11/9/79 Rom 11:31; 5/17/79 Rom 10:21




A.  The great inversion is defined as a reversal of position between the Jew and Gentile regarding client nation status, between the Jewish Age and the Church Age. It is a collective reversal. The inversion involves regenerate Gentiles and unregenerate Jews. The inversion finds the Gentiles of the previous dispensation believing in Christ, while the Jews reject Christ as Savior.


B.  By definition, an inversion is a reversal of order, position, or relationship. All three categories are included in the great inversion.

            1. The inversion of relationship:  Gentiles are believers in Christ, Jews are rejecters of Christ. And having rejected Christ as Savior, they completely blot out the first advent.

            2. The inversion of position:  Gentiles possess the perfect righteousness of God by faith in Christ, while Jews possess works-righteousness from keeping the Law.

            3. The inversion of order:  the times of the Gentiles precede the Millennial reign of Christ. As a result of the inversion, the Church Age precedes the restoration and regathering of Israel at the second advent. That is why there can be no Jewish client nation.


C.  The inversion of the Jewish Age found Israel as the client nation to God and the Gentiles being evangelized by Jews. The inversion of the Church Age finds Gentile nations as client nations to God and the Jews being evangelized by the Gentiles. The inversion of the Church Age includes Jesus Christ as the God of Israel blessing Gentile believers and punishing Jewish unbelievers.


D.  Having rejected the gospel, the Jews entered into unbeliever reversionism as described in 2 Pet 2, the dog returning to his vomit.


E.  Scar tissue of the soul and resultant blackout of the soul becomes the Big Blot Out. For it was the first advent which the Jews from the Exodus till the first advent blotted out of their souls.


F.  The Big Blot Out is dramatized by Paul in the Chiasmas of Rom 10:20, called the great Inversion. Rom 11 amplifies the whole principle. The Gentiles with no heritage of Christ accept the heritage which the Jews rejected. This reversal of position becomes the means of punishing the Jewish unbeliever and blessing the Gentile believer.


G.  Jewish rejection of the First Advent under the Big Blot Out postpones the Second Advent until the Church Age has been completed.


H.  After the tribulation is completed, then comes the changed order. During the Millennium the client nation Israel has a majority of believers. You can’t have perfect environment without a Jewish client nation in the Millennium.




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
