Spir Dynamics 1054-1082, 1106ff, 1117-8 8/12/97



A.  Introduction.

            1. Moses was the founder of the most dynamic fraternity in all of human history.  This fraternity is still operational today and has the most dynamic invisible impact in history. Jeshurun is that unique fraternity of mature believers that think that Bible doctrine is more important than anything else in life.

            2. The name of this organization is a Hebrew noun used four times in the Old Testament—JESHURUN. Moses coined this word and took it from the verb JASHER, which meant to go straight to an objective, to be upright, to be blameless, to be righteous in a good sense, to have integrity. The noun denotes believers whose spiritual life is compatible with the righteousness of God. The noun JESHURUN means “righteous ones” and from that comes the fraternity of “upright ones.” The noun is found in Dt 32:15; 33:5; 33:26 and Isa 44:2.

            3. You enter the fraternity of Jeshurun by becoming a spiritually mature believer. You stay in the fraternity by the consistent use of rebound. Jeshurun is the surname of that group or fraternity of Jews who lived in harmonious rapport with god after salvation. Jeshurun is not formed through physical birth, nor does salvation guarantee it. It is a result of harmonious rapport with God by the believer who lives the spiritual life provided for him by God.

            4. There are a small group of Jeshurun believers in every generation of human history, even when the pivot of the client nation is gone, but not when the fifth cycle of discipline to a nation is administered. Jeshurun are ordinary people with extraordinary invisible impact. The fulness of blessing from God is the love gift of God to the Jeshurun. In every generation of the Jewish Age and Church Age God is glorified by a small group of believers called the Jeshurun, who execute the spiritual life God provides for them. Jeshurun exists during the Church Age but not under that title because we have a universal priesthood of believers. Jeshurun ends with the Rapture of the Church.

            5. Jeshurun is the highest rank of promotion in all human history. In order to make it this far in the spiritual life you must not be discouraged by your sins. Rebound and keep moving. Spiritual maturity plus cognitive invincibility plus occupation with Christ plus evidence testing equals maximum glorification of God or the status of Jeshurun.

            6. The Four Uses of Jeshurun.

                        a. Dt 32:15, “But Jeshurun [Israel] grew fat and kicked. You are grown fat [prosperous], thick [apostate], and gorged [prosperity distracting from the spiritual life]. Then he [Israel] forsook God who made him, and scorned the Rock of his salvation.”

                                    (1) Jeshurun is used here for Israel as a client nation to God under the integrity of God in time of apostasy.

                                    (2) Growing fat is a synonym for the prosperity that comes to a nation, a prosperity by which believers become distracted from the principles of the integrity of God. Kicking is rebellion against God.

                                    (3) The prosperity that often comes to a client nation through the grace of God distracts to the point where there is rejection of the spiritual life, and therefore, the forsaking of God by believers and the scorning of the Lord Jesus Christ. This is why so many believers had no idea what the spiritual life is all about and could care less.

                        b. In Dt 33:2 cf. Dt 33:5, Jeshurun is identified with Christ. “He [Moses] said, `The Lord came from Sinai.’” Verse 5, “And He was king of Jeshurun.” Jesus Christ was the king of the client nation Israel prior to the people demanding a human being for a king like other nations.

                        c. Jesus Christ is the God of Israel, Dt 33:26, “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun [Israel as the client nation to God], Who rides the heavens to your help, and through the skies in His majesty.”

                                    (1) The Lord Jesus Christ had two titles related to the Jeshurun.

                                                (a) He is called the “God of Jeshurun” (emphasis on His deity) in Dt 33:26.

                                                (b) He is called the “King of Jeshurun” (emphasis on His humanity) in Dt 33:5. Our Lord in hypostatic union is the transition from Israel to the Church and the precedent for the Jeshurun in the Church Age.

                                    (2) Jesus Christ controls history as the God of Jeshurun. What the righteousness of God approves (deliverance through Jeshurun), the justice of God blesses, but always through the love of God as a grace gift from the invisible heroship of Jeshurun.

                        d. Isa 44:1-2, “But now listen, O Jacob, My servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen:  Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you out from the womb, who will help you, `Do not fear, O Jacob My servant, and you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.’”

