognition. These are part of the prosperity test.

                                    (5) There are principles of stress related to prosperity.

                                                (a) Prosperity is the outside pressure of life; stress is the inside pressure of the soul.

                                                (b) When the outside pressure of prosperity is converted into the inside pressure of stress in the soul, the sin nature takes control of the soul.

                                                © Sin nature control of the soul means liability and vulnerability to the soul sins from both the arrogance and emotional complex of sins.

                                                (d) The perpetuation of arrogance and the emotional complex of sins results in polarized fragmentation, reversionism, Christian degeneracy, and the psycho believer.

                                                (e) The solution to stress in the soul related to prosperity includes metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness and subsequent use of the ten problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul functioning as an instant reaction force to prevent the outside pressures of prosperity from becoming the inside pressure of stress in the soul. Where there are no problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul, the believer is just as miserable in prosperity as he is in adversity.

                                    (6) Your spiritual life is what you think in your soul. God provided for you as a Church Age believer your very own portfolio of invisible assets which include your very own spiritual life and the ten problem solving devices. You and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life. No one else can run your spiritual life for you, which is what legalism and every denomination try to do (though there are pastors who are exceptions in every denomination). Your spiritual life is the greatest thing God ever gave to you. God provided for every Church Age believer a permanent briefing in writing (the New Testament epistles) to explain the modus operandi of your spiritual life. Bible doctrine must be transferred from the page of Scripture to your soul through Bible teaching for the function of your spiritual life and worship. You take with you to the grave all that is related to success in living the spiritual life. God has provided prosperity for every believer in his spiritual life.

                        d. Failure to pass the prosperity test is the subject of Rev 3:17, “`Because you say, “I am rich, and have become extremely wealthy, in fact I have need of nothing,” in fact you do not realize that you are under stress [sin nature control of the soul] and miserable [no capacity for happiness or blessing] and poor [no values related to the spiritual life] and blind [no perception of reality related to the spiritual life] and naked [no problem solving devices on the FLOT of the soul].’”

                                    (1) There is nothing evil are wrong with being wealthy. Redistribution of wealth and socialism are evil. The problem with the Laodiceans is that they no longer feel they need doctrine. They depend on their wealth rather than doctrine circulating in their soul. At the time of writing, Laodicea was the wealthiest city per capita in the known world. They have failed to realize that in the portfolio of invisible assets there is a system of wealth that you can take with you into eternity.

                                    (2) The first half of this verse is the Laodicean’s false perception of reality. “In fact I have need of nothing” is the statement of their repression and denial, reverse process reversionism, emotional sinning, and divorcement from reality. There is nothing like doctrine to convert unreality back into reality. The true perception of reality is stress in the soul, sin nature control of the soul, and self-fragmentation and polarized fragmentation of the soul; they have failed to pass prosperity testing. They are now serving money rather than God. Mt 6:24, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [dependence on wealth].”

                                    (3) As they began to lean more on their wealth, they slowly stopped depending on the problem solving devices circulating in the stream of consciousness. The stopped being occupied with Christ, sharing the happiness of God, having impersonal love for others, having personal love for God, having a personal sense of destiny, being doctrinally oriented, being grace oriented, using the faith-rest drill, being filled with the Holy Spirit.

                                    (4) Five Greek words describe the true situation. The Greek word TALAIPOROS means to be under stress and refers to sin nature control of the soul. The Greek word ELEEINOS means miserable in the sense of no capacity for happiness or blessing, no sense of appreciation. The Greek word PTOCHOS means poor in the sense of no values related to the spiritual life. The Greek word TUPHLOS means blind in the sense of no perception of reality related to the spiritual life—repression, denial, and projection. The Greek word GUMNOS means naked in the sense of no problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul; their soul is without any defense against stress in the soul. These metaphors are designed to explain the true status of carnality in contrast to their statement which presents the false perception of reality (“I am rich and have need of nothing.”).

