



A.  A crowd is made up of people who are emotional, fickle, and irrational. There is no thinking ability in the emotion of the soul. This is why a mob has to be impressed with greater violence to be controlled. A mob only respects greater violence than it can create.


B.  Approbation from the masses becomes a distraction to perception of doctrine. Therefore, a mob becomes a breeding ground for arrogance. Many people in this mob were teachable, but had to be separated for training by our Lord.


C.  Those who depend upon a crowd for approbation have no capacity for life. This is why most entertainers are the lowest thinking people in a society. They lose their honor and integrity and end up with a distorted scale of values.


D.  Approbation from the crowd, when taken seriously, destroys moral courage, distracts from doctrine, and guarantees a life of discipline.


E.  Since a crowd is incapable of thought, it falls apart in historical disaster. A mob always panics under pressure.


F.  A mob destroys human freedom by demanding equality, intruding into privacy, and/or destroying property. Stealing is a destruction of freedom.


G.  Therefore, a crowd or mob becomes an evil instrument easily succumbing to rumor and propaganda, and is victimized by any demagogue who promises the Millennium.


H.  Freedom is lost in a crowd or mob, and every person who is a part of a mob is a slave. You should never be a part of any demonstration.


I.  A mob is a distraction to the perception of doctrine. Association with a mob comes from motivation by crusader arrogance.



 © 1989, by R. B. Thieme, Jr.  All rights reserved.