            7. During the dispensation of Israel, only Jews were members of the Jeshurun fraternity. However, during the Church Age, this fraternity is available to any member of the human race who believes in Christ and grows in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ to the point of spiritual maturity.

            8. Caleb and Joshua joined Moses in the Jeshurun fraternity during the first generation of the Exodus by living against the grain of apostasy and continuing in their spiritual lives to the point of invisible impact.


B.  Jeshurun have no fear, Isa 44:1-4.

            1. Isa 44:1-2 says, “But now listen, O Jacob, My servant, and Israel, whom I have chosen:  Thus says the Lord who made you and formed you out from the womb, who will help you, `Do not fear, O Jacob My servant, and you Jeshurun whom I have chosen.’”

            2. In the Jacob status (a new believer), fear is a distraction. In the Jeshurun status, fear of living and dying is removed by the execution of the spiritual life. Fear eliminates your personal sense of destiny and keeps a lot of believers from ever getting to the status of Jeshurun. Jacob also represents believers who fail in the spiritual life.

            3. The Israel status is the status of Jeshurun as mature believers who have no fear of life or death. There is no fear of living or dying in the Jeshurun fraternity.

                        a. Fear converts the outside pressure of adversity into the inside pressure of stress in the soul. Adversity is what circumstances do to you, stress is what you do to yourself. Adversity is inevitable, stress is optional.

                                    (1) The more things you surrender to fear, the more things you fear.

                                    (2) The extent to which you surrender to fear, the greater your capacity for fear.

                                    (3) The greater your capacity for fear, the more you increase the power of fear in your life.

                                    (4) The more you increase the power of fear in your life, the greater your involvement in emotional sinning and irrationality.

                        b. The believer who lives by fear is intimidated by life.

                        c. Fear of death will not prevent dying, but it will prevent you from entering into the Jeshurun status.

                        d. Jeshurun is characterized by the virtue-love of the advanced spiritual life as stated in 1 Jn 4:18, “Fear does not exist in virtue-love, but virtue-love drives out fear, because fear has punishment and the one who fears has not been matured by means of virtue-love.”

            4. No believer ever attains or maintains Jeshurun status without the use of rebound and keep moving. No one has never advanced to spiritual maturity without rebound.

            5. Isa 44:3-4, “’For I will pour out My water on a thirsty [people] And streams on the dry ground; I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring And My blessing on your descendants; And they will spring up among the grass Like poplars by streams of water.’”

                        a. This is a reminder by Isaiah of the sin of Moses at Kadesh- Barnea (Num 20:6-13), where Moses disobeyed God and struck the rock rather than speaking to it (an analogy to the postsalvation spiritual life). Moses committed an emotional sin of anger and rejected the righteousness of God. This resulted in Moses being judged by not being allowed to enter the Land. Moses in a state of emotional sin repeated all the sins of Israel. What the righteousness of God condemns, the justice of God judges. Emotion had become the dictator of Moses’ soul. Moses had not set apart God as holy in the sight of the people of Israel.

                        b. What the righteousness of God approved (to provide water to the Jews), the justice of God provided through the grace of God, motivated by the love of God. The water came out of the rock as a love-gift from God to a thirsty Israel. Grace has no function apart from the integrity of God.

                        c. God had compassion on Israel. God has always been fair to everyone because He is perfect righteousness and justice.

                        d. There will always be a spiritual life based on divine power.


C.  The God of Jeshurun, Deut 33:26.

            1. This passage says, “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides the heaven to your help and in His majesty through the skies.”

            2. The Jeshurun is less than a pivot of mature believers. It may be as few as two or three mature believers for whom Jesus Christ controls history and sustains the client nation, when because of its apostasy and degeneracy it should have already gone out under the fifth cycle of discipline.

            3. The Jeshurun are the means by which Jesus Christ controls history when the pivot of mature believers is gone. There has to be something to keep the client nation going when the pivot no longer exists—the Jeshurun fraternity of mature believers. Jesus Christ preserves believers and nations because of the Jeshurun. No instrument of death can remove the believer from this life until Jesus Christ decides. Because of this, the Jeshurun will have the most decorations and a special place in heaven. When a Jeshurun type believer falls into sin and does not rebound, there is no longer any hope for that nation.