                        e. Rev 3:18, “I advise you to buy from Me gold [Bible doctrine] which has been refined by fire [the spiritual life is refined through outside pressure of adversity or prosperity], that you may become rich, and white clothes, that you may clothe yourself, and the shame [loser at the Judgment Seat of Christ] of your nakedness [failure to execute the protocol plan of God] may not be revealed; and eye salve to rub in your eyes, that you may keep on seeing.”

                                    (1) In this verse, there is the great investment in Bible doctrine (gold) during life on earth and a fantastic dividend paid beyond the grave at the Judgment Seat of Christ in the form of escrow blessings for eternity (white clothes—the uniform of glory). Through your daily perception of Bible doctrine, you make a fantastic investment in time. Bible doctrine is the ultimate in value in life. All believers have spiritual freedom and the ultimate value in life; therefore, how the believer uses his volition results in great variations in eternity. Losers of escrow blessing will be very different from spiritual winners in eternity. This is why the Lord advises us to invest our soul in Bible doctrine. If you do not, you will make yourself miserable and God will give you divine discipline. No one can make you take in doctrine; you must establish your own values and make your own decisions.

                                    (2) The verb SUMBOULEO is not a mandate but a word for advice or counsel, because once a believer has stress in the soul and his spiritual life is put out of action, his recovery demands recognizing the true status quo and using his volition to recover. You are the product of your own volition. This is an appeal to your volition. Volition is the issue in your soul life and in your spiritual life. You must decide what your values are going to be in life: wealth and riches, love and romance, promotion and power, success and approbation, achievement and recognition, or Bible doctrine and the divine scale of values. No one can force you to recover; you must see your condition for yourself. The Lord advises the carnal believer to recover and some believers never recover. Your advice and counsel comes from Bible doctrine. You and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life. You have a choice between being miserable or having the most fantastic happiness the world has ever seen.

                                    (3) Your spiritual life requires investment in Bible doctrine, which is the only means of living it. You are the only one who can make this investment. Perception and metabolization of Bible doctrine is the investment of a lifetime; it is the capital for the spiritual life. Investment in Bible doctrine pays dividends for glory without the usual risk associated with investment. Only what comes from doctrine is reflected in fantastic blessings beyond the grave. Bible doctrine is the only investment that remains profitable for both time and eternity. The purchasing power of the believer is related to Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. Metabolized doctrine is the only basis for success for believers. The Laodiceans were wealthy by human standards and understood the importance of buying good investments. They were depending upon wealth they could see rather than on the finest of wealth provided by their spiritual life.

                                                (a) “Gold” is a metaphor for Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. The Greek word for gold is CHRUSIOS, which refers to refined gold that has been turned into something of value like coins or jewelry in contrast to CHRUSOS which refers to raw gold. The believer sees the value of Bible doctrine and the problem solving devices when the pressures of adversity and prosperity attack the soul. The Laodiceans have their eyes on the prosperity God has graciously given them. They are now looking on the things that are seen and temporal, but the spiritual life is related to the things which are not seen and eternal. The word gold here refers to your portfolio of invisible assets which includes your escrow blessings for time, your spiritual life, and the fantastic problem solving devices.

                                                (b) Spiritual wealth is the only wealth you can take with you beyond the grave. The successful spiritual life is the only one success the believer can take with him beyond the grave. Never in human history has greatness related to God been given to so many to have invisible historical impact. Your successful spiritual life has far greater significance than anything ever recognized by human success standards. It is a life that has meaning beyond the grave. You have the opportunity to take the true capital of the spiritual life (Bible doctrine) and convert it into something of value beyond the grave.

