(The Thirteen Steps of Insecurity)


A.  Insecure husbands result in insecure wives.


B.  Insecure parents result in insecure children.


C.  Insecure children result in an insecure generation.


D.  An insecure generation demands security.


E.  In demanding security from government an insecure generation becomes an entitled generation.


F.  The entitlement is offered to the insecure generation by insecure politicians (who want to be reelected). Insecure people elect insecure politicians.


G.  The vehicle for entitlement becomes some form of socialism, offered by an insecure government, divorced from establishment principles as found in the infallible word of God.


H.  To finance this pseudo security of socialism, an insecure government buys power and security for itself through both confiscation of wealth in unjust taxation and redistribution of wealth in the name of the greatest good for the greatest number.


I.  In the process of socialism, giving pseudo security to the insecure, human freedom is destroyed and replaced by false promises of blessing plus the tricky words of demagoguery, like “change.”


J.  The biblical principle of freedom and the laws of divine establishment are superceded by absolute power in the hands of the insecure and incompetent rulers, whose power lust feeds on the demands by the people of something for nothing, so that people sell their heritage of freedom for a mess of pottage.


K.  This is the beginning of national self-destruction, which can only be reversed by the spiritual solution, which begins with regeneration by faith in Christ and continues with postsalvation function of the spiritual skills, and attains maximum momentum through a pivot of mature believers through whom God blesses the nation.


L.  In the end, the only true and genuine security is provided by the grace of God, never by the efforts of mankind.


M.  Socialism and other forms of political panaceas are tantamount to rejection of the divine solution. God’s answer to insecurity is provided in two categories: the laws of divine establishment and the ultimate solution for time and eternity—entrance into the protocol plan of God by faith in Christ and fulfilling the protocol plan of God through the spiritual skills. _




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
