



A.  In the cosmic system the arrogant believer is too subjective to relate his personal sufferings and failures to the right cause.


B.  David was under installment discipline as a result of his affair with Bathsheba. He has been involved before in the cosmic system, and has observed the devastating results from it. He has developed an alertness to the destructive power of arrogance.


C.  David has failed in the third installment of discipline for the same reason he failed in operation Bathsheba:  arrogance.


D.  The interlocking systems of arrogance (which is the same as the cosmic system) completely neutralizes all talent, ability, leadership, integrity, honor, and spiritual advance.


E.  Arrogance destroyed the smartest creature who ever lived, Satan, whose abilities and talents exceed all other creatures.


F.  If arrogance could destroy Satan’s ability and potentiality, it is obvious that arrogance can destroy anyone in the human race.


G.  This is predicated on the fact man was created inferior to angels.


H.  If arrogance can destroy the angels, it can also destroy the inferior creature, mankind.


I.  Arrogance produces in all of us a subjectivity which blinds us to the reality of the situation.


J.  Arrogance blinded David to the real purpose of the drama called, “The Woman of Tekoa.” If you walk around in the cosmic system, you will be deceived time and time again. The inferior person outwits the superior person. You have a total loss of discernment as well as loss of orientation to reality.


K.  It was only at the end of the third act of the drama that David suddenly realized he had been taken. Subjectivity from arrogance had destroyed his genius, discernment, and his ability to see through Joab’s conspiracy.


L.  Only suffering can destroy subjectivity and replace it with objectivity when one is involved in arrogance. That is the interlude principle.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