                                                ©    Refining by heat refers to the outside pressures of adversity and the outside pressures of prosperity. The spiritual life is refined through the pressure of adversity or prosperity because pressure increases your occupation with Christ. By living the spiritual life, you can enjoy each day even under pressure and look forward to all of eternity with fantastic blessings. Bible doctrine in your soul goes through the pressure of adversity and prosperity and results in tremendous tranquility and blessing in the soul, so that no matter circumstances we are in people and circumstances do not control us. People, circumstances and environment do not affect the believer with maximum Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. Normal spiritual growth can be accelerated by both adversity and by prosperity. They tried to solve all their problems in life with money. The spiritual life is the only life that can handle the pressures of life. You convert gnosis into epignosis rather than adversity into stress in the soul.

                                    (4) The white garments or clothes refer to what God has provided in eternity for believers who fulfill His plan, the uniform of glory mentioned in Rev 3:4-5, “’But you have a few persons in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; in fact they will walk with Me in whites; because they are worthy. `The winner shall be clothed in white garments; and I will never blot out his title from the book of life, and I will acknowledge his title in the presence of My Father, and before His angels.’” The uniform of glory is a translucent garment worn over the resurrection bodies of those believers who execute the protocol plan of God for the Church. They were invisible heroes in time but are the most visible human beings in resurrection body in heaven. The uniform of glory goes with the highest and most unusual decoration in heaven—the order of the morning star, Rev 2:26,28 cf Rev 22:16. These are just a part of the riches and wealth of eternity that are far superior to any earthly wealth. The uniform of glory is the indication that the believer made Bible doctrine the great investment in his soul.

                                    (5) Bible doctrine is the medication you rub into the eyes of your soul, so that you may keep on seeing the reality of spiritual truth.

                        f. Rev 3:19, “`Those whom I love, I reprimand [warning discipline] and I punishment [intensive discipline]; therefore, keep on being serious in your motivation [purpose and intention] and change your mind.’”

                                    (1) This verse deals with the alternative to investment in Bible doctrine—the law of double punishment. The law of double punishment includes two categories.

                                                (a) We create our own punishment through the law of volitional responsibility, Hos 8:7; Gal 6:7-8; Col 3:25; Prov 22:8a.

                                                (b) God creates our punishment through the law of divine punitive action, 1 Cor 11:30-31; Prov 22:8b. Rebound cancels this discipline and any remaining cursing is turned into blessing. God punishes immediately so that guilt is not allowed to build up in the soul.

                                    (2) The believer is the product of his own volition and values. From our positive volition to doctrine we fulfill our spiritual life and develop spiritual values. If we are negative to doctrine, we lose spiritual values. We are not the products of our environment, but of our own volition. When you lean on environment for solutions, you create stress in the soul. You cannot blame your environment for the bad decisions from your own volition. You live your spiritual life by creating spiritual values by learning and applying Bible doctrine. Those who do this are living their life in the light of eternity and will have no regrets when they die. You can have a spiritual life beyond gnosis (knowledge) and a life beyond dreams. As a part of you spiritual life, God provided for you ten problem solving devices so you can handle all your own problems day by day by day.

                                    (3) Every bit of punishment and discipline that comes to us as believers from the supreme court of heaven is based on a personal love for us [PHILEO].

                                    (4) Because believers have the perfect righteousness of God as of the moment of salvation and this righteousness is incompatible with the functions of the old sin nature, we often receive far greater divine discipline than the unbeliever.

                                    (5) Discipline and punishment is God’s alternate system of motivation.

                                                (a) We have two kinds of motivation in life: motivation from metabolized doctrine in the stream of consciousness or motivation from garbage in the subconscious. We are either motivated by Bible doctrine when in fellowship or motivated by divine discipline when out of fellowship. God must use pain and punishment to bring us around to using rebound to get back into fellowship.

                                                (b) Motivation should always precede decision in the spiritual life. Recovery of the Laodiceans demands pulling together the facts from Scripture and setting aside whatever sin nature activity is involved. The only motivation that counts is the motivation extrapolated from the Bible doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. When you have maximum Bible doctrine circulating in your stream of consciousness, you will have proper motivation and then proper decision. You need to think in terms of principle to have proper motivation.

