



A.  Definition. The “hands of Jesus Christ” is an anthropomorphism ascribing to God a portion of human anatomy to describe a doctrine. They are used to demonstrate His divine power. In order to communicate to man within the framework of man’s frame of reference, certain parts of the human body are ascribed to God to make a doctrine comprehensible.


B.  The hands of Christ are the hands of the creator, Ps 8:6, 19:1, 102:25; Jn 1:3. Creation is hand work, Col 1:16; Heb 1:10. Jesus Christ created the universe. This is power beyond our imagination.


C.  The hands of Christ are also the hands of the Savior, Ps 22:16; Jn 10:28. His hands were nailed to the cross. After His physical death, His human spirit was deposited into the Father’s hands.


D.  The hands of Christ are the hands of security, Ps 37:24; Jn 10:28. Jesus Christ sustains us with His hands even though we sin.


E.  The hand of Christ is the hand of grace, Ps 92:2, 4. God is and must be your logistical support. It is the work of His hands to provide the means for you to reach maturity as well as all the blessings of maturity.


F.  The hands of Christ provide grace time for a reversionistic nation, Isa 65:1b-2. Our Lord leans over backward to preserve a rebellious nation. God has His hands out to accept us back into fellowship with Him as a nation.


G.  The hand of Christ administers the fifth cycle of discipline where His hands of invitation are ignored, Isa 28:2b. Jesus Christ controls history.




  R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1996, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.      All rights reserved.
