Eph 954, 12/13/88; 4/24/83; 5/29/83 Rev 12:13




A.  Definition of Holocaust.

            1. Holocaust means devastation. It includes all persecution of the Jews or the violent expression of anti-Semitism.

            2. Anti-Semitism is evil. It is motivated by Satan himself. His objective is to destroy all Jews on the earth prior to the Second Advent of Christ so that Christ cannot fulfill the unconditional covenants to Israel.

            3. Degeneracy is the decline from normal or superior standards to inferior or subnormal standards. Degeneracy is loss of integrity, resulting in a state of deterioration; it is the process of passing from the higher to the lower, therefore to decline progressively. The progressive decline includes three stages.

                        a. Implosion is self-fragmentation.

                        b. Explosion is polarized fragmentation.

                        c. Reversion is the degeneracy of declining progressively.

            4. Blackout of the soul plus scar tissue of the soul equals religious degeneracy or historical degeneracy. Historical degeneracy persecutes religious degeneracy, as seen when Hitler and Nazi Germany persecuted the Jews of Europe, or when Czar Nicholas II and Alexander III persecuted the Jews in Russia.

            5. Religious degeneracy of the Jews is defined as going from the superior standards of the Mosaic Law to the inferior standards of fragmentation and reversionism.

            6. Historical degeneracy is defined as going from the superior standards of establishment power and authority to the inferior and subnormal standards which distort authority into tyranny and power, resulting in persecution.

            7. Historical degeneracy persecutes religious degeneracy except where religious degeneracy has historical power, as occurred in Spain in the fifteenth century, and with the Catholic Church during the Middle Ages.

            8. In reverse process reversionism, the superior standard is always rejected for the inferior standard through the process of decline, called reversionism. In Christianity, the superior standard of the protocol plan of God is rejected, and the inferior standard of legalism or antinomianism is substituted as the modus operandi of the degenerate believer.

            9. In BC 1441, the world’s record for scar tissue of the soul was held by historical degeneracy (Pharaoh of the Exodus). Beginning in the dispensation of the Hypostatic Union the world’s record held by religious degeneracy (the blindness of Israel).

     10. Historical degeneracy persecutes the Jews’ religious degeneracy in every generation of the Jewish age and Church Age. This is a historical trend of the Church Age. If the nation of Israel during the Church Age reaches the point of religious degeneracy, then some Gentile nation will wipe it out. Rev 17:16ff.

                        a. God uses evil to destroy evil, arrogance to destroy arrogance and degeneracy to destroy degeneracy. Evil is always a function of self- determination.

                        b. Holocaust occurs in the last half of the Tribulation, when the beast (political or historical degeneracy) destroys the prostitute (religious degeneracy).

                        c. Political degeneracy of the Revived Roman Empire persecutes and destroys religious degeneracy of the Tribulation (the prostitute).

                        d. In this holocaust, no human volition is violated.

                        e. Holocaust judgment dramatizes the fact that mankind is simply the product of his own volition.

                        f. Evil is the product of human volition. God uses the wrath of man to praise Him, Ps 76:10f.

                        g. Jesus Christ controls history. He often uses the volition of evil to destroy the volition of evil.

     11. Blackout of the soul is failure to recognize Jesus Christ as the God-man. Scar tissue of the soul is rejection of Christ as Savior. Together they equal religious degeneracy, which is tantamount to reverse process reversionism. By rejecting Christ, the Jews in each generation of the Church Age hold the record for scar tissue of the soul.

     12. See the Doctrine of Christian Degeneracy for documentation of scar tissue of the soul as the cause for degeneracy.


B.  Why the Holocaust?

            1. Passive arrogance demands the function of active arrogance against it.

            2. Passive arrogance is generally associated with freedom and prosperity for three or four generations.

            3. The freedom and prosperity originates from a large pivot of believers plus the principles of establishment. All of this is the basis for development of passive arrogance.