                                                © If you are not going to be motivated by grace, then you are going to have to be motivated by discipline. This is the great principle of this verse. Discipline is a good motivation. Divine punitive action adds to self-induced misery to establish an authority in your life and to straighten you out. Your only motivation while under divine discipline is to rebound. You are to keep on being serious in your motivation to rebound. Rebound is not to be taken lightly. You must continue firmness of motivation and stability in the execution of grace recovery.

                                                (d) God is motivated by divine love to punish us, which He uses as motivation to get us back into fellowship. What motivates us to get back into fellowship? Fear that if we ignore warning discipline, we are going to get intensive discipline. From our viewpoint it is fear, from God’s viewpoint it is love. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” This is fear in the sense of authority orientation and respect for authority, not fear in the sense of being afraid of tyranny. When authority is exercised over a group of people, there is always a fear element. Fear of swift and just punishment must also be true of good law. Pain and punishment from God brings us back to the true perception of reality; for when we are out of fellowship, we are in a state of denial and projection. We have no perception of the tragedy of our position, and therefore, God has to discipline us to wake us up and bring us around.

                                    (6) The concept of changing your mind is the decision to rebound. This decision must overcome a tremendous amount of garbage accumulated in the subconscious of the soul. When garbage in the subconscious of the soul exceeds metabolized doctrine, we are going to justify self, enter into denial of our flaws, and enter into projection of our flaws on others. Garbage in the subconscious always justifies self and never glorifies God. (How do we know we have garbage in the subconscious? We start justifying ourself.) God disciplines us to motivate us to make a decision to rebound. When you are out of fellowship, God can only get to you through pain and punishment. The more you justify self, the more miserable you become.

                                    (7) Motivation and decision from the function of the spiritual life is the highest form of human honor and integrity and results in glorifying God. Motivation and decision from failure to live the spiritual life is the lowest form of modus vivendi of the Christian. Pain and punishment are the only way to break through that total denial of reality.

                                    (8) Motivation after rebound is based on spiritual values. You have to make decisions continually to persist in the perception of doctrine to establish those spiritual values in your soul. The believer is the product of his own volition, not his environment, not other people who are blamed for our own bad decisions, not unfairness, not injustice, not discriminate, not abuse. Keep on being motivated when you fail to rebound and keep moving.

                                    (9) God’s motivation in divine punitive action is personal love for the erring believer. The carnal believer’s motivation comes from pain and punishment. The law of double punishment is the only way God can get the attention of carnal believers.

                        g. Rev 3:20, “`Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will enter face to face with him, and I will dine with him, and he with Me.’”

                                    (1) There are four metaphors mentioned in this verse. A metaphor is defined as the application of a word or phrase to an object or a concept it does not literally denote, in order to suggest comparison with another object or concept. The concept here is the rebound technique. The metaphors here are:

                                                (a) The warning discipline metaphor—knocking on the door.

                                                (b) The rebound metaphor is divided into two metaphors- -the motivation metaphor (listening) and the decision metaphor (opening the door).

                                                © The restoration metaphor—the Lord entering face to face with the believer and dining with him.

                                                (d) The momentum metaphor—the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit.

                                    (2) “Behold, I stand at the door and knock” is the warning discipline metaphor. Warning discipline is pictured as the Lord standing at the door of the soul knocking, warning us of the dangers we have now entered into with the destruction of our spiritual life. The believer has abandoned his spiritual life and converted adversity into stress. This results immediately in soul sins. The law of volitional responsibility goes into effect immediately. We can only blame ourselves. When you name your sins to God, you are taking responsibility for your own bad decisions and stop blaming others. As we remain out of fellowship, our spiritual values are being destroyed and we go from warning discipline to intensive discipline to dying discipline. No matter how badly we fail, our Lord stands by waiting for us to recover through the use of rebound.

                                    (3) “If anyone hears My voice” is the motivation metaphor.

