9/7/82 Rev 222; 1 Tim #6




A.  Intercalation means insertion. The Jewish dispensation was interrupted by the insertion of a new dispensation. The strategic victory of Jesus Christ at the cross, resurrection, ascension, and session at the right hand of the Father immediately demanded that the Jewish Age be interrupted, and that a new dispensation be inserted.


B.  The new dispensation that was inserted was the dispensation of the royal family of God. It generally derives its name from its classroom, the local church. When the royal family meet in the local church, they have no rights or privileges, only the opportunity for concentration and good manners under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit. One teaches and all learn. A better term for this period would be the age of the royal family of God.


C.  Intercalation is the intensified stage of the angelic conflict; the calling out of the royal family immediately intensified the angelic conflict.


D.  The doctrine pertaining to the Church Age is called “mystery,” because it was not known to the Old Testament writers. Rom 16:25-26; Eph 3:1, 6; Col 1:26-27.


E.  Doctrines pertaining to the Church Age are not found in the Old Testament Scriptures. Where Church Age information would have occurred, there is a parenthesis.

F.  Doctrine pertinent to the Church Age is inserted, intercalated by the New Testament epistles.


G.  Illustrations of the great parenthesis concept in the Old Testament.

            a. Between Dan 2:40( )41.

            b. Dan 7:23( )24.

            c. Dan 8:22( )23, 11:35( )36; Hos 3:4( )5, 5:15( )6:1

.           d. Ps 22:22( )23.

            e. Isa 61:2a( )b.


H.  The Old Testament reveals doctrine up to the session of Christ, and then skips the Church Age and reveals tribulational information, as well as the Second Advent and the Millennium. But never once does it mention the Church Age. That is why the baptism of the Holy Spirit was so shocking on the day of Pentecost. Today, covenant theologians ignore the Church Age as an intercalated dispensation.


I.  We are unique in the Church Age because:

            a. The baptism of the Holy Spirit makes us royal family of God.

            b. The universal indwelling of both the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ, as a guarantee of our escrow blessings.

            c. The universal priesthood of the believer.

            d. The sealing of the Holy Spirit.

            e. We have a completed Canon of Scripture.

            f. We have our very own portfolio of invisible assets.

            g. We have our very own palace in which to live and function, the operational divine dynasphere.

            h. God has provided the protocol plan for each believer.




R. B. Thieme, Jr. Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1998, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