            4. Passive arrogance accepts freedom and prosperity totally apart from human virtue and a sense of responsibility. Passive arrogance assumes one has a right to all those blessings without any adherence to the laws of divine establishment.

            5. Passive arrogance by the Jews of the dispersion results in active arrogance on the part of their persecutors.

            6. No nation or race ever experiences a holocaust without the historical demand for it.

            7. Hence, negative volition, apostasy, and passive arrogance of indifference creates the vacuum which attracts the persecution of active arrogance, holocaust and historical disaster.


C.  Evil demands evil and cruelty demands cruelty, because passive arrogance demands the function of active arrogance against it.

            1. Active arrogance punishes passive arrogance until the active arrogance through prosperity also becomes passive.

            2. Today a nation can be the instrument of punishment through active arrogance and tomorrow the victim of holocaust through enjoying prosperity too well and entering into passive arrogance.

            3. The punishing group generally has to be very cruel to punish cruelty. It must be evil to punish evil in another group.

            4. This has always been the pattern of history and therefore, part of the historical trend, which explains the Jewish holocaust and the rise and fall of nations and empires.

            5. Satan with active arrogance frustrated by his fall from heaven in the middle of the Tribulation is the instrument of punishment of the Jews in the last half of the Tribulation. Through cosmic involvement these Jews have entered into a state of passive arrogance, which always attracts active arrogance.

            6. Therefore, the group who practice anti-Semitism generally possess an active arrogance plus evil. This causes them to gravitate to passive arrogance and attack it from a position of evil.

            7. This does not justify anti-Semitism, but explains it in terms of historical trends. 8. The Jews who will be the victims of Satan in the middle of the Tribulation are those apostate Jews who have developed passive arrogance through their residence and function in the cosmic system. This can be illustrated by the Spanish Inquisition.


D.  Both ideology and religion destroy virtue, and the national instinct of grace and tolerance.

            1. This is because religion produces arrogance and ignorance, cruelty and persecution, which overrides tolerance and substitutes cruelty.

            2. Since a religious society cannot think or reason, it becomes emotional with blind arrogance. And this emotion produces mob violence, persecution of passive arrogance, and cruelty resulting in holocaust.

            3. Religion stifles freedom, e.g., Spain in the Middle ages.

            4. Religion doesn’t allow others to make mistakes, but persecutes them vigorously, e.g., Islam.

            5. Medieval history records the rise of towns, the development of mobs to function under the principle of arrogance and intolerance; therefore the terrorism of active arrogance.

            6. Therefore, anti-Semitism alternates with tolerance toward the Jew, but never for more than three or four generations. During the Medieval times the Jews bounced back and forth between Romanism and Islamic persecution.

            7. When our decisions lead us to the point of passive arrogance, there is always some barbaric group ready to attack. As active arrogance develops, you get to the point of insanity.


E.  Anti-Semitism.

            1. A great nation is built on humility, never arrogance. Humility tolerates, never persecutes, and produces virtue. Arrogance produces evil.

            2. When humility and virtue existed, the Jews were tolerated and accepted. But where arrogance existed they were persecuted.

            3. However, the Jewish victims had developed a passive arrogance to attract the active arrogance of anti-Semitism. The same is true with any race.

            4. Active arrogance is inspired by an outside source, Satan and his cosmic system. But passive arrogance is produced from an inside source, bad decisions from a position of weakness.

            5. Passive arrogance is subjective toward its victims, while active arrogance is objective toward its victims. Therefore, active arrogance initiates the cruelty, the anti-Semitism.

            6. Active arrogance is motivated by hatred, implacability, and vindictiveness, while passive arrogance is motivated by a sense of superiority, self-righteousness and hypocrisy.

            7. Passive arrogance persecutes in a civilized way through sarcasm, ridicule, slander; while active arrogance persecutes in a barbaric way through violence, cruelty, annihilation and extermination.