                                                (a) The Lord Jesus Christ is the one speaking here, not the Holy Spirit. There is a false interpretation that this verse is talking about the Holy Spirit convicting of sin. There is a false concept of the Holy Spirit convicting of sin. The Holy Spirit only convicts the unbeliever of sin; He teaches the believer Bible doctrine. Jn 16:8-9 deals with the unbeliever, not the believer. “When He [Holy Spirit] comes, He will convince the world [of unbelievers] concerning sin. Concerning sin because they do not believe in Me [Christ].” The Greek verb EKLEGO does not even mean to convict; it means to bring to light, to expose, to convince someone of something. The Holy Spirit convinces the unbeliever of the sin of rejecting Christ. Christ was judged for the sins of everyone but could not die spiritually for rejection by the unbeliever.

                                                (b) This phrase refers to the reversionistic believer being motivated by divine discipline to rebound. The carnal believer can also be motivated by grace orientation to rebound, if he keeps short accounts with God. The believer has the option to rebound and be restored to fellowship or he has the option to ignore warning discipline and move up to intensified discipline. Even under dying discipline the believer can still rebound, receive forgiveness of sins, be restored to fellowship and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

                                                © Divine discipline results in fear of the Lord, Prov 9:10, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Prov 15:33, “The fear of the Lord is instruction for wisdom; and before honor comes humility.” The Hebrew word JARE means awe, respect. You are influenced by the authority and power of that person. Sometimes you must have respect for the punishment from God to get you back to rebound. No one in arrogance ever executes the protocol plan of God. There is nothing more arrogant than a believer with maximum garbage in the soul which they deny. Believers out of fellowship who have guilt and feel sorry for themselves are arrogant. Jam 4:6; 1 Pet 4:5, “God makes war against the arrogant believer.” How does He do it? With pain (self-induced misery through the law of volitional responsibility) and punishment (divine discipline through the law of divine punitive action).

                                    (4) “And he opens the door” is the decision metaphor of rebound. God does not require you to apologize for your sins. He does not want you to feel guilty about your sins. He wants you to admit your sins and start over. When you are motivated by guilt, you are the weakest person around.

                                    (5) “I will come into him and dine with him” is a two part metaphor of restoration. True Christian fellowship is your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and not social intercourse with other Christians. When a believer emphasizes people relationship taking precedence over God relationship, it destroys fellowship with God. Your social life with Christians is not Christian fellowship. Your Christian fellowship is your spiritual life with God.

                                                (a) Christian fellowship is never a substitute for love for God the Father, occupation with the person of Christ, and the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                                                (b) You and you alone are the only one who can live your spiritual life. You cannot function under the spiritual life of another believer.                                                 © In so called Christian fellowship, other believers in a state of legalism may seek to superimpose their spiritual life on you or to manipulate you through guilt. This form of spiritual bullying is often associated with false ideas or heresies. The influence of confused, ignorant, or fragmented believers establishes wrong priorities in the Christian life. This often causes terrible distraction and polarization of the sin nature’s trend toward moral or immoral degeneracy.

                                                (d) True Christian fellowship is described in 2 Cor 13:14, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you.” Rom 8:28, “Now we know that to those who love God, He causes all things to work together for good, to those who are called on the basis of a predetermined plan.” Phil 2:1-2, “Therefore, if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any comfort from love, if there is any fellowship with the Spirit, if there is any inward parts and mercies (problem solving devices such as grace orientation), bring to completion my happiness by being of the same mind, having the same virtue-love, united in soul (you have a continual intake of Bible doctrine metabolized and circulating in the stream of consciousness), intent on one objective (glorification of God).” Rom 5:5; 1 Cor 2:9; 1 Jn 2:5; Jude 21; 1 Jn 5:3; Jam 1:12; 2 Thes 3:5.

                                                (e) Wrong relationship with God results in wrong relationship with people. Right relationship with God results in right relationship with people. Christian fellowship is your relationship with God. Christian fellowship will never replace postsalvation epistemological rehabilitation. Christian fellowship is not the basis for your spiritual growth. Fellowship with Jesus Christ is consistent with your perception, inculcation, and metabolization of Bible doctrine.

