10/26/78; Eph 955




A.  The Racial Uniqueness of the Jew.

            1. All four postdiluvian races began with born again persons: Shem, Ham, Japheth, Abraham.

            2. Shem, Ham and Japheth are the sources of all Gentiles. Abraham is the source of both Gentiles and Jews.

            3. Abraham is descended from Shem, but became the first Jew at the moment of his circumcision as a mature believer.

            4. Jews, Arabs, and other groups in the Middle East are Semitic peoples. All Semitic peoples are Gentiles except the Jews.

            5. The line of the Jews go through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

            6. The Jews are a unique race. They were unique in their origin and are still unique today. The Jewish race was founded upon regeneration. Rom 4:1-5, 9-10; 9:6-13; Deut 6:4-7.

                        a. God created a new race because by the time of Abraham all the old races on the earth were incapable of fulfilling God’s plan.

                        b. There was a lot of internationalism. And internationalism always leads to Satanic domination of the international organization.

                        c. Therefore God created a new race to form a new and unique nation to be a client nation to God.

                        d. So God developed a new race through regeneration.

                        e. There would be five Jewish client nations before God turned to Gentile client nations.

                        f. There will never be another new race in history.

                        g. There is no racial distinction in the Church Age. In the Church Age the Jew has no racial superiority, but must become part of the new spiritual species - a member of the body of Christ. Gal 3:26ff.

            7. God had a good reason for starting a new race: the failure of the three lines of Shem, Ham and Japheth to form a client nation to God.

            8. The Jewish race is the only nation that ever endured 400 years of slavery. And when God delivered them, they were not bitter, but came out of it as normal people. They went from slavery to freedom in one day.


B.  Israel is unique because of their nation.

            1. Their government was unique. It was a theocracy. They were the first priest or client nation in history.

            2. They have freedom, privacy, property, and authority, which allow evangelism and advance to maturity. They have missionary function. (Today Gentile client nations provide a haven for the Jews.)

            3. Ex 19:6, “You shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” Every Jew was a priest under the concept of client nation.

            4. Hos 4:6, “Because you have rejected the principles of knowing doctrine, therefore I will reject you from being a priest to Me.”

            5. Israel has had four nations which have been client nations to God:

                        a. United Israel from the Exodus to the death of Solomon.

                        b. The Northern Kingdom or Samaria from the death of Solomon till it fell in 721 BC to the Assyrians.

                        c. The Southern Kingdom or Judah from the death of Solomon till it fell in 586 BC to the Persian Empire.

                        d. The kingdom of Judea from 516 BC to 70 AD when it fell to Rome. 6. After 70 AD we call Gentile nations who perform the functions which Israel once performed, client nations to God.

            7. The restoration of the priest nation Israel in the Millennium is taught in Isa 49:5-8.

            8. In order for a client nation to survive today there must be a pivot of mature believers. 9. In Ex 19:5-6 the principle of Jews as a client nation is stated.


C.  The Unique Promises to Israel. The unconditional covenants are:  Abrahamic, Palestinian, Davidic, and New Covenant. Each of these covenants makes Israel unique as a people.


D.  The Unique Discipline and Restoration of Israel. Israel is disciplined through the five cycles of discipline (Lev 26) and restored through the Second Advent of Christ.


E.  The Unique Antagonism toward Israel:  Anti-Semitism.

            1. It is Satanically inspired. There is no rational reason or purpose for it.

            2. The conspiracy against the Jews says that there is a Jewish conspiracy against the rest of mankind, a complete reversal of the truth.

            3. The Jew is unique because he is the object of one great conspiracy by Satan, who administers the conspiracy through various groups and powers at different times in history.

            4. Satan uses nations, international organizations, groups like the pseudo-conservatives, business people, and people with inferiority or superiority complexes. They are the most attacked people in history.

            5. Satan says, “Get rid of the Jews and you have solved my problem.” But the Jews are still here. They are a manifestation of the faithfulness of God.


F.  The Jews are unique because God will regather them at the Second Advent and use them as a basis for perfect environment, Zech 14:16-21. The uniqueness of Israel will become the preeminence of Israel at the Second Advent and after the Millennium forever.




R. B. Thieme, Jr., Bible Ministries 5139 West Alabama, Houston, Texas 77056 (713) 621-3740

© 1993, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