            8. Passive arrogance does not kill its victims directly. Active arrogance tortures, mutilates and murders.

            9. When active arrogance attacks active arrogance we call it war. But when active arrogance attacks passive arrogance we call it persecution.


F.  Many Jews have escaped anti-Semitism because they lived in the environment of Christian virtue, which has impersonal love and tolerance toward all.

            1. In the environment of toleration the Jew is accepted, loved, respected, and tolerated even under principles of establishment freedom.

            2. Such environment requires a large pivot of mature believers and general prosperity in the client nation.

            3. That pivot becomes the nucleus for the nations prosperity and provides blessing by association.

            4. From national prosperity often comes arrogance, the failure to pass the prosperity test. The leaders and a majority of citizens become involved in the cosmic system.

            5. The arrogant nation develops two basic categories of failure.

                        a. Holocaust, in which active arrogance persecutes passive arrogance.

                        b. Historical disaster, caused by social degeneration, economic depression and military defeat.

            6. The nation involved might be classified as apostate and have a triple collective identification.

                        a. National decisions from a position of weakness destroy the nation.

                        b. Historical loss of a national sense of destiny or a false sense of destiny, like interference in the affairs of other nations.

                        c. National loss of control through bad foreign and domestic policy, or both.


G.  Under the principle that passive arrogance attracts persecution from active arrogance, it must be concluded that the holocaust cannot exist apart from bad decisions on the part of the victims.

            1. Individuals and groups must take the responsibility for their own decisions. Many bad decisions from a position of weakness on the part of the victims cannot be ignored.

            2. The Jews who rejected Christ have through their own free will rejected the signs which God provided for Israel:  circumcision, the Exodus miracles, the virgin birth, the sign of the cross, and the resurrection.


H.  The Holocaust Syndrome.

            1. Like the double entendre of Rev 12:2, to the unbelieving Jew the Messiah has never been born. Therefore the Jews’ historic suffering is the holocaust pregnancy, anti-Semitism during the dispersion.

            2. Since to the unbelieving Jew the virgin birth has never taken place, both his historical and eschatological suffering from anti-Semitism is called holocaust pregnancy, intense labor pains with no delivery.

            3. Therefore, the result is the holocaust syndrome.

                        a. Negative decisions from a position of weakness when they reject the virgin birth, and therefore the rejection of Christ as Saviour.

                        b. This means loss of control of their lives. They do not have the protection of the plan of God against historical disaster.

                        c. The Jew cannot relate to Messianic passages of the Old Testament; therefore, he has no personal sense of destiny.

            4. Since man is the product of his own decisions, not his environment, he brings on the holocaust of anti-Semitism through his own personal decisions.

I.  In the eschatological holocaust of the Tribulation, born-again Jews are delivered by the Second Advent.

            1. Hence, under the analogy of the double entendre:  the deliverance of Christ at the virgin birth is analogous to the deliverance of believing Israel at the Second Advent.

            2. Believing Jews with Bible doctrine come through the last half of the Tribulation unhurt because they are in the plan of God for the Millennium.

            3. Unbelieving Jews of the Tribulation follow the analogy of never being delivered, for to them Christ has not yet been born. Hence, they are not born again but continue in the labor pains of the holocaust.

            4. The unbelieving Jews want the crown without the cross. This is the analogy between the Jewish holocaust of the Tribulation and the torture of the pregnant mother who can’t be delivered. Labor pains continue for the unbelieving Jew until he believes in Christ.

            5. Jews can’t evade the responsibility for their bad decisions. In arrogance and unbelief they invite holocaust treatment.

            6. No believer with doctrine will ever participate in the persecution of Jews or anyone else. Without truth in its three categories, neither the individual, nation, nor group can have a personal sense of destiny. Loss of a personal sense of destiny results in passive arrogance which will not fight back against active arrogance.

            7. Christian activism is active arrogance and evil.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 2000, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