                                    (6) “And he with Me” is the momentum metaphor. The power to dine with Christ after rebound comes from the filling of the Holy Spirit.

                        h. Rev 3:21, “`The winner, I will give to him [the honor] to sit down with Me on My throne, just as I also was victorious and I have sat down with My Father on His throne.’”

                                    (1) The winner is a reference to the tactical winner in the Church Age; hence, the believer who executes the protocol plan of God through maximum metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness plus the use of the ten problem solving devices acting as an instant reaction force to prevent the outside pressure of adversity or prosperity becoming stress in the soul. See also the Doctrine of the Winner.

                                    (2) The winner will be given the eternal escrow blessing of ruling with Christ for 1000 years.

                        i. Rev 3:22, “`He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit communicates to the churches.’” The number one priority of the Church Age believer is the subject of this verse. Bible doctrine must be the number priority in your life. The believer is the product of his own volition, not his environment. This is because in eternity past God the Father provided for each believer his very own portfolio of invisible assets. This portfolio gives every believer many options to choose God’s plan rather than the way of the world, the flesh, and the Devil. In this portfolio are the fantastic grace assets related to your very own spiritual life. You choose to live inside or outside of the divine dynasphere.


D.  Rebound is the divine solution for the removal of guilt from the soul.

            1. Rebound is the application of 1 Jn 1:9 to the sin of guilt. See also the Doctrine of Rebound. “If we acknowledge (name, cite, admit) our sins to God, He is faithful and right (just) with the result that He cancels (forgive us) our sins and He purifies us out from all wrong doing (unknown sins).”

            2. The rebound solution includes the use of the filling of the Holy Spirit, use of the faith-rest drill regarding the faithfulness of God to forgive us, grace orientation to the use of rebound as the policy of God, doctrinal orientation to the fact that our sins of guilt have been judged on the Cross, a personal sense of destiny that as long as you are alive on this earth God has a purpose for your life. These are all problem solving devices on the FLOT line of the soul used with rebound to deal with the problem of guilt.

            3. Rebound is both grace provision for recovery from carnality and grace function for restoration of fellowship with God and recovery of the filling of the Holy Spirit. There is no emphasis on how we feel or promising God we will do better stated or implied in 1 Jn 1:9. God never compromises His perfect integrity when He forgives us for naming our sins to Him.

            4. The procedure for use of the rebound is important.

                        a. You must first recognize the problem of post-salvation sinning, specifically the sin of guilt.

                        b. You must utilize the rebound solution as a problem solving device stationed on the FLOT line of the soul to protect adversity from being converted into stress inside the soul.

                        c. You must emphasis God’s priority. God’s priority is God emphasis over people emphasis. God’s priority demands the use of the final four problem solving devices in place in the soul: personal love for God the Father, impersonal love for all mankind, sharing the perfect happiness of God, and occupation with Christ.

            5. Without rebound as the protection of the soul, the believer becomes a slave to the emotional complex of sins, especially guilt.

                        a. Guilt becomes a motivator of life rather than metabolized doctrine circulating in the stream of consciousness. False motivation from guilt supercedes true motivation from doctrine, which doctrine makes up the rank and file soldiers of each battalion (problem solving device) on the FLOT line of the soul.

                        b. Emotional sins such as guilt mean sin nature control of the soul or stress in the soul.

                        c. Guilt causes the believer to be manipulated by legalism and controlled by self-righteous arrogance. Guilt causes people emphasis over God emphasis, so that the weak control the strong. Guilt eliminates grace orientation from the FLOT line of the soul. Perpetuated guilt destroys the benefits from divine discipline.

                        d. We enter into the most awful system of slavery when we are manipulated by guilt. Guilt is simply someone else reaching the garbage in our soul and manipulating us to suit themselves.




 R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