            4. The roster of Jeshurun.

                        a. During the Exodus generation: Moses, Caleb, Joshua.

                        b. Prior to the fifth cycle of discipline to the Northern kingdom of Israel from B.C. 785-721: Isaiah, Micah, Hosea.

                        c. During the Chaldean administration of Israel: Daniel, Sahdrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego.

                        d. From B.C. 522-516: Haggai, Zechariah, and Zerubbabel.

                        e. From B.C. 476-422: Ezra and Nehemiah.


D.  Jeshurun in the Church Age.

            1. 1 Cor 1:30, “But from Him [God the Father] you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, both righteousness and sanctification, and redemption.”

                        a. “But from Him you are in Christ Jesus” is the transition of the Jeshurun from the Old Testament to its function in the Church Age.

                        b. This is positional sanctification, in which every Church Age believer is entered into union with Christ, creating a royal priesthood and a royal family of God—the Jeshurun of the Church Age. This is confirmed by 1 Pet 2:5,9, which produces a kingdom of priests in Rev 1:6. Experiential sanctification is harmonious rapport with God.

                        c. Wisdom is always thinking and never emotion in the Scripture.

            2. It is your priesthood that is used as the nomenclature for Jeshurun in the Church Age. Gal 3:28, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” “You are all one in Christ Jesus” means that we are all under the same system. Jeshurun continues into the Church Age without any distinctions between Jewish and Gentile believers, between social and cultural distinctions, between gender. Jeshurun now becomes that part of the universal priesthood of the believer that executes the unique spiritual life and is the means of blessings by association to others.

            3. Integrity is the major issue in the Church Age and the major component of Jeshurun in the Church Age. The spiritual life is the reproduction of the integrity of God. Our spiritual life will face integrity tests, which is far more important than anything else that will happen to us. The plan of God is much more important than we are personally. Moses forgot this point one time. We are never more important than the plan of God in which we find ourselves. Whenever any of us promote ourselves above God’s plan by entering into some form of arrogance, we say in effect that we are more important than God’s plan.

            4. The qualification for Jeshurun in the Church Age is given in 2 Cor 5:17, “Therefore, if anyone is in union with Christ, he is a new spiritual species. Old things have lost their power, behold, new things have come into existence.”

            5. The function of Jeshurun in the Church Age is found in Eph 4:23, “then become renewed by means of the Holy Spirit and by means of your thinking.” The verb ANANEOO has three meanings which are all pertinent to understanding the spiritual life.

                        a. It can mean “renewed” referring to rebound.

                        b. It can mean “reinvigorated” referring to the recovery of the filling of the Spirit after rebound.

                        c. It can mean “refreshed” referring to the resumption of your spiritual life.

            6. Eph 3:19-21 is the fulfillment of Jeshurun to the Church Age. “And to come to know the love for Christ which goes beyond knowledge [gnosis], that you may be filled resulting in all the fullness of God. Now to Him [F] who is able to do infinitely more than all that we ask or think, on the basis of the power that keeps working in us, to Him the glory by the church and by Christ Jesus with reference to all generations of this unique age of the ages. Amen.”

            7. Our spiritual life gives us a unique opportunity to enter into a permanent state of greatness with God. Our spiritual life is harmonious rapport with God and God only, not with people and circumstances. Our spiritual life is our relationship with God and no one else. The result of the spiritual life is rapport with others.

            8. The “fulness of God” and “being brought to completion” is the Jeshurun nomenclature for the Church Age.

                        a. Eph 3:19, “and to come to know the love for Christ which goes beyond gnosis, that you may be filled up resulting in all the fullness from God.”

                        b. Heb 2:7, 9-10, “You [God the Father] have made Him [Jesus Christ] a little lower than angels. You have crowned Him with glory and honor [Jeshurun status], and have appointed Him over the works of Your hands; But we see Him who was made for a little while lower than the angels, having been crowned with glory and honor because of the suffering of death, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death as a substitute for every human being. For it is fitting for Him, for Whom are all things, and through Whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to bring to completion the leader-originator of their salvation through sufferings.”

                        c. Heb 10:14, “For by one offering He has brought to completion for all time those who are being sanctified.”




 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
